
Little girl in waterpark pool being splashed by waterfall. Sunny summer day

On the last day of the Feast of camping on earth in booths Jesus called out in the temple court “If any man thirst let him ask of me for the water of life. He that believes I am the source of life, according to God’s promise, out of his heart will pour a river of life”. It was at the beginning of his 32nd year (Lk. 3 v 23), six months before the Passover on which he was crucified.

He spoke of the Spirit of Life whom those who believed him would receive after he was glorified in heaven (Jn. 7 v 37-39). But first, four days before the feast started (Yom Kippur), they were called to fast and repent of their sins against God’s revealed will and words (Neh. 8 v 5-9, Lk. 3 v 7-9, 16-17).

Revival is watered with tears. It does not start with a party-time but affliction (Jas. 4 v 8-10). Only then does it blossoms into great joy and wonder (Neh. 8 v 12-18). “Hear what Christ’s Holy Spirit is saying to the churches” (Rev. 2 & 3) or else you will be hurt and lost forever!

The loyal remnant in each who remain faithful are called-out (Heb. 3) to enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus (2 Cor. 6 v 16-18, Rev. 22 v 11-15). Only souls who return to the Father and obey His will can be accepted into His family (Mt. 6 v 9-21, 22 v 47-50).

The Father gave us a beautiful home to enjoy and maintain (Gen. 2 v 15). Love is sealed with a covenant unto death in which all each owns becomes joint owned (Jn. 17 v 17-26). Those who break the covenant die (Rev. 2 v 4, 3 v 16).

The selfish soul who takes all and gives nothing is a parasite like a leach or a fire that turns a love built home or garden into a barren wilderness. Love requires selfless giving so the self-centred destroy those who love them. Self-centred giving is just an investment that you want back with interest.

The Father created everything so He might have a family: children reborn of His visible person to share in His home and participate in His works. All other created creatures have separate, independent lives. He can create servants or short lived animals in an instant by the billion (Lk. 3 v 8, 19 v 40).

The Father so loved His children that He sent His only Son into their state of death to rescue all who respond to His love (Jn. 3 v 14-19, Eph. 5 v 14-27). He alone deserves all our love, thanks, honour, praise and worship forever and ever (Rom. 6 v 20-23, Heb. 7 v 25).

Those who repent for their rejection of God’s plan for their lives before they die can be forgiven and gain the Father’s life through His promised second Adam (Jn. 1 v 10-13, 17-30, 3 v 3, 16-21, Rom. 8 v 28). Those who retain their carnal, earthly lives, regardless of how good they think they are, will die and remain separated from His life forever (Rom. 8 v 3-13). Good works do not cancel bad works (Ezk. 18 v 24-18).

Revelation describes the state of the godless people of today that God is about to leave to be consumed by their own sin (Mt. 13 v 27-30, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-10). All who love him and have made a love covenant with him before the last minute of that harvest day, including those who did so before they died, will be taken up to be presented to the Father as the Bride of Christ (Rev. 4 v 1).

Jesus was sent by the Father to identify with and live in man’s independent kingdom to make possible the perfect Father’s perfect plan of making human beings His sons (Heb. 2 v 10-13). Those who do not accept him by faith in what he preached (Heb. 11 v 6, 12 v 1-29) cannot be accepted by him (Mt. 25 v 11-12, Lk. 13 v 27-28).

The worldly Christian churches that should have preached the good news that Jesus has defeated Satan’s power preach instead IT’s gospel of: ‘forget what God has said. If you do not do what you feel is bad and do what you feel is good for you, you will go to heaven’ (Gen. 3 v 4-6 & Hegel). The ruling class decides and enforces what it sees as best for them (Eph. 4 v 14-15). The problem is what seems good to them might be very bad for everyone else.

All man deduced ideologies and religions are a defence against the conviction of the Holy Spirit of God. They are cut off from their source of life as a result of their defiance of Him so whatever they do does not change their situation; it just makes it worse. The life or spirit in them is not God’s Holy Spirit so they cannot please God (Rom. 8 v 1-9). It boast it will give them eternal peace and happiness but only produces a cursed life that is dominated by the fear of death (Heb. 2 v 14-18).

Those who do what they feel is good or evil in defiance of God’s words bow to the suggestions of seducers and evil gods (Gen. 2 v 16-17, 3 v 6, 13). They become ‘naked’ with no protection against natural, human or spiritual threats (Num. 23 v 19-24, Num. 25 v 1-4, 2 Pt. 2 v 13-19, Neh. 13 v 1-9, 26-29) so they succumb to physical, psychological and spiritual disorders. 

Independent, self-preserving and justified Christian-minded people avoid surrendering their self-centred lives to Christ by adjusting God’s truth. Each group has a flavour or party spirit that you must conform to before you are accepted (1 Sam. 15 v 22-24). They pray “My will be done in heaven as it is on earth”.

They love entertaining services and Bible stories that arouse self-pleasing feelings instead of being centred on the truth and knowing Christ (Acts17 v 21-31, Php. 3 v 4-19, 2 Tim. 4 v 1-3). Like little children who never mature they just want to play at church (Heb. 5 v 11-14).

They have teachers who do not believe or even know the truth who preach self-indulgent love without discipline is good (Heb. 12 v 5-17). This is Satan’s self-destructive, psychic gospel (Gen. 3 v 3-5, 22-24, Deut. 19 v 9-14). They fool themselves that they are good by doing what they feel is good. Like Cain and the hypocritical Pharisees (Mt. 23 v 5-15, Jn. 8 v 39-47); they hate those who expose their hidden sin. (Col. 2 v 23, 3 v 1-5, 1 Jn. 1 v 8-15). They reject God’s Holy Spirit who is true and cannot lie (Mt. 12 v 30-34).

The Holy Spirit of God is holy. He cannot accept those who are not as holy as God but Jesus’ sacrifice as the sinless ‘lamb of God’ (1 Tim. 1 v 9-10, 1 Jn. 3 v 4-6) has annulled sin and death for those who surrender their sinful nature at his cross.  It will only benefit those who turn back to seeking the Father’s will on earth as it is in heaven (Mt. 3 v 6 -12, Heb. 7 v 21-25, 12 v 23-28).

The anguished heart of the Father cries out to His lost children; “Adam where are you!” He sent Jesus to find them (Lk. 19 v 7-10). God give grace to the humble (Jas. 4 v 1-10). The self-justified who reject God’s love and provision and want to do what they like with His creation are left with His judgement (Lk. 20 v 9-20, Rev. 2 v 21-23).

Without repentance there is no remission of sin (Lk. 3 v 7-8, 24 v 47, Acts 2 v 38-40, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). Only those who stop trying to justify their inherited nature before Him and claim the ‘blood of Jesus covers the sin of their old nature can maintain a relationship with a Holy God and gain an assurance of eternal salvation (Eph. 1 v 7-14).

“In my self-centred human nature dwells no good thing” (Rom. 7 v 17-24). Schopenhauer realised his godless life was meaningless and hopeless. It is predestined to die (Ezra 8 v 22). The fittest do not survive but are sacrificed to sustain the rule of the god at the top of their pyramidal food chain (Prov. 30 v 12-16). All the self-preserving do is fight a losing battle to save their dying lives (Jas. 4 v 1-5).

The inhabitants of Sodom were taken as slaves by their enemies then made to acknowledge that God’s grace had saved them by paying Him a tithe of all their goods. But they did not change; they went on to commit even greater sins, so they were destroyed. The Jews recognised John the Baptist’s call to repentance was from God. They were convicted of their sin yet rejected their expected Messiah (Jn. 9 v 41, 12 v 9-11) and persecuted those who offered them His forgiveness (Acts 4).

The Christian Churches (Rev. 2 & 3) alter God’s words to support their traditional versions of baptism, communion, feast days and gospel of salvation by being good (Gen. 3 v 4-5). They want God to change and submit to their ways (Rom. 1 v 22-25, 8 v 5-9, 1 Cor. 2 v 7-12). They ignore God’s warnings (Jer. 44 v 2-8, 15-22) and do what they feel is good (Gen. 3 v 6).

You have to recognise your sin against God before you can ask and receive His forgiveness. You have to sow before you can reap (Rom. 6 v 13-22). You have to ditch your tradition beliefs and practices that hide your lack of full commitment to Jesus’ new life (Jn. 3 v 5-18).

Jesus has removed God’s problem with us but we still have the problem of unbelief and commitment. How can I learn to trust in His truth? One step of faith at a time by trial and error. He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Heb. 11 v 6). He knows our weakness but to become one with His strength again requires us to acknowledge that without Him we are hopeless and pathetic creatures (2 Cor. 12 v 9).

It is pride that stops the unrepentant admitting their guilt. The self-justified hide from their sin by lying but lying is a self-consuming cancer. Trusting in a man-preferred ideology (Ex. 32 v 22-25, 1 Cor. 10 v 1-12) to save them is a repeat Adam’s mortal sin (Mt. 7 v 15-27). Their religions offer the hope of overcoming death based on Satan’s gospel. They pretend to be good with a show of good works (Mt. 23 v 24-38) but they only fool themselves. Their repetitive services prove they are barren.

Those who give up trying are left with utter despair. Hope is the reward of faith; the substance of our beliefs that keep us going when life seems to us to be hopeless (Php. 3 v 8-21, Heb. 10 v 31-39). David sang songs about God’s blessings and wonders when all that he believed for became impossible (1 Sam. 30 v 3-6, Ps. 18, Heb. 12 v 1-11). God is not the religious fantasy of those who want to escape from the reality of their death bound nature. His truth is based on the stark fact that if you do not reply to His call you will die and be lost forever.

James 1 v 5-6 is an unambiguous promise that works for those who believe even if they have to ask God for confirmation (Jg. 6 v 27, 37-40). The second time you will not need it (Jg. 7 v 9-15). The half-hearted who seek confirmation from their self-centred alter ego will be rejected by God and fail (1 Sam. 13 v 13-14). They may or may not be saved (Ezk. 18 v 23-32, Mt. 25 v 8-10, Rom. 10 v 13) depending on which spirit they trust their life to in the hour of their death (Gen. 3 v 5, Jer. 42 v 6-13, 44 v 14-27, Rev. 1 v 20, 2 v 7).

Only those who bow to the conviction of God’s Holy Spirit are predestined to live (Rom. 8 v 11-17, 28, Eph. 1 v 11-23, Php. 1 v 6-11). The uncommitted who turn back to their old spiritual guide will wander out of God’s favour in the barren spiritual desert (Ex. 33 v 5, 13-17, Heb. 3 v 10-14).

The Body or Bride of Jesus Christ on earth is made up of individual Christians born of water and the word that proceeds from God as confirmed by a gift of faith from His Spirit (Eph. 1 v 6-14, Heb. 11 v 1-6, 1 Jn. 5 v 5-12). Each believer is ‘a’ temple of the Holy Spirit (not collectively ‘the’ temple: 1 Cor. 3 v 16-23).

Many nominal Christians are stuck on the wrong side of the cross of Jesus. They are at best friends and associates of the Bride of Christ (Mt. 25 v 6-12). Not all wake up to their predicament and realise this truth in time (Zech. 4 v 12, Lk. 16 v 23-29).

Only by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour can you gain his life and be save from sin and death. No church or religion can do this (Mt. 7 v 21-23). The commission Jesus gave to his disciples is to tell the world this good news (Mk. 16 v 15-18, Jn. 17 v 14-23, Rom. 10 v 13-18). They were ordered to do nothing until they received his new life (Acts 1 v 4-8).

They were dedicated to understanding God’s will (Jn. 4 v 21-24, Acts 2 v 42-47, 5 v 4-5, 11-16) so that they might be sent out as His messengers (Lk. 20 v 4-8, Acts 1 v 8, 13 v 2) to preach His Gospel: “Repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus for the annulling of your sins and God promises the genuine will receive the gift of His breath of life (Gen. 2 v 7, Acts 2 v 38-40).

Sent out ministers like John Wesley preached in public meeting halls or Basilica. Like Jesus they were meant to reach out to those bound to sin and death by Satan’s cursed gospel (Gen. 3 v 4-7, Lk. 19 v 5-10) and set them free. The converted were specifically warned not to invite unrepentant, unbelievers into their midst but to expel them (Ezra 9 v 2-11, Acts 5 v 4-5. 1 Cor. 5 v 2).

When did things start going wrong? When ambitious men with their self-centred wisdom started preaching their preferred self-pleasing gospel to the lost to attract followers to themselves (Jude 7-19). They preach that when you die “you will become an immortal spiritual being like me and free to do whatever you like” (Gen. 3 v 4-6).

Luther established that to gain Christ’s life depended simply on having faith in his promise: “Come unto me all that are burdened and weary of life. Yoke yourselves to me for I am not a hard taskmaster but gentle and happy to be friends with the lowest person. Then your soul will be refreshed for those joined to me will find life is much easier.” Satan turned it into a political football.

Self-important ‘priests’ want to keep the glory and authority that belongs to Christ for themselves (Ezk. 28 v 4 v 7, Hos. 6 v 6-9, 7 v 10-16, Jn. 7 v 26-32, 12 v 9-19). They want God to serve and obey them (Prov. 5-11, Jas. 4 v 1-10). They use their version of His sacred ordinances of baptisms, Passover and Seventh Day worship to support their profane traditions (1 Chr. 13 v 7-10, 15v 15, Col. 2 v 8). They will be weighed and found wanting (Dan. 5 v 3-8, Rev. 2 v 5, 3 v 19-22).

The Apostles warned from the very beginning (Jude 3-4) that these carnal, existential humanist would take over the churches (Acts 20 v 28-30, 2 Pt. 2 v 1-10). Instead of establishing and building churches where there were none they let established churches die, sell of their buildings and use the money as if they belonged to them. When the Lord returns what do you think he will say to them (Mt. 19 v 45-46, 21 v 34-45, 24 v 48-51)?

The self-determined and pleasing churches that have rejected the Holy Spirit want God to revive their dying fortunes. The spirit they will raise is a false, theatrical one that does mesmerizing conjuring tricks instead of miracles of healing (Mt. 24 v 10-14, 23-27, Lk. 11 v 29-32). Their followers are like them: not he or she but Its (1 Tim. 4 v 1-8, 2 Tim. 3 v 1-13).

Like Satan, instead of setting people free to praise and worship their Saviour (Gal. 2 v 4), they divert and enslave them (Lk. 11 v 39-54, 19 v 42-48). Do not partake of their sin (Num. 16 v 1-4, 26, 31-35, 2 Cor. 6 v 16-18).

As at the time of Nehemiah only those churches whose repentance for the centuries of apostasy is very real with the purging of foreign worship will be accepted by the Father. Only those whose faith is based on Jesus’ blood bought righteousness can then be purged of their sin (Heb. 9 v 14-15, 22, Rev. 22 v 11-15).

The only spirit that the apostates will welcome is the Antichrist’s (1 Kg. 22 v 23-24, Jer. 14 v 9-17, Rom. 8 v 5-13, Rev. 1 v 20, 2 v 5, 7). In Revelation 1 v 20 Christ is about to judge the churches and their ruling spirits (Rev. 2 & 3). Only a few souls overcome the pressure from their party spirits to conform. Those who remain faithful to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are accepted by the Father in heaven. They will find that he treats them as sons of the Father.

Any intermediary between a believer and Christ (1 Sam. 8 v 7-18) is for self-centred people who do not want to commit their lives to Christ (Ex. 13 v 1, 1 Cor. 10 v 2-12). They reinforce Adam’s sin of seeking an alternative to the Father’s purpose.

Mankind’s forefather is the Almighty Father and we are made in the image of His visible image to be part of His family (Php. 2 v 5-11, Col. 1 v 12-23, 2 v 8-19, Heb. 2 v 10-15). Those who think they are descended from monkeys but can evolve into gods have become carnal animals.

Instead of the Holy Spirit cleansing them of sin (Eph. 4 v 11-16, 5 v 25-27, Heb. 4 v 9-16) they cover it with the help of sympathetic therapists (1 Cor. 3 v 1-3, 11-17, 2 Tim. 3 v 7). Their ‘leafy’ naturalism treats the surface symptoms but the spiritual problem is not solved (Gen. 3 v 7-8, Mt. 12 v 43-45).

Satan hates mankind and corrupts all God’s blessings with half-truths or lies that are presented as facts. The ‘tree’ of good and evil mixes good with evil. Such occult poison is deadly (Gen. 2 v 16-17). All the others trees give us joy if they are accepted with thanksgiving to the Lord who loves us (Gen. 2 v 9, 1 Tim. 6 v 17).

The doctrines of demons are designed to rob us of our God given joy and peace and create chaos (1 Tim. 4 v 1-5. 1 Jn. 4 v 1-4, 18-21). We can kill animals for food with God’s permission but not abuse and do whatever we like with God’s gifts (Gen. 9 v 10, 1 Sam.14 v 24, 32-35).

Nature worshipper believe we were originally primitive hunter-gatherers who in order to survive cut trees, collected vegetation and took the life of animals that belonged to Mother Nature. Some fear that treading on a beetle or climbing a mountain might anger the spirits who rule their physical life.

To pay them back they sacrificed spare human lives in special, natural surroundings. This pagan worship is behind the legalising of the killing of millions of living unborn babies and the desire to legalise the infanticide of new born babies. They cry “the good God is dead; the bad god lives” (Mt. 4 v 8-10).

Many trust in the god Gaia as Mother Nature or the Queen of the heaven’s and hope somehow she will recycle or reincarnate them (Gen. v 15-16). Under her tree or Ashtoreth pole she smiles on those who abandon themselves to her charms which present good as evil and evil as good.

This earth mother has been misappropriated by some ecclesiastics who claim their church on earth is as God’s Mother and through obedience to it the dying are reborn or recycled by her spirit of life. This is not what God’s Spirit does nor what Jesus and the Apostles taught (Jn. 14 v 15-26, 1 Cor. 2 v 12-16).

The Satanic trinity of the father, the son and the holy mother is derived from the man killer, Nimrod of Babylon. He sought to rule the world as its god. He died but his wife’s tears reincarnated his spirit as her baby son Ninus of Nineveh as the lord of the earth. As the incarnation of the spirit of rebirth (Gen. 3 v 13-15) and the bearer of a god-man, she is prayed to as god the mother at the hour of death for a good new incarnation.

As sons of Satan superior god-men believe they are reincarnated spirits and should rule the world (Lk. 4 v 5-8, Jn. 8 v 44, 11 v 48-50, 12 v 31). Hitler believed he was a godlike one (Gen. 3 v 5), had pre-existed and will return when the self-seeking world is ruled by sin and fear (Rev. 13 v 1-8).

He is dead but his deadly evil spirit that has fermented wars for centuries is still alive and kicking. It reappears, like her son, as the saviour of the world; as the hero of the bullfight. As Mithras he drinks the bull’s blood and like the Sun rises victorious over the death of night. Except like the Sun he has to do it again and again and again (Heb. 6 v 4-6).

The short sighted creed of the lord Baal, as promulgated by seductive women with immature men, is ‘live now and forget about paying for your sins until later’ (Num. 25 v 1-3, Rev. 2 v 14). The problem is that Satan is the god of hate: not love; eternal death; not eternal life (Is. 14 v 12-17, Jn. 12 v 31, 1 Jn. 3 v 10-19, 4 v 1-6).

When their new alternative saviour or Antichrist arrives they discover too late that they are the ones who will be sacrificed to maintain his rule. Their wasted, pointless lives end up in a hopeless state filled with remorse and self-hate (Lk. 16 v 22-29). Everything self-survivalist strive for is lost and their eternal bank account is empty (Lk. 12 v 19-28).

God is not dead (Gen. 6 v 12-13, Ps. 2). He has planted His law of love in the hearts of all (Jer. 31 v 33, Rom. 1 v 19) and His laws govern every inch of creation (Rom. 1 v 20-21). Those who love God and seek His will as His children are ‘clothed’ by Him and rescued by Him (Mt. 18 v 11-14, Lk. 19 v 10). Everything that happens to them He reworks for their good (Rom. 8 v 28, 37).

Those who harden their will against God’s words turn their hearts into stone. They come under the Law written on tablets of stone (Jn. 13 v 27, Acts 9 v 4-5, Heb. 3 v 7-19). They think pretending to obey the Law for the disobedient will save them (Gal. 3 v 10-12). They deny their hard heartedness so they remain self-conscience and bound by sin (Gen. 3 v 11-13).

As the King of Sodom and prosperity lovers (Mt. 17 v 25-26, Lk. 12 v 19-37); are ordered to pay tithes to God as an acknowledgment that He is their Lord and Satan is their enemy (Gen. 14 v 20-23, 1 Pt. 5 v 6-8). It did not make them God’s friends but reminded them they were not (Mt. 17 v 25-26).

Those who follow Satan’s doctrine of self-survival pay their god lots of money thinking it will annul their fear of death (Heb. 2 v 15). Like winning on a slot machine, the feel good feeling does not last. They use escapism to hide from God’s warnings about their perverse behaviour because they cannot change it. The hate and persecute those who preach Jesus’ Gospel of Salvation because they know they are sinful (Mt. 21 v 31-32).

Instead of part exchanging their sin and death conscious life for a new Christ-centred life self-centred survivalists defend themselves against the conviction of God’s Holy Spirit by trying to buy him off (Gen. 4 v 5). Giving must be motivated by a love for others not self (1 Jn. 4 v 10-21).

Their scholars study Classical Mythology with its sinful gods as if it made them wise (1 Cor. 3 v 18-21). They then study the Bible with its exposure of sin as if it is mythological. Their too obvious abuses are obscured by miss-translations.

There can be no revival until believers throw out their foreign alliances and put all their trust in Jesus to save them (Neh. 13 v 23-28). The hard hearted, who think Christianity without a commitment to Christ frees them from the curse of the Law, do not know anything about the Old Covenant or the New Covenant. They both hinge on God’s promise to Abraham (Gal. 3 v 23-29).

Repentance must start with people responding to God’s calling (Gen. 3 v 8-9, Neh. 8 v 1-9, 1 Pt. 4 v 15-18). The test of their sincerity is their desire for the beauty of God’s words.

Only God’s way is always right: when man’s ways are based on His ways they work. Those who seek alternatives to God’s ways find they do not work and they suffer loss (Is. 53 v 6, 55 v 8-9). Trial and error should lead to truth. Only fools carry on doing what they know is bad.

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps. 34 v 8-9) and His mercy and love are pour out upon those who turn from their self-centred ways and seek His face (Lk. 12 v 19-34). The Father shall reward the faithful with a gift of faith that makes them eternally secure (Heb. 6 v 13-20, 11 v 6).

The people who became friends of God give us a clue of how it works. First you are released from your fear of death then your bondage to Satan (Rom. 6, Heb. 2 v 14-15). Next you must make a covenant with Jesus Christ (Mt. 12 v 43-45, Rom. 8) ‘until death do us part’ (Gen. 2 v 17). A covenant unto death is confirmed with a shedding of life-blood. If you break that covenant you must die (Gen. 2 v 16-17, Mt. 12 v 30-32, 1 Jn. 1 v 9, 5 v 16).

It is based on that the eternal covenant that Father cut with Abraham (Gal. 3 v 6-18, 27-29, Heb. 6 v 11-20). God put Abraham to sleep and Jesus walked through to die for his sin and the sin of all who also enter His covenant by faith (Jn. 1 v 29).

Jesus is our eternal intercessor (Heb. 7 v 24-25, 9 v 15-28). If you have faith in God’s promised new Adam (Gen. 3 v 15. Job 19 v 25-27) you are free to dwell in His Father’s house forever (Heb. 11 v 4-6).

He suffered for your sins against yourself and others (Is. 53 v 4-5, 10-12, Is. 59) and died physically for your sin against the Father’s love. He has abolished your sin unto death (Mt. 12 v 30-32, 1 Jn. 1 v 9, 5 v 16-19, 2 Tim. 1 v 7-10).

Jesus commanded his Church to allow him to daily cleanse their life on earth (Jn. 13 v 814) and to remember to (1 Cor. 5 v 5-8, 11 v 23) renewing their covenant every year at Passover (Lk. 22 v 19). The following Feast of Unleavened Bread is a time of throwing out any puffed up human teaching that had contaminated his Church.

Baptismal vows should also to be renewed. In some congregation all are asked; “Do you renounce Satan and all his works and pomps?” Those who do not renew the new covenant with God’s Saviour at Passover as Jesus commanded but turn it into a self-conscious sacrament are judged (1 Cor. 11 v 25-32).

Those who do not accept God’s grace and try to establish their own righteousness according to their codes are automatically disobeying His codes (Gal. 3 v 22). Only people who truly repent for their deviations from Christ’s words are covered by Christ death.

This dedication to God’s new covenant (Mt. 26 v 27-29) will be fulfilled or finalised on the day that it is drunk with Jesus at the wedding feast in the Father’s kingdom. It is a marriage covenant that is sealed not with a ring but by the Spirit of God (Eph. 1 v 12-23).

What God has accepted with an oath no one can undo (Heb. 6 v 13-20). As two in an unbreakable friendship you walk and talk together, give gifts, risk your life for, offend and forgave: it is called a love relationship. It celebrates the giving up of his human life and my giving up of my human life (Rom. 6 v 1-14, 12 v 1-3) so I might rise with his eternal life (Rom. 10 v 1-13).

Love without works is dead (1 Cor. 13 v 3-12, Jas. 2 v 20-26). Celebrating the Lord’s birth at Tabernacles (Lk. 3 v 23) instead of Baal’s at the winter solstice would also be a good idea.

Next they must rest and do nothing (Rom. 8 v 4-17) until they receive God’s seal of approval (Lk. 24 v 45-49). Self-motivated zeal is the reverse of representing Jesus on earth (Acts 9 v 1-6). They must demonstrate his authority over his enemies as he is the only one who can safely bear the glory.

Those who put their trust in Jesus must open their humbled hearts to his gift of the new life of his Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3 v 16. They will then find the difficulties are just part of this great adventure (Rom. 8 v 26-39, Eph. 1: single-minded oneness).

This temporal life is the Holy Spirit’s schooling for the next (1 Cor. 10 v 5-22, Heb. 4 v 11-16). Every day the Lord’s Holy Spirit warns the self-excused that they need to repent (Gen. 4 v 6-7, 1 Sam. 15 v 22-26, Jn. 16 v 7-11, Rom. 10 v 21). Every day lying spirits lay snares to lure the simple minded into their net (Prov. 1 v 7-33, 3 v 5-18, Mt. 12 v 31-33).

Those who reject God’s purpose and bunk His schooling automatically lose His provision and protection. They find their life becomes a pointless struggle to survive against the evolving ills in Nature that eventually kill them.

Your earthly body will die. You will not then metamorphose into an angel with wings (Job. 19 v 25-27). Without a body you will be immobilised (Lk. 16 v 22-26). Jesus had to descend into that state of Death to redeem the souls who repented before they died (Rom. 5v 19-21, 6 v 6-18, 8 v 1-13, 1 Cor. 15 v 32-35, 47-54).

He separated himself from the Spirit of Life’s power but he retained his authority as the Lord of all creation (Php. 2 v 3-11). His humanity suffered death but he did not suffer in death (Lk. 16 v 25, 31, Jn. 19 v 30, Acts 2 v 26-27): he conquered it (Job 19 v 25-27, Rom. 8 v 33-39, 1 Pt. 3 v 19).

He did not save the fallen angels who committed the unforgiveable sin (Mt. 12 v 31-32, 1 Pt. 3 v 18-22, Jude 6, Rev. 20 v 10). They were not made in his image but as powerful servants as an extension of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 1 v 7-8).

His sacrifice has redeemed all Adam’s descendants from their sin loving nature so innocent babes, infants and all who have not then rejected God’s promised redeemer are saved (Lk. 18 v 15-16). Those who then mature and repeat Adam’s sin of rejecting His will must repent before death takes them (Lk. 16 v 24-31). There is no second chance after death for those who reject such a great and generous salvation (1 Cor. 10 v 2-14, Heb. 2 v 3, 3 v 15-19).

Only those who repent and cry to God to save them before or even as they die (Lk. 23 v 38-43) will be redeemed by His promised Saviour and gain a heavenly body like his (Gen. 2 v 20-24). Without repentance there can be no remission of sin (Mk. 1 v 4, Acts 2 v 38).

Many who respond to altar-calls and are even baptised but when tested they turn back to their hopeless, self-centred, temporal life (Ex. 32 v 9-10, 2 Pt. 2 v 21-22). They are not sealed (Acts 2 v 38-40, 19 v 2-7). They might still be saved but only if they humbly ask God for forgiveness before they die (Ezk. 18 v 23-28,).

Only the personal submission of the god-fearing to a new life in Christ Jesus (Acts 2 v 37-40, 10 v 42-44) and the receiving of the gift of his life by his Holy Spirit’s ‘breath’ (Eph. 1 v 4-11, Col. 2 v 3-17) will assure them of salvation (Php. 3 v 7-21, Heb. 9 v 14, 11 v 1-2, 6) with eternal rewards.

Those committed to Jesus through ‘Baptism in the Name of Jesus’ and filled with His life (Jn. 14 v 23 v 23-27) are called the ‘Bride of Christ’. The baptised (Acts 19 v 2-7) who retain their independent life are invited to her wedding but they are not yet betrothed or committed to Christ (Mt. 25 v 1, Eph. 1 v 11 v-14).

They are called the friends of the Bride. Half of them will wake up to the truth too late (Zech. 4 v 11-14, Mt. 25 v 8, Lk. 13 v 24-27, 16 v 31). They do not know the Bridegroom personally and he does not know them (Mt. 25 v 10-12).

The infinite Father-God created every finite thing via His finite, tangible person through the infinite power of His omnipresent Spirit purely out of His desire to have finite children to share in the love that unifies His nature.

Clearly they would need to love Him in return so first He gave His created children their own independent, temporal realm in which they are free to choose to love Him before they can be reborn as His eternal children.

Descendants of the old Adam are drawn close to the New Adam by his great love until they become one with his mind and purpose (Mt. 26 v 39, Jn. 3 v 16, 17 v 21-26). They are married into the Almighty and Holy Father’s family (Jn. 14 v 6-10, 16-26, Heb. 9 v 14-15, 25-28).

They will not be swallowed by their Father as pagans believe nor be blended with and lost in His infinite nature as mystics believe. The oneness that God promises is based on having the same nature as Christ (Gen. 1 v 27, 2 v 18 v 21-24, Eph. 5 v 22-27).

The Father’s children that are born of Jesus’ resurrection body will be his soulmates forever. There is only one Lord and one Bride (1 Cor. 2 v 5-14, 3 v 21, Eph. 4 v 4-6, 5 v 25-32).

Now you know why Satan undermines, trivialises and wants to annul God’s blessing of love and marriage as the secure foundation for children and the stability of society. At the same time every effort is made to support and legitimise every other sexual union including marriage with an animal. The horror is that many Christian denominations have accepted it.

You may argue ‘how can such a finite and flawed creature like us ever feel comfortable with idea of being at home in the presence of a perfect and almighty God’ (Rev. 1 v 5-18)? He is frightening to those who defy Him but those whom He has accepted and justified (Heb. 6 v 13-20) are ordered to have no fear but come quickly and shelter under His wings (Ps. 91 v 1-14, Mt. 23 v 37-39, Heb. 12 v 18-29).

Just one sip of His love and the fears evaporate; two sips and the doubts are blown to kingdom-come (Ps. 34 v 4-8). He is the only person who is great enough to love each unique individual person. The oneness that our nature craves, that is never fully realised on earth, is at last satisfied (Rev. 21 v 1-7).

Satan has destroys love, joy, peace and unity through the doctrine of self-centred survival. Everyone who favours Darwin’s racist theory on “The Favoured Races in the Struggle For Life” (Rom. 13 v 13, 1 Cor. 3 v 3) also know that it is divisive and seeded World War 1 & 11. People become bitter because the justice and happiness that the selfish crave annuls love.

Darwin’s ideas were based on Aristotle’s spirit inspired theories that Galileo proved were wrong. Those who believe the universe was made by the Greek god Chaos also know that it is not supported by their observations. They dabble in metaphysical make-believe instead of accepting that their theory is wrong.

They know all about the Greek god’s and name their rockets and discoveries after them and look for occult codes to decipher the future but are ignorant of the warnings and clues in God’s truth (Jer. 11 v 14).

Self-determined survivalists know their death fearing life is subject to the god of death (Heb. 2 v 15) and their bodies are predestined to die yet they curse God’s Spirit and hate the name of Jesus. Many wait until their proud life is expiring before they call on God to have mercy on them. This is very risky because those who tolerate and excuse their miserable ways become enslaved by them (Jer. 14 v 7-22, 15 v 1-7).

The Bible is seen by the unrepentant as the acts of a vengeful God (Mt. 25 v 41-46). In reality it is a record of His understanding, mercy, forgiveness and provision (Is. 40 v 3-11). He granted His chosen nation a holy-day once a week. He does everything in His power to warn and save all but love cannot be coercive.

Those who reject His love choose to be their own self-saving providers. They have no rest even on their rest days. Imagine living in ‘Big Brothers’ hopeless kingdom for ever? Even on earth it offers no hope, enforced labour and taxes that shackle their self-saving efforts.

Nineveh repented which means they knew that their behaviour was very wrong (Jonah 3 v 5-10). The unrepentant who are determined not to change stop their ears (Acts 7 v 51-58). They sear their consciences (Rom. 1 v 19) harden their hearts and try to bury the truth (Ps. 2). The God’s Holy Spirit exposes them (Jn. 16 v 7-11) so they want to silence and kill those sent by him to warn them of their peril.

God guarantees freedom for His children who believe in His words. They are meant to show the lost how wonderful it is to be His children (1 Pt. 1 v 13-25). Instead Apostates believe, fear and obey Satan’s ideas and annul God’s (Mt. 7 v 21-23, Lk. 12 v 5). They abuse His patience and love.

They do not like His words and warnings of imminent judgement (Mt. 24 v 8-12) so they simply rework them (1 Kg. 22 v 7-23, Rev. 21 v 8). They think He will tolerate their compromises with the truth.

Like Pharaoh they lose God’s protection (2 Thess. 2 v 3-12) and bring down self destruction onto their own heads. The evil god’s they trust in are shown to be powerless to save them (Ex. 12 v 12, 1 Kg. 18 v 26-40).

The gradual increase in the severity of judgements is designed to encourage repentance but the proud just harden their hearts against God’s words (Ex. 10 v 28, 2 Kg. 1 v 13-16). Financial disasters, climate catastrophes, famines, insect plagues, pandemics, droughts and floods, earthquakes, peace replaced with war, business failures, family losses, travel disruption, cancers, burning fevers, joint pains, mental disorders, adultery and being owned by foreigners shall befall those who think they know better than God (Deut. 28 v 15-48). This is not a just-so story that God made up: we are in the middle of it.

Those who seek to be self-pleasing (Gen. 3 v 5-6) are on a road to self-destruction unless God puts up a road block (Jonah 3 v 1-5, 4 v 9-11). The ones who curse God for obstructing their wilful behaviour and deliberately trample on the red flags and tear down the barriers are fools (Rom. 1 v 15-32).

If they were just blind He would open their eyes (Rev. 3 v 17-19) but because they knowingly reject His teaching they have no hope of being save from eternal destitution (Mt. 12 v 31-37). What more could Jesus do?

If you are self-centred and use your free will to choose an alternative spirit’s way to bye-pass death (Gen. 3 v 4-6) you will be ruled by a demon and hopelessly bound by sin (Rom.7). Your guilt and fear of judgement will make you hide from the love of Father-God who rent His being to save you.

All of us are individuals with differing ambitions but all also have the inbuilt desire for an eternal oneness with another compatible person. Yet we also have a desire to remain self-determined and not tied to the wishes of another. Only finding a love that is too wonderful for words can make it work.

This world is full of people who offer to sell you happiness that is just a temporal distraction. One fix does not last so you pay more until you are utterly miserable. Sin is addictive (Rom. 7 v 21-25).

The world’s counterfeits do not satisfy the longings that God has put in our hearts: diets based on delicious food; dream holidays that become stale; new possessions that disappoint; money that you fear losing; painted beauty that fades; bought love that turns to hate. Nothing in this temporal, flawed, entopic world lasts.

The worst of all? Sham religion that is stagnant and offers spiritual life based on unreality (2 Tim. 1 v 7, 3 v 5). It disappoints and turns to ashes in the mouth (Gen. 3 v 14). Those joined to it turn a blind eye to its falsehoods.

Only the Bible in its original languages is untainted by foreign life (Mt. 16 v 6-12). Jesus cried out to those who sought relief through religion: ” I am the source of your life. The things you live off will never last ……. Only my spiritual life can sustain you forever” (Jn. 6 v 48-49, 62-63).

The worldly churches do not want a return to seeking God’s will and word. They want a revival to boost their popularity (Rev. 13 v 4-18). They offer the alpha but cannot do not the omega (Rev. 22 v 10-19). The bread of life they offer is a placebo that makes static, death fearing people feel better about their insecure, self-controlled, dying life (1 Cor. 5 v 6-8, 11 v 23).

Hypocritical, self-justified Christians will inherit death instead of God’s life. The coming revival will not save them; it will destroy them (Rev, 2 & 3). “You adulterers and adulteresses why don’t you know that friendship with the lustful world makes you an enemy of God” (Ezra 4 v 2-5, Jas. 4 v 4-5). Don’t you know grapes do not grow on briers (Mt. 7 v 15-24, Lk. 8 v 7)? Whoever seeks to please the worldly will become entwined and be burnt with them (Mt. 13 v 30).

The writing is not on the wall but blazed across every headline: the Jews are back in their land (Lk. 21 v 24, 29-36). The ‘fig tree’ has blossomed (Mt. 21 v 18-19, Rom. 11 v 25-29). Those cut off from vine have withered (Jn. 15 v 5-6) but the ignorant act as if nothing has changed (Mt. 24 v 32-44).

The god’s of men seduce and entrap the guilty then use spiritual blackmail to make them serve and sustain their doomed realm. The Great Harlot that Jesus destroys on his return to the earth is man’s alternative to Christ (Rev. 19 v 1-7). She sells people a short term alternative to a personal relationship with Jesus.

Satan is as self-propelled rocket or star. It was not, is for a while then ends up in God’s rubbish dump (Is. 14 v 12-17, Lk. 10 v 17-22). Those who are joined and stay enslaved to it will end up with it and hate it and themselves.

Adam was a temple of God’s Holy Spirit until he sinned against him (Gen. 2 v 17, 1 Cor. 3 v 16-17). All who repent and submit to the Fathers purpose again before they die will be redeemed but the cost to His love was horrendous.

Jesus proved his love for lost souls when he did not defend himself but surrendered his human life and will to his Father’s will. As a result if you surrender your love of your futile life to him you will gain his love relationship with his Father (Jn. 17 v 21-26).

Jesus is the tangible person of, or the temple of, the Father’s Holy Spirit. In obedience he dismissed his Spirit and became as sin in our place. His soul was carried by angels to experience our state of being cut off from God’s perfect and holy person. He joined those who trusted in and waited in hope for God’s promised redeemer.

As on earth, just by his presence, the King of kings took authority over death (Lk. 10 v 17-22, Jn. 11 v 41-44, Heb. 2 v 15, 1 Pt. 3 v 18-22) and annulled Satan’s power (2 Tim. 1 v 7-10). His victory parade of honour was astounding: he took the resting place that was called Abrahams bosom (Lk. 16 v 22) with him (Eph. 4 v 8) so dead believers now rest in is presence.

He also was free to give the gift of his omnipresent Holy Spirit to his followers on earth so they also could experience his presence and have a personal relationship with him (Jn. 16 v 7-16). His most Holy Spirit indwells their hearts to cleanse them of all unrighteousness (Mt. 23 v 26, Acts. 10 v 15, Rom. 8 v 1, 13-14, 1 Jn. 1 v 7-10) and conform them to his image (Php. 1 v 2-6, 2 v 12-16, 3 v 7-16).

Jesus’ called out ones were ordered not to start until they were cleansed with fire and commissioned by the Father by being endued with power (Lk. 24 v 49). Wherever they preach He could then confirm they were His children, preaching His message by doing wonders (Mk. 16 v 15-18).

The word of God shone in the darkness and overcame the power death had over the repentant who wished to return to serve the Father’s will (Jn. 1 v 1-14). Those who return to the provision, love and plan of the infinite Father God are only happy when they are close to His finite person through whom He made all His finite creation (Col. 1 v 12-22).

What more could Jesus do to save all who realise their selfish God defying behaviour is evil? We just get a glimpse of that love as it were through a smoky window into heaven (Lk. 24 v 25-32, 44-53). Only when we get to heaven will we be bowled over by the fullness of true love.

The self-centred see God’s words as a mirror as if it is all about them doing things to prove they are right and God is wrong and not listening (1 Jn. 1 v 9). They are fools for they also see behind them a failing world that is full of fear (Ps. 14 v 1-4, Rom. 1 v 18-32).

John the Baptiser led one of the great revivals. All knew the Messiah was due so thousands came to him for baptism (Lk. 20 v 4-6). They wanted God to make them world rulers (Acts 1 v 4-6). When those same people realised he came to draw people to his kingdom in heaven they rejected him.

Pilot wanted to release him as he saw he was no threat to Rome so he offered them a choice. They shouted release the murderer and hang Jesus (Mt. 27 v 11-18, 37-42, Jn. 18 v 33-38, 19 v 14-15). They put an innocent man to death crying “His blood be on us and our children”.

Those with self-saving ideologies and religions are only united against Him. They are dead men walking. Satan’s anti-Christ, kingdom that they seek to build is entropic (Is. 14 v 14-17). It had a chaotic start and will have a chaotic end (2 Pt. 3 v 4-10).

Only the God-centred can ever be unite in love. Those who do not rest from their self-righteous attempts to prove him wrong (1 Jn. 1 v 9) will never entered into his complete work of redemption (Heb. 4 v 1-16). Without Christ’s mind they conjure up their own version of god (Ex. 32 v 22-24, Mt. 13 v 10-17) and mask what they cannot do by altering his words to suit (Acts 2 v 37-40, 19 v 3-6).

He told them to teach all about baptism in the name of the Father, and also (kia) in the name of the Son, and also in the Holy Spirit (Mt. 28 v 18-20): fire, water and the refiners wind (Mt. 3 v 11). The repentant must submit themselves to Jesus and be baptism in water (Jn. 1 v 26) but only the Father’s Holy Spirit can give them a new life and separate the chaff from the wheat. His fire finally burns up the rubbish (Php. 1 v 5-6, 3 v 7-15).

There is a final ‘Revival’. This last warning (Ezk. 39 v 13, 21) fills all with a fear of God’s judgement for their sin against Him. He will then anoint His true believers to preach His words throughout the world for 3 ½ years which will be confirmed with wonders (Jn. 3 v 2). It is cut short before it fades (Rom. 9 v 28-33). The Apostles who turned the world upside down (Acts 17 v 6) found the truth was undone by self-important heretics in their own lifetime (2 Tim. 4 v 1-4, 2 Pt. 1 & 2). The vain hate those who believe God’s warnings and promises because they prove they are fools (Gen. 4 v 4-5, 1 Kg. 22 v 24-25, Ps. 2, Ps. 14).

At the end of this period of grace-before-judgement the glorified Gentile Church (Eph. 5 v 27-32, Rev. 7 v 9-14) is taken up to heaven (1 Cor. 15 v 22-26, 1 Thess. 2 Thess. 2 v 2 v 1-12) and Satan’s 7 year reign as the undisputed lord of all the earth starts (Mt. 4 v 9-11, Rev. 12 v 9-12). 144,000 anointed Jewish believers (Rev. 7 v 3-8) replace the Church as God’s witness on earth.

All the warning signs He said will precede it have happened or are overdue (Ezk. 39 v 6-13, Mt. 24 v 11-14). The problem is people do not want to give up their independent life based on Satan’s ‘mouse-trap’ promise (Gen. 3 v 4-6) for one that is joined to God’s life based on His promise of freedom and love.

Those who want to be their own god and do what feels good to them believe a lie (Rom. 1 v 18-32). God has given them free will so they do things that they know are wrong because they know He will not stop them. They choose hopeless self-survival instead of God’s love, joy and peace that exceeds their illusory dreams (Prv. 3 v 5-12, Php. 4 v 6-7).

Wakeup! I come quickly to reward everyone according to their response. I am the whole point of why you and this world exist. Those who are washed of sin by returning to me as the ‘tree’ of life may dwell in my kingdom as lords. The self-pleasing who are corrupt and turn truth into a lie will be shut out. I Jesus have sent my messenger to confirm these things to the churches” (Rev. 22 v 12-16).
