Seated with Christ in Heavenly Places (Eph. 1 v 20-23, 2 v 6-10).

Image of a royal wedding on the website, Beauty for Ashes

Humans do not exist in the material world, nor the spiritual, but as a soul, in their mind. Each has a physical life and a spiritual life: they are not satisfied with physical food alone (Mt. 4 v 4, 1 Cor. 10 v 3-4). They are aware of the dangers to their physical life but spiritually they are naive and vulnerable.

Originally man’s relationship with God’s in-breathed Spirit was central to His existence (Gen. 2 v 9, Rev. 2 v 7). This gave him access to God’s help and advice. The purpose of his existence was to love, know, learn from and obey God as his Father. His future position is as that of Jesus: the intermediary between the infinite Father and His finite creations (Col. 1 v 12-22, 2 v 6-17).

The first man called Adam was warned that if he decided God’s words were false and fed off other sources of wisdom as if true he would automatically be cut off from God’s holy, uncontaminated life forever (Mt. 12 v 31-34, Jn. 8 v 38).

God’s physical presence then withdrew. Only when separated from God’s kingdom (Jn. 18 v 36, Col. 1 v 13-19, 2 Tim. 4 v 18) in their own independent domain are people free to choose to love, honour and obey based solely on faith in Him and His words. He does not interfere until He is asked to (Mt. 7 v 7, 9 v 27-29, 13 v 24-30) or when people do whatever they like and the chaos becomes catastrophic (Gen. 6 v 10-18, 11 v 6-8).

Without an act of faith in His promises it is impossible to please God (Lk. 16 v 29-31, Jn. 8 v 32-47, 12 v 9-11, 37, Rom. 9 v 8-13, Jas. 1 v 2-7). Faith is not based on proof but proof follows faith (Heb. 11 v 1-6). The kingdom of God does not appear before you: it appears as it is manifested from within you (Lk. 17 v 20-21, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-16).

Adam was given authority over creation (Lk. 8 v 24-25) but no power so God made an invisible host of powerful servants in various ranks to aid and protect His children (Deut. 28 v 1-14, 2 Kg. 19 v 20, 33-35, Mt. 26 v 53-54). Without faith in God’s power self-sustained kingdoms run down, lose control and taken over by invaders (Deut. 28 v 15-68, 2 Chr. 30 to 36).

Our independent life on earth is not inherently wicked but swings from good to evil depending on whether we love and accept our Father’s purpose. If we love and seek to establish our own kingdom on earth (1 Jn. 2 v 12-17) our whole environment becomes ruled by death. Our cosmos is entropic. This is a scientific fact that godless hide from at their peril. The Sun shrinks 0.1 % every 100 years. If it was lit 1,000,000 years ago the earth would have evaporated.

There is a third kingdom that seeks to defeat the Father’s plan. It’s lord uses seduction and lies to lure the simple away from God’s purpose. It uses fear to make them serve It’s purpose which is to take over God’s creation as its king (Is. 14 v 12-19, Mt. 4 v 8-10).

We are given the choice: be guided by God’s Tree of Life and Love as one of His children or do the opposite and serve the lord who hates and rules by fear. Its seductive Tree of Good and Evil (Gen. 3 v 6) makes evil seem good so good is replaced with evil (Is. 5 v 20-24, Lk. 22 v 3-6).

Satan’s kingdom is based on Darwin’s pyramidal food chain which is unsustainable. Death and the fear of death invade everything (Rom. 8 v 20-23, Rev. 6 v 2-17). Survival of the fittest becomes very evil and at the same time hopeless and futile. A life sustained by God’s power is fear free (Is. 65 v 14-25). He can replace evil with good.

Governments that seek to establish their godless kingdoms are automatically invaded and taken over by Satan. Potential sons of God are drained of strength and free will. They are reduced to a numbered, disposable item as with death camps and algorithms (Rev. 9 v 20-21, 14 v 10-12). Artificial intelligence is artificial. It gives the answers its programmers want. It justifies annulling the individual’s free will will walk from a dream world passively into Satan’s abattoir.

Within 40 days of being free to choose (Num. 14 v 34-37, Lk. 4 v 1-4) Adam decided to please himself and do whatever he though was good so he accepted the guidance of the lying, anti-God spirit called Satan. Satan’s gospel is: “You can change God’s words into whatever you think is good for you. If you do what you think is good you will not die but become an immortal” (Gen. 3 v 4-5: but in his bankrupt kingdom).

This most powerful, god-like, overseeing or covering spirit (Ezk. 28 v 12-19) thought it should rule over God’s creation. When it saw Adam it refused to serve such a pathetic being as a man (Heb. 1 v 14, 2 v 8).  It rebelled, set up its own kingdom and persuaded one third of the angelic host to join it (Rev. 12 v 3-4). In getting the first man bow to its authority all of mankind lost their God given independence: God’s plan for Adam was defeated and Satan seemingly became undefeatable.

Those who pursue their own plan become incompatible with God’s. They need to repent for only God the Father is rich enough to support them in His home for an extravagant eternity (Jn. 14 v 1-3). Even life on earth can only flourish under God’s protection and law of love (Deut. 29 v 9, 19-26, Lk. 10 v 25-37, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-10). From birth people depend on the love and support of others.

Today men live pointless lives in a hopeless realm in which they try to save their lives and fail. The idea of being free to be me as my own god is to the cost of others. Love is replaced by disorder and the fear of death reigns. The self-justified and glorified do not regenerate life but generate death and evil. The world is now poised on the brink of atomic self-annihilation. Not even Satan wants creation to descend into a lake of fire.

People who are not centred on seeking God’s ways but on following Satan’s self-justifying gospel (Mt. 7 v 20-29) are not going to become supermen (Gen. 3 v 4-5). To survive they have to compromise between being good or bad. They hide their sins and weaknesses under a facade of good works (Gen. 3 v 11-13, Mt. 23 v 28-35, Jn. 9 v 16-34). They boast of saving the climate and ecology that they are polluting.

However God’s plan included the defeat of Satan (Eph. 1 v 4, 1 Pt. 1 v 18-21). A new man would be born descended from Adam’s God breathed life from before he sinned (Heb. 2 v 14-18). God’s promised new man would fulfil the Holy Spirit’s tests of holiness (Gen. 3 v 14-15, Lk. 4 v 1, 13, 22 v 53, Jn. 10 v 17-18). From the day Satan launched its foolproof plan to rob God of His creation (Is. 14 v 12-15) it was predestined to fail (Lk. 10 v 17-22). There is no liable alternative to God’s eternal, love powered purpose.

God’s new second Adam was conceived by a virgin through God’s breath of life (Gen. 2 v 7, Lk. 1 v 26-35). 1 Timothy 2 v 12-15 should read: Woman was formed from Adam before he sinned. He was not deceived but she was. She shared in her husband’s death (Gen. 3 v 6-7) but nevertheless she passed on Adam’s pre-fall life (directly from woman to woman to Mary: Lk. 1 v 35-56) through her still God-related nucleus of life (Gen. 3 v 20, Rev. 12 v 4-5). So women should rest securely in God’s love and faith with an untroubled mind. Women are saved by faith in the new man born by a woman (Heb. 1 v 6, 2 v 6-18, 5 v 7); not by childbearing in general.

This Saviour named Jesus was fully human and fully related to the Father (Php. 2 v 5-16). In the very act of illegally taking authority over the life of God’s new, sinless man (Lk. 4 v 5-8) Satan’s authority was crushed (2 Cor. 5 v 19-21)! It assumed that Jesus as sinless man could not suffer God’s judgement of death (Gen. 2 v 17, Mt. 27 v 40). It was impossible to imagine that God’s visible person, even as the Son of Man, could ever be separated from his Holy Spirit and his Father (1 Cor. 2 v 8).

The Father so loved the lost that He sent Jesus to die as a human for our sin in our place (Gen. 15 v 12-17, 22 v 15-18, Heb. 6 v 12-20). When the godless life all humans have inherited from the first Adam dies those promised in ‘marriage’ to Christ (Eph. 1 v 13-23) will be joined to his Father’s life (Acts 2 v 36-40, Rom. 5 v 17-21 to 7 v 4, Col. 2 v 2-19).

All who are sorry for their sin and want to turn back the Father’s provision and to accept and obey His words as true (Mt. 6 v 9-32) before they die, can be saved by making a covenant to love, honour and obey God’s second Adam (Gal. 3 v 13-18, Heb. 6 v 11-20). Those who do not will not be forgiven (1 Jn. 5 v 16).

Uncommitted Christians (Jas. 1 v 5-8, 4 v 4-12) have one foot on the rescue boat and the other foot still stuck on the sinking ship which contains their treasures (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Joel 3 v 14, Lk. 12 v 31-34, 18 v 24, 28-30, 1 Tim. 6 v 7). Their self-excusing religions try to appease both God and Satan (Rev. 2 & 3).

Despite Satan’s delaying tactics the Father’s plan to have many sons born with His life is nearly finished (Col. 2 v Heb. 2 v 10-15, 10 v 12-22). His perfect number of born again children will be harvested at the end of the times of the Gentiles (Lk. 21 v 24, 34-36, Rom. 11 v 22-32, 1 Thess. 3 v 11-13, 4 v 13-18). The earth will then be judged and not one supporter of Satan’s kingdom will survive. The redeemed will then reign with Christ on Earth as the lords of creation for a thousand years (Rom. 8 v 18-34).

During the millennium reign of Christ the world destroyer called Apollyon (Is. 14 v 12-21) is chained. Christ’s presence and intervention on earth remove a person’s freedom to choose between being one with His heart, will and acts or to rebel and defy him so at its end there is a final test (Heb. 4 v 1-6, Rev. 20 v 7-15).

God’s law is very simple: love the Lord your God and love others as you are loved (Lk. 17 v 3-4, 1 Jh. 2 v 14-17). The self-centred, who love their temporal life, want to be their own god and be free to do whatever they like. They accept Satan’s advice (1 Sam. 15 v 21-23, 16 v 14-15, 1 Kg. 22 v 18-25), identify with its’s will and become called children of the devil (Mt. 16 v 22-23, 23 v 13-15, Jn. 8 v 44-47, Acts 13 v 10).

They are not free but become hosts to spiritual parasites (Mt. 8 v 28-31) whose freedom depends on making them support their anti-Christ will (Rom. 1 v 22-32, 7 v 19-25). The self-elevated do not become gods but slaves to degradation (Mt. 7 v 16-20).

All the terrible acts of evil are engendered by Satan but most are instigated and carried out on earth by men (Jas. 1 v 13-15). They present evil and deceit as good (Mt. 23 v 27-28). As a result the world is crippled by self-consuming sin and illnesses.

Adam originally had no consciousness of sin and death (Gen. 2 v 25) so trying to be good proves you are not good. Trying to survive means you know one day you will die. The lost like Schopenhauer who look for answers to their lost state by examining their lost state will be trapped in it forever.

The idea that humans evolved by magic from lower species is metaphysical nonsense. Survival of the fittest does not promote the best but the most aggressive. It does not result in self-perfection but encourages evil people to suppress and destroy all life. As seen with the dinosaurs, Darwin’s top heavy, pyramidal food chain is heading for world war 3 and the mass extinction of all the advanced species.

All who worship nature as their maker waste their futile lives trying to stop it killing them. Climate savers, meteor deflectors, food and fuel concerns, health industries, life on other planets that are unreachable, economies based on ever increasing demand; define a people who have lost their raison d’etre. The dying find the riches they invested their lives in, that could have been invested for eternal rewards (Mt. 6 v 19-24, Lk. 12 v 19-31, 18 v 22-27) will be lost forever.

Everyone recognises that the young and weak should be governed by God’s law of love but the fear for self-survival is imposed upon them in the classroom. They are freely introduced to every form of evil through their personal electronic blinkers but the fact that only God is good is censored (Jas. 1 v 17-26).

He is the only judge of what is true. Any compromising over what He says is good is a persuasion of Satan to remove you from God’s protection (Gen. 35 v 1-5, 2 Sam. 8 v 16, Ezra 8 v 21-23, Mt. 4 v 10) and earn you His chastisement (Heb. 12 v 5-11, Rev. 2 & 3).

Today the world is blinded to the fact that it is threatened by corrupted institutions, droughts and floods, financial instability, plagues and epidemics, earth quakes and volcanism, fuel crisis, air and water pollution Christian countries financed and ruled by foreign powers and strange gods as warned in Deuteronomy 28.

Over 27 wars are ravaging countries and displacing millions; all because the Maker’s handbook has been replaced with the ideas of metaphysical dreamers (Deut. 28). The Bible warnings and prophecies are based on knowledge (Heb. 11 v 10); man predictions are the guesses, based on past mistakes and pessimism, of those who rewrite history to hide unpalatable truths.

God’s Holy Spirit exposes any sin in a person’s heart to cleanse it (Jn. 16 v 7-11, Acts 5 v 3-4, 9 v 1-6, Jas. 4 v 6 v 12, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). The self-justified hide their sin from God so they are not released from the consequences of their sin (Deut. 28 v 15-48, 1 Kg. 18 v 24-40, Jer. 44 v 15-27). They pretend to live in the light but they are ruled by fear and walk in darkness.

Only those who accept the life of God’s sinless second Adam by faith before their self-centred nature dies can be judged as righteous again (1 Cor. 15 v 47-57). They return to their Father-God’s original commandment of only trusting in Him for help and advice (Job 42 v 3-6, Jn. 14 v 6-17, Rom. 8 v 26-39).

Without Him I am unhappy and buffeted by every wind that blows away the unreal world that I weave to shield me (Gen. 3 v 8-10, Eph. 4 v 14). My dream or virtual reality is shattered by the limits of human ability. The State that is meant to protect the innocent from the godless is manipulated by the godless to make the State support them (Jn. 9 v 20-34, 12 v 9-11, 19 v 4-8). My hopes are crushed by the reality that life is full of losses, sickness, tragedy and death. Oh wretched man! Who will save me from this pointless life of turmoil?

The letter to the Hebrews talks about us as being schooled to be co-rulers with Christ over all Our Father’s creation (Heb. 2 v 10-18) in order to enter into the finished work of Christ and learn to sit with him as kings and priest (Heb. 4 v 2-3, 11-16, 6 v 1, 12 v 5-6, 22-28).

Those who sit with Christ in heavenly places (Ps. 91, Eph. 1 v 18-23) by faith in his name (Mk. 16 v 15-19, Heb. 10 v 12-23) are raised far above all principalities and powers. They are much more than just survivors. They are not crushed by whatever the worldly and Satan throw at them but learn from it (Job 42 v 3-7, 2 Kg. 1 v 13-15, Acts 5 v 18-29, Rom. 8 v 28-31, 35-39).

All who repent and cry to Him for mercy are cleansed of the power sin has over them (1 Jn. 3 v 8-24). The humble who know they are weak and not gods are not just saved from eternal suffering but transformed by Jesus’ love and made acceptable to the Father as His children (1 Cor. 1 v 24-31, 2 Cor. 12 v 9-10).

The fire of God (Mt. 3 v 11) marks they are ready to do the things of God, not as gods but as if God on earth for He alone deserves and can wear that glory (Ex. 3 v 11, 7 v 1-5, 1 Kg. 18 v 36-38, Acts 2 v 3, 9 v 3, 15). If you do not let the Holy Spirit change your thinking into that of Christ (Jn. 16 v 12-15, Rom. 12 v 1-2, 1 Cor. 2 v 2-16, 2 Cor. 4 v 16, Eph. 4 v 23, Col. 3 v 1-17, Heb. 3 v 1-17) you will remain deceived and wretched.

Trust and obey Christ via his Holy Spirit (Heb. 6 v 11-18, Col. 1 v 9-22) and you will walk as a son of God (Col. 2 v 6-19). Many religious people are unholy because they invest their faith in the prompts of any spiritual superstition or occult revelation (Deut. 13, 18 v 9-22) yet they have no faith in God’s words.

If they try to get rid of their spiritual obsessions using human therapies their influence will be compounded and the stronghold will become near impossible to shift (Mt. 12 v 43-45, 17 v 16-21). Too many of those who mess about with Satan find their children are plagued by strange fears and nasty voices.

Christians who pray “deliver us from evil” (1 Chr. 29 v 9-18, Mt. 6 v 13) are largely ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor. 2 v 11). To be a holy people fit to house His holy name (Jn. 16 v 33) we must become overcomers by faith in Jesus’ words (Rom. 12 v 21, 1 Jn. 5 v 4-5, Rev. 2 v 7, 17, 26, 3 v 12, 21).

When gross darkness covers the earth the Lord God turns on the light (Is. 60 v 2, Jn. 1 v 3-17, 29, 3 v 15-21). Read the following post on ‘Pulling Down the Strongholds of the Mind’ (2 Cor. 10 v 3-7).

Seated with Christ in Heavenly Places (Eph. 1 v 20-23, 2 v 6-10).