(Rom. 8 v 7, 2 Cor. 10 v 4)
The Red Indians believed in a good God, but he was not local or an immediate threat. They also believed in an evil nature god who was nasty, unpredictable and had to be constantly appeased. To become one with nature they took on the identity of a spirit or nagual in the form of a wild animal and started to behave like that animal (Heb. 2 v 5-16) yet their Creator intended them to rule over angels and animals!
Satan controls man’s dominion through man’s fear for survival or of death (Heb. 2 v 15). Some binding or controlling influences therefore can gain access through trauma, shock or near death experiences. This usually occurs in childhood and much of it is now channelled into their homes on a screen. These alter egos usually haunt people for the rest of their lives.
Innocent children build up their character based on what influences they allow to dwell in their hearts. Satan tries to fill their hearts and minds with wilful, egoistic suggestions (Lk. 11 v 4, 18 v 20-23) and a knowledge of evil (Gen. 2 v 17). Those with some form of good parental guidance will reject the worst. Those with bad guidance will be invaded and severely handicapped (Lk. 17 v 1-2).
Schools were meant to limit the destructive results of bad behaviour but permissive outlooks have allowed these bad practices to flourish. Even Christian schools have succumbed to teaching life is a futile struggle for self-survival in a purposeless, accidental existence. Children are taught to worship nature as their maker or it will kill them. They will develop neurotic, animal behaviour.
The Bible has all the answers but the different Christian sects and denominations have confused it because their leaders have made Christ in their image (Gen. 1 v 26-27, Acts 20 v 29-30, Rom. 1 v 21-27, 8 v 7-14, 27-29, Eph. 4 v 23).
These formative experiences add up to an emotional/spiritual cloud that is attached to the person. It is possible to discern a person’s mood from their cloud, but your own cloud affects how you read and react to it.
Many like; psychotherapists, interviewers, wives and even animals, use this reaction to conjecture about a person’s inner fears and their spiritual/emotional state. Such intuition attaches spiritual airs to a physical judgement (Gen. 3 v 6). The half-truths of mediums, psychics, fortune tellers and the diagnostics of alternative medicine are based on interpreting these clues with the help of their lying familiar spirits (1 Kg. 22 v 19-25).
Spiritual pride and intuition have damaged many lives and destroyed relationships. Even if the problem seems obvious, a Christian minister must not react to this elemental knowledge but wait on convincing revelation from God’s Spirit. The problem can be very different from the symptoms (Mt. 4 v 24, 9 v 2, Jn. 4 v 13-19).
Paul wrote (2 Cor. 10 v 4): “Some see things just in physical terms but we are not fighting a physical condition. The mighty weapons God has given us are not material, but for the pulling down of the strongholds of the mind: forcing every idea, imagination or influence that exalts itself above the truth of God into submission to the authority of Christ.” The mighty weapons that God gives to those who are Christ-conscious, are powered by God’s omnipotent Spirit.
Jesus as the second Adam did not walk about like a god-man. When he claimed to be the visible person of God (Jn.1 v 10-14, 17 v 5) and equal with God those who hated him saw it as a reason to stone him (Jn. 8 v 40-44, 58-59). This ordinary but good man (Php. 2 v 5-8, Heb. 2 v 14-18) did great miracles because he was connected by God’s omni-everything Spirit to God the Almighty Father. Satan had no foothold in him whatsoever (Mt. 3 v 17, 4 v 1-11, Jn. 14 v 30-31, 15 v 5).
Our forefather, first Adam, did not just reject God’s word (Gen. 2 v 16-17) but called the Holy Spirit’s guidance a lie (Gen. 3 v 4-5, Mt. 12 v 30-37). If Jesus was not the son of God then no other human will be a son of God: we will all lose out bodies and remain destitute forever and tormented by our sin. Jesus commanded those who have been redeemed by his sacrifice to tell everyone and prove he is the son of God by doing mighty wonders in his name (Lk. 24 v 47-49, Acts 4 v 27-33).
Whosoever believes Jesus is God’s promised new Adam, who has died in their place, will be released from Adam’s sin of cutting himself off from the Holy Spirit’s breath of eternal life. All other perversions, self-conscious sin and guilt are a result of that original sin (Gen. 2 v 25, Rom. 1 v 17-25).
Jesus died to cover all the sin of those who do not individually repeat Adam’s sin of rejecting the guidance of His Spirit and corrupting the truth of His words (Jn. 16 v 7-11, 17 v 16-23, Acts 2 v 38-41, Rom. 6 v 1-13, Eph. 2 v 4-13). Innocent infants belong in God’s kingdom (Lk. 18 v 16-17) because they have not yet rejected him or seared their consciences (Ps. 139 v 13-24). The only limbo exists in the minds of the undecided on earth (Jas. 1 v 3-7, 4 v 2-12).
There is no limbo, purgatory or second chance for those who accept the words of evil spirits and reject the Holy Spirit’s efforts to save them (Mt. 12 v 29-42, Lk. 16 v 31). When Job died (Job 19 v 27, Lk. 16 v 22) he was carried by angels to Abraham’s resting place. His friends who spouted their self-determined ideas about God were heading for hell (Job 42 v 7-10). The worldly should scrap their flawed, made up ideas about life and urgently make friends with God’s friends!
The Holy Spirit reaches out to awake the sparkle of each unique, fascinating, beautiful person that Jesus thought was worth saving and dying for (Jn. 3 v 15-21). The unrepentant who trample on his name and damage his blood-bought children will suffer his terrible wrath (Ps. 2 v 11-12, Mt. 18 v 1-7). If we sought to know our Father God more we would discover how precious He is and the wonders of His plan for us to be reborn as His children (Jn. 3 v 9-18, 1 Cor. 15 v 45-57, Eph. 1 v 17-23).
Mary was chosen by grace to bear her saviour (Lk. 1 v 47, Eph. 2 v 7-10). The man she conceived by the Holy Spirit was the incarnation of the Father’s visible person: he was true God and a true man (Php. 2 v 5-11, Col. 2 v 8-10). Those who have received his Spirit and then die physically as he did will ascend with his risen life and receive a Spirit powered body which cannot die again (Rom. 6 v 3-18, Heb. 9 v 14).
Mary was not the mother of God but of Jesus’ humanity (Gen. 1 v 27, Heb. 1 v 2, 5-6, 2 v 10-17). Woman’s genus was taken from Adam before he sinned. It passed directly from woman to woman so it is still related to God! Those who mess with unfertilised ovum are in great danger. Now you also know why Satan attacks natural procreation and has perverted sex.
A god-the-mother spirit could not produce a male offspring but only dominant or subservient females. Noah was seen as Zeus and his wife as Zas Maia. She bore phallic Hermes or Canaan (of Ham: Gen. 9 v 22, Lev. 20 v 11) who sought perverted truth from occult spirits as Freud did. The psychoanalytic movement resembles a sectarian church more than a scientific community in which a longing for Nirvana replaces reality (2008 Britannica).
Hermes was called the son of Zeus. His son Nimrod was called an hermaphrodite. As Baal he controls the myriads of the Nymphs who are the spirits worshipped today through pornography. Nimrod was black but his wife said her baby Ninus who was white was his reincarnation and claimed she was the mother of a god. As such, under her phallic pole or ‘tree’ of good and evil sin was annulled by her (Gen. 3 v 15).
She is worshipped as Isis, Aphrodite or Ashtoreth in groves with her son as Baal. Baal’s rebirth is worshipped at the winter solstice as at Baal-Peor. Peor or pa’ar means ‘open-wide’ as over indulgence of every kind without limits. The dark yew log is burnt and replaced by the white-wood fir sapling in the morning.
Maia is to do with forbidden sex (Lev. 18). All who love her will discover why she indulges her children. She does not love but corrupts and ‘fattens’ them up to be consumed by the fires of the horned one; Cronus (Ps. 106 v 37, Prov. 30 v 11-16). In ceremonies babies are offered up to the fire in their place (Deut. 18 v 9-12, 2 Kg. 21 v 5-6). Satanists actually say they oppose anti-abortion laws because they restrict their religious freedom.
A people who allow the sacrifice of innocent babies and farm foetus for stem cells for financial gain will be overtaken by crop failures, productivity, plagues and travel disruption, until they are overcome by those who hate them (Deut. 28 v 15-25). Only evil will prosper. Their places of worship shall be desecrated and destroyed (Lk. 21 v 5-11) because they have obeyed and glorified mortal men instead of God and feared the ‘Jezebels’ who manipulate men and destroy God’s message and messengers.
What sort of fool believes Satan’s promise (Gen. 3 v 3-5) that godless humans will become free spirits or gods when the die? Those who feel free to do as they please somehow miss the fact that they are not free even before they die but bound by their compulsive alter ego or familiar spirit (Rom. 7 v 23-25).
They may say God, guilt and hell do not exist but if they were right they would not be constantly fearful of judgment and death: they would not try to shut up those who preach they are wrong (1 Jn. 3 v 10-15). God-loving people are not sinless but saved by Jesus’ atonement. They do not abide in sin but in God’s love. They are set free from the fear of death and hell (1 Jn. 4 v 9-19).
When the carnal die and lose their physical senses they are spiritually aware but helpless (Lk. 16 v 22-29). They are not free spirits but their guiding spirits own them and they are bound and tormented with them forever (Rev. 19 v 19-21). Only those who trust in God’s promised Saviour will inherit a new body like his (Job. 19 v 25-27, 1 Cor. 15 v 44-53, Php. 1 v 20-23).
Those who deny Jesus alone has authority over demons are denounced by Jude as god-less like Cain (Jude 4-11). The seven sons of a chief priest, who usurped Jesus’ authority, found this out the hard way. The spirit they called out accepted that Paul’s authority was from Jesus but they were only man appointed priests (Acts 19 v 13-20). It cried “….. Jesus I know and Paul I know but who do you think you are to dictate to me!”
The man who had the evil spirit then beat them severely. The local spirit worshippers suddenly realised how dangerous their demons were and hurriedly collected their precious astrological paraphernalia and charts and burnt them. Stop reading horoscopes, watching ghost programs, horror and occult based films and those full of the lusts of the flesh; they are as cheese in a mouse trap (Mt. 9 v 4-7, 1 Cor. 10 v 11-15, Php.4 v 6-8). As seen with the large herd of Gadarene swine, demons are invasive and not just figments of a man’s disturbed mind.
Those who seek spiritual powers and knowledge are fooled and bound by evil spirits who want to abuse their abilities. Martial arts use spiritual meditation to try and repeat the extreme, physical feats of demonised people (Mk. 5 v 2-5). The initiated are finally left in the terrible state of struggling to control their ability to kill with one angry blow.
To shed a stronghold of Satan instead of being drawn back to their vice they need to hate it and replace it with a love for Jesus as their new Lord. Only he can ransom the repentant from Satan’s clutches (Lk. 11 v 20-26).
Animals are creatures programmed to follow basic instincts but humans can choose to be good or evil because they were made in Jesus’ image and are God conscious. They lost that spiritual relationship through the choice of their forefather but retain a memory of it through the genus of their mother.
They are still spiritually aware but people who are not humbly submitted to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour do not have his Holy Spirit (Jn. 16 v 13-15, 1 Cor. 13 v 1-3, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-6). Jesus is the first human to be begotten of the Father instead of being created (Ps. 2 v 7, Jn. 1 v 14, 18 Col. 1 v 13-22). He is always the visible person of the infinite Father (Lk. 9 v 29-32, Jn. 8 v 56-58). He became flesh through a human mother and filled with the Father’s life through His Holy Spirit (Lk. 1 v 30-50).
Those who choose to believe his words can discard their fallen nature and receive his life as a gift from the same Holy Spirit (Eph. 1 v 13-23, 2 v 1-20) in place of their evil spirit (Lk. 20-26). Jesus has defeated Satan’s dominion and released his disciples from its control (1 Cor. 15 v 22-27, 49-50). Those submitted to Jesus are able in his name, with his authority and guidance, to destroy works of Satan.
Those who have been tested and received the Spirit of Christ also have the authority to evict all the spiritual influences that they have collected over their lifetime in Jesus’ name (Acts 13 v 6-12, Php. 3 v 6-21, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-6). His authority is backed by God’s power. Only faith in him is required to squash demons (Acts 19 v 11-19).
Without his authority you will have a losing battle. Do not waste your time trying to deliver people who want to keep their demons. Many like clairvoyants like them because they make them feel important instead of failures (Lk. 11 v 24-25). However where they interfere with God’s works they can be bound (Acts 13 v 8-12, 16 v 16-18).
False, self-elevated, egotistical prophets in sheep’s clothing (Mt. 7 v 15-23, 2 Pt. 2 v 1-12), who defend their self-justified ways and say they have no need to repent, call the Holy Spirit a liar (Mt. 7 v 14-29, 12 v 28-37, 1 Jn. I v 9, 3 v 2-3). Their fruits and love of money will tell you they are not life givers but takers (Mt. 9 v 4-7, 1 Cor. 10 v 11-15, Php. 4 v 6-8).
When men feel free to do as they please, as promoted by Hegel and his student Marx, the earth becomes full of evil (Gen. 6 v 5-8). Those who kill at will to uphold their position become living dead men (Gen. 4 v 10-13).They want to rule the world through the fear of death instead of powered by God’s love (Deut. 30 v 19).
The days of rest from work that God gave us to richly enjoy (Gen. 1 v 28-31, Deut. 28 v 1-14, Mk. 2 v 27, 1 Tim. 6 v 17) have become cursed as part of a fight for self-survival (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Deut. 28 v 15-48). The Sabbath that was given to God’s people as a blessing is taken away from those enslaved to the god of death (Neh. 13 v 15-23).
Many so called Christian nations that were blessed are now ruled by people from other nations with new temples and strange gods while hundreds of Christian churches have been emptied by worldly teaching (Acts 2 v 5, 37-40). When Christians who are not spiritually bankrupt finally tell the good news of Jesus Christ to these god-fearing people they say with anger “Why have you not told us this before?”
Due to out-of-body experiences through intoxication and drug taking many universities are now overrun by atheistic graduates who have become Satanists. Freud was a drug addict who sought forbidden, occult, knowledge from Psyche’s erotic dream world. He thought dominant women were castrated men!
Your body is not a permanent part of you but an extension of self like the place you call home. Leaving home or getting married stresses you. Out of body experiences make you feel you can exist without your body. Virtual reality does the same but you lose control of your free will and if you do not escape you become possessed by another will.
When you die you need to inherit a new body from Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. To be permanently without a body is hellish (Lk. 16 v 19-25).
Those who are severely handicapped but accept their body are very whole people. Those who hate their bodies are very disturbed people. Self-harming or unsafe alterations cannot solve a problem that is not physical but spiritual. If you do what you like with your body or change what you do not like your ‘house’ will fall down.
One of the greatest joys in life is the wonder of having children: now sex is a multi-billion pound business with invasive marketed. True love requires selfless giving: self-love or lust is abusive. As a result marriage is trashed, animal life is made sacred and human life and sex is degraded (Rom. 1 v 20-32)! The millions of unloved babies are aborted or murdered (Mt. 18 v 2-6). Their excuse their carnality by saying they are just superior animals when their behaviour is inferior to other mammals!
Freud’s doctrines are being imposed in infant schools and many have been accepted in woman dominated Christian denominations (1 Tim. 4 v 1, 2 Tim. 3 v 5-13). If you partake of the cup of demons and the cup of the Lord you will be judged (1 Cor. 10 v 7-12, 20-22, 11 v 28-32).
Like Freud they bury the guilt that they live with so they become psychotic. Guilty people who fear for self-survival do things that shorten their life. Compulsions and greed make them abuse their bodies (Lk. 12 v 15-20, 16 v 24-29).
Lust turns pleasures into addictions that make the poor poorer and the rich richer. The air is polluted by the over production of goods bought on credit which results in your personal spending money being controlled by impersonal god-like machines in cloud banks.
The spirit or god behind the worship of money, houses and possessions is out to save itself and damn you. It cannot save you from sickness and death. If you spend your life gaining all this world has to offer you will you will lose it all and be eternally (Lk. 9 v 24-25) bankrupt and remorseful
The threat of epidemics, war, earthquakes and world-wide catastrophes (Ex. 12 v 12, Rev. 12 v 9-12, 16 v 10-21) should awake them up to the fact that we are facing the end of life as we know it (Lk. 21 v 24-27). Their prophets have predicted the rule of an evil ‘Big Brother or Antichrist that is close but they will not know when until the Gentile Church is removed (1 Thess. 3 v 12-13, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-7) on the Day of Jesus Christ (Php. 1 v 6-1, 2 v 15-16, Thess. 4 v 13-18, 5 v 4-11).
The consequences are very terrible (Mt. 18 v 7-9). Salvation through faith in Jesus will first be preached throughout the world (Mt. 24 v 3-14). Jesus died so those enslaved to a pointless physical life could be reborn with a joyful life free from fear but their self-destructive ways propel them into Satan’s kingdom. Very few will repent for their futile, God defiant ways (Lk. 13 v 23-29, 17 v 25-33, Jude 21-25).
Only a system ruled by God the Father who has limitless resources can work forever. He is not driven by self-survival to the cost of others but by a generous love for others. He proved His love by descending into our fallen state as a man called Jesus or Saviour.
He was born as the heir to King David’s throne and walked the Earth as its king. The self-preserving hated and killed him but in doing so created an escape path from our hopeless state into the Father’s Kingdom. All who repent and reject their fallen selfish ways and trust in his sacrifice will be freely forgiven and re-homed, not as citizens but as part of His family.
Holy men who glorify themselves (Jn. 7 v 15-18) do not have the humility of Jesus (Php. 2 v 3-9). The pride of self-centred makes the unrepentant defend their fallen, sinful behaviour with contradictory lies like ‘all men are equal but only the fittest survive’ but they do not; they die. The end of the age of the gentiles will be full of them (Mt. 4 v 4-6, Jude).
They accepted Darwin’s ‘once upon a time long, long ago’ fairy story. His book on the ‘Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life’ affirmed their idea that self-determined, self-improved people are a superior race of god-like-ones (Gen. 6 v 4-5) who can do what they like.
Those who think in a free society they can do whatever they like will destroy it because they follow Satan’s gospel: (Gen. 2 v 9, 16, 3 v 4-7): “what God says is not true. Do whatever you think is good for you and you will become an immortal”. When their body dies the superior or god-like ones think they graduate into becoming eternal ones (Gen. 3 v 4-5) and the lesser ones reincarnate and try again. The sub-humans were just animals and treated as slaves.
The superior are not generally fitter or brighter but survive by down grading those below them. This ‘dog eat dog’ ideology is behind criminal behaviour: it is the opposite of the commandment of ‘love God as your Father and love others as you love are loved’ (Lk. 10 v 27-28).
Lawless behaviour does not result in freedom but loveless bondage in an unjust police state in which people are controlled as an item in Darwin’s brutal food chain. The food chain law applies to animals and demons who have no hope of an eternal life in heaven (Rev. 13 v 15-18). They God-defying will be confined to the disintegrating material cosmos they sought to steal from God (Is. 14 v 5-15, 2 Pt. 3 v 3-7, Rev. 21 v 6-8).
Darwin’s imposed pyramidal system periodically collapses due to injustice. It is shored up with contradictory lies like; ‘all men are equal but only the superior survive’. His racist, atheistic theory is based on Aristotle’s version of reincarnation, based on Greek mythology. It is supported by the mistranslation of Genesis 6 v 1-4.
Aristotle believed beautiful human women (slaves) were impregnated by spirits. Advanced, educated men are their offspring in a pyramidal order of superiority. Nietzsche saw Hitler as an incarnated super-hero, like Nimrod and Alexander the Great, who would establish a new world order. He had no son and heir.
These god-like ones act as if they have the power to judge and kill those below them. Those who seek guidance from spirits cannot create life; they can only destroy it. Many still expect him to re-appear as the satanic ruler of the world as an alternative to Christ (Rev. 18).
The Genesis flood was a result of world-wide human evil (Gen. 6 v 11-13). There were ‘Nephilym’ (Gen. 4 v 23, 6 v 4) or man-slayers all over the place before the sons of God incarnated through perfect looking women who sought to be the mother of the perfect new man of Genesis 3 v 15.
Eve’s genus was separated from Adam before he fell and is passed on from woman to woman so in a virgin it is still related to the Father. Jesus had the same Father as Adam so he is true God and a true man (Gen. 3 v 15, Lk. 1 v 35, Col. 1 v 12-23, 2 v 6-19). He was a spirit being (Jn. 1 v 1-3, Php. 2 v 5-7) but arose with a glorified body and so ever after a man (Heb. 2 v 16) is one with God the Father (Php. 2 v 10-13).
All the ‘sons of Adam’ have lost God’s Spirit and are under the influence of a persuasive alter ego or deceiving spirit. The angels as sons of God were made on-mass (Job 38 v 7) to serve the Father’s plan to have children born of His life (Heb. 2 v 3-11). They have no gender (Mt. 22 v 29-30). They entered into agreeable women who bore them as incarnations. They stopped being just angels (Jude 6).
These ‘Mangels’ had no Y chromosome so they were like powerful, effeminate men. Men who have strange sex with effeminate men (Jude 7) have no offspring (Lk. 20 v 34-36)! We know that these incarnations died in the Flood and so belonged in hades but to keep them there they had to be chained (Mt. 8 v 28-29, 2 Pt. 2 v 4-5, Rev. 20 v 1-4).
Ever since on Witches Sabbaths Satanists have sought virgins to become brides of an evil spirit. However for a free spirit to die and be chained is too terrible for one to repeat this (Mt. 8 v 29, Lk. 4 v 33-34, 2 Pt. 2 v 4). Instead on earth Satan uses perverse humans (Rev. 13 v 4-15) who become an army of damned, intoxicated, demonised killers (1 Sam. 15 v 23, 16 v 14, 18 v 9-12, Rev. 19 v 20, 20 v 1-3, 10).
Alexander was taught by Aristotle that he was a super-man, descended from an angel and related to Hermes and Zeus. Like Nimrod he was bisexual. He had no son and heir. He killed about 1 million people, drank excessively and died aged 33. Aristotle’s metaphysical ideas on origins blocked scientific advancement for over 2000 years.
Darwin and Nietzsche were also inspired by Aristotle. The Spiritual Sciences and Marshall Arts, that suppress a person’s mind, will and reason, are also associated with seeking these spiritual powers. Metaphysicists fall down the bottomless gulf between God’s realm and man’s.
The imposed gospel of the self-elevated (The Origin of Species or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life) is used to dominate the masses below them in Darwin’s pyramidal food chain. Their greed makes it unsustainable so they have to bribe, corrupt, bully, threaten, ruin and destroy those who expose their evil ways.
At the top of their pyramid is a god-like-one like Hitler (Is. 14 v 12-17, Ezk. 28 v 18-19): a Nephiyl or slayer who gives nothing but robs and kills all who oppose his will. Fake news and doom and gloom are broadcast every day (Php. 4 v 6-7, Heb. 2 v 15) to keep people subservient and fearful of change.
No one is reincarnated (Heb. 9 v 27-28). A person can inherit a spirit that is attached to their disturbed family. It has past knowledge, so when the person is in a stupor, as in a séance or under hypnosis, it can talk about a previous life and mimic a dead person but it is unconvincing.
The idea of becoming a spiritual being through meditation and awakening your dormant spirit is behind all the beliefs about transcending your body and lifting yourself up by your own boot laces.
Proud supermen like the Gnostics, Nietzsche and Hitler, believed they were part spirit beings descended from these angels. Hitler is dead but the spirit that inspired him is not. Superior men like Nimrod who was a killer (Gen.10 v 8-10) only take on the nature or mark of the Beast (Mt. 23 v 16, Jn. 8 v 44-49, Rev. 14 v 9-11) as with a nagual (2 Pt. 2 v 10-12). They do whatever (Gen. 6 v 2-13, 11 v 6) they like and what Christ hates.
The Antichrist is a charismatic, demonised human, empowered by Satan like a Nero or Hitler. He is not a Mangel offspring (Rev. 13 v 18, 19 v 19-20). He is of Jewish descent, claims to be the Messiah, rebuilds Solomon’s temple and when exposed as a fraud starts to execute all his opponents. Before this happens God will remove those who repent and turn to Him for mercy and forgiveness then judge the rest (Mt. 24 v 11-14, 37-42 Lk. 17 v 25-37, 21 v 24).
The Greeks condemned Socrates to death because he mocked their spiritual superiority and they loved Aristotle because he affirmed it. Aristotle’s metaphysical revelations blocked any scientific progress for nearly 2000 years. Darwin’s metaphysical science is founded on myths: a make believe mixture of fact and fiction or truth and lies.
The Sun burns 1% of it mass every 1000 years. Life would only exist on Earth it was lit less than 10,000 years ago and only then if the life introduced was protected from radiation by a deeper atmosphere (Gen.1 v 2-8, 7 v 11-12). The study of DNA and chromosomes reveals that all men alive are descended from one family group about 10,000 years ago (Gen. 9 v 1-19).
We are not descended from angels or apes. God the Father is not a scary alien (Heb. 2 v 10, 16-17). Adam was modelled on the infinite, invisible Father’s image or visible person and in the same way Woman was taken from Adam (Jn. 8 v 58, 14 v 9, 15 v 23, Col. 1 v 12-18): let us make man in our image …….. (Gen. 1 v 27, Deut. 6 v 4, Jn. 14 v 9-11, 23, Heb. 1 v 3, 2 v 6-8). Adam was physically the same species as Jesus. Our Father who lives in His infinite, heavenly realm wants us to call Him Daddy (Gal. 4 v 6).

Some people use the bones of ancestors (relics) to contact their spirits (Deut. 18 v 10-19) yet have no faith in God’s promised Saviour! Hitler believed in magic relics and that he had a pre-existence. He died believing that he would return and finally establish his satanic empire (Mt. 4 v 8-9, Rev. 13).
Men without a body are totally incapacitated have no need to be chained (Lk. 16 v 23-26, Heb. 9 v 27). Jesus died as a human being but he retained his authority as the visible extension of the Almighty Father (Jn. 1 v 1-14, 3 v 1-3, 8 v 56-58, 9 v 33-38). He arose as the first of many Sons of God (Mk. 16 v 11-18, Heb. 2 v 9-16, Rev. 1 v 12-18). Those who accept him as their Lord and Saviour (Christ-Jesus) will rise with him as sons of God. He is rejected by those who think they are as gods as affirmed by Satan (Gen. 3 v 5).
Humans and angels have the same Father but are different species. Gene-less angels are made in the ‘image’ of the Holy Spirit. Such spirits can incarnate via a woman (Gen. 6 v 2: not wives) but like ‘mules’ they are sexually neutral. Those who commune with a spirit being via meditation, idolatry, intoxication and virtual reality are turned from a he or a she into an ‘it’ (Dan. 4 v 32, Rom. 1 v 20-32).
These intimidating ‘strongmen’ subsist on deception and lies even about their own situation. Man’s inner meditation involves seeking spirit enlightenment, but he finds he does not control them; they control him. Many become obsessed by their inner voices as a result of becoming passive, particularly through meditation, hypnosis and drugs. They become taken over by the dream world of the Shaman. All Satan’s misinformation comes not from man-gods but from people who are the entranced medium of a demon.
Angels are made of energy or light but with differing powers. The lowest rank of fallen spirits are demons. Some of them are not too bright (Mk. 1 v 24, 3 v 11, 5 v 12). Evil angels can be made to obey God (Num. 23 v 19-23) but men have free will. Demons can entice their human followers to oppose a believer in order to prolong their earthly reign (1 Sam. 18 v 10-11, Jn. 13 v 27).
Satan wants to get rid of all God’s children (Job 1 v 10) but it has not the authority or power to do so. It cannot protect its followers from God’s wrath. It could not defeat Jesus even with the support of human agencies. Jesus only died in order to break Satan’s hold over Adam’s children (Jn. 10 v 15-18, Heb. 2 v 14-15, 1 Jn. 3 v 8-18).
If they had known he would die and not just return to heaven as a failure they would not have crucified him (1 Cor. 2 v 5-8, 12-18). But why did they not understand this God breathed new Adam was also the Lamb of God (Gen. 3 v 15, Jn. 1 v 29 Heb. 11 v 4)?
The Adamic nature we are born with is cut off from God’s life and so it will die but we still have an inner, spiritual desire for a non-material or eternal life. Religious prayers to God are therefore stilted. However we have no difficulty communicating with the enticing gods who inhabit the physical heavens above the earth (Is. 14 v 13-14, Ezk. 28 v 16-18, Eph. 6 v 12). The internet cloud is very personal but whatever was good about it has been harness by liars, enticing ads and evil people so now we are regulated by an unsafe, impersonal machine that we have to obey as our immaterial god.

The God of Abraham, Jacob and Elijah who we wrestle with is very personal. Jesus was a fully human man who physically died but also fully the eternal, visible person of the infinite God (Col. 2 v 3-9). As the Father is the almighty King of heaven and creation we may fear to come into His throne room but Jesus did not shun getting his hands dirty (1 Jn. 1 v 9).
Through Jesus we have access to Our Father via His omnipotent, omnipresent Holy Spirit (Jn. 14). Those who discard their old hard-wired life and make a contract with Jesus that they renew annually (Ex. 12 v 14, Lk. 22 v 19-20, 1 Cor. 5 v 7-8, 11 v 23-26) can use his Wi-Fi. Unlike the internet he can handle an infinite number of prayers per second.
Our Father in His heaven wants us to chat with Him as His children with same lack of inhibitions as we have on the phone and internet. The greatest desire of a father is to do and make things with his children: to clean them when they have an accident; to give them presents; have them jump on his bed and cry “daddy” when they are in trouble.
Those who walk under the Holy Spirit guidance can ask him to help them in every situation like even finding a parking place! He is a very present help in time of trouble (Ps. 46 v 1-11). Some may die for their faith but not for long (Rev.11 v 3-12).
God’s words are surer than the things that are seen (Heb. 11 v 1-3). His love and forgiveness is open to anyone who repents of their rejection of His Holy Spirit’s call to return home (Lk. 15 v 17-24). The sealed are assured of salvation (Eph. 1 v 11-14).
Believers (Ezk. 18 v 26-31) who are not yet ‘God breathed’ again (Gen. 2 v 7, Mt. 3 v 11-12, Jn. 3 v 3-8) and do not repent because they still love their transgressions are not eternally secure. They are as the non-betrothed friends of the Bride of Christ: half make it at the last minute and half are left to weep and gnash their teeth (Mt. 25 v 1-12). The oil is God’s recorded word as poured out by His anointed prophets (Zech. 4 v 2-14, Lk. 16 v 29-31).
Everyone is predestined to die but no ono one is predestined to go to hell. The idea that some people are born evil and beyond saving is a satanic doctrine (Heb. 6 v 4-6). All who turn to the Father for forgiveness before they die are redeemed by Jesus’ sacrifice and translated from Satan’s kingdom into that of Christ the King (Col. 1 v 9-22).
The most perverse and evil people can still choose to repent before they lose their freedom when they die (Lk. 8 v 27-28, 23 v 39-43) despite the many false spirits they have heeded. It is the self-righteous, who fear for self-survival and defend themselves against God’s words, who are more likely to die unrepentant and detached from God’s life (Lk. 18 v 11-14).
Only those who do choose to reject their Father-God’s offer of eternal life will end up eternally bankrupt. Only those whose actions show they will never repent (Gen. 4 v 7-8, Lk. 23 v 39) before they die are as living dead men and predestined to go to hell.
Adam lost his God given authority over nature (Gen. 3 v 17-19). It is being restored (Rom. 8 v 18-25) to Christians who obey His Spirit but His power remains safely in His hands (Gen. 1 v 28, Lk. 10 v Jn. 3 v 2, 11 v 41-43, Acts 3 v 6-19, 5 v 12-16).
There are people who want to know God (Gen. 5 v 24, 6 v 8, Ex. 20 v 20, Ps. 100, Acts 2 v 37-39, 10 v 34-35, Php. 3 v 7-15). If like Abraham and Job they prove after severe testing that they would never reject God’s will and words, God reckons their sins as covered by Jesus sacrifice. They receive his righteousness as a result of their faith (Gal. 3 v 5-18, Heb. 11 v 1-10). They receive His Spirit’s breath of eternal life before they die! The accepted are preordained to be redeemed from death (Eph. 1 v 4-12). They are promised to Christ as his helpmate (Eph. 1 v 13-14, 5 v 21-27).
Hebrews 6 has been translated by Ezekiel 18 v 26 believers who can lose their chance of being saved (Gal. 3 v 13-14); it suggests the Father lied (Heb. 6 v 17-18)! The Father did not sow Jesus into death with a vain hope, but the certainty of a great harvest. Hebrews 6 v 7-12 assured them that God was working in their lives so to be patient. As He had sown and watered, He was also bound to reap (Jn. 13 v 10, Eph. 2 v 8, Php. 1 v 6).
The un-doctored original of Hebrews 6 verse 4 says: “It is impossible for those who have tasted God’s life and received enlightenment from His Spirit (omitted by translators who believe in earning God’s life by good works) to fall away”! Hallelujah! The added “If” and “seeing or because” in the original King James are not in the original Greek. It debases and shames the Son of God!
First those who have inherited Jesus’ life are sealed (Eph. 1 v 7-13). The new Christian must then learn to use his authority (Eph. 2 v 6-10) to pray and bind the fearful guiding spirits of the lost (Lk. 9 v 38-42, 10 v 2-9, 17-21, Eph. 6 v 10-18) right up to the last second of their life (Jude 21-25). The Holy Spirit will confirm (Jn. 16 v 7-11) whose sins have been remitted (Lk. 5 v 19-26, 7 v 39-50) and those who have retained them (1 Kg. 18 v 40, 22 v 19-23, 2 Kg. 1 v 15-17).
Satan has no God-given authority on Earth but men with God given free will invite him into their lives. Those who choose to swap God’s authority for Satan’s think they can gain spirit powers to do as they like. Instead they have given an invasive, lying spirit earthly powers. Their fantasies are not with real people in real situations but are with real, responsive spirits. The many who pray in the hour of their death to an infernal god who does not save or god-the-mother instead of Jesus will not know him or be known by him (Jer. 44 v 16-26, Mt. 25 v 11-12 Lk. 13 v 26-27).
The realistic fantasies that a man surrenders to can take control over his mind and seduce him into acting out evil deeds. Sexual fantasies, involving a real but not physical person, control many people’s minds and deeds. Freud suffered under the power of these alternative egos. He sought to understand them as if they were a hidden extension of his soul even though their will opposed his.
People receive inner suggestions that they do not want but are tempted to accept yet they can reject, so why do they believe that they are part of their ego and not an alien ego? If a man accepts their temptation and excuses his mistake this other ego will gain control of his will and eventually control of his mind and behaviour.
Your attitude to reality is controlled by the people and things that you allow to dominate your thinking. They have a major impact on your thought life. They include games, films and escapism. All media presentations seem real but they are all staged and slanted (including documentary and news programs). Demonstrations with a rent-a-crowd, with often a professional cheer lead who is paid by a rich lobbyist, try to sway the public jury to accept things that harm their lives.
An addict can be helped to resist his addiction but he cannot be set free without being delivered from his persuasive inner demon. Self-motivated reforms, that try to patch up and doctor man’s dying life, do little good (Lk. 5 v 36, Rom. 7 v 24-25, Eph. 4 v 23, 5 v 17, 26). Endless therapies and placebos can calm the troubled mind but cannot touch the underlying problem. Those descended from the first Adam’s self-determined, god-defying nature cannot be unified with God’s perfect, love-centred nature (Gen. 2 v 17).
Those who are depressed, oppressed, obsessed and even possessed by strange thoughts and plagued by inner voices are just drugged to quieten them down. Drugs switch off the man but not his demons. They are not just blips in his DNA but may well harm it. Opiates and electric shocks offer no hope of recovery but ‘side-step’ the problem and block the solution (Num. 33 v 57). The only answer is the new life that God gives to those who believe in His promised Saviour.
Jesus gave his disciples authority to use his name to expel the spirits that a person had allowed to plague his soul. If he did not repent of his sin they would have the mandate to return with greater power. Jesus explained that a spirit, which has a strong hold on a person’s life, can only be driven out by a greater power (Lk. 11 v 21-26). However, even more powerful spirits do not try to rebuke Satan without Jesus’ authority (Jude 9).
Freud accepted Plato’s idea that man’s soul is a spirit-being trapped in a physical body. He called their familiar spirit guide their alter ego and the resulting super-ego acts through the id. The higher, common super-ego can control a whole tribe. It can be recognised in most groups as a party spirit; only those who conform to its customs and ‘high priest’ are acceptable. This is reinforced if the relics or bones of dead spiritual ‘ancestors’ are kept in the building as links to their ‘spirit’.
Year after year it remains in charge so those who identify with it resist the Holy Spirit. Its fall can only be catastrophic (Lk. 6 v 46-49). Each new move requires a group to breakaway. They develop a new identity but without repentance and deliverance from the original religious spirit, a superior, proud spirit will take its place that is more defensive (Mt. 12 v 43-45).
Christians should be unified under Christ’s Holy Spirit’s revelations (Eph. 4 v 4) then they would be unified in the knowledge of Jesus’ and his love. However many are divided on doctrine because they follow the message of a party spirit (Rom. 8 v 2, 5-9, 1 Cor. 3 v 1-6, Heb. 5 v 11, 6 v 7-18, Rev. 1 v 20). Like Cain, they justify their disobedience with sham holiness and good works (Is. 64 v 6-12, Mt. 5 v 2-10). They have only a short time to repent before they are judged (Rev. 2 v 5, 3 v 19).
Elijah was an ordinary bod like us yet his prayers were answered and God Almighty spoke to him as his friend (1 Kg. 19 v 9-18, Jas. 5 v 16-18). The king who ordered his execution was condemned to death by Elijah (2 Kg. 1 v 9-16). Do not mess with God’s friends.
Self-conscious “I ams” are driven to defend their illogical, pointless existence. Their self-centred stance automatically sins against others but they deny their guilt and reject God’s judgement of death on it. Their hatred of God is so vehement that it proves He must exist.
Proud men cover up their inner thoughts that are wrong and resist any move of God that might expose them. They love darkness and hate the light (Jn. 3 v 17-21, Mt. 23 v 15, 27-34). They aggressively promote theories that support their stance and deny the existence of the God who exposes their lies.
They are not bothered by other religions being taught in schools but want Christian teaching banned and to criminalise parents for sharing their Christian faith with their children. Believers are no threat to law abiding societies, but corrupt governments impose their party spirit on all and so persecute, imprison and murder Christians.
Demons do not want men to discover how they impress the human mind and spirit, or how to defeat them (2 Cor. 2 v 11). They hide their true nature under a concoction of often ludicrous, theatricals which frighten the naive. They can mime anyone you like; an angel of light, Gog from the planet Zog, a loved one who died tragically or even a religious holy spirit.
Films and yarns about exorcism glorify the terrifying power of the devil and not his defeat by Jesus (Lk. 4 v 33-36, Acts. 13 v 11). The desperate battle, acted out by self-appointed exorcist, terrorises the ‘audience’ and fuels the demon’s influence. Exorcism should not be a pantomime (Mk. 9 v 18). The mistake made by men, in their weird attempts at deliverance, is being devil conscious which results in a farcical display (Jude 18-19).
The unruly spirits should not be allowed to take the floor and cause chaos but be controlled and not allowed to speak (1 Cor. 14 v 32-37)! The Lord is one Spirit (Eph. 4 v 3-6). The other spirits in the churches foster false worship (2 Pt. 1 v 21, 2 v 1-15, Rev. 1 v 20, 2 v 5) that the Holy Spirit warns against (Rev. 2 v 7, 11, 16-17, 29).
Only the repentant can be successfully delivered (Mt. 12 v 43-45, Mk. 16 v 16-17). Those who shout or hold hands to pump human prayer power are a law unto themselves. Fasting and praying in faith does not move demons; it moves God (Mk. 9 v 20-29). Jude warned; only Christ has the power to shift Satan (1 Sam. 17 v 45-47, Jude 4, 8, 9).
You cannot just evict a controlling influence, addiction or oppression, for it will re-impose itself (Mt. 12 v 44, Jn. 5 v 14). Evil spirits cannot be destroyed or imprisoned before their time (Mt. 29 v 29, Rev. 20 v 1, 7-10). To stay free it must be replaced by a greater influence (Mt. 12 v 28-29).
The simple rule is be God conscious. FIRST seek His will through his words, with prayer and praise. Claim your old life as dead by the power of the blood or death of Jesus and use his authority (in his name: Acts 16 v 18); never your human authority, which is under Satan’s authority.
Never get into arguments or fights with a devil. Talk to Jesus and at the devil. The believer should bind the devious spirit in Jesus’ name, order it to reveal his nature or name, then tell it to leave.
Those who are faithful and obedient to Jesus (Jn. 14 v 12-13) are protected by him in their service to him (Mk. 16 v 15-18, Acts 12 v 6-11, 21-23). His vast armies of the countless 2/3 of obedient angels act as a wall around them (2 Kg. 1 v 12-17, 6 v 15-23). Nasty men and nasty spirits should fear them (Mt. 8 v 28-29, Acts 16-18, 26-37).
Unless a man recognises that his old nature cannot be salvaged and it has to die, he will be remain bound by his fear of survival (Jn. 12 v 24-25, 13 v 38, Acts 4 v 8-22, Heb. 2 v 14-18). Men can reject the initial suggestions of lying spirit (Lk. 11 v 19). Once accepted however its influence can only be driven out with God’s authority (Lk. 11 v 20) in the victorious name of Jesus.
The double minded man is unstable. He cannot receive faith from the Lord (Eph. 2 v 8, Heb. 11 v 1, Jas. 1 v 3, 7-8, 12). Until he commits his old nature to death with Christ (normally through baptism in the name of Jesus; Acts 2 v 38-41, 19 v 2-7) he cannot start the experience of his new sin and death free life (2 Tim. 1 v 10-14).
Men can reject the initial suggestions of lying spirit (Lk. 11 v 19). Once accepted however its influence can only be driven out with God’s authority (Lk. 11 v 20) in the victorious name of Jesus.
Those who repent and are redeemed from their selfish nature by God’s promised saviour (Heb. 9 v 28) should be so full of joy and the love of God that it proves to all He exists. They are released from Satan’s holds over them but still need to be renewed in their mind (Rom. 8 v 4-9, 1 Cor. 2 v 9-12, Eph. 4 v 22-30).
That experience will grow (Php. 1 v 6) as Satan’s influence is replaced by obedience to Jesus, the new Lord of their lives (1 Cor. 2 v 9-16, 2 Cor. 4 v 16, Eph. 4 v 23). This is a work of the Holy Spirit that must be done in obedience to his prompts in his order (2 Tim. 1 v 6-7, Jas. 1 v 2-8). Those who try to do it ‘my way’ will never experience the promises or gifts of His Spirit (1 Cor. 10 v 1-15, Heb. 4 v 10-16).
God anointed Saul as King of Israel but he disobeyed God’s instructions. He did things his way and so ended up being led by an evil spirit (1 Sam. 15 v 22-23). Moses tried it and had to run for his life (Ex. 2 v 12-15). Isaiah realised his way was no good (Is. 6 v 5-13) and Paul that his fleshly zeal for God made him God’s enemy (Acts 9 v 1-6, 13-17).
The self-justified are tormented by envy, bitterness, resentment, condemnation and unforgiveness. All such feelings if harboured and not surrendered to the cross of Jesus (Mt. 6 v 14-15, Lk. 7 v 47-50) are like a cancer that eats into a person’s soul. Any attitude that God’s words warn is deadly but you think is not wrong (Gen. 3 v 4-7) destroys love and unity (Gen. 3 v 12, 4 v 8-11, 1 Tim. 4 v 1-11).
Where women are treated as equal to men physically and not protected by men as the weaker vessel all sorts of abuses will flood in. Because they are weaker they can only fight back and take control by taking spiritual authority. Matriarchal societies readily become controlled by unruly spirits (1 Cor. 11 v 10). It does not say in 1 Corinthians 14 v 32-37 in the original Greek that women should be silent (Acts 21 v 8-9) but self-controlled.
Aggressive feminists do not strive for equality with men; they want to control men as immature adolescents. The woman becomes a mother figure and the man a boy who expects to be protected and spoilt by her.
His sexual response to women then becomes confused and abusive. Men want to marry men! Demons exploit this until the live birth rates crashes, society breaks down and prisons overflow with repeat offenders.
A woman who has no father or husband with the authority to protect her must claim the Lord Jesus as her spiritual protector (Num. 30 v 2-13, Col. 3 v 18-19). Spiritual infiltration is affiliated with all extreme experience in which you lost your control. For example: trauma, phobias, getting lost, bullied, injured, overeating, intoxication, gambling, drugs, pornography and forbidden, perverted sexual practices (Lev. 20 v 6-23, Deut. 18 v 9-12, Rom. 1 v 18-32, Eph. 4 v 17-27): all can result in depression, compulsions, obsession and possessions in which the person loses control of their mind and behaviour.
Most people keep them under control until their control is overcome or weakened as when they are passive, intoxicated or even anaesthetised. Your self determined will is weak but God’s will is not. He will save all those who trust their salvation to Him before their body and free expression dies (Mk. 5 v 2-6, Php 1 v 6, Heb. 6 v 7, 9).
Your mind is affected by your physical and mental health and your concentration is easily diverted. As reality and time become just a meaningless treadmill experience the mind escapes into a conjured, virtual world in which you start off feeling free but end up completely controlled (Rom. 7 v 21-24).
It has to be proved that a Christian is under Jesus’ authority and obedient to his word, above all else, before they can be set free and take authority over nasty spirits. The new born Christian must first be cut off from the past experiences in which Satan intimidated him and gained a shaping influence in his life (1 Cor. 10 v 1-13). Repentance requires starting a new life under a new agreement or covenant in obedience to the baptizer (Lk. 22 v 19-20). Those who mix the old with the new will not enjoy either (Lk. 5 v 36-39).
Many want to keep the things they think are nice like say their religious spirit, traditional teaching (Jn. 3 v 10-21, Acts 10 v 14-15) or being cautious. The problem is that all the habits and attitudes that may seem harmless block the person’s freedom to obey the Holy Spirit. Those who do not surrender all their old ideas to death with their baptism into Jesus’ death limit their faith to what they already believe. They expect Christ to defer to their ways (Is. 55 v 6-12) so they not have the mind of Christ or the freedom to experience God’s gifts (Lk. 4 v 1, 14, 33-37, 12 v 8-10, Jn. 20 v 22, Acts 2 v 4, 17).
Water baptism into Jesus’ death is something you must decide to do. Only if it is sincere will God’s Spirit chose to dwell with you (Mt. 20 v 15-16, Acts 2 v 37-39, 19 v 1-7, Jn. 4 v 23-24). The gift of Jesus’ life and the renewing of your mind is something only God’s Holy Spirit can perform (Eph. 1 v 13, 5 v 26, Heb. 4 v 9-16, Jas. 4 v 3-10).
The Apostles baptised believers in the Name of the Father (fire) and also (kai) the Name of Jesus (Acts 2 v 38, 19 v 3-6) and also the Holy Spirit (Mt. 3 v 11). Those who baptise people in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in water do so to by-pass the reforming work of the Holy Spirit: they actively shut out his ‘interference’ in church affairs (Jn. 1 v 6-13, 11 v 42-53, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-6, Jude 14-19).
Instead of gaining the freedom from bondage to human attitudes and the experience of trusting in the new life of Christ as led by his life giving Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2 v 2-14), they remain self and sin conscious (Jas. 1 v 2-8). Those stuck at the cross or still on the wrong side only retain and experience their justified life (Gen. 3 v 6-12) which is spiritually owned by the false Christ (Rom. 7 v 15-19, 8 v 5-9). They are defeated by Satan’s trials instead of being made more than conquerors (Mt. 4 v 9-10, Rom. 8 v 28-37, Eph. 2 v 1-13, 4 v 22-30, 6 v 10-19).
What dominates your spiritual cloud? Your tongue indicates your state of mind (Jas. 1 v 26, 3 v 2, 10-18). A spirit of anger, aggression, pride, self-pity, shyness, sweetness, religious holiness, passivity? Don’t you know? An illustration should help.
Imagine an auditorium in your mind, seated with all the characters which dominate your thinking, extending back beyond the light from the stage. Too daunting to ever tackle (Deut. 7 v 17-26)? The Holy Spirit will spot light them in order of importance.
The person’s most dominant attitude, say a spirit of defiance, will rule over the others (Lk. 8 v 30-32). In the front row, are the most vocal, dominant handful and they will fight back, but shift them and the change is dramatic (Lk. 11 v 20-3). The rest go as soon as they are recognised.
These spiritual attitudes are not of Christ. Their defiant, self-sufficient, stance is often angry, cruel and destructive. If you defend your ownership of any of these bondages your progress will grind to a halt until you repent. Oneness with Christ means nothing should be hidden from him (Gen. 2 v 25, Jn. 13 v 8-10).
Weakness, brought about by persistent sins like lying, can leave lasting, evil spiritual oppressions that need dealing with. Bondages result from indulgences that are warned against in scripture. Vanity, pride, revenge, spite, violence, fornication, divination, witchcraft, self-destructive habits etc… oppress and propel the person to suffer evil against their will (Rom. 7 v 19-20).
They mar God’s blessings (given to Adam and Israel to richly enjoy), with ill health, barrenness, family disunity, poverty, frustration, rebellion, wrongdoing, accident proneness, death. They need to be recognised and convincingly repented of.
Some have become so used to being moved by, say, their religious spirit that they are not aware of it, but it may be obvious to others. Controlling spirits must be treated like squatters who have taken over your sitting room: if you do not have enough confidence in Jesus’ victory to take authority over them, your freewill will become bound and you will feel miserable and guilty in your soul.
Do not own them but throw them out in the name of Jesus. Believe God’s prompts; not their pressure to make you think otherwise! Faith is a belief that is acted on; if it is true it produces results (Heb. 11, Jas. 2 v 18-20). Pride might go first but Arrogance or Conceit will step up and try and convince you nothing has happened. There is no dramatic battle: all you have to do is convince God you mean it then sit back and see what happens (Mt. 15 v 22-28, 17 v 18-21).
Those you cannot cope with by just convincingly rejecting it in the name of Jesus may need the prayer of faith of a Spirit led minister (Mt. 17 v 16-20). One man in a meeting was in a very agitated state but he did not know why. The Holy Spirit just gave the word “a fear of death” and it was gone. He laughed with joy so much that he was lying on the floor laughing for over 20 minutes.
These constraints are very nasty (Lk. 13 v 14-17): I once prayed for a lady who was terrified of leaving her house due to her fear of worms. Your fearful spirit powers should be the ones who are terrified (Mt. 12 v 28-31, Lk. 4 v 33-36, 8 v 31, 10 v 17-23).
In a long session when many voices were flushed out the minister asked are there any of you left? A lying spirit sadly replied “no they have all gone!” Don Basham’s book ‘Deliver us from Evil’ gives a revealing insight into how it works and how the Holy Spirit gently led him into ministering deliverance that set the bound and burdened free.
Why do people doubt the God’s words and believe demons? Spot the difference! Niceness and Sweetness will say what is wrong with that deception? Compulsive shyness will shrink into its shell and lying will build defensive castles of clouds. Something like aggression will refuse to go. It will shout you down, threaten and defy you. Timidity will say don’t risk it, disbelief will give itself away. Accusation will try and escape by saying your problems are all your fault.
Those who reject God’s forgiveness and love have chosen to live in an eternity full of other vain egos. God must be just and uphold their choice as much as the will of the just (Mt. 13 v 37-43, Lk. 18 v 7-8, Rev. 6 v 9-10). But because He is just He must judge evil. Sometimes He uses His angels to do it. Thankfully, 2/3 of angels do obey God and support His children (Heb. 1 v 14, 2 Kg. 6 v 16-17).
The mighty weapon of God’s word is a “two edged sword”. It cuts both ways and surprise, surprise, it divides between the good and bad thoughts and motivations of the heart (Heb. 4 v 12-13). The authority of God is backed by the power of God, not shouting, so stand firm. Remember what happened to Jericho! The arm of God will smash into their stronghold and demolish it.
Do not forget to continue to displace the old gods. Israel forgot and were seduced and cut off for their evil practices (Ex. 23 v 20-33).
Do not see demons everywhere you go. This transformation is a work of God Spirit (Ps. 139 v 23-24): it takes time and must be done in his determined order (Php. 3 v 15). Be God conscious not self or devil conscious. Recognise his prompts and do not justify your ungodly thinking or you will get stuck in no-man’s land. It is not easy but the alternatives are much worse.
Those who respond and work their way through this work of the Holy Spirit end up as Adam was before he fell. Their self-sustaining life is over. They rest from their own guilty, self-justifying efforts and enter God’s perfect provision (Heb. 4 v 4-11).
Only unbelief and disobedience keeps you stuck in the desert of transition, where your mind wavers between your familiar slavery to your old gods and God’s promised freedom (Deut. 7 v 8-15, Jas. 1).
If we stop trying to be good and just walk by faith in Jesus’ finished redemption we would start to walk as the Father’s children instead of trying to earn favours as servants (Lk. 15 v 28-32, Jn. 8 v 23-30).
The gift of that new sinless God-related life cannot abide sin so how are we made fit to dwell in the same house as a perfect God as His children (Mt. 5 v 45-48)?
By walking in the reality of God’s grace poured out through the death of Jesus you are made acceptable to a holy God (Eph. 1 v 7-14, 2 v 1-10). Unconfessed sin and the resulting bondage to other gods (Acts 2 v 37-39, Heb. 10 v 26-29, 35-39) interrupts the process. As a result the unbelieving wander in an unfruitful desert for years (Num. 14 v 27-43, 11 Jn. 1 v 5-10, 3 v 3-6, 4 v 6-17).