The Book of Revelation gives the clear order of end time events. It is made confusing by those with a wrong agenda (Jer. 17 v 5-13, 1 Thess. 1 v 9-10, 2 Thess. 2 v 1-12). Revelation 2 & 3 describe the state of the churches just before the Day of Jesus Christ when he comes to collect his Bride (Php. 1 v 6, Col. 1 v 13-14, 3 v 4, Acts 1 v 11).
As Adam discovered; those who reject Father’s love are cut off from His life-sustaining life. They enter a state of death. All his descendants inherit that hopeless state and cannot escape it (Heb. 9 v 27-28).
Out of an unfathomable act of His love the infinite Father’s tangible entity took on Adam’s form and descended into our sinful state and died in order to rescue all who repented of their rejection of Him (Jn. 19 v 30, Heb. 10 v 13-14).
Jesus’ death proves the truth of God’s promises to save and glorify all who love and cling to His words (Jn. 6 v 63-69, 2 Cor. 6 v 14-18, 1 Jn. 2 v 14-23). All who love their risen Saviour rise with his life and are translated into his kingdom. They are called the Bride of Christ.
They make a ‘marriage’ covenant with him. Baptism in water marks the death of your dying, self-sustained, single life with his dead humanity. Adam’s coventant with Satan unto death is fulfilled (Rom. 7 v 1-6). The cost was as horrific but Jesus’ love for us is greater.
Baptism by the breath of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1 v 11-14) starts a new life with Jesus as your lord and saviour (Rom. 6 v 3-4, 16-23, 8 v 12, 14-17). All or nothing. Like renewing vows on a wedding anniversary, that covenant is remembered each year on the evening Jesus made it (Lk. 22 v 15-20, 1 Cor. 5 v 7-8, 11 v 23-27).
Salvation does not depend on faith in a religion but faith for a personal experience of the Father’s love, through Jesus propitiation via His omnipresent Holy Spirit (Acts 2 v 36-39). The half-hearted do not make a heartfelt commitment to him. They resist His omnipresent Spirit’s call so they remain bound in their sin and death conscious state.
Jesus died in order to redeem each lost soul (Lk. 19 v 7-10, Jn. 3 v 16-19) from a life that is predestined to die and give him one that is predestined to live forever (Rom. 3 v 20-31, Eph. 2 v 4-10). It is governed by the law of love (Lk. 10 v 25-29). Only those who love the Father can share His eternal life.
Those who reject God the Father’s will and purpose, who want to remain self-sufficient, are free to do so (Mk. 10 v 4-8, Lk. 13 v 25-28, Gal. 3 v 10-12). They reject God the Father’s will and purpose and are joined to a fearful, divisive god. They have to pay protection money because it is trying to kill them. The love, joy, peace and truth of the Father’s provision are swapped for the fears, distractions, deceits and sorrows of those who have to support their own god (Rom. 1 v 22-32, 1 Jn. 2 v 13-25).
Jesus’ gift of his God-related life flows from the death of this human life. The self-justified want him to save their self-centred, carnal life (Micah 6 v 6-16). They distant themselves from Him and want a holy-guru as an intermediary who supports their futile, sinful aims (Rom. 7 v 24, 8 v 4-9). All their ideological alternatives are anti-Christ.
They create a god to suit their character. Their religious gods are personified by an emotional, seductive woman like Venus and her warlike Husband Mars or her, frustrated, psychotic, Moon like son. Self-survivalists fear death so their death fearing gospel is all about natural food production, controlling nature, reducing fuel consumption, saving trees, rescuing endangered animals or cutting birth rates.
The problem is that they cannot manage any of them: they only go from bad to worse. They fight a hopeless battle against nature because however much they try to appease it, it is going to kill them. It is bound to end in total chaos and death (Gen. 2 v 17).
Their sacred cows or idols will not die for them: they will die with them (Mt. 7 v 19-27, Rom. 3 v 19-26, 6 v 3-11). Godless Schopenhauer realised that such a life has no purpose: it is meaningless and hopeless. Life does not support this perverse ideology. It is obvious that their doomed self-centred life-style is the problem.
Self-survivalists fear death so their death fearing gospel is all about natural food production, controlling nature, reducing fuel consumption, saving trees, rescuing endangered animals or cutting birth rates.
The love, joy, peace and truth of the Father’s provision are swapped for the fears, distractions, deceits and sorrows of those who have to support their own god (Rom. 1 v 22-32, 1 Jn. 2 v 13-25). They follow the ways of a fearful, divisive god who they have to pay more and more protection money because it is trying to kill them.
Darwin’s imposed pyramidal food chain reduces all to the level of primitive animals. It is life taking; not giving. It is supported by prey so it’s is bound to end with mass extinctions yet schools actual teach children that the survival of the fittest is the law for life. They become fearful self-centred survivalist who are trapped in their disturbed minds.
People with disturbed and evil thoughts have an evil, spiritual alter ego. Liars are encouraged to lie by their inner ego or god who lies to them. Those who entertain such things as pride, vanity, anger, hate, jealousy, envy, revenge, fear, evil, lusts, greeds, self-mutilation (including tattoos) will be consumed by them.
Man’s idea of stamping out the opposition and establishing a heaven on earth has no viable future. Many turn to any other alternative belief or religion but find all man’s ideological alternatives are alien to our nature. They are all anti-Christ. We are not ‘at home’ in the reality of our hopeless, hostile world.
Thanks to Hegel the freedom of expression of those who reject God’s 10 laws for a just society and are not deterred or punished but defended! The laws of the godless only burden and supress the god-fearing. Prisons are full of doomed, unrepentant, self-excused people who blame others for their evil ways. The law abiding are terrorise, robbed and crushed by both. Anarchists use it to encourage chaos.
Fear not! Those who recognise their dying lives are sold unto death can receive the gift of a new life (Jn. 3 v 5-6, Acts 10 v 30-44, Heb. 10 v 1-22). Those who repent for their sin against our Father and accepting His promised new life (Gen. 3 v 15, Job 19 v 22-29, 1 Jn. 1 v 1, 6-10) will be consumed by love. Their minds are stayed on Christ (Is. 26 v 2-3, 48 v 18-19, 57 v 19-21, Jn. 14 v 27, 16 v 33, Php. 4 v 7).
Pathetic Christian religions offer a compromise: friendship with the world and God. They pretend to love Jesus and one another love so they are only unified by the fear of going to hell fear (Jn. 17 v 14-23, 1 Jn. 4 v 18). They do not baptise their mortal nature into Christ’s death but into the beliefs of their church. Their self-devised worship is just a placebo: year after year their state does not change (1 Cor. 10 v 2-11, Heb. 3 v 16-19).
They are enemies of Christ Jesus (Php. 3 17-21). Instead of believing him and experiencing his risen life they (Php. 3 v 9-15, Heb. 4 v 9-16) present Jesus as still hanging on a gallows. Those who want just a legal relationship with him remain self, sin and death conscious, stuck on the wrong side of the cross.
The covenant unto death with Jesus (1 Cor. 10 v 16-21, 11 v 17-19, 23-27) is replaced with a communion celebration that is a blend of Christian and pagan worship based on revitalizing their old life (Rom. 1 v 20-23, 1 Cor. 10 v 16-21). The Lord’s Supper is not life giving but a ceasing of all other activity to remember the two most terrible events in human history (Gen. 3 v 4-7, Lk. 23 v 44-48) as enacted in Genesis 15 v 12-18 and Exodus 12 v 29-30. Then followed a week of thanksgiving and celebration for that liberation from a life of sin and death (Ex. 15 v 21, Rom. 8).
Adam sinned against his Father’s love so he became ruled by the law of sin and death (Rom. 7 v 22-25). All self-saving people cannot ever be judged as good by the 10 Commandments (Gal. 3 v 10-11): all are condemned by the law of love (Ex. 20 v 1-17, Lk. 10 v 26-28, Jas. 2 v 8-13). Good works that are done without love are done for self-centred reasons. If they are done to justify self to God and others they can be deadly (Lk. 18 v 9-14, Acts 5 v 3-1, Cor. 13 v 1-4).
Love as a decision of the heart and mind is only real when it is proved by action (Rom. 2 v 13-16, Jas. 2 v 15-20). If you are moved to respond with love for another but do nothing it is just a passing thought that may even condemn you later (Lk. 10 v 30-32). God’s love is so great that despite our treason He sent his visible person as a man to dwell on earth to save all who repented of their rejection of His love and turn to loving Him again (Jn. 3 v 3, 16-21, 1 Cor. 15 v 45-50).
The sincerity of that love is always tested by God’s Holy Spirit (Mt. 3 v 6-12, 4 v 1, 12 v 31-37, 13 v 18-30). Only the humble can be saved (Jas. 4 v 3-10). He does not send anyone to hell but the proud choose to reject His love. Why? Because accepting His love requires a true, humbled heart (Eph. 2 v 1-10) and repentance and sorrow for shutting the Father’s love out of our heart, mind and home.
Flesh and blood cannot inherit incorruption (1 Cor. 15 v 50). The Lord of Heaven and Earth had to become a human man and die so those who were appalled by their sinful nature (Rom. 7 v 24) could be made acceptable to their Holy Father (Ezra.19-21). Those baptised into Christ’s human death gain his Spirit of life as a gift (Rom. 6 v 1-13, 19, Gal. 3 v 22-28, Eph. 2 v 1-10, Heb. 4 v 9-16).
All the saved are sinners saved by grace (Jn. 1 v 29, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). Only faith in the Father’s promise of a new life in His Saviour can break man’s curse of sin and death (Gal. 3 v 13-14). God is not an alien (Col. 12-22). Adam was made in the image of the infinite Father tangible person (Jn. 1 v 1-13). We were originally made to be compatible with Him.
Religious people who pretend to be better than others (Lk. 18 v 9-14) know they are guilty of accepting Satan’s self-exulting gospel (Gen. 3 v 3-7). Like the Jews in John 3 v 1-2 they know that Jesus is from God and they are expecting his coming (Mt. 2 v 1-6, 16) but like Adam they want to rule their own lives. They reject the cross of Christ so they remain totally incompatible with a Holy God.
Jesus came the first time as the Lamb of God to conquer man’s evil deceiver and set its captives free (Mt. 27 v 37-43, Jn. 18 v 33-38). He returns as the Lord of heaven and earth. He is coming to take his beloved home! Those who have turn to God for forgiveness up to the last minute of their human death (Ezk. 18 v 26-31, Mt. 25 v 6-12 Rom. 6 v 23) will then be raised with a glorified body like his (1 Thess. 4 v 13-18, 2 Thess. 2 v 1-12).
What will Christ the King find (Mk. 13 v 36, Lk. 14 v 16-24, 18 v 8-14, 21 v 8-19) when he comes for his Bride? His Bride comprises of those who already have a personal love relationship with Him (Eph. 1 v 10-14, Heb. 11). Half of their un-betrothed friends commit themselves to him just before he arrives as brands snatched from the fire (Ezk. 38 v 18-23, Mt. 25 v 5-10, Jude 14-25). The unprepared will be shut out.
The friends of the Bride are those who like to be associated with or even love Christian beliefs and may go to a church every Sun’s Day but want a self-pleasing life. They may or may not be saved based on if they are acknowledging God as their Lord as they are dying.
The half who do this just before Jesus pours out his wrath upon it will be taken the ill-informed will be left (Lk. 16 v 31, 17 v 33-37, 1 Thess. 4 v 15-18). The unsure may still be saved depending on their repentance and faith in the hour of their deat. Will they curse God or cry for mercy and forgiveness (Lk. 23 v 39-43)?
The judgement is not the instant annihilation of all who are left. As with Pharaoh the poured out plagues increase in severity in the hope that many will repent of their rebellion against of the Father’s love (2 Pt. 3 v 9). There is always a time of grace before judgement (1 Pt. 4 v 12-19, 2 Pt. 2 v 2-9).
It is marked as a time of complacency (Mt. 13 v 25) and mixed beliefs (2 Pt. 2 v 13-22, 3 v 3-7, Jude). People are described as asleep to the idea of imminent judgement (Deut. 31 v 16-21, Mt. 24 v 7, 1 Thess. 5 v 1-11). They forget Genesis 9 v 5-6 which followed the judgement of Genesis 6 v 11-13. It is the blood of the innocent that cries out for justice (Lk. 11 v 50-52, Rev. 6 v 9-11).
The Father sees all as precious (Jn. 3 v 15-21, 2 Pt. 3 v 9). Those who serve Satan’s opposing purpose (Gen. 3 v 3-5) treat a life of an individual human as valueless. They enjoy the God-defying power of killing at will.
The self-determined who defy God and accept doctrines that nullify His warnings then despair and blame God for not blessing their utter depravity and (Is. 5 v 18-25, Rom. 1, 1 Cir. 6 v 9-12). They vote for a self-promoted saviour (Gen. 3 v 1-7) who approves their carnal feelings (Mt. 15 v 1-9, Lk. 11 v 39).
Only the Almighty Father, the creator of the heavens and Earth, can save us from the reign Chaos and Death. When people return to seeking His guidance and recorded words there are times of heaven on earth. The faithless who say where is the proof of God’s words will dismiss every proof (Jn. 12 v 9-11). Yet they readily accepted the world’s false creeds (Lev. 23 v 24-29). To revive their fortunes they correct God!
Mankind’s new Babel boasts it can control the earth but it ends in disagreement and chaos so God has to intervene again (Jer. 25 v 12-38). Its final collapse is triggered by the completion and removal of Jesus’ Gentile Bride (Lk. 21 v 24, Rom. 11 v 25, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-12).
Watch the ‘fig tree’ (Jer. 24, Mt. 24 v 32: Israel). The judgement of the Gentiles has started (Lk. 21 v 20-32, Rom. 11 v 19-25). The next end time event is when the Lord God crushes the murderous servants of Satan who want to drive the Jews out of His land (Ezk. 38 v 16-23).
The Father lets Satan’s plan and plants reach fruition in order to divide between the“the wheat and the look-alike ergot infested tares” (Mt.13 v 30, 2 Pt. 2 v 12-22, 3 v 3-6). He then stops man’s evil attempt to take-over of His possessions (Ps. 2, Joel 2 & 3, Mt. 21 v 33-45). It is the end of Satan’s bid to take complete control of this world by preaching the opposite of everything God’s words have warned against (Gen. 2 v 16-17).
There are many man-made religions that trust in a false holy-man who cannot save them (Lk. 21 v 8, Rev. 2 v 22-26) but he controls them through their fear of hell. They worship a powerless idol or man-produced version of God that they have to pay to stop it collapsing. Their meetings become lifeless and their society becomes fruitless and bankrupt.
They compromise on all God’s ‘red lines’ in order to fill their churches with worldly ‘live now pay forever’ people (Ezr. 9 v 5-15). They become apostates (Lk. 8 v 13-18, 18 v 8, 2 Pt. 2 v 4-9, 3 v 17, Heb. 3 v 7-18, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-20).
When they reject his correction their fate is sealed (Jer. 15 v 1-6). They gain an errant spirit (1 Kg. 22 v 21, Rev. 1 v 4, 20). Worship becomes an emotion-stirring presentation built on guilt, flatter and music with fruitless, repetitive orders of service. They use gimmicks as highlights, spirit manifestations, building programs…. any time wasting, attention grabbing distraction as ‘fig leaves’ to hide their superficial lives behind.
Charles Manson had an adolescent mother, no father and a history of crime. His excuse for his cult murders was that he was the product of his occult believing, physically obsessed and mentally disturbed society (Rom. 1 v 18-32).
We are not on earth forever. Just enough time to finally choose between eating of the source of good or evil (Gen. 2 v 16-17). You cannot overcome evil with evil but you must oppose it in according to God’s commands or you too will be judged as evil (Ps. 50 v 16-23).
The Father’s love seeks to save all who repent and turn to Him to save them (Jn. 3 v 16-17-21, 7 v 37-46). God warns those who do evil and upholds those who choose good (Gen. 4 v 6-7, 2 Chr. 18 v 5-6, 18-22, Job 1 v 8-22). The faithless who judge God’s words as false become self and sin-conscious with a constant fear of death (Gen. 3 v 7-11, Heb. 2 v 15).
God does not tempt with or do evil (Jas, 13). He is the just judge but Satan is the executioner (Job. 1 v 7-10, Is. 14 v 16-17, Lk. 11 v 1-4, 13). When evil threatens to take over the world He removes the faithful and unleashes (Gen. 6 v 5, 13, 9 v 5-6, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-12) the hater of mankind onto those guilty of doing evil (Rev. 6 v 1-8, 13-17).
The God defying reject the love of their Saviour and believe their executioner’s gospel which actively engenders death (Acts 2 & 3, Heb. 2 v 15). Satan’s gospel is “Forget that tomorrow you may die. Do what you think is good and you will not die but become a godlike one like me” (Gen. 3 v 4-6). It generates unrest and disorder.
‘Do what feels good to you’ is Hegel’s doctrine. As a result the more aggressive minority impose their extreme views on the passive majority. The passive and permissive who do not punish petty law breakers will encourage others to defy even their ‘red lines’. Their police, courts and prisons will be defeated by very evil persistent criminals. Lawyers who excuse or cover up the terrible transgressions of defiant and unrepentant sinners are criminals.
There are many evil regimes which starve and kill the helpless poor as if they were vermin. Such tyrants feel threatened by free societies so they constantly attack them. To stay free from evildoers democracies must have ever-alert defence forces with powerful deterrents (2 Chr. 1 v 11-14).
Darwin’s ruthless doctrine of the survival of the strong to the cost of the weak is preached in most schools. As a result of bullies many now carry knives. When nice people encourage nasty people to abuse the weak by not dealing with them eventually they too will be robbed and supressed by official gangs of evil enforcers. Those who take more than they give turn pleasant lands into deserts.
Ofsted inspectors should not judge head teachers, ban the teaching of God’s words and impose controversial, humanistic, politically correct doctrines on schools that encourage wilful behaviour. Instead of the Father’s gospel of forgiveness that produces love, joy and peace (Rom. 10 v 8-13) they are brainwashed by constant entertainment filled with fear, tragedy and war until they become unreal. The values imposed makes their disturbed, self-centred lives a futile struggle that they are not equipped to cope with (Ezra 8 v 22, Rom. 7 v 18-24, 8 v 7-9, 26-28).
Forlorn materialists are informed by experience and science that we live in an entropic universe on a dying planet. It was powered up at the beginning and will have a very hot, catastrophic end. Its universal laws must have existed before any matter could form yet they believe Chaos produced it by a miraculous accident out of nothing. Yet they know that their own creations require a knowledge of the laws of science, a detailed intelligent design, planning and assessment before they can manufacture even a simple product like a bottle.
They believe that they evolved from magic fertile mud when they know their body will devolve into fertile mud. They are totally ignorant of what came before matter or what happens after they leave it, yet they categorically deny that their totally handicapped soul will remain self-aware.
Their hopeless, purposeless lives will end up being ruled by an ethereal computer that takes over their minds and makes their free will obsolete. Their inventions do not save them but threaten to kill them. They make themselves as sheep for the slaughter (Ps. 44 v 20-26).
They will be judged for blindly rejecting all the evidence that the finite, physical cosmos has an intelligent, infinitely powerful Creator (Ps. 2 & 14, Rom. 1 v 16-25). God’s words are true: judgement will overtake them both now and cut them off from His provision forever (Deut. 28).
The fittest in Darwin’s eco-food-chain philosophy and economy do not survive. Those who ignore or mock God’s warnings will die (Lk. 16 v 22-31). Only the Father’s love (Jn. 3 v 14-21) and their repentance can save them and give them a new God sustained life (Mt. 3 v 1-12).
If you do not feed your spiritual life (Jn. 6 v 57-63) and just feed on physical food (Jn. 6 v 26-29) to sustain your physical senses (Jn. 6 v 30-36) you will lose both your physical and spiritual life and end up trapped in no man’s land forever. Escapism is a trap that ties up your free will until you lose it forever (1 Cor. 10 v 7).
As with Adam, without the guidance and help of God’s omni-everything single-minded or Holy Spirit (Jn. 15 v 4-11, 26-27, Jas. 1 v 5-8) your life is a chore instead of an adventure (Jn. 16 v 15, 25-28, 17 v 20-23).
You were made in Jesus likeness to be his companion (Gen. 1 v 26-27, 31, Heb. 2) and should rely on his support with everyday problems so you will learn to think and behave like him (Rom. 8, 1 Cor. 2 v 9 -16, Php. 1 v 21, 3 v 10-21).
The word of God is life giving and powerful and sharper than any knife for the dividing between what is good or evil: between the soulish and the spiritual as with the joints and the marrow; to discover what people think and what are their real motives that they hide in their heart (Heb. 4 v 3-16).
Love is not a gooey feeling but a commitment (Heb. 4 v 8-10, 4 v 22-27, 5 v 24-27). He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him through faith in his promises (Heb. 11 v 6). Making that choice is now very urgent (Heb. 11 v 6, 12 v 1, 7-15, 24-29).
Jesus is portrayed as a meek and mild long haired hippy. He did not retaliate when attacked because as the Lamb of God he came to die for our sin (Jn. 2 v 14-19, 3 v 16-20). The next time he comes as the bringer of God’s wrath to those who have despised their Saviour (Ps.2, Lk. 19 v 42-48, Lk. 21 v 24-27, Rev. 19 v 11-16). When the lost are beyond saving he saves his remaining saints and the rest are wiped out (Gen. 6 v 5-7, 15 v 16, 19 v 23-28).
The only way to regain the breath of eternal life forever and be made one with our Father is through his Son by the power of His Holy Spirit (Jn. 14 v 1-7, 23-26). Salvation is though baptism into Jesus’ death (Rom. 6 v 3-4, 8 v 4-9) in order to be cut off from the enslaved life and receive his new life (Acts 19 v 12).
Christian churches have prevented many from knowing how to gain Jesus’ new life (Acts 2 v 38-40, 19 v 2-6). They baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit with water instead of (Lk. 3 v 16): in the name of the Father (fire burns up all rubbish) and also the name of the Son (burying old temorariliy out of sight in water) and also the Holy Spirit (Mt. 28 v 19) who separates the wheat from chaff (Heb. 4 v 12-16). Why?
They cannot do the two that God’s Spirit does. They remain in the Romans 7 state, led by religious spirits (Mt. 7 v 15-23, Gal. 3 v 1-5, Rev. 1 v 20), in the same state as the Old Testament believers (Ezk. 18 v 26-32). Their sin controlled nature cut them off from protection by God’s Holy Spirit. They needed repeated sacrifices to cover their sin unto death (Gen. 4 v 4-5, 35 v 1-3, Heb. 10 v 1-23, 11 v 4).
Jesus’ love saves by grace those who confess they have a sinful nature (Eph. 2 v 6-10, 4 v 21-32). Those who do not confess they are sinners saved by grace and surrender their self-saving ways to death with Jesus’ human are stuck on at or on the wrong side of the Cross (Rom. 8). As a result they remain sin conscious so they fear the Father and resist His Spirit (Heb. 4 v 11-16, 12 v 22-25).
Like walking in circles in a desert, their repetitive services and man-minded teaching (1 Cor. 2 v 12-16) ensure they never mature (Heb. 6 v 1-6). Instead of presenting the reality of God’s life they are talk about it and try to fill the void with entertaining stories and service that reflect the ideas of their diverse, vain party spirits (1 Cor. 3, Eph. 4).
Unbelievers, who know what is right yet do wrong, see self-righteous religious Christians as fakes. Christian do-gooders, who act as if they are superior instead of just a sinner saved by grace, drive away from our Saviour the people who know they need saving.
Instead of appropriating his righteousness by faith in his accomplished work (Heb. 4) they are actually enemies of the cross of Christ (Heb.10 v 28-38). Man’s religions are very evil (Rev. 19 v 2-8).
As Jude so urgently warned; the dire situation the world is now in (Gen. 6 v 5-8) is due to the fact that self-serving ministers with carnal, worldly doctrines have taken control of the churches (Rev. 2 & 3). Christians who lament about others and pray for them to repent have not woken up to the fact that their worldliness has encouraged it (Jas. 4 v 1-10, 2 Pt. 2 v 1-21, 3 v 3-7). It is the Christians who need to repent (1 Pt. 4 v 17-19).
The world has become infested with evil because good people have slept (Mt. 13 v 25-29, Rom. 13 v 11-14, Eph. 5 v 3-17, 1 Thess. 5 v 2, 9, 23, Rev. 3 v 3). Passive Christians who love this life (1 Jn. 2 v 15-20) have let their churches and countries be taken over by strange people and their strange gods (Ezra 4 v 1-5, 21, 9 v 2). Compromised (Rev. 3 v 17) churches are now full of anti-Christian people and false religious spirits (Rev. 1 v 20).
God has one Spirit (Eph. 4 v 3-6) one Lord and one gospel. Those who corrupt His truth have a guiding alter ego that is an anti-Christ spirit. These unrepentant, self-loving wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mt. 7 v 15-23, Jn. 10 v 1-16) hate the preachers and teachers of God’s truth because it expose the evil they hide in their hearts (1 Sam. 16 v 7, Mt. 15 v 7-20).
They talk superficially about Christ but do not seek his ways or commit their old life to death. They do not know and obey Jesus as their Lord and Saviour yet expect him to bless their ways and revive their dying congregations.
He sends then ordinary men like Elijah (Jas. 5 v 16-20) to warn them and priests like Jeremiah to rebuke them (Mt. 21 v 34-40) then finally his Son. They proved what they said was true. Instead of repenting God’s short term leaseholders wanted to kill them. A perverse people have no viable future (Jer. 7 v 25-34).
The Christian churches (Heb. 2 v 12) have been taken over by Satan’s earthly kingdom (Rev. 2 & 3). Its gospel of self-righteousness and justification is now accepted and preached in most churches. They ignore the many Bible stories that record what happens when you ignore God’s truth and become ‘married’ to a deceiving spirit (Rom. 7 v 2, 23-25, 8 v 7-9). It is now so universal that Jesus’ true believers are getting ready to leave (1 Jn. 2 v 18-23, 28).
Satan is the opposite of the comic book image that has been promoted. Con-men flatter and charm their victims. The personification of Satan is a smiling, charismatic, sexually ambivalent billionaire who important people fawn around for favours. They choose him to save their crumbling world from collapsing.
God gave men all authority on earth (Gen. 1 v 26, 2 v 15, 3 v 17-24) so Satan’s authority has been given to it by men (Lk. 4 v 6). All the evil on earth is incited by Satan but carried out by men because they have chosen Satan’s will instead of their loving Father’s (Rom. 7 v 19-25). It has power over sin and death conscious men who sin against God (Lk. 13 v 34-35) and maintain their godless, self-justified and saving nature (Heb. 2 v 14-15).
Jesus as a man was tempted but did not accept Satan’s offer. He therefore retained his God given authority over all the natural earth (Lk. 8 v 23-33). He then died to buy back (1 Pt. 1 v 17-25) all who have sold themselves to Satan (Lk. 10 v 16-21, Eph. 1 v 17-23, Heb. 10 v 10-17). All who repent and cry to Jesus for help will be rescued and forgiven (Jonah 2 v 7-10, Heb. 2 v 18).
If you choose to seek and love the Jesus as your Lord and Saviour he will choose you (Jn. 15 v 11-16). Your whole life will become a project that ends with you becoming a co-ruler with him (Heb. 2 v 3-11). In his name you will have authority over all his creation (Acts 9 v 13-16, Rom. 8 v 11-27, Col. 2 v 6-10). This is the position that Satan sought (Is. 14 v 12-17) and so it is trying to enslave every human (Job. 1 v 6-11).
In the book of Revelation Jesus describes the state of 7 churches and their 7 ruling spirits (1 Jn. 4 v 1, 4-8). Churches, like the one at Ephesus that were led by God’s Holy Spirit, had been taken over by unholy spirits (Rev. 1 v 20). I have seen a work of God reversed within 5 years.
John had a spiritual revelation of what will occur just before and after (Rev. 4 v 1) the Lord’s Day. His ‘Lord ’s Day’ is not the Roman’s Sun’s day nor that at the end of the world (Mt.12 v 36, 2 Pt. 3 v 10-12, Jude 6-7, Rev. 20 v 11-15, 21 v 1-7) but the Day of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1 v 7-8, 5 v 5, Php. 1 v 6, 10, 2 v 15-16). There are over seventy scriptures (listed on last page) that refer to the rapture of Christ’s Church. They prove it is a major doctrine that involves all Christians, both dead and still alive.
Kingdom-Now churchmen wanted the book of Revelation it to be omitted from Bible as it was nonsense to them. In fact is a Christ’s last ‘grace before judgement’ warning to them. Like the Pharisees (Jn. 8 v 42-47) they will be confined in their bankrupt state for eternity (1 Pt. 4 v 17-19, 2 Pt. 3 v 4-7, Rev. 19 v 19-21, 20 v 4). It states that only believers who obey Jesus as their Lord and King will reign with him in his kingdom (Acts 4 v 10-12, Rev. 2 v 7, 10, 17, 26-28, 3 v 5, 10-12, 20-21).
Gnostic thinking has made it confusing when it is simple: Seven sealed judgements are served by Jesus (Dan. 12 v 8-12);
seven trumpets initiate them;
seven bowls of wrath are then poured out in order of severity on Earth (as in Exodus).
Each is proclaimed on earth by God’s two anointed judges: the Law and the Prophets.
The fools on earth kill the two messengers thinking it will end their judgement (Mt. 21 v 38-46, Acts 7 v 51-59) but to their horror they both arise victoriously with their new bodies. When the last warning is rejected total destruction is bound to follow.
Many of the rebels who would not accept God’s grace while it flowed freely will repent with fear and trembling (Gen. 3 v 10, Rev. 14 v 4-13). As with Pharaoh (Ex. 11 v 9-10), the judgements increase until only the most perverse still harden their hearts against Him. As prophesied in Genesis 3 v 14, Satan’s victory will turn to ashes in its mouth.
All music conveys a good or bad message (1 Cor. 14 v 8, Rev. 8 v 2). Revelation describes 8 individual but related events with 7 trumpet calls that herald 7 Judgements. They forewarn of imminent judgement (1 Pt. 4 v 17-18, 2 Pt. 3 v 3-9, 17). Like Jesus we must warn and pray for those who have lost their way and not think “serves them right” (Ezk. 33 v 3-13, Mt. 5 v 43-48, 1 Cor. 10 v 12). Those who ignore the calls will perish (Jer. 6 v 16-30).
Specific trumpet calls convey precise, vital messages. Two silver trumpets with differing tones were used for signalling (Num. 10 v 2-4, Jer. 4 v 5, Joel. 2 v 15-19). The first trump is the call to assemble. The second alarm is the call to march. The last trump (similar to last post) is the long, ‘echoing’ recall home at the end of a battle (2 Sam. 2 v 28, 18 v 16, 20 v 1, 22). They must have a clear message (1 Cor. 14 v 8-13) but the “angels” or spirits of the translators (Rev. 1 v 20) have made it discordant.
Revelation. 1 v 20: just before the secret removal (Lk. 17 v 25-37, 21 v 8-11, 34-36, Rev. 1 v 10, 3 v 3) of the Bride of Christ on the Day of Jesus Christ (Eph. 4 v 30, Php. 2 v 15-16, 3 v 20-21) to meet him high in the air where the eagles soar (Ex. 19 v 4, Ps. 103 v 5, Is. 40 v 31, Lk. 17 v 29-37, 1 Thess. 4 v 17).
Revelation 4-7: describe what follows in “my Father’s house”.
Revelation 8-11: the judgement of Earth by 7 plagues similar to those announced by Moses and Elijah. The Earth and its atmosphere (Is. 55 v 9-11, Rev. 11 v 3-10) are devastated and need to be totally renewed (Is. 65 v 17, Rev. 21 v 1).
Revelation 12-13: the judgement of Satan and destruction of its children (Jn. 8 v 38-45). The ‘tares’ are set alight (Mt. 13 v 29).
Revelation 14-18: the sanctification of 144,000 of His promised people (Joel 2 v 28-32, 3 v 12-17). They are anointed as God’s witnesses on Earth as in Acts 2 & 9, to replace the completed (Rom. 11 v 25-29, 14 v 13) and collected Bride of Christ (Mt. 13 v 30, 1 Thess. 5 v 1-9). They preach salvation to the dying and Moses & Elijah (law and the prophets) announce each of Christ’s 7 judgements on Satan’s children. The many who believe their testimony and refuse to give their allegiance to the Beast are not herded into concentration camps but publicly beheaded (Rev. 6 v 9-11, 20 v 4).
Revelation 19: The 7th or final trumpet blast in Revelation is not the last recall trumpet: it is the call to the battle for Jerusalem; it is a second post (Num. 10 v 9). It triggers the terrible East vs West battle of Armageddon on the day of the Lord’s vengeance on evil men (Ps. 2, Is. 63 v 4-24, Mt. 24 v 29-30, Rev. 11 v 15, 16 v 16-21).
It heralds the end of the money loving Harlot who preaches paying for love and salvation based on Satan’s gospel of “ignore God’s warnings and do what you feel is good and you will live happily ever after” (Gen. 3 v 5-8, 4 v 5). They reject the Father’s eternal plan for them and think they can save their world that their greed and mismanagement is destroying (Gen. 6 v 5-8, Rev. 11 v 18).
The sanctified in heaven who have believed God’s words and accepted His promised Saviour (Gen. 3 v 15, Job. 19 v 25-29) then descend from heaven (Gen. 2 v 20, Zech. 14 v 5-16, Heb. 2 v 5, 11-16, Rev. 3 v 4-5, 21 v 2) as a great army with the King of kings on the day of the Lord’s Wrath (Ps. 2, Joel 3 v 9-17, Mal. 4 v 5, LK. 21 v 25-28, Rev. 11 v 3-5, 21 v 10-27, 22 v 14-19). They then rule with Christ on Earth for a thousand years (Heb. 10 v 12-16, Rev. 11 v 15).
The last post or trump in 1 Corinthians 15 v 52-57 follows Christ’s secret visit “as thief in the night” (Lk. 12 v 35-40, Eph. 5 v 14-27, 1 Thess. 5 v 2-9, Rev. 3 v 3). It clearly assembles and calls home to heaven his dispersed church (Acts 1 v 9-11, 1 Thess. 4 v 16-17).
After the 7th trump the very long last trumpet-call is sounded again (Is. 27 v 13) to recall his dispersed chosen people (Joel 3 v 1, 7, 20, Mt. 24 v 29-31, Rev. 12 v 13-14) back into their promised land (Is. 60, Acts 2 v 14-36). As at the time of Ezra 3 v 4, they will then hold the Feast of Trumpets and Tabernacles (Lev. 23 v 10-38) and administer his kingdom on Earth (Is. 66 v 4-24)
Jesus then rules from the New Jerusalem and the Saints (1 Thess. 3 v 13, Rev. 7 v 13-15, 19 v 14) rule with him as sons of God (Heb. 2 v 6-18, Rev. 2 v 6, 3 v 21, 5 v 10). They perform the things of God such as his JHS (Rom. 8 v 18-30, 1 Cor.6 v 2, Rev. 20 v 4). During Christ’s millennium reign there are no untimely deaths (Is. 54, 65 v 17-20). The heavens (atmosphere) and the Earth are completely restored and populations increase rapidly (Is. 66 v 8).
Revelation 20: at the end of Christ’s glorious 1000 year reign on earth is the terrifying Day of the Lord’s final judgement with the second death of the self-determined who have rejected the Father’s will and love. They chose to obey their inner desires as guided by their self-destructive, evil alter ego. They hate, attack and murder the innocent and so are self-condemned (Gen. 4 v 10, Mt. 27 v 22-25, Rom. 1 v 28-32,1 Jn. 2 v 15-19).
Revelation 21-22: the God haters and the existing cosmos become part of the lake of fire. The children of God then enter their new home which is too glorious and difficult to explain based on our current experiences and limited vocabulary (1 Cor. 2 v 9). It shines with God’s glory as if built of transparent gold!
Most of the major prophesies leading up to the end of the times of the Gentiles have been fulfilled (Ezk. 36 & 37, Lk. 21 v 22-24). The Ezekiel 38 prophesy is now imminent. All the actors who were not ready 10 years ago are now on stage.
As with all God’s judgements there is a last chance call to repent (Jonah 3 v 4-10). After the vast invading armies are destroyed the Israelites spend 7 years collecting the left over fuel and burying the bodies. They are not at war again until 3 1/2 years into Satan’s 7 year reign. The Rapture of the Bride of Christ therefore must occur 3 1/2 years or more after the Ezekiel 38 invasion.
During this period the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ will first be preached throughout the world (Ezk. 39 v 7-9, Mt. 24 v 14). This is what the Holy Spirit is preparing a host of God’s children for. The number in the gentile Church will then be completed and the end of the times of the gentiles will come (Dan. 2 v 43-45).
Those committed to Christ are removed (Job 1 v 7-8, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-7). In that instant Satan is thrown down to earth as the lord of all who remain. The time of grace for the Gentiles (Rom. 12 v 1-16, Eph. 5 v 8-27, 1 Pt. 4) is over. It is followed by the 7 year judgement (Mt. 24 v 3, 21, 37-39) of those who defy the Father’s omniscient words and guiding Spirit (Dan. 7 v 24-27).
These defiant, superior, self-survivalists have rejected His Spirit in favour of a deceiving, malevolent spirit (1 Sam. 15 v 22-29, 16 v 14, Mt. 12 v 31-34, Jn. 13 v 27, Rev. 1 v 20, 2 v 17, 3 v 20-22). They hoard provisions, live in an unreal, make-believe fog and use fake news to blot out their perilous state (1 Kg. 22 v 16-28, 37-38, Lk. 12 v 16-21). They are bound to end up helpless forever (Lk. 16 v 24). Their feeble defence, that they did not know they were wrong (Rom. 1 v 18-25), is a pathetic lie.
Those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will be trained by his Spirit (Lk. 24 v 46-49). They will be disciplined (Heb. 12 v 5-15) but never be left helpless and alone or rejected by their Father (1 Kg. 19 v 4-17, Ezra 8 v 22, Lk. 12 v 22-37).
Currently the self-justified who demean His Spirit inspired words are being segregated by their spirits into ‘sheaves’ (1 Kg. 22 v 21-22, Rev. 1 v 20) but the Matthew 3 v 12, 13 v 30 fires cannot be lit until God’s ‘sheaves’ are removed to safety (2 Pt. 2 v 5-9). The days are evil and there is not much time left to discover the Lord’s wisdom and will (Mt. 25 v 2, Eph. 5 v 5-17).
He that is listening register what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the churches (Rev. 3 v 22). Be very careful about who you fellowship with or you too will be deceived. As in Revelation 2 & 3, by their fruits you may know those that are apostate write-offs (Mt. 7 v 16, Jn. 15 v 3-9, 1 Jn. 1 v 8-10, 4 v 2-10).
God’s will is for us to love Him and to love others as we are loved (Lk. 10 v 27). Sin therefore is simply due to a lack of love for God which is due to Satan’s self-pleasing gospel (Gen. 3 v 5, Rom. 8 v 13, 1 Jn. 4 v 6-11).
Jesus’ ministry is centred on the lost (Lk. 7 v 44-50, 10 v 29, 11 v 39-40). He knows how terrible it is to lose God’s life and love. Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved from his wrath (Acts 2 v 17, 38-40, Rom. 10 v 13-15). Blessed are those who put their trust in his sworn promise (Heb. 6 v 17-20). They receive an assurance of salvation as a gift from his Spirit (Acts 3 v 38-40, Rom. 8 v 24-29, Eph. 1 v 11-14, Rev. 2 & 3).
The infinite Father proved His love for us by sending His visible person (Jn. 3 v 16, Php. 2 v 5-11) to die. He experienced the horror of being separated from Him in order to annul the sins of all who wished to be free to love and be loved (Rom. 5 v 8). Those who are perfected in love (Eph. 5 v 24-27, 1 Jn. 2 v 14-15, 3 v 1-22, 4 v 10-18) do not sin against God or other people.
Those who create man-powered religions to suit whatever seems good and true to them (Ps. 2, Jer. 17 v 5-10, Lk. 18 v 8, Acts 7 v 51-52) replace truth with pagan myths conjured by their inner guide or familiar spirit (Deut. 27 v 15-26, 28 v 16-61). They wanted John’s ‘Revelation of Jesus Christ’ excluded from the Bible and the uninspired apocryphal Jewish records included because they support their Gnostic beliefs (Gen. 3 v 5).
Like the Sadducees and Pharisees, self-elevated survivalists who worship and appease the gods of sin and death have no viable alternative salvation. They only reverse everything the Bible says which proves it is of the God of love and life (Deut. 32 v 16-35). They do not believe in the rapture of the Bride of Christ and have deliberately confused the date of Jesus’ birth (see post AD, BC).
Those who hate God’s words teach theology students that the Bible is also a man-made myth and not factual (Gen. 3 v 3-6, 1 Tim. 2 v 12-14). They love discovering unfounded, anachronistic, coded theories about it that start with “what if”? They only discredit themselves.
They simply say the Bible is historically wrong then they claim its prophecies are only accurate because they were written after the events. The embarrassing, ever increasing, solid archaeological evidence that extends back to a 1900 BC reference to Abraham proves they are clutching at straws to save themselves from Hades (Mt. 23 v 33-36).
The spirit of this world makes people sin and self-conscious (Gen. 3 v 7-11). The pride of self-important god-like-ones makes them deny that their old nature is corrupt yet they have bodies that are predestined to die (2 Pt. 2 v 1-3). They like legalism and tithing and pious behaviour that conceals their inner familiar spirit and spiritual state (Deut. 27 v 15-26, 28 v 16-61).
They like the Biblical principles of law and order, free will and love your neighbour (Mt. 23 v 39, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-20) but want to rule the world through man-powered ideologies to suit whatever seems good and true to them (Ps. 2, Jer. 17 v 5-10, Lk. 18 v 8, Acts 7 v 51-52). They have replaced the preaching of salvation by faith (Gal. 3 v 11, Eph. 2 v 5-10, Col. 2 v 8-17) with Satan’s gospel of do what you feel is good (Gen. 3 v 3-5, Ex. 2 v 23-25, Num. 16 v 13, Rom. 8 v 5-9, 1 Cor. 2 v 11).
They ordain man-approved theologians and pastors (Mt. 7 v 14, Acts 20 v 29-31, 2 Cor. 11 v 13-15, Jude 1-5) who introduce man preferred idolatrous practices and beliefs (Rev. 2 & 3). They preach nice Christian homilies but not doctrine because doctrines offend the various religious ideas of their members and cause divisions (1 Cor. 3 v 1-11).
When people replace God’s good will with theirs they end up with millions of opposing wills so unity has to be enforced (Hegel’ doctrine). It is that of the most powerful (Darwinism). It is that of the god of this world (Mt. 4 v 8-10). They resist the reviving power of God’s Holy Spirit and have to fight and kill to uphold their fear powered unholy spirit (1 Kg. 18 v 22-40).
Instead of their temporal bodies serving them they become ruled by their carnal feelings (Rom. 7 & 8, Php. 3 v 15-21, Jas. 4 v 3-10). By their fruits you may know them. They promote self and debase Jesus. They are active enemies of the cross that offers the promise of a new life in Christ (Gen. 3 v 15, Job. 19 v 25-29, Heb. 11 v 4).
They are self-cursed and so cannot be forgiven and saved (Mt. 12 v 31-37, Heb. 10 v 26-31). They need to return to God’s words and spiritual guidance urgently (Jas. 4 v 4-10, Rev. 2 v 16-17, 3 v 3, 18-22). Jesus’ Ecclesia is not a man-made Church but a God seeking one which is directed by his Holy Spirit. It is nearing completion (Lk. 21 v 24-36, Rom. 10 v 13, 11 v 20-25).
After Christ’s chosen ones leave order is replaced with chaos. Babel is already half grown and World War III has sprouted (Ezk. 38 v 8 to 39 v 7, Mt. 24 v 3-14). The only hope of the god of this world is too slow its growth and the start of the last 7 years of its freedom. Those who worship Chaos as the creator of life and order will turn their earth into a preview of Hell.
Those Jewish apostles who were fishermen laboured all night and caught nothing (Jn. 21 v 2-6). Jesus told them to cast their net on the other side of the boat (Acts 7 v 51-53, 10 v 19-22, 13 v 46-48). When they did the net was so full they had to tow it 200 cubits to the shore to where Jesus had fish he had caught earlier (the first fruits).
In John 21 Jesus calls the Church elders (Rev. 4 v 4) to haul their God given catch to where he rests (Heb. 4). The 200 cubits represents the Gentile Church age from start to finish and 153 signifies Jesus’ completed Bride (Lk. 21 v 24, Jn. 10 v 28, Rom. 11 v 25). That number represents 9 x (10 + 7). That is 9; the last digit as the number of a change of state (from conception to birth) x 17; a final, perfect number of the spiritually perfect.
The 17 th time Isaac is mentioned is when he met his bride in Genesis 24. Noah’s flood started on 17 th of 2nd month and ended when the dove returned with an olive leaf on 17 th of 11th month: in that 9 months the earth was reformed. Biblically 17 represents Christ’s victory over death and over sinful men (Ps. 2). As in the days of Noah the whole world has become corrupt and filled with violent (Gen. 6 v 11-13). As in the days of Noah (Mt. 24 v 36-39) God’s intervention is sudden and unexpected.
The equivalent number of the addition of the Greek letters for fishes and the net (ichthues +to diktuon) is 1224 or 8 x 153. The biblical number 8 represents resurrection. The addition of numbers 1 to 17 equals 153: there are the 17 stages of development of the Gentile Church. At present we are at stage 15: her separation from the look-a-like apostates (Mt. 13 v 29-30, 2 Pt. 2 v 1-10, Rev. 2 & 3).
The gentile Church began at Pentecost in 36 AD (Acts 10 v 11-20, 11 v 15) and ends 2000 biblical years later. Just prior to its completion Jesus separates the believers from the unbelievers (Mt. 13 v 30, Heb. 12 v 23-29) and unbelieving Israel regains control of Jerusalem (Lk. 21 v 24-32, Rom. ). Each tribe is seeded with God’s life on the same Pentecost that marks the end of God’s great harvest of the Gentile Bride of Christ (Lev. 23 v 15-17, Lk. 21 v 24, Rom. 11 v 19-32, Rev. 7 v 3-17).
Jesus fulfilled all the prophetic types on the true date and hour at each feast (Zech. 9 v 9, Lk. 19 v 36 v 40, 24 v 25-27, 44-49). To fulfil Leviticus 23 v 10 Christ arose from the dead together with the First Fruits on the First of Weeks (Lev. 23 v 11, 1 Cor. 15 v 20-23) after 3 days and 3 nights (Mt. 12 v 40, 27 v 63). He had to fulfil both the Passover and First of weeks (Lk. 24 v 44) so this very late lunar Passover has to be on the full moon at the end of April 33 AD.
On the eve of Friday 13 th two days before the Jewish Passover night on the 14 th (Mt. 26 v 1-2) Jesus instructed his disciples about celebrating the new covenant (Heb. 8 v 9-10) with just the memorials of his dead body and poured out life blood before his death on God’s true anniversary of the Passover. Jesus takes the place of the meal on the sacrificed Passover lamb (Rom. 6 v 3-11, 1 Cor. 5 v 7-8).
Matthew 26 v 17 says; Now the first of the days of unleavened approached the disciples said to Jesus “where do you want us to prepare to eat the Passover”. Mark 14 v 12 says; And before the day of unleavened bread… Luke 22 v 7 says; Now the day of unleavened bread on which the Passover had to be killed approached. He sent out Peter and John to prepare for it. Lk. 22 v 15 says; I am driven to eat this Passover lamb with you before I suffer for the reason that after it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God you will never feed on it again.
That night he was secretly arrested and tried, found innocent but scourged to appease the religious authorities who then chose to release a convicted murderer rather than him. He was hung at 9.00 am Friday morning, while his very many devout supporters and very rich and powerful friends were at home preparing to hold the Sabbath on the 14 th (Mt. 27 v 62-63, Lk. 23 v 54). It was a special Sabbath because the full moon of Passover fell on the night of that Sabbath (Jn. 19 v 31).
In God’s calendar it was between the evening of the 14 th and eve of the15 th on the anniversary of the first Passover. He was hung on the post or ‘stauros’ he carried to Golgotha (Gal. 3 v 13). The cross X of Christ stands for Xristos, not the ‘tree’ on which he voluntarily died. The Tee denotes the defeat of death by Nimrod as Taurus by via his Queen who as the god Ishtar, Astarte or Venus claimed her baby son was his reincarnation. He is worshipped as the moon god Baal at the winter solstice (Num. 25 v 1-4) or the risen Sun god Mithras on the Sun’s Day and rebirth on about 21 st of April which is close to the full moon of Passover.
Jesus has conquered death. The sin and self-conscious (Gen. 3 v 7) should not depict Jesus as still dying on a cross (Heb. 10 v 12-25). Those who think worshipping the cross will save them only shame Jesus (2 Kg. 18 v 4-6). They retain control of their self-determined, Adamic life and do not surrender it to death with Jesus’ humanity and go beyond the cross into his new Spirit led life (Gal. 3, Eph. 1 v 13, 2 v 5-10, Heb. 4 v 1-16).
On the day of the resurrection near sunset (Lk. 24 v 21-29) a close disciple said “it happened 3 hemeras ago (3 x 24hrs). In the original Greek Matthew 28 v 1 has: After the Sabbaths on the first of Weeks. The priests and Pharisees said after 3 days.
Jesus died before sunset on Friday. The next day was a Sabbath (Jn. 19 v 31). He arrive at Bethany 6 days before this 14 th (Jn. 12 v 1) so he must have spent the previous Sabbath of 7th with Zaccaeus.
It is only confusing if you try to make Jesus resurrection fit in with the Roman’s Sun’s Day celebration of Mithas’ triumph over death as acted out in bull-fights. In the crypts of churches they ate sun-shaped discs of bread and drank bulls’ blood.
The original Nicene Creed says third day after his death on the stake but that word anastanta is just omitted in our translations. Other verses say inside 3 hemeras (3 x 24hrs).
That Jewish Passover night occurred at the end of that Saturday or Sabbath , starting between the evening of the 14 th (Mt. 26 v 5, 27 v 63, Jn.19 v 14, 31, 42) and the eve or start of the 15th (Deut. 16 v6). The Sunday of 15th was also a holy Sabbath (Lev. 23 v 6).
According to the Pharisee’s ruling the First of Weeks (Lev. 23 v 10-14) was held on the Monday morning after the Sabbaths. The Old Testament saints arose from the earth (Job. 19 v 25-26) and appeared to many believers in Jerusalem on that resurrection morning (Mt. 27 v 52-53).
At the time of the morning sacrifice at 9 am (Mk. 15 v 25) they were presented with Jesus to the Father in heaven as the First Fruits raised from Death (Jn. 20 v 16-17). The blood of Jesus availed; they were accepted in the holy of holies (Heb. 9 v 7-8, 14-15, 24-28). The Church as the Bride of Christ is raise at Pentecost at the end of the harvest feast of Weeks . It is the day and hour of the end of the tribulation on which Satan is thrown into prison in chains that is not known (Joel 3 v 7-9, Mt. 24 v 15-36, Mk. 13 v 18-32, Rev. 19 v 11).
The early church revised their covenant unto death with the Lord at Passover as a memorial of his death as the ‘Lamb of God’. They celebrated his resurrection with a meal of fish at midnight on the Sunday of the First of (Feast of) Weeks (Lev. 23 v 15-17, Acts 20 v 6-7) which depended on the start of the spring barley harvest and was usually a few weeks after Passover (Acts 20 v 8).
They held the ‘Lumen Christy’ ceremony in which the pascal candle is carried into the dark room and all the congregation light their hand held candles from it until the room was ablaze with light (Acts 20 v 8). Paul was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem by Pentecost on the fiftieth day of the Feast of Weeks (Acts 20 v 16) so he left that night immediately it was over.
Where the Gospels have the singular, Sabbaton, it is a Sabbath (Mt. 12 v 8). The plural (Mt. 12 v 5) is for more than one weekly Sabbath. Everywhere translated as the first day of the week refers to the First Day of the Harvest Feast of Weeks. The original Greek has no ‘day’ and has the plural for all references to ‘the week’. In the original Greek Matthew 28 v 1 has “After the Sabbaths, just before dawn on the First of Weeks….” (of seven Sabbaths).
Paul also says (1 Cor. 16 v 1-3) that on the first of weeks to have your offering for the needy you know in Jerusalem according to how God has prospered you (Deut. 16 v 9-12) because I plan to go there. It is nothing to do with tithing or a Sun’s Day offering.
The word ‘day’ was added to justify using the Roman’s holy Sun’s day as the Lord’s day. God’s holy Sabbath day of rest is the 7 th day of the week not Adams sinful 8 th day. The Pagan celebration of Eostre as god the mother of new life around her Ashtoreth pole or tree of : Gen. 3 v 6, Jg. 2 v 12-14, 2 Chr. 15 v 16, Acts 7 v 41-51) at spring equinox, is close to the day of Jesus’ death and resurrection so why not combine the two?
The Father cannot abide with those who do their own version of His commands (Num. 4 v 15, 1 Sam. 24 v 5-6, 2 Sam. 6 v 6-7, 1 Kg. 13 v 21-24). There can be no revival within churches who observe man’s traditions unless they repent of these pagan inclusions which rouse God’s anger (Neh. 8 v 1-3, 1 Cor. 10 v 11-22, 11 v 29-32, Heb. 3 v 7-18, 4 v 11-16).
Their version of God’s will and words is lifeless (Gen. 2 v 17). Many preach Satan’s gospel of “ignore what God has commanded for you will not go to hell when you die if you are good” (Gen. 3 v 3-6). They become indistinguishable from the worldly (Ezra 9 v 1-6, Mt. 13 v 19-23, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-19) so unbelievers are not warned that they will be judged for sinful ways.
They may believe in Jesus but have not committed their lives to him. They delay because they excuse and enjoy their worldly ways. They have fruitless spiritual lives (1 Cor. 2 v 12-16, 3 v 11-15). Their faith does not extend beyond the Cross into the new Jesus led life that he died to give them (Ex. Lk. 3 v 16-17, Acts 19 v 2-6). Faith without results is false (Jas. 2 v 19-20).
They should feed spiritually only off His tree of life (Ezra 8 v 22, Mt. 4 v 4, Jn. 6 v 57-63). Those who feed off physical food as emblems of the Lord’s life as if it gives them his spiritual life only feed their physical life (Jn. 6 v 26-29). They have a temporal, emotional lift that needs to be repeated again and again (Heb. 6 v 6, 10 v 10-18). They are carnal (Rom. 8 v 1-9).
Such compromises are overlooked on earth but are unacceptable in heaven (Jas. 1 v 7-8, 4 v 3-10, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-28, 4 v 1-6, Rev. 2 & 3). You cannot be partakers of the Lord’s Table and the table of demons (Mt. 7 v 21, 1 Cor. 10 v 21-22). Only those who feed their souls on God’s truth (Jn. 4 v 22-24, 6 v 63) can be made one with His will (1 Cor. 2 v 4-1).
Those who do not obey God’s words but obey spiritual practices (Gal. 3 v1, Col. 2 v 4, 16-23) commune with a religious spirit who blinds their mind to its errors by saying it is mystical. Its aim is to make them feel they are spiritual but ensure they do not discover the truth.
Their religion does not set them free but makes them sin and death fearing (Rom. 7 v 14-18, 8 v 1-13) so they see their loving Father as unsupporting (Lk. 15 v 25-29). They defend themselves against His Holy Spirit’s conviction and whitewash their consciences (Mt. 12 v 31-32, Lk. 18 v 9-14, Heb. 4 v 11-16, 12 v 22-25). Their repetitive services (1 Cor. 2 v 12-16) ensure they never mature (Heb. 6 v 1-6).
Their man-centred teaching is centred on saving their dying life and loving self instead of loving their Saviour who died so that we might inherit his perfect, eternal life and home (Jn. 14 v 2-3, Rom. 5 v 17-21). Those who reject his life and love will become homeless when their body dies. When they finally die they are tormented with remorse and want to go back to warn others Lk. 16 v 22-31).
You are not your body. You own it for a while and you need to maintain and control it. As with all your other precious possessions, if you abuse it or it controls you it will not be cared for and will self-destruct.
The whole point of this temporal, independent, self-willed life is a test of your love or hate of your Father-God. The undecided are in the Ezekiel 18 v 26-32 position as if their flight to heaven has been paid for (Jn. 1 v 29) but they have not confirmed their booking and collected their ticket (Acts 2 v 38-40).
Their self-saving and perfecting doctrines are based on Greek, mythological, occult, misinformation about their gods who act as reincarnated dead ancestors and heroes who have overcome death (Gen. 3 v 5, 6 v 1-6). Darwin’s version of Satan’s gospel has now been accepted by most denominations. They are enemies of God’s Truth (2 Chr. 34 v 21, 35 v 1, Ezra 4 v 1-5, 6 v 19-22, Acts 4 v 29-33).
History shows us that miss-taught people repeat the same catastrophic mistakes that others have in the past. The self-saving who do not wake up to the truth in time have pointless, wasted, self-indulgent and self-destructive lives. They are taught politically manufactured truth that is based on guesses so it is incomplete and unsatisfying’.
Young people do not know what to believe so they ‘do it my way’. This produces a distrusting, politically divided society that is full of lost, suffering people. My granddaughter went on a long two day hike. She listened to what I had learnt from walking over 50 miles treks: – put clean socks on each day. She was the only one who did not have horrible blisters.
The self-justified who are soft on error and excuse the wayward are not kind but advocate self-harm and encourage evil (Gen. 9 v 5-6, Prov. 22 v 6, 29 v 14-18). They ease the ignorant into hell. How pathetic is the brazen boy who has killed another as a result of being taught at school; be free to do whatever you feel is good to you (Mt. 7 v 15-24) and that the law of life is that of the food chain.
The annual Passover followed by a week on unleavened bread was a time of returning to original doctrine and purging the teaching (Lk. 12 v 1) of men (Jer. 48 v 11-13). It has lapsed into the vain pagan tradition of self-improving resolutions (Col. 2 v 18-23). All God’s most Holy Feast Days have now been contaminated or replaced with pagan feasts.
Beware: among every body of Christians there is a Judas, Ananias or a Simon the sorcerer who are there out of self-interest (1 Pt. 4 v 17-18, 2 Pt. 2 v 9-19, 1 Jn. 2 v 18-20). As Jesus, Peter, Paul and Jude persistently warned would happen (Eph. 5 v 26-27, Rev. 2 & 3) many have become church leaders. To increase their revenue they have filled their churches with apostates who do not believe the Bible is a record of God’s commandments (2 Pt. 1 v 19-21, 2 v 1-3).
Such heretics call Christians who believe the Bible dangerous, fundamental extremists and insist those in public employment are sacked for their beliefs. They get the police to illegally arrest Christians who share their faith in public who then have to pay them damages for wrongful arrest!
The ignorant are easily corrupted (1 Cor. 15 v 33-34). Good is now bad and what God says is shameful (Eph. 5 v 3-15) is proclaimed as good. Many will be misdirected or not wake up in time and miss the last call to board before the doors close (Mt. 25 v 10-13, 29-30). They will get a rude awakening.
Therapy replaces salvation by faith in Jesus’ propitiation. It tries to set free the damaged human spirit based on Gnostic beliefs.

In fact it is just the emotional healing of the self-harming, self-centred soul. The person may silence their tormenting alter ego or controlling spirit but it is just replaced with another guiding spirit (Mt. 7 v 15-23, 12 v 43-44). Their fears may be sedated but their eternal fate will not be altered unless they receive God’s Holy Spirit.

People may be God-fearing but if they have not repented and do not submit their life to God’s Holy Spirit to cleans and fill their soul with the Father’s life they will have no assurance of salvation. It will still depend on whether they repent for their old life before the hour of their death (Ezk. 18 v 21-24, Lk. 23 v 40-43).
It is not the Father’s will that any should be cut off from His life forever (Mt. 18 v 11-14, 1 Tim. 2 v 4-6, 2 Pt. 3 v 9). It is their choice (Rom. 1 v 21-32): to believe an evil liar who preaches ‘do what you like and when your body dies you will become an Elohym or free spirit (Gen. 3 v 4-5)’ or God’s truth (Gen. 2 v 17)? The God-defiant will surely die and without a body will be bound, frustrated and tormented forever (Lk. 16 v 23-26, Rev. 20 v 15, 22 v 14-17).
Jesus’ victory over Death was so great that he took the resting place for dead believers with him (Eph. 4 v 8-10). When the redeemed die they do not now go to Abraham’s bosom that was alongside hell (Lk. 16 v 23-26) but into the presence of Jesus (Rev. 6 v 10-11). Excepting Enoch (1 Cor. 15 v 49-50, Heb. 11 v 5), Moses or Elijah, who have not died properly yet and whose bodies have been preserved (Rev. 11 v 7-12).
The worldly think these two witnesses are the source of their punishment. Men have God-given authority on earth that is backed by His will and power (Jn. 9 v 31). Their prayer petitions are only approved if they are in accordance with His mind (Mt. 6 v 10). The Lords Prayer is not so much a prayer but how to pray (Mt. 6 v 7, 14-18). A prophets only declares what God has decreed (Jn. 8 v 47).
Enoch is not a Hebrew but the Rapture prophet to the Gentiles. Those who seek God’s will and words will also become as ‘wasnots’. The unwise or untaught ones will not be ready to repent or give up their unbetrothed life and be joined to Christ’s (Mt. 25 v 8-13).
The annual Passover followed by a week on unleavened bread was a time of returning to original doctrine and purging the teaching (Lk. 12 v 1) of men (Jer. 48 v 11-13). it has lapsed into the vain pagan tradition of self-improving resolutions (Col. 2 v 18-23). All God’s most Holy Feast Days have now been contaminated or replaced with pagan feasts.
Such compromises are overlooked on earth but unacceptable in heaven (Jas. 1 v 7-8, 4 v 3-10, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-28, 4 v 1-6, Rev. 2 & 3). You cannot be partakers of the Lord’s Table and the table of demons (Mt. 7 v 20-27, 1 Cor. 10 v 21-22). Only those who feed their souls on God’s truth (Jn. 4 v 22-24, 6 v 63) can be made one with His will (1 Cor. 2 v 4-1). Those with alternative inclusions are smothered by their false religious spirits (2 Chr. 34 v 21, 35 v 1, Ezra 4 v 1-5, 6 v 19-22, Acts 4 v 29-33).
From the start to the end of the harvest at Pentecost (Lev. 23 v 20, 1 Thess. 4 v 16-17) Jesus is spiritually present with his Church on earth via his Holy Spirit (Jn. 14 v 16-19). He physically left his Church 40 x 24 hours after First Fruits (Acts 1 v 3). To fulfil the prophetic types the ‘first sheaf’ needs to be present throughout the 49 days of the harvest (Lk. 24 v 44-46, 1 Cor. 10 v 11).
He therefore must make a 10 x 24 hour secret visit to see his bride before he calls out to her to join him on the morning of the completed harvest at Pentecost (1 Thess. 4 v13-18, 2 Thess. 2 v 1-12). A sample of risen believers from the beginning to of the harvest through to the end will also join the Church on earth (Lev. 23 v 10-20, 1 Thess. 4 v 16-17).
The two leaven loaves offered up whole to God are the only sacrifice with life in it that is acceptable to Him because they are offered with the blood of the types of Christ (Lev. 23 v 18-20). So the lead up to the rapture/resurrection has 16 stages in two parts (8 +8).
1. Entering a new life dedicated to God (Ezk. 38 v 15-23, Mt. 24 v 5-14) by grace based on faith God’s promise of salvation (Gen. 2 v 9, 17, 6 v 14-16).
2. The cleansing and perfection of the accepted sons of God (Rom. 12 v 1-21, Eph. 5 v 25-27, Heb. 11 v 6, 12 v 1-15, 22-29).
Stage 17 is completion. It is when Jesus calls to collect his sanctified and completed Bride (Gen. 2 v 17-24, Php. 1 v 6-11). The saved are as the number of stars and earth bound are as the numberless grains of sand (Gen. 22 v 17-18, Gal. 3 v 14, 28-29).
This seems to suggest that the number of the saed are fewer than the lost (Gen. 18 v 20-32, Lk. 17 v 26-30, 8 v 8, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-12, 1 Tim. 4 v 8, 1 Pt. 4 v 16-19). However when we look at the splendour of the God-made stars (Job. 38 v 31) with sharper eyes we see that they are also numberless and infinitely more glorious!
On earth we have three realms to choose from (Ezk. 18 v 21-24): 1. man’s; 2. Satan’s; 3. God’s. At the time of the Rapture those not ready to leave 1 and enter 3 will not be made perfect (Eph. 2 v 5-10, 4 v 13, 5 v 26-27). They will be left in 1 and ruled by 2 (Rev. 12 v 7-12).
In biblical times a marriage covenant was agreed and signed before the wedding, sometimes while the bride was still a child (Lk. 1 v 26-27). On the day of the wedding the Bridegroom arrives in his carriage and calls out to his betrothed from ‘outside the door of her father’s house’ to come out and live in the house he has prepared for them (Jn. 14 v 1-3, 1 Thess. 4 v 15-18, Rev. 22 v 17-19). Only those who have made a marriage contract with Jesus (Eph. 1 v 5-14) and have pre-committed their lives to him as their Lord and Saviour will be prepared to leave their old life for the new.
In Matthew 25 v 5 the Bridegroom is not late but the betrothed hesitate to leave the people and home they are used to (Gen. 19 v 16). The undecided friends of the Bride (Mt. 25 v 12) know about him but have never met him. At the last minute (Mt. 25 v 9-10) only half will be prepared to let this life go and be saved (1 Cor. 15 v 46-50).
The completed number of his faithful Church (Rom. 11 v 25-31, 1 Thess. 4 v 13-18, 5 v 1-11) are ‘married away’ (2 Thess. 2 v 7) to live with their Lord forever (Gen. 24 v 53, 58-61, Mt. 25 v 6). The uniformed are unsure and undecided. By the time they are ready the ‘door’ to heaven is closed and locked (Rev. 1 v 18, 3 v 7-8, 4 v 1).
As the Light of the World departs the darkness descends (Lk. 17 v 29, Jn. 3 v 17-19, 2 Thess. 2 v 8-12). Satan at last rules over the whole earth (Job. 1 v 7-8, Mt. 4 v 8-10) but knows in 7 years’ time it will be in chains (Rev. 20 v 1-5). It’s only remaining hope is to take over Jerusalem and stop the Jews (Mt. 24 v 15, Rev. 12 v 16-17) calling on Jesus as their Messiah (Zech. 13 v 9, 14 v 1-16).
There are none of God’s children left on earth (Mt. 3 v 10-12, Jn. 3 v 5-6, 1 Cor. 15 v 50-53). Their daily intercessions stop so Evil reigns unhindered. God’s restraint of the many overdue natural upheavals also stops (Mt. 6 v 9-13, 1 Thess. 5 v 1-13, 2 Thess. 2 v 7-12). Those who remain on earth, who have rejected God’s words and ignored their last chance to repent, are left with the frightening decision to support Satan or be hunted down and killed (Joel. 3 v 14, Rev. 20 v 4) which is a far better choice than staying (Rev. 9 v 6).
The land of the guilty nations is defiled and under a curse (Num. 35 v 33-34, Deut. 28 v 15-48, Is. 24 v 19-20). The curse can only be lifted by the pouring out of the blood of those deemed guilty (2 Sam. 21 v 1-6, Mt. 23 v 30-35, 27 v 24-25). Only those who claim the covering of the blood of Jesus in their stead are spared from God’s judgement (Ex. 1 v 13-16, 11 v 4-7, Gal. 3 v 10-14).
“Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord and touch no unclean thing and I will receive you ….. as my sons and daughters” (2 Cor. 6 v 16-18, Jude 21-23). God will uphold (Is. 52 v 9-12) those who revolt against false or pointless doctrines (Col. 2 v 15-23, 3 v 1-4, 2 Tim. 3 v 5-7). Those who remain mixed with apostates will be judged as apostates (Num. 33 v 55-56, 2 Pt. 2 v 1-9).
All left on earth who have accepted Satan’s gospel and rejected God’s love and mercy must face His poured out wrath (Ps. 2, Rev. 3 v 20, 16 v 1-21). Such self-survivalists build their alternative make-believe heaven: a hopeless dream with no viable future. It is the opposite of God’s love based order (Ezk. 18 v 23-28).
It is based on Satan’s pyramidal, food chain order: it is self-consuming. It is powered by the fear of death (Heb. 2 v 15). The self-glorified, who determine to do whatever they like, fight and destroy one another (Gen. 10 v 9-10, 11 v 6, Rev. 9 v 20-21).
The self-centred (Lk. 9 v 23-26) follow Satan’s divisive gospel of damnation: “ignore God’s words (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 3-5, 4 v 4-5) and do what you think is good and you will not die but discover you are an eternal, godlike one”. They defy God and think men can ascend and fly above the heavens as gods yet in doing so they become ruled by their bodies and so they die and descend into hell (Is. 14 v 13-19, Rom. 1 v 18-32).
Satan lied. Godless, self-determined survivalists do die and suffer eternal loss (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 4). Humans have a material body but unlike animals (Gen. 3 v 4, 9 v 3-6) the life in it is ‘God breathed’. Adam first became as a living soul. His descendants who choose Satan’s self-centred ‘do what you like tree’ (Gen. 2 v 7, 3 v 22) will be eternally separated from God the Father’s ‘tree of life’ (Jn. 4 v 13-14, 6 v 51-63, Rev. 20 v 6, 21 v 8). When their body dies their soul is left frustrated and immobile (Mk. 9 v 42-44, Lk. 16 v 22-28).
Souls who repent of their evil, perverse, chaotic wills (Jas. 1 v 5-8, 4 v 1-10) before they die and seek to obey God’s instructions will be saved by His promised Saviour (Ezk. 18 v 26-28, Lk. 18 v 22-26). Adam repented: he accepted God’s sacrificial covering as a sign of faith in the promised life of a new man (Gen.3 v 5, Job 1 v 5, 19 v 25-29) and changed Woman’s name to Eve (life-source). In phases the saved are then gifted with a new body like Jesus’ (Mt. 27 v 53, 1 Thess. 4 v 14-18, Rev. 6 v 9-10, 11 v 9-14).
The political, moral and scientific theories of the self-justified are also based on Satan’s make-believe (Jn. 8 v 44-47). They live in the unreality that they can save self from death yet they are enslaved by the fear of death (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 17). They reject God’s Saviour, hate his words (Rom. 3 v 22-27, 1 Cor. 15 v 49-50, Heb. 3 v 9-18) and accept Satan’s lies (Jn. 8 v 44-47, 1 Jn. 2 v 11).
The idea of building a kingdom over all the earth with a god like man as king is the antichrist’s heresy (Gen. 3 v 5, 11 v 3-6, 1 Sam. 8 v 7, 18, Zech. 11 v 9-17, Mt. 24 v 11, 25 v 30-34, Lk. 21 v 24-31). It is marked by salvation through believing lies, rejecting marriage, forbidding some foods and myths (shamanism) about attaining physical perfection (1 Tim. 4 v 1-8) as if one day it might last forever.
How can they be so blinded to the truth (Jn. 3 v 16-20, 2 Cor. 4 v 2-4, 1 Jn. 2 v 10-11)? Indoctrination is easy if you first blot out the light of God’s truth. Satan’s ministers can then go on to destroy free will and kill those who uphold it (Acts. 5 v 33, 7 v 51-58, Php. 2 v 3-16).
Never underestimate God. He is only limited by Himself. He has chosen to have children who are not just servants. He has given them free will so that they might love their Father and want to obey and please Him. His Omni-everything Spirit personally reveals His plans but He needs a response so that a close trusting relationship can develop (Lk. 8 v 18-21, 10 v 13-15, Jn. 14 v 15-26).
That handicap is very limiting but it displays how great His love is. He is training an army of sons who can safely do ‘greater works than these’ (1 Kg. 18 v 37-40, 19 v 15-18, Jn. 14 v 10-14)! He wants them to rely on Him in every situation (Rom. 8 v 10-15, 32-39).
While Adam walked with God he was not self or sin conscious. When David was needy he walked closely with God but when had everything and was idle he sinned and ruined the lives of many others. The self-centred are pathetic, hopeless creatures (Rom. 8 v 6) subject to decay (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Rom. 7 v 24, Heb. 2 v 6-15) but in Christ they become more than conquerors (Lk. 10 v 17-21, Rom. 8 v 10-14, Col. 2 v 8-19).
He is full of surprises! His counter to the false prophets is to ‘out-gun’ them (Ex. 8 v 19, 9 v 11, 1 Kg. 22 v 11-12, 23-25, Dan. 10 v 12-21). No curse can harm His children as long as they do not sin against Him (Gen. 35 v 2-5, Num. 23 v 21-23, Jude 11, Rev. 2 v 14-16).
Despite Satan’s opposition God has started to fulfil all of His promises to His chosen people (Is. 45 v 4-6, Zech. 14 v 16-21, Rom. 11 v 25-28, Heb. 8 v 8-13). The end of the Times of the Gentiles starts with the Jews (the fig tree) returning to their promised land. Matthew’s gospel contains instructions that apply only to the Jews (Mt. 23 v 37-39, 24 v 9-13, 21-31) just before and during the great tribulation (Jer. 4 v 19-28, Joel 2 v 28 to 3 v 2, Rev. 6 v 12-17, 16 v 13-17)
Some of those who witnessed their retaking control of Jerusalem after centuries of gentile rule (Lk. 21 v 24, 29-32) will also see Jesus establish his millennium reign on Earth. They live in a time of false security just as it was before the times of Noah and Lot when only the faithful were saved (Lk. 17 v 26-37, 1 Pt. 2 v 7-12). Those who love this world and do as they please will be judged with the world (Mt. 24 v 48-51).
The hopes of the self-pleasing will turn to ashes in their mouth (Gen. 3 v 14, Ex. 32 v 1-6, Mat. 7 v 15-23, Jude 4-5). All the self-centred who believe in Satan’s self-survival doctrine will be left with nothing but eternal remorse. They live off the “tree of self-discernment” and feelings instead off the “tree of God’s guidance”. Adam’s nature was created in God’s image but became corrupted so his descendants are locked in his fallen state (Jas. 4 v 3-17).
Those in hock to law breakers become slaves to corruption (Rom. 7 v 24). The religious ones follow a man-made order that allows them to remain independent of God (Gen. 4 v 5-7, Rom. 3 v 20-26. They think doing good works will make their self-approved lives acceptable so God will stay away (Rev. 6 v 15-17). They invest their life and talents with the trafficker of souls who promises a new life on earth, free from the fear for survival.
The human nature you inherited from Adam is cursed: it is inspired by Satan and ruled by the fear of death (Gen. 2 v 17, Jn. 3 v 3-10, Rom. 7 v 14). Man’s religions try to appease their vengeful spirits in the hope that if they serve them they will be rewarded in Death (Mic. 4 v 12, 1 Cor. 2 v 11-14).
The only way you can be saved and regain a perfect life so God can accepted you again is to inherit a new life by faith in His promised second Adam called Jesus or God the Saviour. The Image of God (Co. 1 v 12-22) was born of The Father by His Holy Spirit as a true man via a virgin’s untainted genus (Rom. 13 v 14, 1 Cor. 15 v 45-55). Now you know that a people who allow the killing of human embryos are playing with death.
You enter into his family via a covenant unto death as in a marriage (Rom. 6 v 3-14, 7 v 1-4). Now you know why Satan has profaned the marriage covenant and promotes promiscuity.
To be saved from eternal death you must put off the first Adam’s nature and be born again with Christ’s (Rom. 8, Col. 1 v 12-22, Heb. 12 v 23) based on God’s thinking (Job 42 v 2-6, Is. 55 v 7-9, 1 Cor. 2). Only those descended from him will escape God’s judgement (Heb. 12 v 25-29).
Only His Holy Spirit can make them fit to dwell with a Holy God (Lk. 12 v 12, Eph. 1 v 6-23, 1 Pt. 1 v 16-25). See that you refuse him not for God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12 v 25-29).
The genuine who surrender their life to Jesus by being baptised into his human death will be rewarded with a gift of faith (Rom. 5 v 15, Eph. 2 v 8). Those who make a covenant unto death with Jesus are eternally united with His love, righteousness and will, based on his victory (1 Cor. 15 v 28, 56-57, Rev. 5 v 4-10, 22 v 10-14). They are assured of gaining Jesus’ risen, holy life (Lk. 3 v 8, 16-17, Acts 2 v 31-38, Heb. 4 v 1-16, 6 v 13-20).
Only those who do not love the world and are disillusioned with their dying life will repent and accept the life of the Father’s promised new man. They are reborn with Jesus’ life and reunited with His Spirit and provision (Mt. 11 v 25-30). They discover the love, joy, peace and freedom that their being was made for (Jn. 1 v 12-14, 14 v 23-27). Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his gift of righteousness (Rom. 7 v 4-6, 2 Cor. 5 v 21): only then will life start to make sense (Jn. 20 v 20, 31).
Many of those who believe in Jesus but do not submit to him as their Lord and Saviour remain in Satan’s camp (Mt. 22 v 11, Jas. 1 v 22-24, 2 v 19-20, 4 v 3-12). Some think of seeking God’s will and presence but it does not suit their current life style. They put God on the shelf for a day when they feel ready.
From their prophesies, articles and works it seems many with their own Christianised agenda are mainly worried about saving their dying, self-centred lives (1 Jn. 2 v 15-28). They are not getting ready to join Christ but fearful of endure the antichrist reign and Gods judgement. Only a few are saved are as brands snatched from the fire (Jude 23).
At the time of morning sacrifice (9.00 am) as the priest in the temple wave offered the first fruits up to God (Lev. 23 v 10-11), Jesus presented his blood-bought believers to the Father (1 Cor. 15 v 20, Heb. 9 v 11-12). They were accepted as His sons! Jesus then returned to Earth and from that hour people could come to Jesus, touch God and be accepted by Him (Mt. 28 v 9, Lk. 24 v 39, 1 Pt. 2 v 24-25).
God’s harvest is in this order (Lev. 23 v 9-22, 1 Cor. 15 v 23, 51-57): the feast of Weeks starts with the wave offering of the first fruits on the first day of the Weeks (Mt. 27 v 53, + 28 v 1, Jn. 20 v 17). It ends 7 weeks later on the 50th day of Pentecost when an offering taken from the start to finish of the harvest is raised up to God (1 Thess. 4 v 16-17).
It is accompanied by sacrifices that are acceptable to God and offerings to cover the sin of the people. The the loaves made from the harvest, that include Christ and the first fruits, are the only whole offerings given to God with his new life in them (Acts 2 v 38, 1 Cor. 1 v 8, 5 v 7, Eph. 5 v 27, Php. 1 v 10-11).
Those who dismiss the idea of the rapture of the Church or Bride of Christ and 7 year reign of Satan’s alternative Messiah have no excuse (Dan. 12 v 1-7): there are over 70 verses that allude to the removal from God’s wrath of all who accept His promised Saviour (Lk. 17 v 26-37, Rom. Heb. 4 v 3-6). Only a new heart and life descended from Jesus can save them. The self-assured survivalist will not survive (Mt. 24 v 38-39, Lk. 21 v 36).
Those promised to Christ received his seal as an engagement ring (Eph. 1 v 10-14). These betrothed are called the Bride of Christ. The wise and ignorant virgins (the un-betrothed in Matthew 25 v 7-13) are her companions (Ps. 45 v 14). They are not committed or betrothed to anyone. They do not know Jesus and he does not know them.
These ‘Friends’ of Christianity know little about Christ. When the Bridegroom comes (SS. 5 v 2-7, Rev. 3 v 20) they are all asleep (1 Thess. 5 v 2-10). About half are so untaught they will not know how to respond when he calls (Mt. 24 v 42-51, 25 v 10-12). There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The other half are only saved in the last 10 minutes!
If you cry to Christ for forgiveness just before or as you die you will be raised with his new form after your old form dies (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Lk. 23 v 41-43, Rom. 10 v 13, 1 Cor. 3 v 15). The wise who do this at the time of the Rapture will not be classed as part of Satan’s kingdom (Job. 1 v 7-10). The old life of saved will drop off like and old coat (1 Cor. 15 v 49-57) and the new arise. Watch a dragon fly immerge and fly off and you will have some idea of the difference!
The self-righteous remain sin conscious and self-excusing because they are under the curse of the Law (Rom. 7 v 7-18, 1 Cor. 2 v 5, 3 v 4, Gal. 3 v 10-12, Col. 2 v 18-23, 1 Jn. 4 v 18). Those who act as if they are good or perfect are iniquitous (Mt. 7 v 22, Lk. 18 v 11-14, Rom. 8 v 7-14): they call God a liar (1 Jn. 1 v 9-10).
Legalists are enemies of God (Acts 9 v 1-5). They use God’s Law to defend themselves against Him (Lk. 18 v 9, Acts 9 v 4, Gal. 3 v 22-29). Like the Accuser they lie to themselves and judge everyone but themselves (Lk. 11 v 4).
God has set watchmen to warn every one of the judgement that is coming (Jer. 6 v 17). Those who give a false and unclear word of warning about redemption (Rom. 5 v 12-19) will be blamed for the loss of many lives (Ezk. 3 v 18, Mt. 23 v 14-15).
Many souls with a false sense of security (Mt. 24 v 38-39) will wake up too late because they have followed a preacher who presents his own version of his truth (Mt. 7 v 21-23) so it is tainted with the doctrines of demons (Gen. 3 v 4-5, Col. 2, 1 Tim. 4 v 1-11, 1 Pt. 1 v 15-21).
The day and hour of the end of the tribulation on which Christ returns to dwell on earth for the second time is not known (Joel 3 v 7-9, Mt. 24 v 15-36, Mk. 13 v 18-32, Rev. 19 v 11). Satan is thrown into prison in chains and the Jews are regathered and restored. The Bride however will know about Christ’s secret visit ‘as a thief in the night’ and be ready (Mt. 25 v 5-13, 1 Thess. 5 v 1-10).
Her unmarried friends who do not know the bridegroom but expect to go to her wedding feast also know he is coming but there is a delayed. As a result not all are ready (1 Pt. 5 v 6-11, 2 Pt. 3 v 3-4). Does the bride have last minute nerves (Dan. 10 v 17-19, 2 Pt. 3 v 9) or is the delay (Dan. 10 v 12-13, Lk. 22 v 31) a test of the resolve of the uncommitted guests (Zech. 4 v 12-14, 30 Jn. 4 v 24, 2 Thess. 2 v 1-5, Jude 22-23)? Many of those who believe that they will remain and suffer God’s wrath probably will (Mt. 8 v 12-13, 1 Cor. 14 v 8).
The Bride (Eph. 5 v 23-27) who loves Christ is carried off to he Bridegroom’s house for the wedding feast (Jn. 14 v 1-3, Rev. 19 v 7-9). God’s remaining Spirit filled witnesses on earth are the 144,000 sealed Jews (Rev. 7 v 3-4) and Moses and Elijah who announce each of God’s 7 terrible judgements as they are about to be poured out (Rev. 11 v 3 & 15). Millions are saved from eternal damnation by their preaching (Rev. 6 v 9-11, 7 v 9-17, 14 v 6-8).
The apostates who have no personal knowledge of God’s power will worship this false wonder working ‘king’ of the Jews (Rev. 13 v 13) as their Messiah, especially when he rebuilds the temple. The abomination of abominations is then unrestrained. The mind bending Antichrist sets his throne in the temple and demands to be worshipped as God (2 Thess. 2 v 4).
Religion that feeds the desires of the flesh instead of the will of Spirit (Gen. 3 v 6, Jn. 1 v 13, 6 v 26-29, 57-63, Rom. 9 v 16, Heb. 6 v 6, 10 v 10-18, 1 Pt. 4 v 3) provides no spiritual comfort nor assurance: it promises death (1 Cor. 11 v 26-29). Many apostates will then turn to Jesus for forgiveness when they see he is utterly evil even though they will be killed by him (Mt. 24 v 15, 21-24, Rev. 13 v 4-15, 14 v 6-13, 17 v 1-9, 13-15). They are ‘branches’ that go through the fire (1 Cor. 3 v 15, Rev. 6 v 9-11).
There are many antichrists trying to control countries and rebuild a new Babel today. The E.U. in every way is openly modelled on Babel (Dan. 2 v 42-45). It does not create peace but abuse and chaos. Adam’s goal of ruling the world without God’s interference is Satan’s purpose (Ezk. 28 v 5-19). God’s order in creation is reversed (Rom. 1 v 17-28, 8 v 20-22).
After the Father’s purpose is achieved (2 Thess. 2 v 3-12, 1 Jn. 2 v 18) He removes His restraint over Satan’s evil will (Job. 1 v 7-10). His restraint of natural upheavals (Mt. 6 v 9-13, 1 Thess. 5 v 1-13) and control over all creation is also lost. Hell on earth is unleashed: the rebellious reap the whirlwind (Jer. 23 v 16-23).
Society is orientated to idle entertainment and escapism by oligarchs who use people’s money to control them. Governments are led by people on-the-make plus lawyers who curtail the freedom of the law abiding. They do not control those who are sold out to evil but persecute those who expose their hypocrisy.
The regulatory authorities are overwhelmed yet blamed for not controlling the lawless who are protected by the law! It is not therefore surprising that a growing numbers of law enforcers act as if they are above the Law. The rate of conviction is so low that more and more are tempted to become career criminals.
As with Babel (Gen. 10 v 9-10, 11 v 1-6, Rev. 14 v 6-12) gobblisation establishes Satan’s power over all the earth in which man’s authority and free will must be squashed. Babel is bound to end in division (Gen. 11 v 9). Each self-centred ego who will not bow to God the Father’s perfect purpose of will also not bow to any other. Only a ruthless tyrant could rule it for no one else’s benefit but his. Hegel’s self-decided legalism is the tyrant’s law.
Only an all knowing God can be just. Only our Father is secure enough to love His unruly children enough to train them to inherit His kingdom (Heb. 12 v 1-15). Only the truth can set them free (Jn. 8 v 32).
Only His infinite love could afford to sacrifice part of His being in order to cover their imperfect behaviour so they might learn to love Him for ever. Only by establishing God’s purpose on earth as ordered in heaven can there be heaven on earth (Mt. 5 v 9-10, Rom. 8 v 18-39).
Like the Jews who rejected Jesus because they sought to establish their own religion and kingdom on earth many will accept the Antichrist (2 Cor. 11 v 13-15) as their lord and the saviour of their world kingdom (Mt. 27 v 17-25). Their religion based on the Queen of heaven (Jer. 44 v 23-27, Rev. 17 v 1-6, 18 v 2-10, 19 v 2) is thought of as the mother or producer of this god who would be the lord of the whole earth (Is. 14 v 12-17).
In Revelation 17 v 15-16 god the Mother is called the great harlot (Rev. 19 v 2) because the nations have been seduced and robbed by her (Jer. 7 v 8-16, Rev. 18 v 3-9, 20-24, 19 v 1-2). Man powered churches that seek to establish an earthly kingdom (Jn. 11 v 48, Acts 7 v 42- Rev. 14 v 8-11) (Rev. 17 v 1-6, 19 v 2) are not friends of the Bride but are out to destroy her (Gen. 4 v 8, 2 Cor. 6 v 14-18).
This adulterous, pseudo bride will be the object of God’s wrath (Rev. 19 v 1-2). Self-excusing people who compromise with false ideologies and do not condemn their evil deeds are not tolerant but supporters of injustice. They will be included in her judgment. Charles Mason was a criminal who excused his cult murderers as the fault of his liberal, occult accepting society.
The seventh trumpet triggers the battle of Armageddon. It is between the Beast of the west against the princes of the east (Dan. 10 v 13, Rev. 16 v 13-14, 19 v 19). It involves the slaughter of 200,000,000 (Rev. 9 v 14-16, 14 v 20). At the end of Satan’s reign the survivors who have not bowed to It will then bow to Jesus and go on to populate the restored Earth.
No one can serve two masters (Lk. 16 v 10-15). Choose today whom you will serve (Deut. 30 v 11-19, Mt. 6 v 24, Col. 3 v 4): the deceiving god of the self-determined who offers them freedom of will that results in loveless despair and eternal loss or ………………. ………………… the Lord who loves you so much that he suffered humiliation and a cruel death in order to rescue you from Satan’s clutches and a give you a room in his home (Jn. 14 v 1-27)?
Many are called but not so many respond. Weak minded people stimulate conflicts and self-righteous people aggressively defend their errors (Jas. 1 v 5-8, 4 v 1-12). Only the repentant who draw near to God will be saved from God’s wrath by the blood of the Lamb of God (Ex. 12 v 12-13, Lk. 21 v 8-9, 12-19, Rev. 3 v 5, 4 v 10, 5 v 3, 7 v 9-14, 12 v 9-12) will then discover the riches of the glory of his inheritance given to the saints and the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe (Eph. 1).
Lev. 23 v 17 Pentecost: the only whole sacrifice offered up to God with life in it.
Is. 26 v 19-21 believers spared judgement. Gen. 6 v 7-8, 19 v 13, 22, Ex. 12
Is. 61 v 1-3 v 7, 12-13.
Dan. 2 v 45: Man’s dominion surrenders to God.
Mat. 13 v 33: Life spread by contacts.
Mat. 19 v 28: 12 thrones, judging Israel.
Matt. 23 v 39: Return as proclaimed King.
Matt. 24 v 14-15: antichrist starts war.
Matt 24 v 30, 42-44: signs of abrupt return of Christ.
v 51: the asleep punished.
Mat. 25 v 1-13, 14, 30, Jn. 3 v 29: wise/foolish virgins: (Zech. 4 v 12-14), the
sleepy awake too late and suffer loss v 30. SOS. 6 v 1.
Mat. 26 v 64, Mk 13 v 35-36,14 v 62, Lk. 12 v 34-40, 13 v 23-27: as with
Noah: unprepared shut out and the asleep robbed.
Lk. 17 v 23-24, 17 v 34-37: Believers to ascend to where Jesus ascended.
Jn. 5 v 24: bypass death into new life.
Jn. 11 v 23-26: O.T. idea corrected.
Jn. 14 v 3: Jesus returns secretly (as a thief) to take away those who are his.
Acts 1 v 9-11: all ascend into cloud cover.
Rom. 2 v 5-8: the rejecters of truth suffer wrath.
Rom. 5 v 9: believers saved from wrath.
Rom. 11 v 15-25: get ready or miss it when number/time/evil complete.
1 Cor. 1 v 4-8, 2 Cor. 5 v 6-10: day of Jesus Christ.
1 Cor. 2 v 5, 9-13, 3 v 9,12, 14-18: tested on obedience to God’s word.
1 Cor. 3 v 13, Heb. 3 v 6-19: fired loaf trust in God’s words.
1 Cor. 7 v 29-33: be not distracted by things of this life.
1 Cor. 15 v 23-51: Resurrections: 1st fruits, then Rapture, then final death.
1 Cor. 16 v 17-22: visitation.
Gal. 6 v 8: sow to everlasting life not to one that rots.
Eph. 1 v 10, 14, 23: gather together from heaven and earth.
2 v 6-7: rule in age to come.
Eph. 4 v 30: day of redemption.
Eph. 5 v 14-17, 30-32: bride of Christ, including the believers who are saved at
the last minute, enter into the house that he has prepared for her (Jn. 14 v 3).
Ph. 1 v 6 & 10: day of Jesus Christ, day of Christ; a true heart.
Ph. 2 v 16: day of Christ.
Ph. 3 v 20-21: changed body (on day of Christ).
Col. 3 v 3: dead in Christ rise with him: resurrection. 1 & 2.
1Thess. 1 v 10: Christ to deliver us from coming wrath
1Thess. 5 v 2, 9, 23: asleep suffer wrath but those awake to Jesus’ coming are saved.
They will be holy vessels, sanctified by the sprinkling of Jesus’ blood (Ex. 20
v 3-6, Heb. 9 v 22) and unified with God’s love, mind and will (Eph. 5 v 26-27).
1 Thess. 4 v 13-17: dead brought with Christ from paradise at Rapture.
2 Thess. 2 v 1-12: apostasy. Rev. 2 & 3 no longer salty. Rev. 12 v 10-12, Rev. 18
v 4: Lot, Job etc… The ‘salt’ that prevents the Antichrist corrupting all man-kind.
1 Tim. 6 v 14: true to word until Lord Jesus Christ appears.
2 Tim. 4 v 8: receive crown.
Tit. 2 v 14: redeem and purify before men.
Heb. 9 v 28: 1st visit of Christ; 33 y, 2nd 1000 y (Lev. 23 v 26-35, Zec.14 v 16).
Heb. 10 v 25, Jas. 5 v 8-12: patient as Job, time short, inspire not condemn others.
1 Pt. 1 v 5-13: inherit at appearing of Jesus Christ. Great joy + grace.
2 Pt. 3 v 3-4, 10, Rev. 20 v 11: deny him, time to repent, fire 2nd death.
1 Jn. 2 v 18: apostate churches.
1 Jn. 2 v 27-28: H.S. teaching confidence till he comes.
Rev. 1 v 7: all see him in clouds, v 14 as Dan. 7 v 9.
Rev. 1 v 10:
Rev. 2 v 11: saved from 2nd death.
Rev. 3 v 3-10, 16 v 15: asleep.
Rev. 4: earth judged.
Rev. 12: Bride goes, Satan reigns.
Rev. 18 v 4, 23: Come out to me from apostate religions or be judged with them
SOS. 5 v 7, Zech. 4 v 12: foolish with superficial beliefs are shut out.
Rev. 19 v 9, 14, 22 v 12-16: do not ignore such a powerful warning.
Rev. 22 v 17-20: Come soon! Possibly Pentecost 2026 or 2027?