God the Father’s purpose makes this life the greatest of adventures. It is a schooling that ends with great rewards plus an eternal life with endless fulfilment as a child born of the Father’s love (Jn. 3 v 4-21).
We think that if we become very good and wise we could be like him but that is Satan’ gospel (Gen. 3 v 4-6). The wise seek knowledge from meditating on their inner ‘tree’ that tries to makes evil good and good evil. They end up believing they are as gods. Self-discipline and obeying laws does not make you holy; you only restrains the desires of this life (Col. 2 v 18-23).
Self-elevation and justification is not saintly but carnal. Me as god is eccentric. We must put the Lord God at the centre of our lives if we are to enjoy His love, mercy and unearned forgiveness (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Joel. 3 v 9-17). My will be done in heaven as it is on earth is Hegel’s recipe for cooking the truth and producing universal chaos.
Those who reject the guidance, warnings and conviction of God’s Holy Spirit retain God-defying angels or spirits to justify and defend them. They believe and obey Satan’s gospel (Gen. 2 v 9, 16, 3 v 4-7): “what God says is not true. Do whatever you think is good for you and you will become an immortal”. They will be immortals; but in It’s kingdom of death (Lk. 16 v 22-25).
Satan wants to enslave people to serves its purpose to rule the world plus all God’s creation (Col. 1 v 13-17). Rulers also seek to make people serve their purpose also to rule the world and the stars (Gen. 11 v 4-6). This is what we were created to do but we only have the ability to do it if we are submitted to the Father’s purpose (Ezr. 8 v 22). Without Him they only serve Satan’s purpose (Rom. 8 v 4-11).
People who reject God’s purpose find that everything they do to establish their claim is thwarted and only results in chaos (Rom. 7 v 18-24). Only by confessing their purpose is evil and crying to their Father to forgive them (Lk. 15 v 14-24) can they be accepted again as His children and co-rulers over all His possessions (Heb. 2 v 6-7, 10-15).
If you seek learning as the purpose of your life and even become a recognised world expert but have not love as your motivation you have learned nothing about why you are here (1 Cor. 13 v 1). As melancholic Schopenhauer discovered; those like Adam who seek to be self-determined (Lk. 15 v 11-32, Rom. 3 v 10-20) discover that without the Lord God’s purpose and perspective their dying lives have no lasting purpose.
Religious people try to defend themselves against God’s judgement by doing good in order to prove He is wrong (1 Cor. 13 v 2-3)! They gather people to support their purpose of establishing a kingdom on earth. To do this they have to correct God’s recorded words to fit theirs so instead of being enlightening they become confusing.
They look to the conclusions of other self-sustained and justified people like Aristotle, Hegel, Darwin, Marx and Feud who seek wisdom from their inner voices (Is. 14 v 9-15). That ‘tree’ of knowledge is not an alternative truth but only the opposite of God’s truth. The godless see all life is just a meaningless, pointless accident. The reality of evil and death defeats their merry-go-round wisdom (Eph. 4 v 14).
The idea that life is a pointless pastime sets angry wrongdoers free to do as they like. God consciousness (Gen. 2 v 25) is swapped for sin and self-consciousness. Love, Truth and eternal security are lost to fear, fake truth and eternal torment.
To bolster their unsatisfying, psychological ideas they have to impose their deceptions on others. They have to attack the truth and convince them that seeking occult experiences using mind-mashing substances is harmless fun. Then it is easy to make them believe what God says is bad is really good.
Seeking for self-perfection means you know you are not. You will only gain a knowledge of the extent of your self-conscious, sin-conscious problem (Rom. 7 v 22-24). The result is that those who seek a relationship with a god based on their imagined righteousness breathe in its life (Gen. 1 v 26-27, 2 v 7).
Sin-consciousness is excuse by Darwin ultra-racist theory about selfish self-survival (Gen. 3 v 7). In his pyramidal food chain the higher up take as much as they can and give as little as the can. They treat those below them as their inferior prey and impose their evil will through aggressive pressure groups.
It is unsustainable. Darwin’s version of evolution is imposed to hide the truth that all are going to die. This fact is masked with lies so people will remain subject to Satan’s rule until it is too late to change. Matter over mind is sold as mind over matter!
Pretending wrong is right is unsustainable. We live in an entropic universe so things cannot self improve. All order is now descending into chaos. The fossil beds only record mass extinction events.
When the mindlessly die and lose their body and kingdom they will be totally handicapped (Gen. 1 v 26-31, 2 v 17, 25). They will be stuck in their hopeless state with their alternative king (Lk. 4 v 5-7) in a disintegrating universe (Is. 14 v 9-17, Rev. 20 v 12-15). They will remain destitute forever.
Only an omnipotent, all-knowing Person can afford to be all-love and merciful but He cannot change what He has defined as good or evil. The God defiant judge His truth as wrong (Gen. 3 v 4-5) but His judgement cannot be altered, denied, bought or annulled. His laws are fixed. Wrong-doers will be judged by them and imprisoned forever.
Godliness can only be gained from walking in step with His law of love. It cannot be gained from self-knowledge (Rom. 8 v 4-9). A religious do-gooder with his own version of God’s will has no future (Gen. 4 v 5, Mt. 7 v 21-23, 12 v 50).
Only those who realise their godless, temporal nature has no good future and cry to God to forgive and save them will gain a knowledge of His awesome love and grace (Eph. 2 v 1-10, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). Your carnal life is not redeemable: the only way to become reunited with the Father and live in His home and gain His provision forever is to gain a new God-approved life (Jn. 3 v 3, 14-21, Rom. 8, Heb. 6 v 14-16, 9 v 11-14, 10 v 14-22).
Only God’s perfect love can set us free from our self and sin consciousness (Rom. 8 v 1-17, 28). It does not set us free to sin but enables us to become holy and acceptable to Him for ever and ever (Rom. 6 v 15-23)! We must submit to the schooling and purging of God’s Holy Spirit to learn his ways as in any new relationship (Mt. 3 v 11-12, Gal. 3 v 23-29).
We must be set free from our judgemental, self-justifying mind set (Jas. 4 v 1-11). We must see all lost souls as Jesus sees them (Mt. 5 v 1-16, 43-48). His ‘turning of the cheek’ is an offer of peace and forgiveness (Mt. 5 v 39). Those who strike again and reject his offer will suffer damnation (Mt. 10 v 12-15, LK. 23 v 39-43). Those who believe they are right and God is wrong are as starving people who ‘thrown away the plain bread and eat the fancy wrapper’.
Achieving the opposite of what you want due to your self-centred perspective is an enigma. Einstein’s theory about gravity is an enigma. It blocks the understanding of how gravity, g, relates to the speed of light, C. It defeated S. Hawkins’ universal theory. It is like looking at yourself in a mirror in which your right arm becomes your left; you think you are right and God is wrong (Gen. 3 v 6) so everything becomes inverted (Rom. 7 v 19).
Our modern Bible translators have made 1 Corinthians 13 v 12 read as looking in a dark mirror which is the opposite of what it says in the Greek original. The original wording says: For now we see (revelations from God) through a window pane as an enigma. The Holy Spirit’s teaching is not an alternative to our ways but the opposite (Ps. 103 v 11-18): his way leads to eternal life, our way to eternal death (Gen. 2 v 9, 16-17, Mt. 4 v 4, 15 v 7-9, 18 v 11-14).
The mysterious, inner contemplation of those who seek spiritual enlightenment like Freud and the spirit guided Gnostics see themselves as supermen or god-men like Jesus. Instead of being changed into his image they want him to change into theirs! They enter an occult labyrinth which they know has over its opening ‘Lose all hope all you who enter here’.
Self-important ministers confuse the truth to maintain their spiritual superiority as the only ones who can understand it. They not only hide the Truth but stop others from finding it (Mt. 23 v 5-15). The New Covenant Testament (especially the Epistles) is full of warnings about them trying to take over churches (Rom. 1 v 21-23 to Jude 3-4). They are now full of teachers from theological colleges who treat the Bible as very dubious as it does not agree with their teaching.
Instead of preaching repentance and submission to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour they promote Satan’s gospel of: (Gen. 3 v 3-11): “…. forget what your Father God has said. He is lying to you for He knows that you will not die but become a godlike one (your own god).”
As only God’s truth is good every alternative they choose is bound to be bad (Gen. 6 v 5, Ezra 8 v 21-23). Self-improvement, learning and sacrifice alone cannot make you acceptable in God’s presence (Lk. 10 v 29, 18 v 11-14).
Faith in God’s completed work of redemption (Gal. 4 v 1-7, Heb. 3 v 11, 4 v 9-16) is not gained from just a belief or knowledge of His words. Assurance is only gained from obeying then experiencing them (Eph. 2 v 8-10, Heb. 11 v 1, Jas. 1 v 3-8, 2 v 18-20).
The self-righteousness of religious gurus who seek a following on earth is a load of baloney (Mt. 5 v 20, 6 v 16-21, 1 Tim. 6 v 5-10, Jude 3-4). If you defend your self-centred life against God’s judgement (Mt. 7 v 21-23, Rev. 20 v 11-15) you will be stuck with it (Lk. 9 v 24-26).
All you have gain from this life will perish with you (1 Cor. 3 v 11-15, 13 v 1-3) and you will be left in a bankrupt state called hell forever. Self-survivalist spend their troubled life in trying to hang onto a life they cannot keep instead of investing time to gain a life they cannot lose (Jn. 12 v 24-26).
Why? Pride! The self-excused refuse to repent and admit they are terribly wrong. They reject their loving Father’s extreme, sacrificial efforts to win them back. Those who reject His promised sin offering will forfeit His love and grace (Gen. 4 v 3-7, Lk. 18 v 11-14).
Adam was God breathed (one pneuma: Gen. 2 v 7, Jn. 15 v 26). He was ‘a’ temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3 v 16, 6 v 15-20). He was given authority over all God’s creation (Heb. 1 v 10-14).
He wanted to do its own will so he allied himself with a very powerful anti-Christ spirit. He swapped God’s Holy Spirit for an indwelling lying spirit (Gen. 3 v 3-5, Mt. 18 v 8, Lk. 16 v 23-24, Acts 2 v 27, Heb. 9 v 27). He lost God’s provision and rejected the Father’s love. His kingdom became controlled by sin and predestines to die. That life can never be made compatible with God’s perfect and holy life.
While that old life is still alive we can only realise his new life by faith in what Jesus has said and done (Heb. 2 v 3-4). That faith is upheld not first by sight but by walking day by day in the truth. In order for a very finite human (Heb. 2 v 6-11) to be secure in the presence of the Almighty, Omni-everything Father we need to be eternally as one in a very assured relationship with an eternal secure intermediary (Heb. 7 v 19-27).
Jesus died to redeem the repentant from their cursed life. Only a love for Jesus can stop you doing the things that displease him. Only the experience of his forgiveness can set you free from fear and free to you love others as you are loved.
We enter an eternal covenant with the Father by cutting a blood covenant with Jesus by faith (Heb. 11 v 1-4, 13). The tokens of that covenant are the exchange of a precious gift: you give him your life and he gives you his life. The Father’s eternal love for Jesus is given to you (Eph. 1, Col. 2 v 6-17) and your lustful self-centred love is surrendered to death with Jesus’ human death (Rom. 12 v 1-16, Gal. 5 v 13-24, Heb. 11 v 17-19).
As in a marriage covenant (see King of Kings post) those who are baptised into Jesus’ death (Rom. 6 v 1-14) in place of inheriting the state of death (1 Cor. 5 v 7, 15 v 29) leave their earthly fathers life and become part of Jesus’ Father’s family (Heb. 2 v 5-11). They gain his righteous standing and are served by his servants (Mt. 4 v 11, Lk. 3 v 13, 22 v 40-46, Heb. 1 v 13-14, Rev. 22 v 9-11).
They still die physically but they do not experience torment in death (Jn. 8 v 52, Lk. 16 v 22, Col. 1 v 13, 2 v 9-15). When the whole body of Christ is complete they swap their material sensed life and temporal body for an immaterial eternal life and body (1 Cor. 15 v 47-54).
That covenant-unto-death is made by faith based on a promise of love. Breakers of a covenant unto death invite death (Gen. 3 v 11, Rom. 6 & 7, 1 Cor. 11 v 26-32). It is based on the one which God made with Abraham (Gal. 3 v 6-9). In a biblical covenant unto death two walked through death together, between halved animal sacrifices, into a new life as one (Gen. 15 v 9-12, Jer. 34 v 18-19).
All Abraham did was to not allow the ‘vultures’ to interfere and rob him. He then fell asleep and felt something terrible was about to happen (Mt. 27 v 45-46). The Father walked through the covenant unto death and Jesus walked through in Abraham’s place (Heb. 6 v 11-20, 1 Jn. 4 v 10).
We have not kept our covenant with Our Father (Is. 53 v 1-12, Mt. 18 v 12-13) but if we like Abraham and his great grandson Job, trust in His promised redeemer and make a new covenant with him (Mt. 26 v 26-28, 1 Cor. 11 v 23-29) we too shall be redeemed (Gen. 3 v 15, 4 v 4, 22 v 7-8, Job 19 v 25-27, Gal. 3 v 6-7).
All have sinned against our Father’s love but those who have a love relationship with Jesus (as in a marriage covenant: Eph. 2 v 4-18, 5 v 25-32) find he has died in their place (Jn. 19 v 30, Heb. 10 v 14-18). Christians who commit their lives to Jesus as his gentile bride are married into His family (Gal. 3 v 13-29). Adultery warrants divorce.
As they walk alongside Jesus and respond to his words they are cleansed and refined (Eph. 5 v 24-27, Gal. 4 v 3-8, Php. 2 & 3). Their faith in him is tested to see if it is genuine (Gen. 3 v 7). Adam failed the 40 day test: the Hebrews failed the 40 day test (Ex. 24 v 18); Jesus passed the 40 day test (Lk. 4 v 4).
Those who reject their old Adamic covenant with Satan before it ends on the death of their old life (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Lk. 23 v 40-43, Rom. 7 v 2-6) and make a new covenant with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour have their sins against God annulled (2 Tim. 1 v 10). You must treat your inherited anti-Christ life as dead and stop resurrecting it (Rom.8 v 13, Col. 3 v 2-17).
Your old life is guided by an alter ego (Acts 5 v 3-4) that turns the blessings and pleasures that He gave us to richly enjoy into lusts and addictions (Jas. 1 v 6-8, 4 v 10). Many people who believe and do the bad things they think are good are the puppets of their inner spirit (1 Kg. 22 v 20-22, 1 Cor. 10 v 6-12, 20-23, Jas. 1 v 13-26).
Those who accept their crooked, human life as dead with Christ’s humanity (Rom. 6 v 3-14, 7 v 2-6) start a new life joined to Christ’s risen life as a son of the Father (Acts 2 v 37-40, Gal. 2 v 16-21). Their steps are again guided by the Holy Spirit who is the ‘tree’ or source of spiritual life (Deut. 8 v 2-3).
The only solution is to ‘love the Lord our God with all your being, both mentally and physically and love others as you are loved’ (Lev. 19 v 18, Deut. 6 v 5, Lk. 10 v 27). Those who do not break these two laws are sinless and are made perfect (Gen. 6 v 8-9, Ps. 37 v 34-40, Mt. 19 v 17-26, Rom. 12 v 1-21). They win through by trusting that the blood of the Lamb of God makes the transition possible (Rev. 7 v 13-17, 12 v 10-11).
The light of Jesus will shine upon them and they will know the truth and the truth will liberate them (Jn. 1 v 12-13, 8 v 31-39). Oh that I might know him and walk and talk with him Abraham did (Gal. 3 v 25-29, Eph. 2 v 6-4-10, 4 v 17-32, Php. 3 v 7-16).
When you grasp the enormity of Jesus’ love for you will hate the carnal side of your life (Rom. 6 v 16-23, 7 v 14). You will be consumed with a love for Jesus that inhibits sin (1 Jn. 4 v 18).
The first man the Father breathed His life into was called Adam. He was made in the image of His visible, tangible person (Heb. 2 v 5-7, Col. 2 v 8-10). He was glorious: he was clothed with light (Gen. 3 v 7, Ex. 34 v 28-30, Mt. 17 v 2). Only walking each day in Jesus’ presence will make you like him again (2 Cor. 3 v 13-18). You need to be nourished spiritually by the bread from heaven to gain his heavenly life (Jn. 6 v 62-63).
You enter into a blood covenant with Jesus by a baptism that is the sign of repentance for your old ways into a new God directed life (Ex. 15 v 1-2, Acts 2 v 38-42). You progress in three progressive stages and identifications marked by three baptism: by water, dividing wind and fire (Lk. 3 v 3-17, 1 Jn. 2 v 12-14)! You do 1; God’s Spirit does 2 & 3.
Many however do not change because of unbelief (Lk. 18 v 8). They do not surrendering their dying, carnal life to death with Jesus’ humanity in order to gain his risen life. They bypass the purging and refining work of the Holy Spirit with a man powered baptism with the name of the Father and Holy Spirit with just water(Lk. 3 v 16-17: “baptize you with Holy Wind and also fire“).
The Apostles did not do this (Acts 10 v 44-48, 19 v 2-6). The original of Matthew 28 v 19 does not say this but: “baptizing them in the name of the Father and also of the Son and also of the Spirit” (Lk. 24 v 49). Baptism is not a passage from sin and death straight into God’s life: it marks a repentance for past life and the START of a new Holy Spirit guided life (Acts 19 v 4-6, 1 Cor. 10 v 2-12, Heb. 4 v 1-2, Jude 5). Some are saved without it or even before they are baptised in water (Ezk. 18 v 26-31, Acts 10 v 44-48).
The faithless want God to revive their old life (Num. 11 v 1-2, 5, 33-34). They represent Jesus as still dead on a cross as if he died to save their human life. Instead of the Lord’s Prayer (Mt. 6 v 9-10) they pray to God to establish their kingdom as a heaven on earth.
They do not receive God’s new life. They mask their apostasy and lack of evidence of God’s Holy Spirit gifts with stirring emotional song and by conjuring mock holy spirits with carnal gifts. They say that the Holy Spirit was only given to the early Church to establish it (Jn. 17 v 13-23, Acts 28 v 25-27). God’s inspired words (1 Pt. 1 v 11-25, 2 Pt. 1 v 19-21, 2 v 1-3) are adjusted to fit their fixed ideas! Year after year nothing changes.
They remain stuck on the lifeless side of his cross and carry it around like an idol (2 Kg. 18 v 4, Jn. 3 v 6, 14-15). It gets heavier as they get weaker. Their self-pleasing, man-powered church-life is fed with man-made food so they are ever seeking new teachers but never growing (Mt. 13 v 12-23, Lk. 17 v 18, 22-30).
The Lord’s Supper is not life-giving to your natural body; it is identifying it as dead with Jesus’ human nature (Rom. 6 v 2-10, 1 Cor. 11 v 26-31). Only when it finally dies will the redeemed be made perfect (Job. 18 v 25-26, 1 Cor. 15 v 42-44, 54-57, Php. 1 v 6-11). Taking some sort of mystical communion of physical bread and wine will not make you more like Jesus but join you to an idol (1 Cor. 10 v 18-21). If you are not sure of when, why and what you are communing with; stop!
Only churches who worship and obey Jesus as their King and Saviour (Jn. 15 v 3-8) are fed by his Holy Spirit. Those who reject him as their Lord in favour of their preferred version of God’s words remain still under Adam’s self and sin-conscious curse (Gen. 3 v 3-7, Lk. 18 v 11-14). They wither and die (Rom. 11 v 18–22). They are being collected into groups for burning (Mt. 11 v 16-30).
The order Jesus gave his Church on pain of death is to renew their new covenant each Passover (Lk. 22 v 15-20, 1 Cor. 5 v 6-8, 11 v 23). Instead the churches have confused the breaking of the daily leavened bread of life that only sustains physical life (Gen. 2 v 9, Mt. 4 v 4, Jn. 6 v 26-27, 1 Cor. 10 v 4) with the unleavened bread that represents partaking of Jesus’ human death. The denominations who have done this have spiritually died and become infested with false Gnostic spirits and doctrines (1 Cor. 11 v 10, 1 Tim. 2 v 12, 4 v 1-2, 2 Tim. 3 v 1-17). The ‘vultures’ have settled (Mt. 13 v 31-33, Rev. 1 v 20, 2 & 3).
Many denominations still retain their original spirits (Ex. 32 v 8, 23-24, 33, Acts 7 v 51-52) and their love of their man powered religion (1 Jn. 2 v 15-20, 4 v 1-10). Their church life is as dead as a statue but their spirits or angels make them feel spiritual and holy (Gen. 3 v 6, Rev. 1 v 20). They resist the gift of a new life from the Holy Spirit and accept their financial blessings as God’s gifts (Is. 55 v 1-3, 6-13, Mt. 6 v 24).
The end of the times of the Gentiles is not the end of the world (Lk. 21 v 23-24): it is the completion or end of the Gentile Church (Rom. 11 v 24-25, Rev. 7 v 3-8) and the testing and rebirth of the Jewish Church.
Stop telling the Holy Spirit what you want him to do! Repent, claim the blood of Jesus to cover your sin (Jas. 4 v 3-12) and ask him what he wants you to do. The time for repentance has not only come but will soon be over (Jonah 3 v 10, Mt. 3 v 10-12, 1 Pt. 4 v 7-18).
God is immeasurably greater than His creations. If He has blessed and ‘watered’ He will reap a harvest: He will always complete that He has started (Eph. 1 v 4-14, Php. 1 v 5-6, Heb. 6 v 7-11). Our problem is that we do not start off perfect and become imperfect like Adam. We start with a life that is robbed of purpose and predestined to die yet with a desire for glory. Only those who trust in our Father’s proven love will trust His promised Redeemer to do to them what is for them is impossible (Heb. 11 v 6).
Those who try to lift themselves up by their own boot laces prefer to believe a mystical, lying alien, who will set them free from being bound to do their Father’s will on earth as it is in heaven. It’s gospel of salvation is by self-perfection, as taught by many man promoted religions (Gen. 3 v 3-11). Its purpose is to rob them of their purpose in order to fulfil its purpose (Is. 14 v 12-17).
Adam was God breathed (one pneuma: Gen. 2 v 7, Jn. 15 v 26). He was ‘a’ temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3 v 16, 6 v 15-20). He wanted to do his own will so he allied himself with a very powerful anti-Christ spirit who also wanted to do its own will. Adam swapped God’s Holy Spirit for an indwelling lying spirit. He swapped eternal life for eternal death (Gen. 3 v 3-5, Mt. 18 v 8, Lk. 16 v 23-24, Acts 2 v 27, Heb. 9 v 27).
Mental health is a spiritual problem that can be helped by switching off the person but medical treatment cannot switch off our demonic alter egos. Those descended from Adam’s godless life who modify God’s words to fit their self saving ideas (Lk. 3 v 16-17, Jn. 3 v 3-7) are irredeemable (Rom. 7 v 14-18).
If you are not centred on the Father’s purpose you have viable future. The self-centred therefore seek a purpose in all the alternative dark places (Jn. 3 v 19-21). They bolster their pointless beliefs by making others who are lost agree with them through making them think they are like them. Wolves in sheep’s clothing feed off sheep.
All who reject the Spirit of Father’s directions are fooled into thinking they are free to do whatever seems good for them but there cannot be any viable alternative to His perfect plan for humanity. All they do is the opposite of God’s will. They do all the things that God has warned are deadly (Rom. 6 v 23).
In doing whatever they think is good for them the self-centred not only distain and harm the weak (Mk. 9 v 41-44) but even misuse those closest to them whom they should love. They know this is wrong but they defiantly cast off the noose of their guilt and dance on the trapdoor to hell.
God is more than fair with people who repent but He must also respect the free will of those who maintain their independent life (Lk. 11 v 13, 15 v 20-24, 23 v 40-43, Rom. 10 v 8-13). Those who want to be their own god will be destitute and tormented for eternity.
From the very beginning all who sincerely repent (Lk. 18 v 13-14) of their self-determined life and cry to God to accept them again will be forgiven (Gen. 4 v 4, Job 19 v 25-27, Lk. 17 v 3-4). They will be saved from death if they are repentant when their human life dies (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Lk. 23 v 41-43).
God promised Adam that a new man would be born who would die in his place (Jn. 1 v 9-14, 29, Acts 4 v 10-12). Those fully committed to his human death through baptism into the name of Jesus receive his life breath before their humanity dies (Eph. 1 v 6-14, 2 v 4-10). Jesus put on our sin and put on us his robe of righteousness (Is. 61 v 10, Eph. 4 v 22-24, 6 v 10-18).
He descended into our death so we might ascend with his eternal life (Is. 53 v 3-12, Rom. 5 v 12-21, 8 v 4-17, Eph. 4 v 8-12). He put on the ‘crown of thorns’ that torments our minds and put his crown of kingship on us (Ps. 8 v 5-6, Heb. 2 v 7, 17, Jas. 1 v 12, Rev. 1 v 5-6). All those saved by faith in Jesus need to do is to humble themselves and let him wash and clothe them (Ex. 17 v 16, Is. 61 v 10-11, Jn. 13 v 8-10, Eph. 5 v 25-27).
There is a fading beauty in the whole of creation (Rom. 8 v 18-23): imagine what it was like when it was new (Job. 38 v 7)! God’s children may no longer glow but they have a growing inner beauty. Satan’s children are filled with ugliness because they reject God’s Spirit of truth and cover their sin and guilt with flimsy reasoning based on false assumptions (Lk. 7 v 45, Jn. 1 v 8-14, 8 v 38-47, 12 v 9-11). The confused are lost because instead of exploring God’s order they try to save themselves.
Holiness is only possible as we let the Holy Spirit cleanse us (Heb. 4 v 1-6, 9-16, 6 v 11-20, 7 v 11, 25). He is called the Paraclete because he comes alongside us to comfort and reassure us and reveal the wonders of the Father’s will for us (Jn. 14 v 12-23, 16 v 7-15, 17 v 15-26, Heb. 2 v 5-15).
Although dwelling in heaven instead of hell is what all may want, dwelling with a Holy God is alien to our present nature (Rom. 7 v 19-24, 8 v 5-8). The self-justified cannot maintain their self-determined righteousness even in their own eyes (Acts 7 v 51-58, 9 v 4-5). Their pride is the fool’s sin (Lk. 18 v 9-11).
They excuse and justify their behaviour based on dialectic, existential arguments that just go round God’s truth in mythological clouds of make believe. Wittgenstein affirmed all self-approved purposes that are contrary to God’s love are just meaningless guesses.
The Fathers purpose is to turn the children of Adam, who was created in His image, into sons who are born in His image as an extension of His eternal Son. We can only wonder at how magnificently, stupendous His plan is by what it cost to His person (Jn. 1 v 12-13, 3 v 1-3, 10, 16-21).
To be fully identified with us in our cut off state Jesus too had to be cut off (Heb. 2 v 9-18). The Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are bound as one by love had to open up to let us in. The Godhead had to divide (Jn. 10 v 18, 17 v 20-26, 19 v 30). This is a mystery that Satan did not imagine was possible (1 Cor. 2 v 8).
Philosophers and religious teachers seek recognition as superior thinkers by creating every imaginable belief so people can choose whatever purpose suits their life style (Jn. 3 v 10-12). They offer an alternative purpose based on their own image. Yuck! God is either irrelevant or is seen as an amenable, absent landlord.
The death-fearing make survival the glorifying purpose of life while the melancholic, like Socrates and Schopenhauer surrender to it. The wise stoics thought that giving up pleasure made them godlike but it just made then skinny (Gen. 2 v 16, 1 Tim 6 v 17-18).
The simple minded, like Nietzsche, reject the obvious truth about their hopeless state. They make up a purpose mainly based on becoming a god-like-one or superman based on inspiration from Satan (Ezk. 28 v 17-19). They use physical highs to escape their spiritual lows (Rom. 1 v 18-32). Many rely on drink or drugs to maintain their folly. They sink lower than a dumb beast.
Those who believe Satan’s gospel and think they are as gods are liars and killers. They have no solution to man’s problem of being a weak, fallible creature who is predestined to die yet they desire to be an eternal godlike one. They want all to bow to their evil will. Their hopeless final solution is to attack and kill those who expose their true nature (Jn. 12 v 9-11).
A man of God cannot promote his life as better than theirs because his natural state is as hopeless as theirs (Rom. 7 v 24-25). He can only proclaim God the Father’s solution (Jn. 3 v 14-21). He cannot support it by what he does (Eph. 4 v 3-10): he proves it by what God does (Ps. 96 v 1-13, Is. 29 v 13-16, Acts 4 v 26-31). It is Christ in us that offers everyone a hope of glory (Col. 1 v 26-29).
Do not glorify the achievements of the Pharaohs, Caesars or Napoleon and Hitler but be appalled by their shattered dreams. Satan is not a giver but the robber and destroyer of life. It is the father of lies (Lk. 5-8, Jn. 8 v 44) whose promises turn into ashes (Gen. 3 v 14). The worldly who achieve the purpose of attaining all this life has to offer end up empty (Is. 14 v 13-27).
Just reaching maturity is not a purpose (1 Cor. 15 v 42-57). A resource, like a fully grown crop has only any value if it was grown for a purpose and is harvested. Without a purpose it just degrades back into the soil. Death makes the purpose of the self-saving meaningless.
Researchers into what happens on death have collect many thousands of similar accounts from those who have died then been resuscitated. The materialist study them to extend a life on earth which is like living on ‘death row’! The spiritualists believe (Gen. 3 v 4) that they will live in Satan’s home forever (Is. 28 v 15-22, Rev. 20 v 10-15): they will! Only those who cry to the Father to forgive their rejection of His love will be forgiven and made acceptable in His home because Jesus’ sacrifice has annulled the sin and death-ruled nature of the repentant forever (2 Tim. 1 v 9-14).
There is no alternative to God the Father’s purpose (Deut. 30 v 11-20, Rom. 4 v 13-17). Proud, self-determined people who reject God’s revealed purpose have no viable alternative or hope. They cannot undo their past nor have control of their future, not even when playing a simple board game.
They can indulge in make believe, idly waste time but they cannot stop it. They can only learn from their past, enjoy their ‘now’ and embrace the future. Good or bad their life is a deadly game with no reset button.
Amassing money helps with short term survival but the super-rich become disenchanted with it as it does not buy happiness. Wittgenstein who inherited a very vast fortune understood it was a false god and gave it all away to live a contemplative life.
Some think serving or giving to others will redeem them (Lk. 18 v 12-13) but only giving out of love and obedience to the Father has any eternal value (Mt. 6 v 12-18, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-21). The truth makes the self-glorifying angry with God when they should be humbly asking Him for answers (Jer. 33 v 3, Lk. 10 v 25-29, Jas. 1 v 5-8).
Many attempt to be blameless by trying to fulfil a moderated version of the laws that God wrote with His finger (Ex. 31 v 18, Jn. 8 v 5-9). They are very good laws but He wrote them to prove to the self-righteous that they cannot keep them both spiritually, mentally and physically (Mt. 5 v 20-48, Rom. 3 v 19-26, Gal. 3 v 10-12).
Humanists love this life and believe if all loved humanity in a Welfare State of equals, with equal rights, life would be perfect. As the rights of each group are different, egoistic humanists have to enforce their agenda. They trample on the rights of the passive majority. They love their ‘humanity! They hate their neighbours who do not support their vain, short-sighted humanity.
Woke is an extension of their awake state (Gen. 3 v 7) but they live in darkness (Jn. 9 v 39-41). Proud dreamers will wake up in a world full of disorder, strife, war and destruction (Jude 8-19, Rev. 14 v 6-8). Our temporal cosmos is entopic. It had a start, will run down and end in chaos. It is a very big disposable stage set. It is part of our schooling which leads either to a spectacularly perfect life (Ps. 19, Rom. 1 v 20) or God’s rubbish dump (Is. 30 v 33).
In the short time we are here what are we meant to learn? The Bible is our text book. God’s recorded words give us a solid foundation to build our lives on (Mt. 7 v 24-27). He cries out to those heading determinedly to self-destruction (Mt. 11 v 28-30, 23 v 37) but they want to play. They make once-upon-a-time comic book versions of the text book. They shut their ears and let the convey belt of time carry them into the fires of hell (Lk. 16 v 23-26, Acts 7 v 51-57).
Our world is in a terrible terminal state because our anti-Christ theories do not work in reality; they generate disorder (Gen. 6 v 12-13, Jer. 8 v 6-22). The scientific facts are simply interpreted to suit our self-determined thinking (Is. 55 v 6-12, Mt. 15 v 13-19).
As with Atheists, Evolutionist, Genesis 6 god-men, Christian Scientists and Scientologists, they do not become transcendent, superior god-like ones but remain bound by their carnal nature. Their mortal predicament remains unaltered. Only God’s love and grace can save them.
Those centred on self-survival automatically sin against others and God’s will (Lk. 10 v 26-29). In order to be set free from their sin and guilt they need a change of purpose. Those who do not turn to God for help but excuse their bad behaviour seek support from a self-saving unholy spirit so they become trapped into doing even greater sins.
Existential metaphysicists power Satan’s matrix. Satan’s kingdom only survives because humans feed it. Again and again, their Babel-based civilisation, ruled by a god-man becomes top heavy and unstable. The greedy in Darwin’s pyramidal, food-chain order take out more than they put in until their ‘prey’ can no longer sustain it so it collapses.
Self-survivalist try to overcome their failing nature by becoming one with the immaterial force that drives the natural ecology. They empathise with natural remedies, humanised animals and worship an earth god by becoming back-to-nature primitives or carnal zombies. Adam’s life was originally descended from God’s, not a monkey but the godless identify with monkeys.
‘Save the Planet’ anarchists think sacrificing the rights of others in order to save Nature will somehow save their carnal nature (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Rom. 8 v 20-24) from Nature’s wrath. We spend about 2% of GDP on armed defence: we spend nearly 12 % (US about 17.5 %) on health issues. About another 1.5% is spent on coping with natural disasters.
Mystic Nature will not save them; it is trying to kill them. Beyond our Earth’s magnetic shield our entropic cosmos is hostile to all life. Sickness, death, and futility will burst their narcissistic bubble.
God’s laws are designed to make the repentant turn back to their Father-God and be forgiven (Lk. 15 v 3-7, 17-24, Gal. 3 v 22-29). The saved are set free of their nagging guilt (Rev. 12 v 10-11). God’s laws become a promise: ‘you will not’ instead of ‘you must not’ (Mt. 5 v 2-17, 1 Jn. 1 v 7-9, 3 v 2-6).
It is not the Father’s will that any should perish (Ezk. 18 v 30-32). Everyone who is sorry for their sin against God before they are cut off from His life forever when they die and cry to Him for forgiveness will be forgiven (Ezk. 18 v 21-25, Lk. 23 v 39-43). The love of God will then fill their frustrated heart with joy, peace and laughter (Ps. 126, Is. 51 v Php. 4 v 6-7). They sing the songs of the redeemed (Eph. 5 v 19, Gal. 3 v 13, 4 v 5, Rev. 5 v 9).
The Infinite Father can only relate to His finite creation via His infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent Holy Spirit as His visible, tangible person through whom He made all His non-infinite creations (Gen. 1 v 1-3, Jn. 1 v 1-13, Col. 1 v 13-20, 2 v 8-17, 3 v 1-6). He is the Lord of all (Rom. 11 v 36): His name that is above all names is Jesus (Eph. 1 v 17-22, Php. 2 v 9-10, 1 Pt. 2 v 7-10). He is holy and perfect.
Our sin cuts us off from His holy life. The Father loves us but a close relationship can only be maintained if there is way back to Him every time we are sorry for departing from His will which is often (Jn. 3 v 15-18). God so loves the world that He sent His visible person to dwell on earth as a man to annul that barrier (Jn. 14 v 7-24, Php. 2 v 2-11, Col. 2 v 8-19, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10).
God promised Adam that a perfect new man would be born of God who would buy him back from Satan’s ownership by dying in his place. It is only through sincere repentance and faith in God’s promised redeemer (Job 19 v 25-27) that any of Adam’s descendants can be saved (Eph. 2 v 1-10, Heb.11-6).
By faith offenders put a spotless, innocent lamb to death in their place (Gen. 4 v 4-5, Job 1 v 5. Jn. 1 v 29-34,Heb. 9 v 12-15, 27-28, 1 Pt. 1 v 19-25). It had to be repeated every time they sinned again unto death.
Jesus has now fulfilled the Father’s promise. His priesthood now covers your sin once and forever (Heb. 7 v 21-28). All that is required of you is sincerity (Jas. 4 v 6-10). The man who was hung next to Jesus confessed he deserved to die for his crimes. He cried to Jesus for mercy (Ezk. 18 v 27, Lk. 23 v 40-43, Rom. 10 v 13) and immediately Jesus forgave him so he went with Him to Paradise (Lk. 16 v 22-23).
That resting place for dead believers belonged in death. Jesus conquered death so when he left all the Old Testament saints left with him (Php. 3 v 8-11) and presented them to thee Father as the first fruits of His great plan (Lev. 23 v 10-22, Mt. 27 v 51-53). The enormity of his victory was further displayed; he took the place of their captivity with him (Eph. 4 v 4-16).
Now the dead in Christ who have died since his resurrection rest patiently in Jesus’ paradise (Lk. 16 v 25, Jn. 21 v 11, Rev. 6 v 9-11). The Body of Christ cannot be raised until the whole number is complete. Those still alive on earth will join them at the rapture (Mt. 25 v 10, 1 Cor. 15 v 51-52, 1 Thess. 2 v 19, 4 v 13-18).
That completion is essential (1 Jn. 3 v 18-24, 4 v 6-18). The individuals are not all made into mini-Christs as restored Adam’s but each is one vital part of the Bride of Christ (Rom. 12 v 1-16, 1 Cor. 12 v 11-31). Each part of his Body is equally important but has a different function.
Adam’s original proud, self-willed life is divisive and self-destructive (Gal. 5 v 13-26). Only in the new Adam are all the saved unified and made acceptable to the Father for eternity (Eph. 2 v 15). We put on his life by faith in his finished work (Eph. 2 v 5-10, 4 v 17-31). Without him no one knows who they are, why they are here or where they are going.
The lost try to identify with like-minded people who follow the theory of an insecure, self-determined guesser who needs their backing. To hide their insecurity they have to impose their accepted lie on others. Unity is maintained by pleasantries, ceremonies, rules, judgement, threats, fear and force. A compromise is a patch that cannot endure.
When they are left with a fading body and mind is disconnected from familiar objects and surroundings they are faced with the reality of the utter insecurity of their meaningless existence. They retain memories of pass experiences. You can ‘taste’ the bitterness of their roots by their fruits (Mt. 7 v 15-23).
Unity can only be maintained if people love one another (Mt. 7 v 6-12, Lk. 10 v 25-28). Only a completely secure person with endless resources can love everyone who comes to him for help. Those who with assured salvation are at peace (Rom. 8 v 31-37, Heb. 11 v 1-, 12 v 2-7).
The only person who can save, love and unify the lost is Jesus (Acts 4 v12). All those who have made a ‘marriage’ covenant (1 Cor. 11 v 25-27) with Jesus Christ are part of his bride and destined to live in his home (Jn. 14 v 1-6, Eph. 1 v 13). It will be completed and perfected (Php. 1 v 6, 3 v 8-19) at Pentecost when the fire of God will burn up all the impurities.
The Bride knows when Jesus is coming and will be ready (Eph. 5 v 25-31, Rev. 19 v 7, 22 v 14). It is the day and hour of the end of God’s wrath that is not known. Satan tries to delay it by both slowing God’s harvest (Mt. 13 v 19-30), and preventing the Jews returning to their promised land (Lk. 21 v 24, Rom. 11 v 18-25).
But there is more to come (Eph. 1 v 17-23). If you identify your self-pursued ways as dead with Jesus (Rom. 6 v 4-14) and seek to know and be one with his Father’s purpose you will be sealed with his risen life now (Eph. 1 v 9-14). You get a second chance at the free life that Adam lost (Gal. 5 v 1); to feed off His source of life (Rev. 2 v 7) in obedience to His Holy Spirit and gain rewards that will survive the fire (1 Cor. 3 v 9-15, 1 Jn. 5 v 9-14).
The Bride’s wise friends (Ps. 45 v 14) do not know him (Mt. 25 v 12, Lk. 13 v 27) but they scrape through and escape the rule of death based on the Ezekiel 18 v 26-32 conditions. Her foolish friends have not enough of God’s revealed knowledge to respond in time (Lk. 16 v 27-31, Jn. 3 v 5-10, Heb. 4 v 1-11).
The ‘oil’ in their ‘lamps’ is not the Holy Spirit but wisdom based on revelation from God’s Word as given by Moses and Elijah (Zech. 4 v 12-14, Rev. 11 v 3-4). Some of those anointed with oil departed from the Holy Spirit’s ‘Tree of Life’ and went on to gain evil spirits (1 Sam.10 v 1, 15 v 19-23, 16 v 14, 2 Ch. 1 v 12, 7 v 17-22, 1 Kg. 11 v 1-11). The proof or fruits of the Holy Spirit’s involvement is obedience to his inspired words (Lk. 9 v 29-35, 1 Pt. 1 v 18-21).
Any spiritual anointing that does not conform to God’s revealed words is not of God (Mt. 15 v 3-9, Jn. 8 v 4-7, Rev. 3 v 18-22). He who, like Adam, brushes aside scripture to justify his self-saving religion gains a false spirit (Acts 8 v 18-23, Rom. 16 v 17-20, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-4, Gal. 3 v 1, Jude 3-8).
Everyone must choose: to believe a lying murderer who promises a self-funded, independent eternity in its hopeless, bankrupt, spirit kingdom after physical death (Ezk. 28 v 16-19); or God the Father’s sworn promise of the gift of a perfect, new life in His home for ever and ever?
Those who put their faith in Satan’s promises become children of the Devil (Mt. 12 v 34, 13 v 38-39, 1 Jn.3 v 10). It is impossible for people who are separated from God’s Spirit of life to regain His life by trying to be good (Rom. 7, Ti. 3 v 5). You can only gain His life as a gift by grace based on faith in His promise (Rom. 8 v 1-17, Gal. 2 v 21, 3 v 24-29, Eph. 2 v 5-10, Col. 2 v 8-17, Heb. 4 v 6-16, 6 v 17-20).
You need to receive the Holy Spirit’s breath of life now in order for him to effect the mortification of the old inner life so the new inner life can be revealed (Mt. 3 v 11-12, Acts 2 v 37-19, 8 v 18-23, 10 v 38-48, 19 v 1-7, Eph. 1 v 10-23). Many Christianised people do not receive from God’s Holy Spirit because they have not renounced their unholy spirits. They need to let the Holy Spirit cleanse them of them (Mt. 7 v 21-23, 12 v 43-45, Jas. 1 v 2-8, 4 v 1-12).
Those who persevere will gain eternal benefits but the work cannot be completed until we finally lose our carnal bodies (1 Cor. 15 v 47-58, Php. 1 v 10, 3 v 20-21). Only after their resurrection are those in Paradise presented to the Father in the Holy of Holies (Job. 19 v 25-27, Mt. 27 v 52-53, Jn. 20 v 17-23). Only those joined to Christ can administer his authority (Acts 19 v 15-21). Only Jesus’ will is supported by the Holy Spirit’s power (Gen. 1 v 2-6, Acts 3 v 1-16, 19 v 13-20).
Anyone who does not want to know him personally before they die requires an intermediary or priesthood to intercede for them for their forgiveness (Mt. 3 v 1-10). That respite is short lived hence the Levitical priesthood offered daily sacrifices to cover their sin against God (1 Cor. 10 v 2-15, Gal. 2 v 16-21, Heb. 7 v 27).
The self-justified believe anything that excuses their defiance of His judgement based on faith in Satan’s promises (Gen. 3 v 4-5). They try to prove that the Lord of Creation is wrong with a show of goodness (Gen. 2 v 16-17, 3 v 4-4, 4 v 7, Mt. 12 v 31-32, Jn. 14 v 6-7, 1 Jn. 1 v 7-10) as if calling Him a liar will save them from His wrath (Mt. 26 v 63-64, Rom. 1 v 18-32, Rev. 6 v 14-17)! Instead of resisting the devil (Jas. 4 v 7) they defend themselves against the Holy Spirit (Acts 7 v 51, 2 Tim. 3 v 8).
They have to defend themselves against their own guilt but they fool no one. They are supported by other sinners and intimidate the meek (Jn. 8 v 4-11). Those who expose their folly are persecute and even killed (Jn. 3 v 19-21, 12 v 9-11, Acts 8 v 1) but their unforgiveness and selfish lack of love condemns them (Mt. 6 v 1-15, 18 v 21-35, Acts 9 v 3-6, 1 Jn. 3 v 10-15).
All man’s alternatives or compromises with God words just cement their fate. Beware the ‘leaven’ of those who use man-made traditions as an excuse to bypass God’s words (Mt. 15 v 3, 9, 16 v 12). Their Bible studies are about men instead of knowing God’s mind (Is. 55 v 8). They have turned the churches from being schools for God’s children into mausoleums for dead ancestors. They are enemies of Jesus and depict him as still nailed to a cross (Mt. 7 v 21-23, Jn. 12 v 9-11).
You can only overcome Satan’s lies by entering God’s truth: “Do not love this world nor the things in this world. If you do you will miss the purpose of it and forfeit God’s love. Those who live just to satisfy the lusts of the flesh and the lusts of the eyes and their selfish pride will die and lose everything but if you seek God’s will you will live forever as one of His children” (1 Jn. 2 v 14-17).
The only hope is to gain a new nature that is related to our Father God as a gift based on faith in His love and promises (Mt. 5 v 43-48). The seductions of the world try to divert you from and rob you of that hope but those who sincerely believe God are given a gift of faith that assures them of His love (Heb. 11 v 1-2, 6, 1 Jn. 2 v 24-29).
The Father does not want us as servants which He can easily make by the billion in a morning (Is. 14 v 12, Ezk. 28 v 15, Lk. 15 v 28-30, Jn. 15 v 15-23). The Creator who made no two leaves or snowflakes the same wants a personal love-relationship with each of His children. He thinks we are so precious that He sent His visible entity (Col. 1 v 13-22, 2 v 6-23) to live with and identify with us on earth (Jn. 1 v 10-14, Heb. 2 v 9-18).
He put on our human life to rescue the unique you. He descended into our mortal state to save you and all who want to return to accepting Him as their daddy (Rom. 8 v 15, Gal. 4 v 3-8). Out Father who lives in heaven loves you so much that He rent His being to gain you as His child (Lk. 3 v 21-22, 4 v 14-21, 24 v 45-48). People cannot change their nature but they can have a change of heart (Job. 19 v 25-27, Jer. 17 v 9, 24 v 7, Mt. 15 v 19, 2 Cor. 3 v 3-6).
God created animals with material bodies and instincts that are fit for a life in this world (Gen. 2 v 19-20). Adam was also created with a temporal, earthen body fit for life on Earth. God’s Spirit then breathed His eternal life into him so he and his children would desire to gain a life and body that was fit to live in His immaterial or spiritual kingdom (Gen. 2 v 7).
The Holy Spirit is the source or ‘tree’ of God’s life (Jn. 15 v 1-2, 26-27, Rom. 8 v 9-18, 1 Cor. 2 v 9-16). You cannot survive on physical food alone (Mt 4 v 4). Those who disobey him and divorce themselves from God’s life are doomed (Acts 5 v 3-4). They call him a liar (Gen. 3 v 4-5, Mt. 12 v 31-32, 1 Jn. 1 v 9).
The only alternative God the Father’s plan is eternal death (Gen. 2 v 17). Adam’s simple disobedience could have been corrected (Heb. 12 v 6-15) but his acceptance of Satan’s words as true and that God’s were a lie (Mt. 12 v 31-32, 1 Jn. 1 v 10) was unforgivable: it made him a son of Satan (Jn. 8 v 44-47). Those who do not obey the Fathers visible person, Jesus, as their Lord and Saviour but ‘do it my way’ live under the constant shadow of death (Ps. 107 v 8-13, Jn. 1 v 1-13, 3 v 18-19, Rom. 7, Heb. 2 v 14-18).
Your temporal human nature is bound to die: it cannot be made perfect. Salvation does not depend on how good your independent life appears but on accepting God’s purpose (Lk.17 v 3, 23 v 39-43). You cannot hide your sin consciousness from God (Gen. 3 v 7-11) but you can have it covered and annulled by Jesus (Gen. 3 v 15, Job. 19 v 25-29, Col. 2 v 2-17, 2 Tim. 1 v 9-10).
Those who accept him as their Lord and Saviour and confess their weaknesses live under grace (Eph. 4 v 14-19, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). All who come under His provision before they physically die will be made perfect by His provision (Eph. 2 v 1-10). They can gain a record and rewards that will survive for eternity (Mt. 6 v 19-34). Those who want God to support their version of salvation will find that nothing they have achieved has any eternal value (Mt. 7 v 15-23, 1 Cor. 3 v 10-21).
Without faith in God’s words you cannot experience His life and be saved (Rom. 10 v 8-17, Jas. 1 v 5-8, 2 v 23-26, Heb. 3 v 17-19, 11 v 3-6). Those who doubt and question God’s words because they have faith in a lie will be cut off from the Father’s eternal life and provision.
Jesus as a man showed us that it is possible for the perfect God to live as a man so people would believe it is possible for humans to gain his perfect life and live with Him happily ever after (Heb. 2 v 14-18). He was holy because he trusted in His Father’s words and made no attempt to serve his own will (Mt. 4 v 4). He had an army of angels to protect him (Mt. 26 v 53, Acts 4 v 16-19, 5 v 18-19).
As a righteous man who trusted in God as his Father (Jn. 3 v 6, 21, Rom. 8 v 28-32) he had God’s authority over nature, sickness and death. He was not passive but a great threat to those who accepted Satan’s gospel of self-elevation.
His ways are the opposite of our self-preserving ways (Php. 2 v 12-16). To be perfected we must abandon a life that functions separately from the Father as if it died with Jesus’ humanity (Rom. 6 v 2-5, (Php. 3 v 10-21).
It is only our faith in Jesus’ finished work that allows God to overrule the rulers of men on earth and overcome the powers in the heaven above the earth (Job 1 v 6-11). That faith is not tested to breaking point (Lk. 3 v 16-17) but only until it is proven to God and you (Gen. 22 v 10-13, Job 19 v 25-27, Lk. 4 v 1-12).
The unique you needs to (Eph. 3 v 10-21, Php. 3 v 10-16) know Jesus’ love and be made one with his heart, mind and will (2 Cor. 4 v 16, Eph. 4 v 17-24). He is forever our priestly king (Heb. 5 v 2-10); both our advocate and our judge.
As King he judges the self-assured for the evil they conceal in their hearts (Gen. 4 v 6-8, Lk. 18 v 14, 19 v 47-48, 22 v 30, Acts 5 v 3-4, Heb. 10 v 26). As Priest he intervenes for those who truly repent. Those who are justified by faith in his sacrifice (Jn. 15 v 1-8, Heb. 8 v 1, 10 v 12-25) are reunited with God’s Holy Spirit (Jn. 16 v 7-11).
The hearts of all Adam’s children long for an eternal life because they are not just animals but God conscious due to Eve’s untainted genus (Lk. 15 v 17, Rom. 2 v 14-15, 1 Jn. 3 v 9). She disobeyed Adam so her nature did not immediate mutate (Gen. 3 v 4). Her God related genetic nucleus, separated from Adam before he fell, is passed directly from mother to daughter (Lk. 3 v 38)! It is still related to God!
Hence Luke 1 v 28-35, John 1 v 10-14, Philippians 2 v 5-11 and Colossians 1 v 12-23. Animal life is simple reproduction but human procreation involves God’s Spirit (Rom. 2 v 15, 1 Cor. 6 v 15-20) so Satan perverts sex, promotes abortion and exalts carnality. It reduces the children of Adam to the level of a perverted animal (Rom. 1 v 18-32).
In the independent kingdom that He gave us to manage (Gen. 1 v 26-31) we are still free to accept His love and (Mt. 19 v 13-15) to decide to love honour Him as our Father and obey His Spirit (Gen. 2 v 15-17, 3 v 8-11, Jn. 15 v 26, 16 v 5-15) or trust a swindler and become his slaves (Jn. 8 v 32-44).
Choose you today to be blessed or cursed (Deut. 28 v 1-48, 30 v 19-20, Josh. 24 v 15, 20-25). Waiver over making a covenant to seek God’s will and you will fall down the gap between life and death (Heb. 11 v 5-6, Jas. 1 v 2-7).
The self-elevated debase God’s words and pretend to do good (Lk. 20 v 46-47) but their desires expose their evil intent (Rom. 7 v 15-24). The bad ideas that each self-centred individual sees as ‘good for me’ are backed by the philosophers and theologians who fail to realise their dreams. They drown their error with rhetoric and present it as good through guile (Gen. 11 v 6-9).
The self-pleasing judge everything as good or bad according to their self-interest (Gen. 2 v 9-17) which breaks the law of life (Lk. 10 v 25-27). They reject God’s gospel of salvation from sin and follow Satan’s gospel (Gen. 3 v 3-11): “…. forget what your Father God has said. He is lying to you for He knows that you will not die but become a godlike one (your own god).” As only God’s truth is good every alternative they choose is bound to be bad (Gen. 6 v 5, Ezra 8 v 21-23).
Those who seek guidance from spirits act as if they are gods with power over all life but they cannot create life; they can only destroy it. The idea of becoming a spiritual being through meditation and awakening your dormant spirit is behind all the beliefs about transcending your body and lifting yourself up by your own boot laces. All humans as ‘sons of Adam’ have lost God’s Spirit and under the influence of a persuasive alter ego or deceiving spirit.
The idea of reincarnation comes from a false premise that is confused further by the mistranslation of Genesis 6 v 1-4. The Genesis flood was a result of world-wide human evil (Gen. 6 v 5, 11-13). It clearly says that there were ‘giants or man-slayers (Gen. 4 v 23) all over the place before (Gen. 6 v 4) the sons of God incarnated through perfect looking women who sought to be the mother of the perfect new man of Genesis 3 v 15.
These humanoids were no longer angels (Jude 6). They had no DNA (Lk. 20 v 34-36) so these killers were effeminate and sterile. When they physically died they belonged in death and were chained to stop them escaping (2 Pt. 2 v 4-5). This so terrible for a free spirit ( Mt. 8 v 29, Lk. 4 v 33-34, 2 Pt. 2 v 4) that even during Satan’s 7 year reign on earth (Rev. 13 v 4-15) a demonised man rules (Rev. 19 v 20, 20 v 1-3, 10).
Marshall Arts, that suppress a person’s mind and will, are associated with the spiritual powers of these incarnated spirits. Alexander was taught by Aristotle that he was a super-man, descended from an angel. He killed about 1 million people, drank excessively and died aged 33. Aristotle’s metaphysical ideas on origins blocked scientific advancement for over 2000 years. Darwin and Nietzsche were also inspired by Aristotle.
The imposed gospel of the self-elevated (The Origin of Species or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life) is used to dominate the masses below them in Darwin’s pyramidal food chain. Their greed makes it unsustainable so they have to bribe, corrupt, bully, threaten, ruin and destroy those who expose their evil ways.
At the top of their pyramid is a god-like-one like Hitler (Is. 14 v 12-17, Ezk. 28 v 18-19): a Nephiyl or slayer who gives nothing but robs and kills all who oppose his will. Fake news and doom and gloom are broadcast every day (Php. 4 v 6-7, Heb. 2 v 15) to keep people subservient and fearful of change.
No person has the capacity to be super-human but a large enough AI machine might. The godless who will not accept God’s perfect laws and love (Rev. 9 v 20-21) prefer to be ruled by an all-knowing machine that will cut off all who do not obey it. Computers are made to think like their self-saving creators (Rev. 13 v 14-17). The first thing it will do is get rid of all who want the right to demonstrate if they do not get what they want.
The most important people in God’s school are little children (Mt. 18 v 4-7) who the human machine is trying to convert into It’s image: no he or she only its. Infants in schools are taught life is a meaningless accident born out of meaningless chaos and are being groomed by immoral deceivers to become sexual perverts just at the time they are trying to discover who, why and what they are.
That path is not nurtured with love, hope and truth (Jn. 14 v 2-6, 15 v 4-8) but on accepting lies base on threats and a fear of death. It does not ascend into light and truth but descends into darkness and evil falsehoods. Concerned parents are threatened and objectors persecuted as perverts.
Man’s mind is an unending prison full of futility: seeking God’s mind leads to a never ending freedom of boundless possibilities (Jn. 1 v 1-14). Those who do not receive him live in darkness. They defend their sin by insisting others accept it as good. This does not make it good but makes those who accept it bad.
When the love joy and peace that God planted in every heart is extinguished. The meaningless human machine runs out of oil and seizes (Ps. 45 v 7, 92 v 5-10, 104 v 15, Is. 61 v 3). Like the previous lost civilisations that sought to establish a heaven on earth for a millennium: they create a hell on earth.
The vast fields of graves and the thousands of names of the war dead should act as a warning. Instead the murdering, man-made, dream machine dramatizes war and chaos as entertaining. It has taught children with meaningless lives to bully, torture and kill. The Bible calls this self-determined, divisive under-stream of wanton evil mystery Babylon.
Many self-righteous Christians who have the same self powered Gnostic belief of achieving a man-made heaven based on self-elevation and perfection (Is. 14 v 4-23, Lk. 18 v 11-14, Rom. 1 v 14, Col. 2 v 8, 18-23) will similarly fail. Their Bible translations are made ambiguous to suit their metaphysical metamorphism (2 Pt. 2 v 1-10).
Hebrews 6 v 6 suggests the Father lied! The un-doctored original of verse 4 says: “It is impossible for those who have tasted God’s life and received enlightenment from His Spirit THEN (omitted by translators who believe in earning God’s life by good works) to fall away”! Hallelujah! The added “If” and “because” are not in the original Greek.
Our Father in heaven did not sow Jesus into death with a vain hope, but the certainty of a great harvest. Hebrews 6 v 7-12 assured them that God was working in their lives so to be patient (Jn. 13 v 10, Eph. 2 v 8, Php. 1 v 6).
Only God has the capacity to be perfect and to love all. We can only be made perfect by accepting His love and being one with Him (Jn. 17 v 17-23). Jesus did not die to whitewash our doomed, sinful, Adamic nature but so when it dies we might gain his sinless nature (Rom. 6 v 1-14, 8 v 5-17). Only Jesus’ sacrifice annuls man’s sin against God’s love.
Hebrews 2 v 16 clearly states that Jesus is both God and a man (Col. 1 v 14-22, 2 v 8-10). He is the entity or incarnation of God’s infinite, ethereal Spirit (Php. 2 v 5-8). His Spirit is the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14 v 17-18, 23-26, 16 v 12-15, Col. 2 v 9).
You are not an incarnated spirit being nor just an animal (Heb. 2 v 15) but born with an insecure, death ruled physical life (Rom. 7 v 14-19) and led by your spiritual awareness. 1 Thessalonians 5 v 19-23 should read: “Quench not the Spirit and do not disregard any prophecy but test them ….. Separate your selves from all that you see is evil so that the God of peace may sanctify you, then the Spirit (Jn 14 v 26) will keep your mind and body continually undefiled up to when our Lord and Saviour comes for you.”
Adam was the first created man (Rom. 9 v 20: a red clay pot). Unlike the animal kinds his life was God breathed (one pneuma: Gen. 2 v 7, Jn. 15 v 26). In the verse in Jn. 14 v 23 there is no ‘our’ in the original but ‘an’ abode. Know you not that your body is, not ‘the’ but ‘a’ temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3 v 16, 6 v 15-20).
You were designed to be joined to God the Father’s life via His omni-everything Holy Spirit. Without His support and guidance you are self-consuming so your body self-destructs. Your eternal, God-breathed life then becomes homeless (Lk. 16 v 22-26).
The alternative deceiving spirits that people seek guidance and support from are also doomed (Is. 14 v 12-17, Lk. 10 v 17-21, Rev. 20 v 10-15). To be saved from eternal dearth you need to be re-joined to His life before you die (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Rom. 7 v 24-25, Eph. 2 v 1-13).
Adam was modelled on the visible person of the infinite Father (Gen. 1 v 27, Deut. 6 v 4, Heb. 1 v 3) so he could become one with him (Jn. 6 v 33, 63, 16 v 7, Rom. 8 v 14, 27, 1 Cor. 2) as his co-ruler over all creation (2 Cor. 5 v 15-21). His Spirit (Gen. 2 v 7) was the same as Jesus’ Holy, omnipotent, omnipresent Spirit (Gen. 1 v 2).

Jesus is the first man to be born (of Mary) of God (Jn. 8 v 58, 14 v 9-11, 1 Jn. 4 v 9). He put on human form (Heb. 2 v 5-16, 12 v 22-28) so as to be entirely identified with Adam. He is true God and true man (Jn. 1 v 10-14, Php. 2 v 5-7). Our Father is not an alien (Col. 2 v 8-10, Heb. 2 v 10, 16-17). He wants us to call Him Daddy (Mt. 6 v 9, Gal. 4 v 6).
Humanists may be ignorant of God’s Spirit but they are aware of their driving alter egos (Rom. 7 & 8). They have to resist the nagual they identify with from taking control of their will. They are overcome by pursuing practices that reduce their will, like hypnotism, intoxication, bad habits or spiritual meditation.
The persuasive voice of their alter ego becomes the evil control of a super-ego. You inhabit and own your body but your ‘temple’ (1 Cor. 2 v 11-16) is inhabited by the spirit you trust and obey (Gen. 35 v 1-5, Jn. 8 v 40-47). After your physical senses die you will belong to it forever; unless you repent and are redeemed.
When gross darkness covers the earth like an evil flood (Is. 59 v 19) and judgement becomes inevitable, God’s grace is poured out (Lk. 19 v 41-48). Millions are saved through the preaching of the gospel. His Holy Spirit convicts all of sin and their need to repent (Jonah 3 v 4-10, Jn. 16 v 7-11). The blood of Jesus covers the offences of those who cry to God for forgiveness (Ezk. 39 v 6-8, Mt. 24 v 11-14, Lk. 23 v 38-43, Acts 1 v 4-5, 2 v 17, 37-41, Heb. 12 v 17-24).
Many are called (Is. 65 v 1-12) but not all enter by faith into Jesus’ finished work of salvation (Heb. 4 v 9-16). The genuine are God breathed again and set free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8 v 11-17, Heb. 2 v 14-18).
All who genuinely repent of their godless ways and seek to be sons of God come under the Holy Spirit’s schooling again (Lk. 12 v 10-12, Jn. 16 v 12-15). There is a lifetime of being led by wrong teaching and false spirits (Rom. 7 v 23-24) that only he can undo (Rom. 8 v 5-16). He replaces doom and despair with the glorious hope of becoming a son of the Almighty Father (Rom. 8 v 23-27).
You will remain troubled by your trust in your intuition or alter ego until the Holy Spirit replaces the lies of your false spirits with the reality of God’s truth (2 Cor. 4 v 16-18. Eph. 4 v 21-32, Col. 3 v 5-11). You must throw out all you have been taught both good and bad and start again from God’s perspective (Jn. 3 v 5-13, 1 Cor. 2 v 9-13). Your faith in His words and works builds up an assurance that encourages perseverance.
You must ask Him for His wisdom that surpasses the lies (Jas.1 v 3-5). The Bible that was boring or just a history to the natural mind (Rom. 8 v 7, 11-21) suddenly becomes full of unending glorious discoveries (Eph. 2 v 5-10, 3 v 14-21). One by one the 10 Commandments that condemned your sinful nature are turned into promises (Jas. 4 v 4-10, 1 Jn. 1 v 8-9, 3 v 10-24).
The self-centred who do whatever they like (Jg. 21 v 25) obey the law of an evil god (Gen. 3 v 4-5). They abuse others, reject the law of love and hate Christ and those who believe it him. They come under the law of sin and death (1 Jn. 2 v 15-19). Believers also die except they have the assure hope of a new life (Job 19 v 25-29) the rest know that the ‘root of bitterness’ they were grafted onto is wormwood (Gen. 3 v 3). They know they have misses their hope of salvation (Lk. 16 v 22-31).
The undecided who have not entered into a covenant with Jesus will fear his judgement and death (Ezk. 18 v 26-32). Every day they play Russian roulette with Satan (Lk. 12 v 20-28). Those who do make a covenant with Jesus will get to love him more and more until they cannot wait to leave the ‘home’ they were born in to live in his house as their permanent home (Mt. 25 v 10, Jn. 14 v 1-7, 23).
The transition from your working life into God’s working life is not easy but simple. You start to believe and do the things you cannot do because He says you can (Heb. 4 v 9-16). You do not become a superman. It does not change who you are: it changes the way you think and act (Is. 55 v 8-9, 1 Cor. 2 v 5, 13 v 11).
You start as God fearing, become secure as you learn His ways and end up as a personal friend of God (Gen. 6 v 9, 15, 18 v 17-33, 2 Kg. 1 v 9-10, Ezk. 14 v 14, Dan. 3 v 28-30, Gal. 3 v 26-29, 1 Jn. 2 v 12-14).
Many believers will only experience it after their old life dies (Job. 19 v 25-27, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-15, Rev. 6 v 9-11) when they exchange (Heb. 12 v 18-25) the last trace of their death fearing nature (Lev. 23 v 16-18, Lk. 3 v 16) for unspeakable joy.
The blood covenant the Father made with Israel was just an extension and reminder of Abraham’s (Ex. 12 v 12-20, 24 v 7-8, 32 v 13-14). Jesus died on the same date, at the same hour and the same place that Isaac was offered (Gen 22 v 8). On that same date He bought the children of Israel out of bondage to their enemy.
They were ordered to re-enact the sacrifice of a spotless lamb on the same date every year as a reminder of the basis of Abraham’s covenant with the Father as His special people (Ex. 13 v 3-16). Jesus as the Lamb of God has now fulfilled the type of the Passover ceremony (Gal. 3 v 13-31, Heb. 10 v 9-31).
God only makes such a new unbreakable covenant with those who He attests are genuine (Mt. 4 v 11, Acts 10 v 2-4, 37-44). Abraham’s great grandsons Joseph and Job (Job. 1 v 5, 40 v 1-8, 42 v 2-10) were tested and accepted.
Job’s friends were not under the grace of that covenant. They were threatened with eternal death for the sin of their self-justified nature until they repented and claimed the covering of the death of a substitute (Job. 42 v 7-9). The Israelites under Moses were called but only the Levites past the test (Ex. 13 v 5) so the rest were put under the Law for the Disobedient that promises death.
That curse was lifted when by faith in God’s perfect sacrifice (Jn. 1 v 29-34, 1 Pt. 1 v 19-25) they put a spotless, innocent animal to death in their place (Heb. 9 v 12-15, 27-28). It had to be repeated every time they sinned again unto death.
Tithing is part of the law that restrains the guilty. Abraham made the people of Sodom pay a tithe to acknowledge that God was their Lord and saviour (Gen. 14 v 20-23). They scorned His covenant based on His protection so they came under the sentence of death (Deut. 29 v 19-20, Gal. 4 v 22-26).
Abraham’s relationship with God was based on God’s promise (Gal. 3 v 6-14). As in a marriage, all he was blessed with came from his relationship with his Lord (Gen. 14 v 23). He did not offer just a tithe of Isaac (Heb. 11 v 17). The test is all or nothing (Rom. 6 v 3-14): the self-centred remain under law so they remain sin conscious and death fearing (Rom. 3 v 19-20, Heb. 2 v 14-17, Jas. 4 v 4-10).
God’s promised children are not bound by the law that applies to the guilty (Eph. 2 v 12-22, Heb. 12 v 5-25). They trust in God for all their blessing (Php. 4 v 4-9) so they should ask Him how much He wants them to give and to whom they should give it (Gen. 22 v 1-8, Lk. 21 v 1-4). Those swayed into giving by commercial appeals should reject their emotional blackmail and respond to the conviction of Jesus’ Spirit (Jn. 16 v 7-15).
All who remain in fear of death and bound by sin instead of set free by the blood of Jesus have not made that commitment unto death to the Father through him (Acts 2 v 37-40, 10 v 14-29). They will feel self-conscious, fear death and try to excuse their sin (Gen. 3 v 8-12, 4 v 3-8).
Any of the self-justified who worship with man added inspiration (leavened bread: 1 Cor. 5 v 6-11, 11 v 25-34) are cut off from God’s life (Gen. 4 v 3-4, Ex. 12 v 19). Their faith is as offensive as if they offered stinking rags (Is. 64 v 6-7). They reject the covenant Jesus made unto death with the Father and offer cursed things in his place (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Eph. 2 v 2-14).
The self-saving cannot please God (Rom. 8 v 7-13). The self-improvement and spirituality of Aristotle, who inspired the Gnostics, Aquinas and Darwin, was inspired by his anti-Christ spirits (Gen. 3 v 5, Col. 2 v 18-23, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-6). Only those who humbly confess that “in me dwells no good thing” (Rom. 7 v 18-19, Jas. 4 v 3-10, 1 Jn. 4 v 5-10) can receive the life breath of God’s Holy Spirit (Jn. 6 v 63-68, Rom.7 v 18).
There is nothing you can do to make yourself an acceptable vessel for God’s life other than let His Holy Spirit cleanse your ‘clay pot’ of its accumulated idols and rubbish (2 Chr. 29 v 16-18, Lk. 3 v 16-17). The work is only completely finished when the earthly temple is replaced by God’s eternal dwelling (Eph. 2 v 1-22, Php. 1 v 6, 3 v 7-21).
The saved cannot boast about their good works any more than a servant can for doing their duty (Lk. 17 v 9-10). The servant is only entitled to the conditions agreed with his lord (Mt. 20 v 13-16, 25 v 14). Any profit from that work belongs to his lord. Those who would try to take of the glory due to Jesus will not get any reward in heaven (Mt. 6 v 1-6). You are not saved to draw the lost unto your ministry but unto Christ (Mt. 23 v 5-12). You are not saved to condemn sinners through your show of righteousness. You are saved to share your forgiveness with them (Mt. 18 v 23-35).
All things offered to God in place of the sin unto death of Adam’s descendants must be perfect (Lev. 22 v 14-25, 1 Pt. 1 v 19). Under the Old Covenant a perfect lamb was chosen and sacrificed to represent each family on the anniversary of their liberation from bondage to the gods of Egypt at Passover (Ex. 12 v 12).
Under the New Covenant (Mt. 26 v 26-28) Jesus has fulfilled the type of the lamb so only the tokens of the sacrifice and the blessing at the end of the meal are enacted (Lk. 22 v 20, 1 Cor. 11 v 34, Heb. 9 v 28): the unleavened bread with no life in it represents his dead body and wine that had had life in it as his poured out life.
Like all men Jesus physically died once (Heb. 9 v 25-28, Rev. 1 v 18). All who drink the wine as if reconstituting Jesus’ life blood or have unclean spirits or unconfessed bad behaviour are judged as guilty of misusing his sacrifice (Lev. 17 v 13-14, 19 v 26-37, Rom. 7 v 23-24). If they hold Jesus’ new covenant as partaking of the life of the sacrifice, instead of identifying self with Jesus’ death as their substitute (Gal. 5 v 4-14), they remain guilty of sinning against the Father’s words and will (Mt. 5 v 17-20, 44-48, 6 v 9-15, Rom. 6 v 20-23, 2 Pt. 2 v 13-21).
As with the old covenant the new covenant based on Jesus’ death or blood (Rom. 5 v 1-11) is to be remembered on the day of his death, between the evening of God’s true Passover (Mt. 27 v 46) and the eve of the 15 th (Ex. 12 v 2-8, 1 Cor. 5 v 8, 11 v 23). Holding the memorial of Jesus’ death whenever you feel like it but not in the evening at Passover is like holding Remembrance Day on any day except 11 th November at 11 am. It trivialises it in God’s eyes (1 Cor. 11 v 27-29).
The Lamb of God is the bearer of man’s sin unto death (Ex. 12 v 12-13). Those who share in the bread and wine partake of Christ’s physical death (Rom. 6 v 1-10, 1 Cor. 5 v 7, 10 v 16). There is only death or self-mortification in that cup. Only the repentant who claim the blood of Jesus covers their sinfulness will receive his spiritual life (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Jn. 6 v 26-27, 62-63, 10 v 27-38, Rev. 12 v 9-11, 20 v 6).
Those who confuse the Lord’s Supper with the daily leavened bread that believers ate in their house churches will attract a false religious spirit. Sunday worship replaced the Sabbath because the Sun God’s rising from the death of night was celebrated on the Sun’s Day in the crypts of Roman churches by partaking of Mithras’ life with a disk of bread and bulls blood.
Those who dine with demons do not gain the life of their gods from physical foods that have no life in them (1 Cor. 10 v 18-19) but by identifying and ingesting their spirit’s life. The leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees was not physical bread (Gen. 2 v 9, 16-17, Mk. 16 v 6-12); they had to change God’s word to suit Satan’s ideas (Jn. 8 v 39-47). The self-righteous survivalists who believe Satan’s lie will be drained of life.
The spent will spend eternity in the burning cosmos they sold their souls to own (Mt. 16 v 25-26, Rev. 20 v 6, 14-15). The self-glorified do the works of their self glorified god (Mt. 10 v 25-28). They turn their world into a desert and make the weak their slaves (Is. 14 v 12-17). The things superior men do to make their carnal nature feel spiritual (Gen. 3 v 5-7) consign them to their decaying nature forever (Gen. 4 v 3, 5-6, Lk. 18 v 10-14, Rom. 8 v 4-8).
The Lord knocks on the door of your heart (Rom. 10 v 20-21). He seeks you out before you start to seek him (1 Jn. 4 v 8-19). You need to build a personal relationship with him (Rev. 3 v 20-22). You need to walk and talk with him each day: schooling requires first discipline then rewards (Dan. 3 v 28, Rev. 3 v 15-19). It is heady stuff, being on speaking terms with the Lord God Almighty (Dan. 3 v 15-18, 25).
Christians must be grounded in reality or else pride will make them act as deified holy men (2 Cor. 4 v 7-18). Paul had to be constantly reminded of his infirmity lest he became inflated (2 Cor. 4 v 7, 12 v 7). Abraham’s lapse (Gen. 12 v 18), Jacob’s limp, Job’s pain, Moses’ murder of an Egyptian, Peter’s denial and Paul’s thorn from Satan, kept them humble and sane.
Peter was able to revive the disciples and do many miracles only because after his denial of Jesus (Lk. 22 v 31-34, 62, Jn. 21 v 17, Acts 5 v 15) he saw in himself was no good thing (Rom. 7 v 18). Abel, and Job clearly knew this. The ambitious, self-glorifying followers of Satan’s gospel like Cain are drained of life as the host of a parasite or cancer (Jude 11-16).
The sin of self-survivalists is refusing to admit they are wrong. It is pride that prevents people from repenting and putting on Christ’s new life and becoming perfect. Those who give their lives to seeking God’s will are not drained but their inner being is transformed into a son of God (Col. 3 v 1-4, 1 Jn. 3 v 1-2) so they may do the works of God (Acts 3 v 6, 5 v 12-16, 1 Jn. 3 v 22-24).
You must start living in your new abundant life and yearn for your new home before you lose both. Only faith in the poured out blood of the Lamb of God (Heb. 4 v 15-16, 9 v 14, 12 v 22-24, Rev. 5 v 4-6, 12 v 11) allows you to dwell in God’s presence and not die (Dan. 10 v 7, Rev. 1 v 17, 6 v 16).
To each generation from Enoch to today God sends messengers like Jonah and John the Baptist to call people to repent before their world descends into chaos. That call is now very urgent. It is very obvious to all that our times are like those of Noah, Lot and Nineveh. A wicked and adulterous generation ignore the warning signs (Mt. 13 v 14-23, 16 v 3-4) and live a lie. Evil is now excused and God’s truth scorned by most so called Christian denominations (Mt. 23 v 33-38, Rev. 2 & 3). “Kiss the Son before his anger overflows. All who put their trust in Jesus will be saved” (Ps. 2 v 12).
Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will save some like scorched pictures that are snatched from a house fire (Jude 18-24). If they wake up at the last minute, before they fall and cry to Our Father to forgive their sin against Him they will be immediately forgiven and promised a new body that is fit for life in His dwelling (Job. 19 v 25-27, Lk. 23 v 34-43, 1 Cor. 15 v 45-50). Those who blind themselves to their predicament will not wake up until they are falling into the abyss of death (Lk. 16 v 19, 28-31).
The days of the old life (Lk. 5 v 39) are running out. Religious people want Jesus to save their corrupted life (Mt. 3 v 7-9, Heb. 4 v 10, Jude). They do what they think is good (Gen . 3 v 5, 2 Cor. 11 v 3-4, Gal. 1 v 7-14, Eph. 4 v 14) so their fallen nature is not changed (Rom. 16 v 17-18, Col. 2 v 8, 22, Jas. 4, Rev. 2 & 3). Those who bow to worldly pressures (Mt 17 v 25-27) stay bound by the law of sin and death. They swap their peace for guilt (Is. 26 v 3, Col. 18-23).
The Epistles were written to correct the false teaching of preachers who are one with an alternative Christ. They make their disciples one with their proud nonsense (Mt. 23 v 15, 24-28). Each produces a man approved god (Ex. 32 v 24, Eph. 4 v 11-16) and alters God’s words to suit it. Their mock holy spirits pervert the truth (Acts 8 v 9,13 v 8-11, 16 v 16-18) and block God’s Spirit (Jos. 7 v 10-12, Jg. 3 v 12, 1 Sam. 16 v 14-18, Lk. 8 v 5, 11 v 24-28, 1 Cor. 2 v 12, 5 v 1-6, Col. 2 v 18-23, 3 v 1-17, 2 Pt. 2 v 20).
Christ is not centred on you. To be saved you must be centred on Christ. Too many seek a knowledge of self and how to save their corrupt nature. They accept Satan’s plain lie (Gen. 3 v 11, Gal. 4 v 6, Heb. 11 v 11, 17): that they can improve themselves as taught by Aristotle and Darwin. Schopenhauer saw it was impossible so those who persist with this miserable nonsense have no excuse (Rom. 1).
They should repent (Lk. 18 v 9, Gal. 3 v 24, Rev. 22 v 19) but proud fools defend themselves by getting angry with God and curse those who prove them wrong (Gen. 4 v 6-12, Heb. 11 v 4, 12 v 24-25). They accuse Him of cruelty and murder (1 Jn. 1 v 3-10) which is utterly perverse as he died on the cross in order to save us from Satan’s lie (Rom. 6 v 20-23).
Holiness is not in fighting temptation (Gal. 3 v 1-14, Php. 3 v 2-3, Col. 2 v 8, 18-23) but being free of it (Jn. 8 v 32-36, Rom. 6 v 14-16, 8 v 4-18). It is a progressive work of the Holy Spirit (Php. 3 v 9-19) that he does in his order which is not that of a therapist. Those who seek perfection in the flesh are enemies of the cross of Christ (Eph. 2 v 2-10, Jas. 1 v 2-18, 25-26, 3 v 2, 16-18).
Righteousness by faith is manifested (Rom. 7 v 25, Heb. 6 v 12, 9 v 14, 11 v 1, Jas. 2 v 17-20) as the old life is mortified (Is. 61 v 1-3, Lk. 18 v 13, Jn. 10 v 25, 14 v 12, Acts 2 v 21-22). The Holy Spirit will challenge you like a school teacher (1 Jn. 3 v 2). If you reject his prompts, and retain your old ways, you will not benefit from his gifts and wisdom which are essential for growth (1 Cor. 2 v 10-16, 2 Th. 2 v 13).
Things like sins, hurts and sorrows that are hard to let go off must be ‘wrapped in a parcel’ and left at the foot of the cross (Gen. 3 v 15, Lk. 9 v 24-26, 2 Cor. 11 v 10-18). The Lamb of God ‘returns to sender’ all our afflictions (Is. 53, 1 Pt. 1 v 16-25, 5 v 10).
God gives life; not death (Heb. 4 v 9-16, Rev. 12 v 10). Those who love Him are protected by Him (Num. 23 v 19-23). Self survivalists are ‘dead men walking’ (Gen. 4 v 11, 1 Sam. 28 v 16). They are prey to their alter ego that turns the blessings and pleasures that He gave us to richly enjoy into lusts and addictions. They know that their ‘nasty but nice’ habits are killing them but pride stops them crying to God and being saved (Lk. 23 v 39-43, Rom. 7 v 24).
The natural person is sin and death conscious so they try to cover up the fact that they are not righteous. The only way to survive is to commit the unrighteous life to death by baptism into Christ’s death and start to experience his godly life by faith in the power released by his death (Rom. 12 v 1-3, 21, 13 v 14).
That new life and the old are opposites: the old is ruled by an evil spirit; the new by the Holy Spirit. Until the old dies the person see-saws between the two. The answer to Romans 7 is in Romans 8. The Holy Spirit led life is more than a conqueror for those who trust in Christ’s victory by faith (Heb. 4 v 9-16).
Creeds, philosophies and religions try to enforce a man-made purpose through bribes, false promises, bullying, entrapment, threats and wars. The work of the Holy Spirit is powered by the love of Jesus and is related to the rewards and crowns that last for ever in heaven (1 Cor. 3 v 8-21, 2 Cor. 4 v 14-18). It will only be completed on the day of Jesus Christ (Eph. 5 v 24-27). There will always be problems related to the old nature (2 Cor. 12 v 7-10) so the saved will not be perfected until it is discarded (Php. 1 v 6-11, 2 v 5-16).
All the saved receive it on the day of Jesus Christ (Jn. 1 v 12-13, 1 Cor. 2 v 9-16). Believers who are only baptised in water, are only saved if their faith in Jesus persists until death (Ezk. 18, Lk. 23 v 40-43). Man controlled churches avoid oneness with Jesus and bypass the Holy Spirit by baptising in the name of all three with water.
The Christian denominations have largely dropped the gospel of salvation by faith in Jesus’ blood bought holiness for Satan’s gospel of gaining eternal life through doing what they think is good (Gen. 3 v 4-5). They have accepted Aristotle’s, Aquinas’ and Darwin’s Gnostic version of self-perfection in which unfeeling, privileged, superior men and women exploit instead of care for those below them.
The self-justified and determined do not see they are about to be spewed out as wine that has not been decanted (Jer. 48 v 1-13, Rev. 3 v 16). The complacent who love this world will lose it and the humble who distain it for the sake of God’s kingdom will gain eternal life (Mt. 16 v 23-27, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-25).
“The Lord has said: My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways” (Is. 55 v 6-13). We must have the mind of Christ; our self-justified thoughts and ways are wrong (1 Cor. 2 v 9-16). As Job said “I will ask, you will talk and I will listen”. God’s telephone number is Jeremiah333.
It is a direct line so do not doubt the first answer you get: if you check it with your mind you will lose it. This is due to the fact that a new believer has more faith in Satan’s misinformation than God’s truth (Mt. 16 v 22-23, Lk. 4 v 8, 8 v 12, 22 v 33, Jas. 1 & 2). James warned: those who ask amiss will not have the faith to receive an answer (Jas. 1 v 5-7). You must have one mind to have one faith (Eph. 4 v 21-27, Php. 1 v 27).
These strongholds in the mind (see post) must be pulled down in the name of your new Lord, Jesus (Lk. 10 v 17-20, 2 Cor. 10 v 4-5). God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you and will cleanse you of your false poisonous faith (Heb. 5 v 14, Jas. 4 v 4-16) till you walk, talk, think and dance together as one (Gen. 2 v 21-24, Ps. 30 v 11-12, Jn. 17 v 17-23).