(Ex. 7 v 1-5, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-17, Rev. 2 v 5-7)
Christians, who talk about how Satan’s powers are ruling the world, only make sin and death conscious people fearful (Heb. 2 v 14-15). They view life from their earthly perspective instead of from Jesus’. Jesus has taken authority over those powers. Those who trust in God’s promised Saviour should demonstrate how the wonders of His love set people free from fear.
God is in charge of everything (Mt. 22 v 44, Heb.10 v 12-22). It is Him who is judging the nations. If Christians entered into His rest and sat at His footstool they would see what is happening from His perspective (Eph. 2 v 6, 10-12, Php. 3 v 20). This is not a suggestion but an order (Heb. 12 v 24-29).
Almighty God is love and the only source of love. His tangible person is called The Lion of the tribe of Juda. He is not a pussy-cat you can play with (Num. 24 v 8-9). The first man was named Adam because his face was rosy. His forefather is God (Lk. 20 v 35-38). He offers to share His love-powered nature with us as His little children. We need to get excited about it.
His Plan for Mankind is very simple (Gen. 2 v 15-17, Ex. 20-3): there are only two laws; You shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbour in the same way as yourself (Lk. 10 v 27, 1 Cor. 13 v 4-13).
Nobody can afford to do this unless they love our Father-God and trust in His endless support (Lk. 12 v 21-34). Without that faith in Him you cannot please Him (Heb. 11 v 5-6, 12 v 6-15). The opposite is to love Him and others in the way a self-saving and justified person loves self: “I will only love you if you please me (1 Cor. 13 v 1-3)!” Most people do the reverse of God’s will and truth so everything becomes confusing.
Lucifer was the greatest created being so it thought it should rule over all God’s creation in place of His plan to rule through His children who are born of the life of His tangible person (Is. 14 v 12-27). That archangel became the arch-demon Satan who despises humans and treats them as disposable slaves.
Those who believe the lies of this ‘God-challenger’, hate and kill those who love God’s laws. They do what they like with His World and so will be judged as siding with Lucifer. They will be cut off from God’s life in their disintegrating, chaotic kingdom for ever (Mt. 26 v 59-64, 2 Pt. 3 v 7-15, Rev. 1 v 7, 5 v 5, 18 v 2-8, 20 v 10-15).
Those who defy God’s law of love inherit death (Gen. 3 v 2-8). Moses’ 10 laws promise death not life. They only apply to the wilful who do not love God (Rom. 3 v 19-28). For those who seek to obey God’s two precepts (Lk. 10 v 25-28, Jn. 8 v 4-9) the 10 “you shall not” become promises instead of accusations (Gal. 3 v 8-14, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). It is a free gift to us (Gal. 3 v 26-29) but it came at a terrible cost to Him (Heb. 2 v 5-18).
The Almighty Father of our forefather loves us so much (Jn. 3 v 16) that He sent His tangible person to be born of Eve’s still God related genus as the first born into the human race as a perfect man. He was cut off from His love in our place (Mt. 27 v 46). He died as a sinless man but death could not defeat him. He defeated death (2 Tim. 1 v 7-10)!
He arose as the first born Son of Father. This is the new life that he gifts to all who repent of their rejection of the Father’s love (Eph. 2 v 1-18). The shattering greatness of his love (Eph. 4 v 10-13) must convince all of how much He loves us and how terribly appalling our godless state is.
God defiant people rightly fear Him but the religious idea that the Lord God is fearful and vengeful is derived from those who try to appease their god as a satanic tyrant or unpredictable Mother Nature. Materially minded people waste their lives not in gaining eternal life but on hopelessly try to save their dying human life.
Adam defied God’s first law then the second by blaming his Woman (Gen. 3 v 10-12). He wanted to do his own will on earth and not as it is in heaven. He rejected God’s spiritual guidance (Lk. 4 v 4) and accepted Satan’s that God had lied because Woman did obey her alternative spirit guide and did not die (Gen. 3 v 2-6)!
Why was Woman not cut off from God’s life? She made the mistake of disobeyed Adam’s words, not God’s (Gen. 2 v 21-22, 1 Cor. 11 v 7-10, 1 Tim. 2 v 12-14). In terms of eternal life, as covered by Jesus’ life men and women are equal (1 Cor. 11 v 11-12).
Adam was the transgressor (1 Cor. 15 v 22, 48-50). He disobeyed His loving Father’s only command so he cut himself off from His eternal life (Gen. 2 v 17, 2 Cor. 5 v 21). The alternative to God’s way is not an eternal life in mankind’s fading kingdom but a hopeless battle for self-survival on a hostile earth (Micah 6 v 10-16, 7 v 1-6) which ends in defeat.
He wanted a heaven on earth with himself as God but this life deteriorates; it was not built to last forever. This earthly life is just the schooling for God’s children (Heb. 12 v 1-15). It is born out of pain and driven by adversity till they learn the difference between lies with truth and how to overcome evil with good. Sadly those who never learn still behave as if they are their own god till they die (Ezk. 28 v 1-10).
We all have inherited our forefather’s divorced, self-centred life (Gen. 3 v 7-15, Rom. 7 v 24-25, 11 v 22). We also have God’s promise to send a second, sinless Adam born of the Father of Eve’s still God-related genus that was passed directly from woman to woman to Mary (Lk. 1 v 46-47).
As the incarnation of the Father’s visible person he is both God and man (Col. 1 v 12-19). Only he can redeem us from death by dying in our place. Only by being born again with him as our new forefather (Is. 9 v 6) can we regain God’s life and promises (Jn. 3 v 6-15, 11 v 23-27).
Jesus came and gave up heaven to be abused and murdered by those he loved (Jn. 3 v 15-21) in order that those who did not try to excuse their sin before God but responded to him with love could be enclosed in their Father’s arms again (Lk. 15 v 4-7, 16-24, Jn. 1 v 9-18). His great sacrifice annuls the curse of sin and death that plagues this life and earns the assurance of God’s forgiveness and love for those who love him.
His is the only way to satisfy our troubled souls. The relief and joy of salvation results in you hating you old ways and loving the Lord thy God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbour in the same way as yourself (Lk. 10 v 27, Rom. 7 v 21-25). Learning this is what this life is all about (Rom. 8 v 28-39).
Everyone wants to hear someone say to them “I love you” but most humans can afford no more than “I love you because you please me!” They abuse and reject those who do not please them so to some extent everyone suffers from rejection. Those who truly love also give even when they are not loved in return.
Jesus was born to suffer and die to save us (Is. 53, Mt. 18 v 11-14, Rom. 6). He welcomes the worst sinner imaginable with open arms when they finally cry to Him for forgiveness (Lk. 15 v 21-24). Now he sits victorious awaiting the outcome (1 Cor. 15 v 22-26).
People who accept the life of this new Adam by faith are not good or bad but are accepted by the Father because they desire to do things His way. That union is effected by making a binding covenant of loyalty unto death to Jesus, except when we break it and repent his love is so great that he dies in our place (Heb. 9 v 24-28).
Only through oneness with his life can we be reunited with the Father’s eternal life (Eph. 2 v4-10, Col. 2 v 8-19). It is not a covenant based on law but on love and forgiveness (Lk. 12 v 10, Heb. 8 v 7-13).
Our loving Father is very patient and long-suffering with His kids. Before the He can openly identify with someone, who professes to love Him, their loyalty and obedience must be tested and established beyond doubt (Gen. 12 v 1-3, 18 v 17, 22 v 2-3, 8-13, Heb. 11 v 17-19, Job. 13 v 15-16, Lk. 3 v 22, 4 v 1-14, Acts 9 v 15-16).
A sign of that love is; does it extend to others (1 Cor. 13, 1 Jn. 3 v 14-22). Finite self-centred survivalists have affections for ‘what pleases me’. Their love is judgemental because they cannot afford to love. The Holy Spirit’s testing and sifting (Lk. 3 v 17, 4 v 1) is like going to the dentist: the nagging pain goes. It’s not as bad as you thought and is soon forgotten.
Abel accepted God’s offer by faith and so will live forever. The path to the Father’s house is straight and full of enlightenment (Jn. 1 v 4-13, Mt. 7 v 12-14). All other routes lead away from His home into darkness. The disloyal who make a covenant that joins their life with the life of an anti-Christ spirit will be cut off from God’s love and life forever (Lk. 12 v 10).
Humanists like Cain who reject God’s Saviour will experience nagging pain then death forever (Jude 11, 19, Rev. 20 v 10, 15). The Holy Spirit of truth repeatedly convicts them that their self-justification is based on accepting the lies of a God-defying spirit (Jn. 16 v 7-11). Those attracted to one of the thousands of deceptive occult scams walk blindly into a fearful abyss (Lk. 13 v 34-35, Rom. 6 v 23, Mk. 9 v 42-44).
The wilful who abuse His love and test God in the form of emotional blackmail will find everything they do proves they need to repent (Ezra 8 v 22-23). When it extends to abusing others they find their conscience troubles them and God becomes their judge (Ps. 146 v 9, Mt. 23 v 14, 18 v 7). Those who defy God and sear their conscience serve the lord of death (Gen. 4 v 6-8, 1 Sam. 16 v 14, 18 v 10-12, Lk. 22 v 1-3).
We live in our independent kingdom and so we are free to choose to love or reject Him. Those who put His will first and prove that they love Him will be born again with the life of the one and only man who is born of His Holy Spirit via Eve’s untainted genus (begotten and not created like Adam: Jn. 1 v 14, Heb. 2 v 14-18).
People born with Adam’s life are predestined to die but they have the hope of being reborn as sons of God the Father (Jn. 3 v 3, 16-21). They are reborn as the Father’s sons and daughters by marriage (Gen. 2 v 21-24, Eph. 5 v 25-33, Heb. 9 v 14-7).
Those who repent for their rejection of God’s love and are joined to Jesus’ life through a new marriage-like covenant inherit Jesus’ life and all his stature (Jn.3 v 8-17, Rom. 6 v 16, 7 v 2-6). For eternity their standing with the Father depends on their relationship with Jesus (Heb. 7 v 21-28).
Like the Father’s first born man these children are protected by an unseen army of His powerful servants (Heb. 1 v 14, 2 v 7-15). They are destined to be trained to rule, with Jesus’ authority, over all God’s creation, including His servants (1 Cor. 6 v 3).
The most magnificent and powerful of all God’s servants decided to frustrate God’s plan by making these feeble people serve it. Satan seduces the children of Adam by offering them a powerful life independent of God’s purpose Mt. 4 v 1-11). Satan’s gospel is (Gen. 3 v 4-5): “do what seems good to you and you will not die but live forever as an Elohym (a powerful spirit like me)”.
Forget God’s will and do what you think is right is your enemy’s gospel. The sin behind all sin is; I do not want to do what God wants; I want to do things my way. The pride of the self-determined and justified prevents them from confessing they have hopeless, sinful lives. Instead of accepting Christ as their Lord and redeemer they hate him and attack those who believe in him.
All man’s alternative ideologies and religions are not viable alternatives to God’s will but only the disastrous opposite of His wisdom (Gen. 2 v 16-17). They are based on revelations from spirits in the form of shiny angels, inner voices, entranced visions, possessed mediums, talking animals, trees, idols and even playing cards, sticks, omens, animal entrails, astrology and divinations (Jer. 10, 18 v 12).
Like birds they devour those whose hearts are hard-hearted against the truth as verified by God’s Holy Spirit (Zech. 4 v 12, Mt. 12 v 31-34, 13 v 3-8, 25 v 8, 2 Pt. 1 v 16-21). Their false spirituality is a defensive wall against the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin (Jn. 16 v 7-15).
Christianity is to do with being joined to Christ’s life by faith in his redemption (Lk. 21 v 8, 1 Pt. 2 v 3-8. 2 Pt. 2 v 1-32) not with becoming a spiritual man like Aristotle and the Gnostics who seek enlightenment through meditating with their inner alter-ego (1 Cor. 2 v 12-16).
Much of popular aspirations are to do with self-elevation and escaping your body (Rom. 1 v 22-25, 7 v 23-25). Intoxication and mind blowing substance do not lift you to heaven but fast track you to hell. You cannot save self from hell by lift yourself up into heaven by your own bootlaces yet this is the gospel preached to children in schools that is dramatized with conjured fantasies like Harry Potter and Star Wars.
Adam obeyed It and found his self-chosen life style was no longer supported by God’s life (Gen. 3 v 17-19) but enslaved to Satan. His central spiritual tree of knowledge that connected him to God’s life now connected him to one of Satan’s deceitful spirits (Gen. 3 v 24).

Those who reject the Father’s love will suffer eternal loss. Only the Bible records God’s words, thoughts and actions based on His plan to share His love filled life and home with children born of His life. His recorded prophesies are precise as they are based on foresight (Is. 44 v 25-28) and not predictions, guesses and wishful thinking.
The self-pleasing only love self so they work to gain provision and self-advancement (Lk. 15 v 28-29, Jude 10-19). They act as if they can evolve into god-men with the spiritual power and authority and try to build an eternal kingdom on an earth they have polluted both physically, morally and spiritually.
Kingdom now gurus claim to be anointed as a god-on-earth. They brush over the fact that they cannot control their own bodies and claim when they die they will become a powerful elohim like Satan (Gen. 3 v 5). Their aim is to maintain their independent life by becoming all-knowing based on inspiration from a god-like spirit whose aim is to enslave and kill them (Gen. 2 v 17).
Transcending the physical through metaphysical guesses is the backbone of man’s religions, philosophy and scientific theories. They claim the freedom to promote their self transforming theories but make laws to gag the right of others to promote their opposing ideas based on physical evidence.
Everything they say is not straight but bent by their inner spirit to support the half-truths they use to fool those who have rejected God’s Holy Spirit of truth (1 Kg. 22 v 19-25, Lk. 11 v 52-54, 12 v 1-3, Jn. 8 v 41-47, 16 v 7-13). Falsehoods have to be enforced through fear (Jn. 8 v 37-40, Acts 4 v 13-21).
The fearful, unloving god they conjure up is not a loving Father. Their lying spirit guide is not God’s Holy Spirit. Without God’s support everything they do works to their harm (Ezra. 8 v 21-23). Everything they say has to hide this truth. Darwin’s theory on self-survival is based on the food chain: none survive.
These occult spirits (Elohim or mighty god-like ones) promise riches and the freedom to do as you please in their ‘dog eat dog’ heaven. The simple see their bait as a free meal (Gen. 2 v 17, Mt. 4 v 10, Jas. 1 v 10-18) but it is poisoned. The depressed and dying are fooled into thinking suicide is a way out of their hopeless state!
The rejection of God’s love and mercy only leads to eternal suffering. They lose the Father’s love, joy and peace and earn His wrath (Deut. 32 v 15-20).
All life belongs to the Father of Life and is given to us on a lifetime lease. Thieves who use it for self-indulgence and gratification rob Him of His expected return on His investment (Mt. 13 v 24-30, Heb. 6 v 7-8). They excuse this by making up their own laws and claim this world is theirs to do as they please (Rom. 1) until their leased dwelling is unfit for habitation. Some then blame God for not doing the repairs!
When the Father sends people to warn them about the terms of their lease (Lk. 20 v 9-18) and the folly of their nonsensical, mythological daydreams they abuse and kill them. They refuse to accept His High Court warnings and board themselves in. Our Father who does not live in our temporal kingdom then rehouses the God-fearing and the crooked tenants are killed when their ‘house’ collapses on them (Rev. 14 v 8, 18 v 2-17).
Your Adamic nature is sold out to Satan so you can never buy yourself out of bondage (Rom.7 v 24). Jesus cried as he died “It (the debt) is paid in full” (Jn. 19 v 30). Your old self-justified, God-challenging nature must be mentally surrendered to death with Jesus’ human death (Eph. 2 v 13-18, 2 Tm. 1 v 10) before you can experience his risen life (Acts 10 v 42-48, 19 v 5-7, Rom. 6 v 3-9, 16-23).
Without faith in God’s promise it is impossible to regain the life that Adam’s faithlessness discarded (Heb. 11 v 1-6). God has fulfilled His promise to redeem those who accept His words are true and do what He has planned for the rest of their life (Gen. 3 v 14-15, Job. 19 v 25-27, Lk. 24 v 44-45, Jn. 3 v 16-21). Those who confess they are defeated by sin (Ps. 14, Rom. 1 v 21-22, 7 v 24) and turn to this founding Rock (1 Pt. 2 v 1-8) find that God’s life giving Spirit starts to treat them as God’s children again (Gen. 35 v 2-5, Rom. 8 v 35-39).
If you admit your rejection of God’s life is a sin unto death and you make a promise or new covenant with Him he will give you His life as a gift NOW (Gal. 3 v 6-14). His Spirit of life will dwell in your heart (1 Cor. 6 v 19) and set your mind free of fear (Heb. 2 v 10-18, 2 Tim. 1 v 9-11) so you are motivated by love for Jesus, love for the Father and then others (Jn. 3 v 15-18, Heb. 3 v 17-18, 4 v 9-16). All of 1 John now makes sense.
It makes no sense to those who do not know of God’s purpose for their life. From infancy they do not know who, why or what they are so they build their character on what suits their self-survival and invent what they do not know based on guesses. The evolutionists’ missing links are missing because they have invented them.
The godless are right to conclude that if our cosmos, with all the prerequisite, interrelated, universal laws it depends on, is just an impossible 60 trillion to one fluke accident then our lives have no purpose. Instead of being lords of creation (Gen. 1 v 26, Heb. 2 v 7) they see themselves as at the mercy of nature which is about to disgorge them because of their abuses. These self-contradictory, self-destructive people are their self-perfecting cosmos’ biggest mistake.
They are programmed to conform to the hopeless status quo. Those who are not satisfied and want more are looked on as trouble makers. They are treated with counselling from the self-sufficient walking-dead. All manmade religions are tolerated but any sharing of Jesus’ life giving Gospel is an offense and banned in public office.
Without God’s purpose we are no more than a futile, self-programmed animal with illogical delusions of grandeur. The self-centred who are busy doing everything to maintain and improve their lives end up with nothing (Lk. 12 v 18-32, 1 Cor. 3 v 8). Their furniture, books, clothes, achievements will be trashed and their body disposed of as rubbish. Everyone’s memory of them is different and their image of them soon becomes blurred.
Whosoever believes our life giver is a conjured time traveller from some planet a million light years away will not save their self-determined life: they will lose it. Our Father does live in a different dimension of which we only know what He has revealed.
Time is like a river. All become aware that ahead is a Niagara Falls. The rebellious row against the flow: the curious steer from wall to wall of the gorge; the complacent and passive just drift and the adventurous press on. Those who started before of you are not stuck in the past but are ahead of you (1 Thess. 4 v 13-18).
The ones who call on God’s rescue service are lifted by His angels to a rest centred (Lk. 16 v 22-25): the shifters and drifters who ignore all the red danger notices (Lk. 16 v 27-31) go over the Falls in the dark and the rebellious who are looking the wrong way die cursing God (Lk. 23 v 39).
Our Father lives in heaven. Past and present flow into as it were a sea that is eternal in every direction (Is. 46 v 10).
Only those truly aware of their self-worth (Gen. 32 v 24-31, 33 v 10-14, Job. 42 v 1-6, Is. 6 v 1-9, Rom. 7 v 18-25) can walk humbly with the Lord God Almighty by grace (Eph. 2 v 1-10). Those who depend on Christ to do anything will do everything. Those who depend on others for help will become more and more helpless.
Many ideological Christians think he died to save their existing life. Their self-preserving ways are the opposite of God’s way (Is. 55 v 6-11, Rom. 8 v 4-9, 12 v 1-2). They lie to themselves and God by doing good works that justify them in their own eyes and make them appear good to others (Acts 8 v 18-21). They do not fool Jesus; they only fool themselves (Mt. 7 v 15-23).
God does not want the disobedient to do things for Him that they think will please Him (Ps. 50 v 10). He is so infinitely rich and powerful that all He wants is to give great and marvellous things for His children to enjoy (Lk. 11 v 9-13). Many see Him as mean because He does not give them what they want (Lk. 12 v 15-31, 15 v 12). If fact He is always giving.
Those who know Jesus as the Son of God (Mt. 16 v 16, 19) and obey his Holy Spirit will lock up evil things (Lk. 10 v 17-21) and lose blessings (Ps. 91, 2 Cor. 10 v 3-12). The self-centred who only serve Him for reward are a miserable lot (Num. 12 v 2-9, Lk. 15 v 25-29).
Our Father does not want more servants: He can make them by the billion in a morning (Is. 14 v 12, Job 38 v 7). He doesn’t want people who do what they think is good instead of doing what He says in good (Gen. 4 v 4-7, Ex. 2 v 12, Josh. 7 v 3). He wants children who know and obey His plans so they can be given His authority to do works in His name (Lk. 10 v 17-20, 1 Cor. Eph. 4 v 23, Col. 3 v 10).
Whosoever seeks to regain their God-determined life will be saved (Lk. 9 v 23-35, 2 Pt. 1 v 16-21). He wants His children to enjoy waking, talking and doing things with Him. Nothing in this life betters that. They train on His command to: walk in furnaces, on water, through prison doors; control wild animals, the weather, floods, tempests, droughts; heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry, overcome enemies and enter where even angels fear to tread (Heb. 4 v 15-16, 12 v 22 v 29).
The greatest of all miracles of course is to see someone who repents for their rejection of the guidance of God’s Spirit, believes Jesus’ death has cleansed them (Eph. 4 v 17-30) and are reborn as a child of God the Father by being filled with His Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can do this (Acts 9 v 17-18).
He wants to fill His home with His children to do greater things than we cannot even describe with our earthly vocabulary (2 Cor. 12 v 2-4, Eph. 1 v 17-23). John tried to describe the vision of heaven he received in the book of Revelation but before you can understand and experience it (Rev. 3 v 18-22) you will need to know Jesus and receive his Spirit (Jn. 14 v 26-29).
Your experience of His gift depends on your trust in Jesus’ sacrifice that covers your old sin and death fearing nature. You start as a child, progress to a mature believer and end up as one with Him (1 Jn. 2 v 12-17). Without faith in Jesus’ finished work (Heb. 11 v 6) that holiness or oneness with the Father is impossible (Jn. 14 v 23-26).
The aim of His Holy Spirit: to replace our wayward nature with Christ’s perfectly obedient nature. First he tests the genuineness of that at resolve under pressure (1 Sam. 13 v 8-13, 30 v 6-8, Lk. 4 v 1-14). Will we continue to trust in God’s words or revert to doing things ‘my way’ (2 Chr. 20 v 3, 14-22)? This is essentially what fasting is all about (Ps. 35 v 13, Mt. 4 v 2-4).
The sifting work of God’s Spirit in the churches (Mt. 3 v 11-12) is choked by man’s alternative, time wasting holy spirits. Those who try to be holy call God a liar (1 Jn. 1 v 7-10). The work of the Holy Spirit is to weed out the self-saving ways of those who want to be holy and plant in them Christ’s ways (Rom. 7 v 4-6, 8 v 1-14, 1 Cor. 2 v 9-16, 3 v 6-11, Php. 1 v 6, Heb. 6 v 1, 9-20).
Before Christ’s Church can be made perfect He must first separate and remove the lookalike ‘tares’ (Mt. 13 v 19-30, Eph. 5 v 21-27). This is what the ‘angels’ (1 Kg. 22 v 19-23, Rev. 1 v 20) are doing in the churches. Those who pray for ‘revival’: did you think it would be nice (Mic. 5 v 12-15, 1 Pt. 4 v 16-19, Rev. 2 & 3)?
Without the Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment Christian believers are taken in by any spiritual effect. Religious spirits blind church goers to the truth. Leaders practice spiritual deceit in order to impose what they want (Num. 23 v 22-28, 25 v 1-3, 1 Sam. 15 v 19-23). The use of spirits to influence the hearts, minds and even bodies of others is called witchcraft.
Spiritualist are aware of the spirits around them and envy the powerful anointing that some Christians have but do not discern (Php. 1 v 9-10) because they do not use even their entry level gifts of tongues and prophesy that the Holy Spirit has given them (Acts 2, 1 Cor. 12 v 1-13, 31, 14 v 38-40).

Instead their guidance is based on therapy derived from Freud’s alter ego (Rom. 12 v 2-3). Their Gnostic holy spirits are derived from Aristotle’s self-perfecting ideas (Gen. 3 v 5, 22-24). Those who are still guided by their alter ego are still carnal so their spiritual understanding is the reverse of God’s (Is. 55 v 6-13, Rom. 8 v 4-9). Everything they do does not work together for the good (Job. 42 v 3-6, Ezra 8 v 22).
As in 1 Kings 22 v 22 the weird spirit manifestations that have run through the churches recently have divided between the Bible believing Christians and the look alike Christians. A hundred years ago they were all classed a Christians. Now those with worldly spirits have been separated into bundles.
Christ’s chosen people know that they are about to be taken from the earth to his home. They are packed and ready to go (Rev. 19 v 7, 22 v 14-17). Satan cannot fulfil its claim to rule the world (Job. 1 v 7-8, Lk. 4 v 5-8) until the presence of God’s people on earth are ‘married away’ (2 Thess. 2 v 7-12). After they have been removed to safely its angels set the ‘tares’ on fire.
The Bible believing Christians are the only barrier between this God-defying world and His wrath (Gen. 18 v 17-33, Ex. 32 v 30-35, Job 42 v 7-8, Amos 5 v 18-27, 2 Pt. 2 & 3, Jude 5-7, 17-24). They must intercede for the deceived, warn the ignorant and tell those who might repent of God’s grace that their ‘friends’ might see the light before the world is overcome by darkness (Jer. 14 v 7-18, Rev. 6 v 1-17, 16 v 8-15).
The Bride of Christ consists of those who have evidence from the Holy Spirit that they have been accepted (Acts 19 v 4-6, Eph. 1 v 11-23). They love and treasure him (Lk. 12 v 32-40). They encourage their friends (bridesmaids: Ps. 45 v 13-16, Mt. 25 v 1-13) to go with them by telling them about Jesus’ beauty and glory so they will want to meet him (2 Cor. 12 v 3-4, Php. 3 v 8-19).
These virgins are not committed or betrothed to another god, but they do not know the Bridegroom personally and he does no know them (Mt. 25 v 12, Lk. 13 v 23-28). They are only invited because they are friends with the Bride (Gen. 12 v 3, Mt. 25 v 11-12).
Their relationship is not based on the love of Jesus so it does not progress from one degree of glory to the next (2 Cor. 3 v 15-18, Php 3 v 14-16). It is unchanging because it is not based on feeding from God’s life giving Spirit (Gen. 2 v 9-17) but on their self-preserving, natural mind (Jn. 3 v 5-12, 4 v 20-24). Their experience of God is not as their loving Father but as their judge based on the Law and the Prophets (Lk. 16 v 29, Rev. 11 v 4).
The ‘Oil’ of the Holy Spirit is not the gift of his life but the gift of revelation ‘piped’ to us through men anointed by him (Zech. 4 v 11-14, Lk. 16 v 29-31, Eph. 4 v 8-24). Not all those who have spiritual gifts are saved (Mt. 7 v 15-24). The ‘adulterous’ (Rev. 2 v 2, 20-24) who defy God and use them to enhance their old nature are doubly doomed (Num. 22 v 20-23, 1 Sam. 15 v 22-23, 19 v 9, 28 v 6-7, Acts 8 v 16-23, 2 Pt. 2 v 15).
The wise have enough revealed knowledge to realise in the last 10 minutes that they have to write off their sin conscious, death fearing life and bodies (Gen. 3 v 7-8, 1 Cor. 15 v 48-50, 2 Cor. 4 v 20-24, Col. 3 v 10) before they can gain Jesus’ life ‘breath from ’God’s Holy Spirit (Jn. 3 v 3-10).
The foolish are those who resist the Holy Spirit’s urges and retain their old nature and its beliefs (Ps. 95 v 10, Eph. 4 v 17-24, Heb. 4 v 9-16). They remain on earth (1 Cor. 15 v 51-57, 1 Thess. 4 v 15-18) at the start of Satan’s undisputed 7 year reign as the lord over all humanity (Job 2 v 7-11, Rev. 12 v 7-12).
Those who obey Satan’s gospel do their own thing as their own god (2 Chr. 26 v 16-21). Together with the God defiant angels, they are cut off from the Father’s life and provision. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither can a corrupt life inherit incorruption: it will die (Jn. 3 v 3-8). Those who are raptured leave their old bodies behind on the floor like an old coat (1 Cor. 15 v 42-50).
Only those reborn of the second Adam’s nature by the power of God’s breath (Gen. 2 v 7, Lk. 3 v 16-17) can enter His Holy temple. Jesus said you must be born again by the breath of God (Jn. 3 v 5-6). You can only be a true son of God if you do the reverse Adam’s sin (Mt. 12 v 32-33) and worship Him in obedience to His Spirit’s truth (Jn. 4 v 22-24). The solution to man’s failed self-justification is in James. 4.
Many believe in Jesus but hesitate. Those who put off their decision to give up their dying life remain under Ezekiel 18 v 26-32. It says that the final state of the uncommitted depends on if they repent of their sin against God and receive the gift of His Christ led life before they die. Whatever immortal spirit they are allied to when they lose their natural life is the life they are left with forever (Gen. 3 v 22-24, Col. 2 v 18-23, 3 v 1-17).
The lack of faith of the cautious or double minded is an insult to God’s integrity (Heb. 3 v 9-19, Rev. 3 v 15-19). Instead of full committing their old life to death by being baptised into his human death in order to rise with his God breathed life they do a religious bodge (1 Sam. 15 v 11-26 instead of 1 Sam.14 v 6-16) and end up totally confused (Jas. 1 v 5-8).
Those who are just baptised in water can regress (1 Cor. 10 v 1-5, Heb. 4 v 6-16). They retain their self-determined nature so they remain in fear of missing salvation. They are blind to Paul’s cry to the foolish Galatians who were cursed because they sought holiness through self-discipline (Mt. 12 v 43-45) instead of faith in God’s promise (Gal. 3 v 10-14, 4 v 29, 5 v 16-25). Such translators fudge his ‘doctrines of baptisms’ in Hebrews 6 v 2.
They ignore John’s declaration (Lk. 3 v 16-17) about baptism into the Father’s life (fire: Mt. 13 v 30) and also the Son (water to cleanse of sin) and also the Holy Spirit who separates the good from the bad. They drop the ‘also’ in Matthew 28 v 19 (Kai) because they can only baptise with water. This is not what the Holy Spirit filled Apostles did (Acts 2 v 37-40, 8 v 12-17).
In Acts 19 Paul asked a group of twelve evangelical believers what sort of baptism they had receive. They said John’s. He said to them that John’s baptism with water was only for repentance of the sins of their original nature. They needed to be baptised into Jesus’ human death to gain his risen life.
Directly they had been baptised in the name of Jesus, Paul put his hands on them and they receive Jesus’ life breath from his Holy Spirit (Gen. 2 v 7, Acts 2 v 2-4, 8). To gain Jesus’ risen, sinless nature (Rom. 6) you must voluntarily surrender your self-motivated nature to death and trust in God to save you (Job. 19 v 22-28). Only then can God’s Holy Breath of life habit your ‘temple’ (Rom. 8 v 3-14, 1 Cor. 6 v 19-20). You must do it before you die and lose control of your old life.
Holiness or unity in Christ is something that only his Holy Spirit can build (Eph. 4 v 10-16, 1 Cor. 3 v 16-21). Do not grieve him (Eph. 4 v 30). Unless you give 100% you will not achieve 30%.
What baptism have you received? Those who just hear God’s words cannot do them without the help of His Spirit (Mt. 13 v 17-23). If you do not pray in tongues and receive words from God you have not fully surrendered (Mt. 17 v 16-21, Lk. 12 v 28) your life to Jesus (Acts 10 v 44-46, Eph. 1 v 11-14, 2 v 8).
Only Christ is sinless both now and forever (Heb. 7 v 25). Only his righteousness is acceptable to the Father. Only those covered by his righteousness (Heb. 9 v 14-15) are made perfect and free to enter into His presence (Ps. 100, Jn. 17 v 17-21, Heb. 12 v 23-29).
Giving thanks, praise and worship flow as a result of being loved (1 Jn. 4 v 18-21). Lot of religious singing’ just stirs up the flesh is all about ‘me’. The honouring of God needs to be restored in the churches before the ungodly will repent (Acts 2 v 37-43, 1 Pt. 4 v 16-19).
You are saved by God’s good works not your good works (Eph. 2 v 4-10). If you feel your singing, dancing or inner meditation make you holy (Rom. 8 v 8) you are deceived. If you fast or do holy acts, like using the Lord’s Passover supper as a pick-me-up whenever you feel like it instead a memorial of his human death and the death of your enslaved, unholy nature (Ex. 12 v 14, 1 Cor. 5 v 6-8, 11 v 23), you worship a human vanity (Mt. 15 v 9).
The taking of bread and wine regularly as a breaking of bread is based on the feeding of the 5000 from non-Christian ceremony called the Didache. The memorial of the Lord’s dead as God’s Passover Lamb is on the night he suffered (1 Cor. 11 v 23-27). Paul says: “For on each occasion you eat this (unleavened) bread and drink this cup you claim the Lord’s death” not whenever you like.
It is the only commandment Jesus ordained that must be celebrated humbly on pain of death. Paul committed one of the Corinthians who abused it to the devil (1 Cor. 5 v 5-8, 10 v 20-21). It marked the start of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on which everyone threw out their added puffed up ideas and recommitted their life to Jesus as at the baptism of the old life (Rom. 6 v 3-11). There is death to your carnal ways in that cup. There is no spiritual life in physical food (Mt. 4 v 4, Jn. 6 v 27, 62-63). Physical food only sustains physical life (Col. 2 v 18-23).
The idea of gaining the life of a sacrifice by drinking its blood is pagan (Gen. 9 v 4, 1 Sam. 14 v 32-34, Acts 15 v 18-20, 28-29). It only strengthens your dying life. Every Sun’s Day the Roman’s celebrated their Sun god (Mithras) victory over the lord of this earth (Baal) by drinking bull’s blood that represented his death and eating a disc of bread that represented the Sun’s life.
You cannot feel close to Christ if you worship pagan gods (2 Cor. 6 v 14-18). If you mix your new life with your past life both will fall apart (Mt. 9 v 16-17).
All that is left of the Passover meal of the perfect lamb under the new covenant is the memorial bread and wine from the end of the meal (1 Cor. 11 v 34). The unleavened bread is a memorial of his lifeless body: the red wine a memorial of his blood that had had his human life in it.
Those who partake of the Lord’s Supper with the memorials of his dead body on the anniversary of his death partake of his physical death (Rom. 6 v 3-6, 1 Cor. 5 v 5-8).
Those who use God’s most holy things in the wrong way are not accepted as His people (Ex. 30 v 37-38, 2 Sam. 6 v 3-11, 2 Chr. 26 v 16-20, Acts 8 v 17-21, 1 Cor. 3 v 16-20). There is death to human righteousness in that cup (1 Cor. 11 v 27-32). Whatever is done that is not based on faith in God’s words is sinful (Rom. 14 v 23). The self-righteous do not have Jesus’ righteousness by faith (Gal. 3 v 22-29) but are judged guilty by the Law of sin and death (Gal. 3 v 12, Col. 2 v 18-23They are dead men walking.
He has ordained for men to live and die once (Heb. 9 v 27-28). The redeemed who confess they are sinners are born again by grace though faith not based on how good or bad they think they are (Lk. 23 v 41-43). They need to tell the lost this good news not condemn them for their sins (Lk. 7 v 37, 50). Those who threaten sinners with hell instead of telling them about God’s love and forgiveness are using Satan’s tactics.
Those who are distressed with their sin and death conscious life and trust in God’s Saviour to justify them come under the same (Mt. 6 v 12-15, Lk. 17 v 3-4) covenant He made with Abraham. That covenant also made Abraham’s friends acceptable to God and his enemies God’s enemies (Gen. 12 v 1-4, 14 v 14-23, Job 42 v 8-10).
It was extended to cover Abraham’s family who also honoured God to show the world the way back into God’s favour (Jn. 8 v 37-40). It then covered his family through Israel as long as they kept to the conditions of the covenant. The world also witness what happen to them as a nation when they broke the covenant and rejected their Saviour.
This opened the way for all to enter into the covenant in a new way as a worldwide body of witnesses of individuals as individual temples full of God’s life joined together by His Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6 v 17-20, 2 Cor. 6 v 16). As a believer you can visit a people whose looks and life style are completely different from yours and recognise and be one with those who are also saved.
Now the Gentiles churches have torn up their covenant with God so Israel is about to be grafted back in (Lk. 21 v 24-32, Rom. 11 v 18-25). Self-survivalists who fear to give up their self-satisfying religion (Lk. 9 v 24, 16 v 13, 18 v 18-30) have to defend their version of god against both men and God (Ex. 2 v 11-15, Jg. 6 v 25-31, 1 Sam. 5 v 3, 24 v 4-6, 25 v 30-34). Like Cain they offer superficial worship to hide the evil that lives in their hearts (Lk. 15 v 28-30, 18 v 11-14, Acts 5 v 1-5).
Like Saul of Tarsus (Lk. 11 v 43-52, Acts 9 v 1-6, 1 Jn. 3 v 11-12, 4 v 1-6), they serve their god by silencing those who sin against it (Lk. 18 v 11, 20 v 2-6, Jn. 19 v 15). They know this is evil but their spirit justifies them. Darwin’s theory justified Marx and Hitler.
Cultural Marxism has not invaded the churches: it has been there since Genesis 4. All the Gospels and Epistles warn against it. The Old Testament gives lots of accounts of the unhappy lives of those whose aim in life is hopeless self-survival. They ruin their lives and those they should love, then die without any hope of a better one.
The alter ego or alternative spirit of self-centred survivalist teaches them to climb up the Satan/Darwin pyramidal food chain. Its ideology is that of Babel: an imposed democracy empowered by intimidation. Satan rules by fear (Num. 23 v 19-24, 25 v 1-3, Deut. 18 v 9-14, 1 Kg. 22 v 20-23, Mt. 27 v 3-5, Jn. 13 v 27).
Satan subjects the masses through daily presentations that promote a fear of death not a promise of life (Gen. 4 v 8, Ex. 2 v 11-15, 1 Sam. 19 v 9-10). Those who rebel are got rid of.
It takes a lot from those beneath it and gives as little as possible because it is a parasite. Without the life support given by the people of Adam’s domain Satan, its princes, powers and foot soldiers would all be imprisoned (1 Cor. 15 v 20-26, Eph. 1 v 17-22, Rev. 20 v 2-3). They have no hope of escape so they just work desperately to stay free as long as they can (Mt. 8 v 29-31).
They have rights over the lives of all those born of the first Adam except for Jesus (Jn. 10 v 17-18, 14 v 30, Rev. 12 v 9-11). The Almighty Father is not as men think He is (Is. 55 v 6-13, Lk. 15 v 1-32). He is a lion not a pussy. His love demands all sinners are given a second chance. Satan cannot stop the worst sinner from being saved even with their dying breath (Lk. 23 v 40-43).
It has no rights over those who give their allegiance to God’s kingdom on earth (Gen. 35 v 2-5, Mt. 13 v 23-30, Col. 1 v 10-13) and can only test them with God’s permission (Job. 1 v 9-12, Mt. 4 v 1, Lk. 22 v 31-32).
Jesus’ humanity has been given to Death to pay for the sins of humanity. Since his death (Jn. 16 v 7-11, Heb. 9 v 17) all who repent and turn back to accepting the Father’s will can inherit his risen life before they physically die (1 Cor. 6 v 19-20, Eph. 1 v 7-14).
Those who do not repent before they die will remain joined to Satan’s kingdom forever (Mt. 3 v 7, 13 v 38). Those who curse God and throw His love and mercy back in His face become as dead before they physically die (Gen. 4 v 10-15, 1 Sam. 28 v 16-18, 1 Kg. 22 v 20-22). They are marked: look into their eyes and you see death staring back.
How has human wisdom buried the simplicity of God’s message (Jn. 8 v 42-47)? Mystic holy people have made a covenant with an alternative spirit to Christ’s (Eph. 4 v 3-6). Jesus holds their churches and their spirits in his hand and is about to punish them (Rev. 1 v 20, 2 v 5).
Those not born again with Jesus’ life have put up a wall against Christ’s Holy Spirit (1 Jn. 3 v 5-9). Great thinkers, like Augustine, who was a Platonist or holy Aquinas who was a disciple of Aristotle, through to our humanity loving, humanistic bishops, have gradually replaced salvation through regaining God’s life with Satan’s gospel of saving their dying life through self-improvement (1 Cor. 2 v 12-14, 3 v 19-21).
The idea of a race of human gods with everlasting DNA is straight out of Egyptian and Greek Mythology! When they wake up to reality they will find they have less than nothing (Is. 29 v 8-16, Jer. 28 v 15-17).
The almighty Father shall surely lift up His head over these deep rifts (Ps. 110 v 7) and confound the wisdom of the self-raising philosophers and theologians whose dreamt-up ideas are just hot air.
God rescued His burdened people from a world superpower by devastating it using an old man armed with a walking stick (Ex. 3 v 7-10). What will He do this time (Ezk. 38 v 1-4, 39 v 3-8)?
Wittgenstein warned them that their guess had no substance and Schopenhauer realised that they made existence meaningless but they just philosophized about these philosophies (Acts 17 v 18-21, 30-34). When mad people are faced with the truth they think it is madness (Jn. 3 v 1-12, 10 v 20-21, Acts 26 v 24-31).
Self-survivalists who fear to give up their self-satisfying religion (Lk. 9 v 24, 16 v 13, 18 v 18-30) have to defend their version of god against both men and God (Ex. 2 v 11-15, Jg. 6 v 25-31, 1 Sam. 5 v 3, 24 v 4-6, 25 v 30-34, Acts 5 v 1-5).
God’s words are more solid than rock (Mt. 7 v 25 Lk. 6 v 48, Heb. 6 v 13-20, 11 v 1-6). Those who do not believe remain death conscious and stuck on the wrong side of Jesus’ cross. Those who do believe but do not experience his new life remain sin and self-conscious and stuck at the cross (Gal. 3 v 1-14, Heb. 5 v 11-13, 7 v 26-27, Jas. 1 v 6-8, 2 v 17-20).
You must worship God where and how He tells you (Gen. 35 v 1-7). He embraces those who respond and fills them with unspeakable joy (Lk. 10 v 17-24). You will then walk with God Almighty, far above all opposition (Eph. 6 v 10, Col. 2 v 8-19). He will bind those who serve fearful spirits who want to stop you (Acts 19 v 11-20, Rom. 8 v 31-39, Eph. 1 v 21).
Prayer without such faith is like trying to light a fire with dud matches. Those who just look good (imitation salt) have a pointless existence (Lk. 14 v 33-35). They elevate themselves in the eyes of others with their superior wisdom and knowledge (Jude 4) and defend themselves my mocking the truth (2 Pt. 3 v 2-10). Their hypocrisy must be expose by those who seek God’s wisdom (Ps. 36, Lk. 18 v 9-16).
The genuine learn to walk with their Father as Jesus did and Adam was meant to (Jn. 6 v 63-64, 7 v 37-40). God does not want you to do anything for Him; He wants you to do everything with Him! Each anointed individual is unite with Him through His Holy Spirit (Jn. 14 v 23-26, 16 v 7-15, 1 Cor. 6 v 19-20).
If you submit your situation to God and your response is of God (Gen. 12 v 10-20, 14 v 14-23, everything will work to the good (Gen. 32 v 11-12, 24-28, 35 v 1-10, Josh. 5 v 13-15, Rom. 8 v 28). If it does not you have moved outside his purpose. Stop and do not move until you have found out why (Gen. 35 v 3-5, Josh. 7 v 6-11, Ezra 8 v 22-23, 1 Chr. 13 v 7-14)!
The redeemed see a problem and turn to God to find out how to advance (1 Sam. 30 v 6-20). The self-saving focus on the problem, see all the difficulties and look to their alter ego for inspiration (1 Sam. 28 v 4-12). They were meant to be led by His Holy Spirit but without faith and obedience it is impossible for them to learn to walk with and do things with God (Mt. 19 v 26, Heb. 11 v 6).
It is not the Almighty Father’s will that any should perish (Jn. 3 v 16-21). Jesus has overcome our enemy. His love sent His tangible, visible person to be born as a man to destroy the power that death has over all the lost who repent and want to return to His family (Mt. 11 v 28-29, Jn. 7 v 38, Rom. 8 v 1-17). Those who oppose that desire earn His wrath (Ps. 2).
Only proud fools refuse to repent for their self-justified ways. Despite His extreme efforts to prove His love they choose death so He has to be just and grant them their wishes (1 Kg. 18 v 21). There is only one alternative to the Father’s plan to give men His eternal life: eternal death (Jer. 44 v 15-27).
How can they know of His plan? Those who know His plan of salvation must go out and tell them (Rom. 10 v 18-21). They must prove it by their freedom from their fear for survival (Rom. 10 v 8 -17). They should carry his peace with them wherever they go: it is very beautiful to see people accept Jesus and be saved (Is. 52 v 7-12, Eph. 6 v 15).
A lot of prayer and Bible study is negative; centred on the power of evil, the awful state of our godless world and the powerless churches. Be not indifferent but press on into the very presence of God in heaven made bold by Christ’s victory (Heb. 4 v 11-16, 6 v 12-18). If it is just repeating what God already knows and you already know you are looking backwards (Heb. 5 v 12-14, 6 v 1-6).
Teaching should tell you what you do not know and how to apply it. If it does not it means the teacher does not know what to do or how to do it. What we need to focus on is God’s will and how great He is. Commit your life to seeking and obeying the guidance of His Spirit with all your heart, mind and strength then the presence of Father and the Son will walk with you (Jn. 14 v 23).
This life is not easy. It is meant to be testing. It is the schooling for people who are going to rule over all of God’s creation with Jesus as their Lord (Php. 3 v 7-21, Col. 1 v 12-23, Heb. 2 v 13-18, 3 v 1-8) but there are school holidays. That training can only come from the central guidance of God’s omnipresent Spirit (Gen. 2 v 9, Col. 2 v 6-19). He is man’s source or fountain of eternal life (Jn. 7 v 37-39).
Those who neglect God’s will and think their version of goodness is acceptable have missed the point of their existence. Without God’s purpose their lives are futile, pointless and hopeless.
If like Vashti you think that you are the King’s equal and he has to please you, you will be locked out (Est. 1 v 15-19. He will only admit you if your desire is to please Him (Est. 5 v 2-8). This simple seeking of His face ensures that those who wish to silence you forever will be destroyed by their own devices (Est. 6 v 5-9).
So much prayer is telling God what He already knows instead of waiting for His inspiration. We need to know His will and pray accordingly or we may be praying against it. He does not battle against created creatures and the laws of nature: He made them and the laws. When He commands they stand to attention (Gen. 6 v 11-17, Mt. 8 v 25-29, 14 v 22, 26 v 52-56). Those who try to command Him and nature to bow to their will they are laughable.
Everywhere you look God’s creation it is wonderfully and intricately designed so the perverse who believe a lie have no excuse (Rom. 1 v 18-26). Where God’s order is reversed men become ruled by their creations as their god.
Satan’s order is Darwin’s survival of the fittest. It is the pyramidal order of the natural food chain. We are destroying both the natural animal and human order yet still worship it as our life source. It allows the self-elevated to use and abuse those lower down the pyramid. The rule by fear instead of love robs all of free will. It turns society into an immoral, do whatever it allows
The superior godlike ones promote a professional class to support their state and impose their will on the base layer of worthless humans that are dehumanised as a numbered item (Rev. 14 v 8-11). A machine will take control of your money as if it belongs to it. You will not be able to drive anywhere or do anything without its approval.
Artificial Intelligence will overrule human intelligence to fulfil the perverse wisdom of their godless prophets’ who proclaim life is a meaningless accident (Rev. 13 v 14-18). Many of the dissidents will simply disappear.
Naïve children, look at a screen for hours. It is tailored to their habits as their source of comfort, wisdom, and corruption. This inner communication that shapes their thinking becomes their god.
Terrible mistakes that ruin lives are imposed by a machine but it cannot be wrong and must be obeyed. Police and authorities no longer protect people from being abused but enforce IT’s will on the innocent. It is no longer a tool but a corrupt man-made god that cannot be overruled. IT has ruined many innocent people and put many in prison. The News often records where bad human decisions have cause avoidable disasters.
IT watches and stores information on everyone’s movement, money, purchases, beliefs, health etc.. so it can target them with fake and biased ideas, news, persuasions and desires. Many organisations like banks, film and TV producers, politicians, ministries, advertisers, canned religion, school inspectors, the police and even NHS do not just provide a public service but impose their hidden, ideological agenda.
The unelected gurus or the priests and prophets of this dying age, whose wisdom is based on the warped truth of their metaphysical alter egos, are destroying the public’s free will and making them the slaves of their enemy (Gen. 3 v 6, 13, 17-19, Mt. 13 v 25-30, 37-39, 1 Pt. 5 v 8).
God’s warnings as prophesied in Deuteronomy are coming to pass:
1. Danger in public places
2. Food shortage and high prices
3. Decrease in child birth and live-stock yields
4. Travel disruption
5 Unprofitable business ventures tending to failure
6. Persistent losses due to pests
7. Chronic breathing disorders
8. Heat waves
9. Dust storms
10. Overcome by enemies and driven from home
11. Dead bodies litter the ground in cities
12. Incurable cancers, tumours and allergies
13. Confusion of mind, sight and ability to cope
14. Complete lost about what way to turn
15. Breakdown of family life and every attempt to stabilise your situation
16. Violent men will take your equipment, car and stock investments with no recompense
17. Children will be carried away to foreign land to work for strangers
18. Your own land will be stripped of assets and leave you without any hope of recovery
19. Your whole body will breakout with sores
20. Strangers will own everything and you will be in debt to them
Job went through the whole cycle and it straightened out his thinking (Job.42 v 1-6). He was already compassionate and rich but afterwards he became the loveliest, richest man in the world. God’s way is not easy but very simple (Micah 6 v 7-8): love and trust in Jesus as your Saviour (Heb. 4 v 1, 9-16) and He will guide you (Prov. 3 v 1-18).
The true, omniscient, unchanging God cannot support those who reject His blessing until they repent. It is obvious that the Churches who preach salvation based on self-efforts and the love of self are wrong. Those who ignore God’s wisdom and warnings and call His truth a lie achieve the opposite of what they preach. Then they say it is His fault that it does not work (Jer. 44 v 15-23).
Why are the churches so powerless? Because they are not humble, repentant sinners saved by God’s grace alone (Eph. 2 v 1-10). They replace righteousness by faith in God’s promised redeemer with self-righteousness based on self-redeeming works based on Satan/Darwin’s gospel of self-improvement. They preach about the cross to those in a church and make them sin and self-conscious instead of conscious of Christ’ promised new life. Those outside the man-ruled churches see they have no new life or hope to offer.
John Wesley was an ardent Bible believer but found his intellectual Christianity did not work (Rom. 8 v 4-9). Then he surrendered his natural mind to God’s Holy Spirit and wherever he went to share the reality of God’s life many thousands accepted the living Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Who you know is much more important than what you know (Mt. 7 v 15-23). Your faith is just a theory if it does not work in practice (Jas. 1 v 22-27, 2 v 1-14, 4 v 3-11).
Commit your life wholly to God’s promised redeemer and he will pay off all your debt to your spiritual owners, cleanse you of their bad ways and give you a new, eternal, love relationship with your Father through His tangible entity, Jesus, as revealed by His Holy Spirit (Micah. 7 v 18, 1 Cor. 12 v 12-13, 31).
Instead the self-justified cloud God’s clear instructions. Our translations are by learned people who are guided by our human tree of knowledge. The have reversed the Gospel of salvation (1 Cor. 13 v 12-13). The saved are led by God to do good works but doing good works will not change your self-led nature.
The self-centred search for an understanding of the good and evil in their world through self-examination (meditation) as if looking in a mirror in a darkened room (Is. 14 v 13-15, Ezk. 28 v 16-18). All they see is a distorted view of who they are and where they are. Prolonged staring into a shaded mirror is the entranced into a weird state. Trance also is a window into an altered state where you start to converse with a Nagual or spirit that you become attached to as your familiar spirit.
Cocaine addicted Freud called it his alter ego. It will guide you into a dark labyrinth, devoid of God’s light, until you have not the will to escape. Seeking an altered perspective through intoxication or delving into any form of the occult invites spirits to take up residence in your body who will alter your ego (Lk. 4 v 33-35, 8 v 27-33, 11v 14).
Hypnotherapists can enter your supine mind to change an unwanted compulsion for another but they cannot deliver you from them. Those who worship spirits in natural and mechanical forms take on their persona. A man called Peter identifies in part with the Apostle Peter; Red Wolf starts be think as a wolf; seeking information from a familiar spirit makes you feel like a spirit being; talking to a Wi-Fi cube by name that collects info about you and talks back soon become an alter ego.
Only exposure to the light of God’s Holy Spirit can save you (Lk. 11 v 20, Acts 19 v 13-20). Those who have Jesus’ Spirit do not look in a mirror but through a window into the things of God’s kingdom. In the original Greek it reads: “For now we see through (deliberately omitted by translators) a window pane into an extraordinary world (an enigma) but when I am no longer a child (1 Jn. 2 v 13) I will see him face to face (1 Jn. 2 v 12-17).
It says in 2 Corinthians 3 v 16-18: When the veil or glass is gone we will behold the glory of the Lord and be changed into that glorious image by his Spirit (Php. 1 v 6). It is not of this world but out of this world (Rom. 8 v 1-4). Imagine it as the difference between looking at the light of the moon with a telescope and having a holiday on the moon.
His recorded words are a travel brochure for heaven and a treasure map through which His Spirit reveals his priceless gifts. To start with we can only relate to Jesus in his veiled form or partially (1 Cor. 13 v 9-10; his glorious form is more than we can bear (Gen. 28 v 16-22, Rev. 1 v 12-17).
Like the 80 year old man who did a 5 minute trip above the world, your whole outlook on life will be changed. Before he went he had to do training trips in simulated conditions, be fit and wear special clothing. Those who joint Christ’s trip need to prepare for a much longer trip. They will not return to earth for seven years.
Only those who are invited (Mt. 22 v 3, 10); are not too busy or asleep (Mt. 22 v 4-5), are properly dressed (S.S. 5 v 2-7, Mt. 22 v 11) and can find their invitations when he comes at an unexpected time (Mt. 25 v 5-12), will have a prepaid seat.
Man’s theories on heaven are weird guesses about a make-believe world (Jn. 4 v 22-24). We need more than childish ideas to understand what we need to do to be ready (1 Cor. 13 v 11). Those who want to escape from the pull of this dying world need to renew their minds. They need to do training flights by reaching heights of praise and worship that lift them into His courts (Ps. 100 v 4) till one day they find they are outside the window looking in on the things of this world (3 v 3-21).
If God is for us what is stopping us? The one thing that stops people being acceptable to the Father more than any other is man self-determined religion (Ex. 20 v 2-7, Mt. 13 v 24-30). The great enemy of the Lord of heaven and earth is not Satan the accuser. It has already been made to bow to God’s will. It is the Great Harlot (Jer. 3, Rev. 2 v 22, 17 v 1-8) who sells short term love and peace for money (Jer. 44 v 15-17).
The god of their hypocritical church is God the Mother. She is promoted and worshipped as the god of women (Jer. 44 v 15-17). The joke of Jesus speaking to a lady in church who replies “be quiet when I am talking to your mother” is not a joke!
She is personified as the indulgent mother of the immature. Under her tree of life (Gen. 3 v 6, 1 Kg. 11 v 5-11, 14 v 21-24, Rom. 1 v 19-32) or Ashtaroth pole she offers to people, with minds numbed by repetitive chanting, dancing and intoxication, a false sense of peace about their sin and death bound state.
She is the source of the sorcery that the money makers used to manipulate the truth and make laws that empower the bad and suppress the good. She is the spirit that promotes promiscuity with free abortion so women can reject marriage and take authority over immature men (1 Cor. 11 v 10). Her order makes women hard and men soft. Her aim is to destroy love, joy, peace and truth.
The adulterous have polluted the earth (Jer. 3 v 9, Rom. 1 v 22-32). They have enslaved themselves to this dying world and to death (Rom. 7 v 23, 8 v 21-25). In their rejection of the Father of life they have worshipped animals and trees that are much lower forms and even mountains and stones so they are without any excuse (Rom. 1 v 20).
They have to defend their Genesis 3 v 3-5 death-fearing ideological ideas against any move of Jesus’ Holy (uncontaminated) Spirit to prevent the evil that is concealed in their hearts being exposed (Mt. 12 v 32, 23 v 24-35, Jn. 16 v 7-15, Eph. 4 v 4-6, 13-24). Their teaching is all about (tree of) good and evil and gaining eternal life from superior knowledge and self-improvement (Mt. 23 v 1-13, Col. 2 v 8, 2 Tim. 3 v 1-9).
Those who judge what is good from the Devil’s spiritual perspective dare to judge God as bad! As a result the denominations are now full of pagan doctrines (Rev. 1 v 20, 3 v 1-3, 9). They may say nice placating words but their hearts remain unchanged (Mt. 15 v 8-9). They do not change because their familiar spirits fool them into thinking they will not perish (Gen. 3 v 3-5, 1 Kg. 22 v 18-25, Jer. 26 v 8-13, 44 v 15-27, Acts 5 v 3-4).
The self-justified think their lives are secure so there is nothing wrong. They do not just ignore the warning signs but hate those who warn them (Lk. 10 13-16). They are so attached to their worldly possessions that they wave off the rescue ‘boat’ and go down with their sinking ‘ship’ (Lk. 12 v 18-23, 16 v 19-31, 18 v 11-14).
Only those who confess their godless lives are in a terrible mess will be rescued (Jas. 4 v 4-10, Jude 14-23). Those whose faith is not founded on God’s words will be washed away with the unclean (Neh. 13 v 1-3, Mt.7 v 21-23, 10 v 1, Lk. 6 v 46-49, 2 Cor. 6 v 14-18).
Religious leaders compromise over the truth (Lev. 19, Is. 6 v 9) out of concupiscence (Rom. 7 v 7-14, Col. 3 v 1-17, Jude 4-21). They alter God’s words to accommodate their worldly friends (Neh. 13 v 1-9, Jas. 4 v 3-10, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-28) and repel the lost who seek God’s Saviour. They have consciously destroyed the oneness or holiness of marriage (Gen. 2 v 23-24, Eph.5 v 22-33, 1 Tim. 4 v 1-8).
How much longer do you think the Great, Mighty and Holy God will put up with people who do not just defy Him but use fake truths and force to prevent people becoming one with Christ? The Father gave people the freedom to choose whom they wanted to serve (Josh. 24 v 14-15) but they want to stop the Bride leaving so they can keep her glory and riches for themselves (Mt.21 v 33-45).
Their spirits want them to succeed because once God’s anointed Bride leaves (Mt. 25 v 8, Rev. 11 v 4) they will own man’s kingdom outright for seven years. The Lord will then return with his Bride to avenge the blood of his children (Mt. 23 v 32-39) and they will be put in chains.
The Churches (called out ones) in each area were entrusted with (Mt. 13 v 27-30, Heb. 6 v 7-11) making people disciples of Jesus as the Holy Spirit led (Lk. 24 v 45-49). When the final number of believers is reached He will return for his waiting Bride (Rom. 11 v 25-25, Eph. 5 v 24-27). She will have made herself pure and holy (Ex. 20 v 2-6, Rev. 19 v 7-8, 22 v 12-14).
Instead the Christian religions have committed adultery by becoming joined to free spirits. They demote Christ by presenting him as an illegitimate, long haired guru and use him as a sales gimmick to get good people to pay and obey them.
Jesus freely offered himself as a sacrifice to Ashtoreth on her tree so all who turn to him are no longer under her curse. Those who love him gratefully commit their lives to seeking and walking (Jas. 1 v 22-25) in his will and ways. The self-centred who turn back to their self-saving ways lose all hope of being saved (Gen. 19 v 26, Num. 14 v 22-23, 25 v 9, Heb. 2 v 3, 2 Pt. 2 v 20-22).
It is easy to get out of this dying world but not to get this dying world out of the self-justified (Mt. 12 v 43-45). God’s power destroyed the power Egypt (Pharaoh, his people and their gods) had over their lives but He still had to renew their thinking (1 Cor. 5 v 7-8, 10 v 1-15, Eph. 4 v 17-30, Col. 3 v 10). Those who do not revise their thinking (Lk. 16 v 29, Rev. 11 v 2-4: law and the prophets) will not enter God’s Promised Land (Heb. 4 v 1-16).
The churches that have reverted to following Satan’s gospel base on becoming spiritual through self-improvement and have faith in their godless ideas about what is good or evil. Their Christianised pagan feast days and gods just remind the Father of their sins (1 Cor. 5 v 1-8, 11 v 29-32).
They depict Jesus as still nailed to a cross instead of as their victorious Lord. They present him as the rejected, illegitimate son of a carpenter who tried to rule the world and failed. Their religion wants to save the world by ruling it as its saviour (Jn. 12 v 8- 11, 37-43, 18 v 28). Satan rules through a professional priesthood through a mixture of coercion and fear (Mt. 4 v 8-11) so the worldly do not see God as a loving Father but a tyrant.
In every generation a new move God starts when people become desperate enough to seek His will. Every time they do He forgives them and saves them (Ex. 3 v 9-12, Jg. 1 to 25). Each time the next generation reverted back to following their self-indulgent ways until they were enslaved to their old gods1 Sam. 13 v 8-14, 15 v 21-23 (Ex. 32 v 1-10. Rom. 7).
Their teachers study man’s conceited ideas about God instead of God’s ideas about men so they and end up with a man sized god and change God’s words to suit it (Rom. 8 v 5-9, 2 Cor. 12 v 3-7). The non-sequiturs in the King James Version are obvious but the bumps are hidden in the later version.
Guidance from inner spiritual meditation with your alter ego replaces the work of God’s Holy Spirit. As a result salvation now based on doing what you decide is good (Gen. 3 v 5). The Old Testament is reduced to made-up stories and Jesus Gospel of salvation by faith in his sacrifice dropped so what Jesus said and the Epistles explain make no sense whatsoever.
The Lord your God is one Lord. He is one Spirit over one Church (Eph. 4 v 3-6). He does waver with every different idea that the divisive conjure up. Only those whose faith does not waiver will be victorious (Num. 32 v 7-12, Josh. 5 v 13-15, 14 v 11-14, Is. 55 v 12-14, Rev. 2 & 3).
Jesus said he spoken in parables to people would have to ask him to explain them (Is. 55 v 6-12, Eph. 4 v 11-24, Jas. 1 v 2-8, 4 v 8-10). Only those who come to him can know the Father’s heart and thoughts and what’s his will and how to do it (Jn. 10 v 4-15, 18 v 37, Rev. 3 v 20-22).
Job’s friends spouted hours of ignorant answers to his question about God’s will. When God answered he said “I am ashamed by my behaviour (Job. 42 v 1-6). For now on I will ask, you will talk and I will listen”. God will only walk with and discuss His plans with the humble (1 Kg. 19 v 8-18)
Those who are accepted as His children will fear no evil (Is. 54 v 14-17, Lk. 4 v 13-15, 12 v 28-34, Rom. 8 v 32-37, Eph. 6 v 10-2, Heb. 2 v 12-18)
If you are not hid in the Rock of your salvation be afraid: be very afraid. The world has now gone beyond the point of no return (Gen. 6 v 5-13, Ps.2). The poisonous tares have already been separated into bundles to be burnt (Mt. 13 v 30, Lk. 8 v 13, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-20).
Believers are now bound by the unholy spirits that every country serves and obeys (Rev. 18). Self-centred and reliant people replace the love of God with the love of self (Num. 23 v 19-24). They fill their idle hours immersed in inner unreality. They have unhappy, unsatisfying lives because they were made to be God-centred and reliant.
The religious try to satisfy their eternal desires through mystical music, ceremonies and meditation. The carnally prefer excesses, like trance dances, wild music and drugs. They become guided then bound by their inner alter ego which is a false spirit (Gen. 3 v 22-24).
By the fruits you may know if it is the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12 v 1-13) or a profane one (1 Cor. 14 v 33-37). Those who are not self-controlled but act as if possessed should be commanded to be silenced in ‘Jesus’ name’. Such religion lures people away from the love of God.
Their only hope is to commit their lives to God’s promised redeemer who will pay off all their debt to their spiritual owners, cleanse them of their bad ways and give them a new, eternal, love relationship with our Father through His tangible entity as revealed by His Holy Spirit.
God is now on the offensive. In Revelation 1, 2 & 3, just before Revelation 4, Jesus has the seven spirits that rule over the seven churches balanced in his hand (Rev. 1 v 20). Only those who still worship him by his Holy Spirit (Eph. 4 v 3-6, 30) will be spared and glorified. Only those who respond to his knocking will make it (Rev. 3 v 19-22).
Today’s leaders and people and their anti-Christ spirit guides (2 Cor. 11 v 2-4) have filled his churches with pagan worship and doctrines (Rev. 3 v 1-3, 9). The Father’s children are no longer free to praise and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. As He did with Pharaoh, the Egyptians and their gods He commands: “let My people go or else I will clobber you” (Ex. 7 v 4-5, 12 v 11-13, Ps. 2, Rom. 1 v 18, 25-26).
After 2000 years the Jews are back in their Promised Land (Ezk. 37 v 11-14, Rom. 11 v 20-25) and they have retaken God’s holy city. During this current generation (Lk. 21 v 24-31, Rev. 3 v 11, 4-10-11) the Lord will return on the Day of Jesus Christ, to collects his gentile Bride (Php. 1 v 3-6). The day of Gods vengeance then follows (Rev. 5 to 20). The wages of sin are despair and death (Rom. 6 v 23).
Prior to that day there is a time of grace before judgement (Ezk. 39 v 1-8) with a return to seeking God’s ways. It lasts about 3 ½ years and will end while it is still righteous (Rom. 9 v 28-32). The axe will fall in this generation (Lk. 21 v 24, Rom. 11 v 25, Heb. 4 v 11-16, 12 v 25-27, 2 Pt. 2 v 1-22, 3 v 3-12, Rev. 3 v 18-22). You have been warned (Ezk. 33).