Self-centred, self-preserving, foreign gods have taken over the divided churches (Eph. 4 v 4-6, Rev. 1 v 20). Jude wrote about the apostasy of this age. His warning could not be more pointed (Acts 20 v 29-35):—
“To the sanctified, preserved and called (continuous past/present tense). Beloved I write to you with great urgency concerning our joint salvation. I am constrained to write to exhort you to contend for the faith that was first given to the Saints.
This is why: certain people have infiltrated your ranks who the scriptures judge as impious (Rev. 2 v 14-15). They use the grace of God as an excuse for allowing debauched behaviour and ignore the fact that salvation depends on accepting and obeying Jesus as the only Lord in our lives (Col. 1 v 12-22 & 2, 1 Pt. 2 v 1-8).
May I remind you that those who the Lord rescued from Egypt, but then did not believe and obey God, were destroyed by God. Do not forget that even the angels, who departed from their God ordained state, He has bound in darkness to await their terrible fate. In a similar way Sodom and Gomorrah, with their neighbouring cities, were destroyed for giving themselves over to fornication and pursuing sexual acts that defy God‘s ordained order.
They are given as examples of the enduring judgement from heaven to those who will be condemned and suffer torment for eternity (Lev. 18 v 20-29, Rev. 21 v 8). These self-deluded ones defile their own flesh and are a law unto themselves, yet they deride the idea that they are being led by spiritual powers in high places (Eph. 6 v 12, 2 Pt. 2 v 9-11).
Even Michael, who is an Arch Angel, did not dare to revile Satan over the preserving of Moses’ body but he used the Lord’s authority to control him. These people however mock them. They are ignorant of the existence of the very forces that are corrupting them yet know they are behaving like irrational beasts (Rom. 1 v 20-32, 8 v 5-9, Eph. 2 v 2-3, 1 Pt. 2 v 12).
Like Cain, Balaam and Korah (desiring self advancement), they replace God’s words with their opposite alternatives in order to make money from you and establish their self-important ministry: they are under God’s sentence of death (1 Kg. 22 v 20-22, Mt. 12 v 31-32, 1 Cor. 5 v 4-13).
They join in church celebrations with you, without fear, to obstruct your worship of God. They exhort with great swelling words; demanding much but giving little. They are trees that you attend to for months but produce no fruit because they are not rooted in God’s life. They are like crashing waves that never advance beyond the beach and comets that appear bright then are lost in the freezing darkness of space forever.
Before the last great judgement fell on the Earth, because it had become completely corrupt, Enoch prophesied about the appearance of this sensuous faith (Gen. 3 v 6, Rev. 19 v 1-6): ….. “The Lord is coming with a cloud of witnesses to convict all for their ungodly behaviour and judge them for the hateful things they have said about God.”
Remember, the Apostles of Jesus Christ warned you: that these ungodly types, who mock God’s words and justify their corrupt behaviour, will lose God’s favour (Gen. 6 v 5-6, 13, Rom. 1 v 24-25). They herald His judgement (1 Tim. 4 v 1-3): … they undermine marriage and promote vegan ideas in denial of the natural order.
Do not mix with these superior egoists who have a perverse spirit (1 Jn. 4) but build up your faith in God’s words as guided by His Holy Spirit, then the love and mercy of God in Christ our Saviour will keep you secure as you wait to gain your eternal body. Hate the filthy life of the self pleasing, who revile you, but be compassionate and try to persuade some to repent before it is too late.
To the only God, our King and Saviour be all our honour for he alone is able to keep us from falling and to abide very joyfully in his presence in glory as faultless.” Amen.
These arrogant, self-elevated people make a great fuss and complain when they are criticised about their greed and lusts yet stir up public support for their attacks on God’s proclaimed order. They take over positions of authority in order to freely abuse others. They restrict the human rights of the law abiding and ease them for law breakers.
Militant Marxism failed because it overrode the morality of the masses so Cultural Marxism is using unrest and financial pressures to change the culture of the Christian nations from the inside by ‘Woking’ immorality and lawlessness. Democracy has to be corrupted and made unworkable.
Anti-Christian teachers, lawyers and politically correct police are using the courts to illegally persecute and impoverish the opposition while upholding the rights of disruptive, mindless, bused-in mobs. Covid and lockdown was a man-made social and financial wayside bomb. And Israel? It has to be destroyed.
Why do women’s rights groups not demand an end to the domination of pornography in every media that is readily available to immature children? To breakdown marriage and the security of the home so society is full of misfits and lost boys who never grow up. Strong women want to turn weak men into little pubescent boys instead of helping them to become leaders.
Why are children carrying and using knives? Immorality and lawlessness is promoted in schools and Christian teaching banned. Why is Darwinism the new religion? To destroy unity and love and promote self-centred survival and the fear of death. Why are weapons, war films and killers so dramatized? To make boys think they are heroes instead of cannon fodder.
Global warming is a political exaggeration of a natural phenomenon to disfranchise and impoverish the middle classes. The teachers or scientists who have said it or the theory of evolution is utter rubbish are ruined. In summer 1421 the N.W and N.E passage were open and Venice was not underwater but thriving. Warming is not a climatic crisis but a political one. A people who live a lie and think they can save a world that they are trying to ruin are insane.
Why is using animal products like milk, leather and eating meat made bad and artificial copies good? Because God said we should not love dumb beasts as people and people as animals (Ps. 50 v 10-23, Rom. 1 v 21-26). All life in the natural food chain belongs to Him. Eating meat is a natural source of the protein that makes you strong and healthy (Gen. 9 v 1-17). It is over indulgence and greed that readily become compulsive habits that are very bad for you.
Why not burn fuel for heating? Because an all-electric society can be switched on and off to control people. Why is cash being phased out? So your money becomes the states money (Rev. 13 v 15-18) and you become its slave.
When national institutions, that have long histories of abuses and cover-ups, are authorised to commit murder, in the form of euthanasia and abortion up to any age, all life will be cheapened and threatened. More and more innocent men, women, children and babies are murdered while their life-takers live and are even released to kill again. Where an ‘infallible’ computer program is used to excuse the responsibility of the immoral operators the unwanted will disappear by the million.
The innocent are protected from self-justified, legalistic law-breakers (Mt. 18 v 5-10) by very nasty law enforcers and very harsh laws (Job. 1 v 7, Jer. 39 v 12-18, Jude 9, Rev. 5 v 5 & 6 to 9). The unrepentant, hard-hearted will become totally handicapped forever (Lk. 16 v 24, Rev.20 v 14-15, 22 v 12-15). Self-survivalists who want to keep their self-centred earthly life will be left with their eternal longings but in torment forever.
So why has God Almighty not done something about it? Because He has given His authority to His disciples on earth, who are obedient to Him (Acts 19 v 15-16, 2 Cor. 10 v 3-6, Heb. 4 v 1-16), to bind the spiritual powers of darkness that oppose His will (Lk. 10 v 17-20, 11 v 1-4, 9-10).
They do not act as gods but only in His name as his humble servants who have been redeemed from their sinful, death-bond state by His love and grace (1 Cor. 6 v 20, Jude 9).
Why are they not more effectual? Because they are sleeping with the enemy (1 Kg. 11-13, Ezra 10). The world loving churches have ‘settled on their lees’ (Jer. 48 v 11, Zeph. 1 v 9-18). They have been taken over by godless, worldly thinking theology teachers (Mt. 15 v 7-19,2 Pt. 2 v 1) with their alternative ‘gods’ (Rev. 2 & 3). Instead off feeding them on Jesus’ heaven sent life (Jn. 6 v 26-27, 57, 61-63) they feed them with a fear of death.
They refuse to live off His words (Jn. 8 v 42-47). Instead they swallow Freud’s idea that guilt is purely a primitive, cultural invention and sin is a mental illness that can be cured while crime is a mental aberration that can be treated. In truth it is total rubbish but to the lost the truth is just a matter of opinion.
If you believe you are a giraffe that’s OK but we must not treat you as a giraffe or an insane human. Prisons are overflowing with people who believe they can be and do what they like (Gen. 6 v 13).
Insecure, self-determined people ignore the guidance of their Father-God’s omnipresent Holy Spirit and ‘do it my way’. Their inner human spirit is not theirs but an alter ego or separate personality (Rom. 7 v 15-17). The human spirit or alter ego, that makes people think they are latent gods with transcending, supernatural powers (Gen. 3 v 22), are Satan’s hand puppets (Jn. 8 v 42-50).
Those who act as gods in Darwin’s food chain feed themselves off their flock (Ps. 53 v 1-5, Mt. 7 v 15, Jude 10-19). When they are fat (Lk. 12 v 19-34) insatiable Death eats them. Their familiar spirit’s do not die but just seek a new home by luring the next simple child into their web of lies (Prov. 2 v 5-19, Mt. 4 v 9, Lk. 11 v 20-26).
Christians must stop trying to defend and revive their dead, worldly churches (Jas. 4 v 1-14). Christ’s call to His Bride is: “Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord and touch not the unclean and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters says the Lord Almighty (2 Cor. 6 v 17, 7 v 1).
The masses need to hear the very good news that their Father-God offers a free and glorious life after death to those who repent for their self-centred lives. Christians remain on earth after they are saved to demonstrate the transforming power of God’s words (Acts 3 v 6, Eph. 2 v 5-10) but without the conviction of God’s Holy Spirit (Jn. 16 v 8-11, Rev. 2 v 16-17) the worldly only see un-anointed, self-motivated believers as frauds.
Christianity is a love story about a Father who seeks a bride Son (Gen. 2 v 20-24, 24 v 48-65, Eph. 5 v 22-33). Now you know why Satan attacks and makes sex and marriage an unholy thing.
God’s will is based on the Law of Love (Lk. 10 v 25-28, Jn. 3 v 15-21). He also must be just. The most handicapped child is as precious to Him as the most noble. Their ministry is to weigh the hearts of the self-centred survivalists before they die.
The aim of God’s Ten Commandments is not to condemn the disobedient to hell but make them realise their godless situation is hopeless (Acts 9 v 1-6, Rom. 7 v 22-24, Gal. 3 v 22-28). The unrepentant who sear their consciences and practice evil (Jer. 39 v 5-9) make a covenant of ‘marriage’ with Death before they die (Rom. 7 v 1-6, Jude. 10-11). Their inherited human life is predestined to die (Gen. 4 v 9-15, 9 v 4-6).
If you call on the name of Jesus to save you before the old life is lost forever (Rom. 10 v 8-13) he will (Ezk. 18 v 26-32)! You can be saved from going to an eternal prison after you lose your independent home on earth (Jn. 3 v 3, 16-19) by surrendering your dying life to death (Heb. 10 v 8-18, 11 v 4) with Jesus’ humanity (Rom. 7 v 4, 1 Cor. 6 v 17-20, Gal. 3 v 19-24) and making a (marriage) covenant unto death’ with him (Ex. 12 v 5-20, Lk. 22 v 20, Rom. 6 v 3-18, 8 v 1-13, 1 Cor. 11 v 23-27).
A covenant is sealed with the exchanging of precious gifts: you give him your life and he gives you his (Eph. 1 v 7-14, 1 Jn. 3 v 14). This marriage of lives unto death requires you to leave your old existence and start a new life as one with the lover of your soul to live happily ever-after.
Only he deserves all our praise, honour and glory forever for opening up a path back to enjoying our Father-God’s provision as part of His family (Mt. 7 v 13-20, Jn. 14 v 1-7). He has died in your place so you must exchange your dying life for his eternal life now. You will inherit a new body like his after the old dies (1 Cor. 15 v 50, Php. 1 v 6-10).
A Christian’s new life is born of the faith of Abraham (Jn. 8 v 39, Gal. 3 v 14, 26-29). In confirmation of your genuine or proven faith in him you will receive the same indwelling Spirit of life of Christ Jesus (Gen. 2 v 24, Rom. 8 v 11-17, 12 v 1-3, Php. 3 v 8-16). When he has separate the chaff from the wheat, the dross from the silver (Lk. 3 v 16-17) he will present you to your Holy Father in heaven (Lk. 3 v 22, Acts 2 v 1-4). Do not excuse your sin or ignore his prompts (Heb. 4 v 7-16, 1 Jn. 1 v 7-10).
Choose you this day whom you will serve (Deut. 30 v 10-20, Josh. 24 v 15)? The Law of Life (Lk. 10 v 25-28) or the Law of sin and death (Gal. 3 v 5-14).
All moves of God’s Holy Spirit are corrupted in time and replaced by moves of Satan’s religious spirits. God’s law of love (Lk. 10 v 27) in Christ Jesus has been replaced by man-powered religions, run by self-promoting, man ordained authorities (Lk. 19 v 45, 20 v 1-47).
The successful in the world’s eyes want recognition and undue influence in the churches (Mt. 23 v 5-12, Lk. 14 v 11-14, 1 Cor. 2 v 6, 12-14, 3 v 12-21, 4 v 9-14, Jas. 2 v 1-9, Jude 4, 11, 16). As a result many churches have been taken over by worldly anti or pseudo Christ religious spirits or alternative egos who have no place in God’s kingdom and so seek to establish an alternative kingdom on earth (Mt. 7 v 21-27).
Death fearing self-elevated survivalists want to save their self-centred lives. They fight a hopeless battle for life as an animal in an entropic universe that death is bound to win. The Father of all life does not offered an eternal life in a heaven on earth. The point of our temporal, independent life is to give us the free choice between good or evil: helping others or cursing them; sacrificial giving or saving self to the cost of others as in Darwin’s food chain.
By their unholy fruits you may know them (1 Jn. 4 v 1-6). The self-centred are ruled by sin and death. Their wisdom denies God and promotes evil (Lk. 23 v 14-25). They have no alternative truth; they only offer the opposite of the Holy Spirit’s inspired words every time (Mt. 12 v 31-35, Gal. 5 v 16-25).
They accept Satan’s self-destructive, psychic gospel of: –forget what God has said (Gen. 2 v 17). If you decide what you think is bad for you and do what you feel is good for you, you will become a super-man with a spirit powered life in a heaven on Earth: (Gen. 3 v 3-6, 22-24; Deut. 19 v 9-14; Aristotle/Hegel/Darwin/Nietzsche/Hitler).

Hegel’s freedom of self became Marx’s enslavement of the proletariat by a self-elevated god-man. The sin of the rebellious overwhelms them and they become Satan’s slaves. It is bound to destroy them but their pride stops them from seeking their Father’s love and forgiveness. They start to hate Him for not giving them the life they want when in fact He has (Lk. 15 v 12) and it is not nice (Rom. 7 v 18-24).
Those like Adam who reject the words of God’s Holy Spirit of truth (Zech. 4 v 11-14, Mt. 12 v 28-32) automatically receive and obey the will of unholy, lying spirits who want to control their free will (Gen. 3 v 22, 1 Sam. 15 v 22-23, Lk. 15 v 13-16, 8 v 2-14).
The hollow salvation offered is based on wealth and fame but they are Satan’s bait in an inescapable addictive trap. The self-important who have expensive cars, live in mansions and behave like gods until death beckons (Rev. 3 v 17-19).
Your sin and death ruled nature is doomed. Your only hope is to gain a new life in the image of Jesus (Col. 1 v 13-18, 2 v 9-19) from God’s life giving Spirit life before your human nature dies (Jn. 3 v 5-8, 6 v 57-63, 1 Cor. 15 v 49-57).
Man-powered Christianity is not centred on a new life in Christ but on a Darwinian, self-saving, riches based, repetitive, man designed, lifeless charade (Gen. 3 v 7, 4 v 3, Ex. 32 v 21-24, 33-35, Mt. 23 v 5-12, 25-38). Jesus is portrayed as still nailed to a cross (Eph. 6 v 12, Col. 2 v 8-23). God-consciousness is replaced with self-consciousness. The worship of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit is replaced with singing songs and good works that are centred on uplifting self (Rom. 7 v 18).

Each sect and denomination is identified with a god-like holy man with a separate spirit (Eph. 4 v 4-Rev. 1 v 20) that Jesus is going to shut down (Rev. 2 v 5-7, 16-17). No unity of Spirit equals no unity of truth (Gal. 5 v 1).
Now world loving church-goers claim that riches are their god’s (Mammon) blessing and approval of their self-centred life style (Mt. 6 v 19-24, 1 Tim. 6 v 5-14, Jas. 5 v 1-3)! Those who cling to their pagan gods will spend eternity with them in hell (Is. 14 v 10-15, Lk. 12 v 16-31, 16 v 19-25).
The experiences of faith that confirm God’s words and introduce people to the heart, mind and works of God are readily replaced with self-preserving with sensory, self-centred, conjured spiritual gimmicks, ceremonial displays, charitable works and awe inspiring buildings (1 Kg. 12 v 28-33). A glorious new life is not gained by the good behaviour and works of the mortal nature but as a gift earnt by Jesus (Rom. 8 v 5-14). By grace are you saved through faith (Eph. 2 v 8-9) …. Not by your wisdom and self-improvement (Gen. 3 v 5).
Nietzsche’s superman is Satan’s fairy storey version of Christ. In ourselves we are very poor down to earth people but as one with God Almighty we are more than conquerors, as long as we walk according to His words and will. Gideon was an ordinary bloke who God said was an invincible warrior because He and Gideon would walk together as one person (Jg. 6 v 11-16, 2 Kg. 1 v 9-10). Directly the people departed from God’s will things went wrong (Jg. 8 v 27-35).
Those who repent will find their loving Father has moved heaven and earth to save them. The greatest of enigmas is that the Lord God, creator of heaven and earth and all the invisible things (Is. 45 v 5-13, Col. 12-22) humbled himself and became a man to die as a sinner because it is the only way he could save from death all the defiant self-survivalists (Ezk. 28 v 4-10 who repented for rejecting his love and will (Jn. 3 v 13-21).
Quench not the Spirit … examine His prophetic words. Retain whatever He says is good and reject all that appears bad so that the very God of peace will sanctify you wholly, and the Spirit within you will make you completely blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess. 5 v 19-24, Php. 1 v 6).
Only the works that God initiates can eternally enrich you (1 Cor. 3 v 10-23). Only by walking humbly in Christ’s life is our sin and death ruled nature covered by his death (Rom. 8 v 6-14, 31). God chooses the foolish to make it clear that with Him we are more than conquerors (Rom. 8 v 34-39) by without Him we are in bondage to sin and death (Rom. 7 v 18, 1 Cor. 1 v 17-31, 1 Pt. 2 v 5-11). A great prophet of God forgot this and fell into a trap of Satan (1 Kg. 13 v 4-8, 20-24, 1 Pt. 5 v 8, 1 Jn. 4 v 1).
Atheism is to believe you are a self-willed person and there is no other judge about what is right and wrong (Gen. 3 v 4-6, Is. 14 v 13-15, 27). Freedom is swapped for legalism and ruthless self-survival. Such god-men reduce themselves to less than a wild animal (Lev. 18 v 19-25, Rom. 1 v 18-32).
Heresy is to neglect, abandon and replace God-revealed truth with a man conjured, opposite alternative. There cannot be a good alternative to His omniscient and loving plan for His children.
Apostasy is to use a perversion of God’s truth (Deut. 31 v 16-21, Mt. 15 v 3, Acts 7 v 38-51, Gal. 2 v 18, 3 v 3, Rev. 2 v 5, 3 v 3) to support an alternative religious belief (Col. 2 v 8, 1 Tim. 4 v 1).
The purpose of this life is to seek His heart, mind and a Holy Spirit guided walk (Gen. 2 v 9, 17, Jn. 6 v 58, 63, Php. 3 v 9-15) and become reunited with His will and love again. This can only be regained by submitting to the work of His Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2 v 12-16).
All mans’ self-determined versions of good and bad just remind Him of their defiance of His will. Both your good works and your bad works (Eph. 2 v 2-18, Gal. 3 v 1-4, Col. 2 v 8-19) must be repented of and discarded with Jesus’ humanity as sinful (Rom. 6 v 3-11, 8 v 8-17). Everything of this life that is not in accordance with God’s will be lost (1 Cor. 3 v 7-23).
You must humbly accept His judgement (Jas. 4 v 3-12) before He can renew your heart, mind and spiritual life (Jn. 14 v 6, 15-20, Rom. 7 v 24-25, 8 v 1-14, Heb. 4 v 9-16). His judgement is death (Gen. 2 v 17). Those who do not submit their humanity to death with Jesus’ humanity and trust in him to give them a new God-related body and life will not experience his God-conscious life before they die (Rom. 6, 7 v 24-25).
Only the humble will repent and submit to his judgement (Eph. 2 v 1-10, Lk. 18 v 11-14, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10, Heb. 4 v 11-16). Religious Christians put on a show of being good (Mt. 23 v 5-12, Acts 5 v 1-10) because they want Jesus to approve, heal and prolong their unhappy, self-centred, sin and death conscious lives.
They are half-hearted (Jas. 1 v 2-8). They have not surrendered all of their wilful ways (Acts 5 v 1-4) to their Redeemer. They retain a self-justified perversion as true (Lk. 3 v 7-9, 6 v 7-11) even when they are dying. They remain separated from God’s life and so have no assurance of his forgiveness (Lk. 15 v 15 v 14-22).
They remain within Satan’s kingdom (Ex. 14 v 1-3; see Beauty for Ashes page 100, Acts 5 v 3, 1 Cor. 10 v 1-12, Heb. 4 v 16, Jas. 1 v 5-8, 4 v 3-10, Jude 5). As with the continual Old Covenant sacrifices of the Jews (Heb. 7 v 25-27) each day they need to confess their sins at the Cross (Heb. 6 v 6, 9 v 13-14) because their soul is still bound by the Law of Sin and Death (Rom. 7 v 14-15, 24-25). When they sin they can claim the blood of Jesus for forgiveness but they do not live on the other side of the Cross.

It is not Jesus’ will that any should perish (Ezk. 18 v 26-32). Indeed many are saved by crying to the Father for forgiveness as they are dying. His grace before judgement always teaches, corrects, warns, disciplines and chastises the wayward before they go too far (Num. 22 v 28-35, 31 v 8, Heb. 12 v 2-15). So the only power that Satan can exercise to upset God’s will is to cause the death of millions before they can be saved (Rom. 10 v 8-21).
Those who do not trust Jesus to look after their earthly life (Lk. 12 v 21-34) do not have the faith to receive his heavenly one either. They reject the baptism into his life by the breath of his Holy Spirit (Mk. 16 v 17, Acts 2 v 38-40, 19 v 1-6) because he requires them to cough up the evil hidden in their hearts that they enjoy. They have bound, pointless, repetitive lives instead one of the greatest of adventures (2 Cor. 4 v 16-18, Heb. 4 v 12-16).
They follow hired shepherds who preach about what their followers should do to save their religion and perpetuate their self-determined ways. Instead of the Gospel about Jesus’ victory (Heb. 4) they follow Satan’s/Darwin’s self-saving gospel (Gen. 3 v 5): “So do whatever you think is good for you that others will not mind too much. God’s values no longer apply” (Mt. 28 v 20, Jn. 17 v 17-21). As Jude warned they are entirely ignorant of the spiritual entities that are driving them to self-extinction.
The self-centred religions of the masses are just a placebo that has no power to save the fearful from death. Self-saving survivalists spend their fearful, misinformed lives fighting a losing battle against the physical powers that will eventually kill them. Despite their inbuilt longing to live forever their existence is meaningless, pointless and hopeless.
Humanists believe that an unbelievable accident made everything out of an infinite amount of chaotic energy, from nowhere in the middle of nowhere, by trial and error until it simultaneously got all the intricate laws that govern creation right, created the table of basic elements, then played with them for another mere few billions of years until it ended up with a giraffe!
This gospel is preached in every school so a lost generation have been fed all sorts of lies as true (Gen. 2 v 17). From rulers to rebels, all are about to self-destruct. Our entropic cosmos is not self-powered but devolving into a lifeless desert yet self-sustained people think that pretending to cut down on extravagance and waste they can save it. Mother Nature did not create life: we spend most of our time try to stop her killing us.
By now it should be undeniable obvious to all that the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, must have a purpose for creating us. However we want to do whatever we desire so we have made the most ridiculous excuses for ignoring His purpose (Rom. 1 v 15-25). Those who worship dumb creatures and created things instead of their Creator fool themselves.
Self-conservationist who reject their Father’s love and purpose, live under Satan’s control and have wretched insecure lives that are stalked by fear. They try to overcome their inner unhappiness with ambitions that, whether they achieve them or not, leave them disappointed. This pain is treated with physical indulgences. After they stop they feel even more wretched so they become addicted to quick fixes (Rom. 2 v 3-12, 3 v 11-20).
How can you be saved from this futile existence? Admit that your life is futile and cry to the Father of life to give you a better one (Rom. 7 v 18-25, 8 v 11). Give up your failing nature that you cannot keep and start a new life that you cannot lose (Jn. 7 v 37-39). Christianity is not a religion by which you may be saved but a new life shared with the person of Jesus Christ; the Saviour and Lord of all who love him (Jn. 3 v 5, 15-21).
The Good News of salvation (Jn. 3 v 16, Col. 1 v 12-23) is that God has the powered to save all who repent for their hopeless ways and accept His love as their Father. All who commit to a fully binding covenant with Jesus as their loving Lord (Lk. 22 v 20-21, Jn. 13 v 20, 1 Cor. 11 v 19, 25, 31-32) will gain a foretaste of his eternal life as a ‘wedding’ gift (Gen. 24 v 51-53, Acts 2 v 37-40, Eph. 1 v 13-14, 5 v 25-27).
The Christian minded who do not receive Jesus new life before they die remain under the Old Testament condition of Ezekiel 18 v 26-32: they will receive Jesus new life if at the time of their death they call to the Father for forgiveness and mercy (Job. 2 v 9-10, Lk. 23 v 42-43). Those who continue to rely on their self-assumed worthiness (Is. 65 v 6-9) will long for the earth to open up to hide them from his face (Gen. 3 v 8, Num. 16 v 1-35, Rev. 6 v 16-17).
God’s rulings, that keep Satan and his hoards from dominating people’s lives, have been debased and error presented as truth (1 Jn. 2 v 22-29). Like the broken walls in the time of Ezra, this has allowed the God-defiers and the self-justified to dominate Christian thinking.
Ezra was so appalled by the state of God’s people that he fell distraught before God (Ezra 9). He wrote: “Now the religious leaders and the national leaders had become completely compromised by allying themselves with self-centred, death-bound people. I was utterly appalled; this was the reason why God had turned against them because they had become enslaved to such a futile life.”
I fell on my knees in shame before God and said: “You have called and saved a remnant who trust in your words. You have not abandoned us completely yet many of those called by your name have defied you and excused their self destructive behaviour by replacing your words with their own corrupt ideas. It is because of our sin that we cannot stand your presence in our meetings. Yet if we repent and cut ourselves off from the doctrines of oppressive, foreign gods I know our strength and prosperity will be restored and you will favour us as God’s blessed people again (Rev. 2 & 3)”.
Like him and Nehemiah (1 v 4-11), those who share in the anguish that the Father is experiencing (Is. 1 v 1-31) will be empowered by Him (Is. 6 v 5-13). In Revelation Chapters 2 & 3: Christ promises those who do will: –
2 v 7: Feed daily off the ‘tree of life’ (as Adam should have) and you will have days of heaven on earth.
2 v 11: Will escape the second death.
2 v 17: Enjoy hidden revelation as one approved by God and receive a special, private calling.
2 v 26-27: They will rule over the godless nations with a ‘rod of iron’ and depose Satan as their lord (Is. 14 v 12-21).
3 v 4-5: Those who put on my righteousness not only have eternal life but are honoured by the Father and His Angels.
3 v 12: The overcomers will dwell in God’s New Jerusalem when it is established on earth.
3 v 17-19: So forget your great worldly achievements and recognise in God’s sight you are poor, blind and naked (Lk. 12 v 19-21, 16 v 29-31, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-20). Mortify your pride that you might be cleansed (Php. 2 v 3-9) and invite Jesus into your life so he may clothe you with his righteousness (Heb. 2 v 14-15, 4 v 9-16).
All humans have no natural defensive weapons or armour because they were originally given authority over all on earth that was backed by God’s power (Gen. 2 v 25, 3 v 7, 2 Kg. 1 v 9-10). All who have free will and a life that is independent from their Creator’s authority are bound to clash with the will of others. Satan’s order is based on a tiered pyramid with it at the top (Mt. 4 v 8-10).
Darwin’s and Hegel’s rule of the self-elevated requires a ‘king’ to impose his will on the others. If the ‘king’ is ruled by the will of the masses a permissive, divided, violent, lawless society will reign. The ensuing babel is then squashed by a heartless king who enforces his will on all. All who do not bow to his will be exterminated. Darwin’s food chain is unsustainable so humanity will self-destruct (Rev. 14 v 9).
Life can only work and peace reign if God’s love rules in the hearts of all (Is. 65 v 18-25, Rev. 11 v 15-18). The selfish need to learn to know and love their Father-God or they will end up divorced from His life forever. The saved are set on a strait or ‘fenced’ path that leads to Jesus’ home (Lk. 13 v 23-30).
The live-as-you-like are ruled by insecurity and the enslaved by the fear of death. In an entropic, temporal, material universe death is the norm. The fear of Death however is stoked by an inner alter ego or familiar spirit. It should drive the lost to cry to God to save them. Those who stubbornly stick to their own path will be lost forever in a hopeless desert inhabited by demons.
A voice cries out in the desert: “Hoy you! God has prepared a path in the desert that leads straight to His paradise. Every valley has been filled and every mountain and hill levelled. The winding bends have been cut straight and the pot-holes repaired so all will know about God’s glorious plan of salvation (Jn. 1 v 23-27, 3 v 29-36). ….. Those who trust in Him will mount up with wings like eagles (Lk. 17 v 27-37, Jn. 11 v 23-26, 1 Thess. 4 v 13-17) then they shall run and not be exhausted and walk and not get tired” (Is. 40).
This temporal life is just the schooling for the next. The only vital use of our free will is to choose to make a covenant with our Father-God’s promised Saviour (Deut. 28). A twice cursed life or twice blessed one (Josh. 24 v 14-23, Rom. 8 v 28-39)? It is sad that many only to turn back to their Father after they had had a glimpse of hell. Where are the testimonies of those who turn to Him out of love (Jn. 3 v 16-21, 29-26).
Those who reject the God-given words of His anointed prophets (Zech. 4 v 12) will be left with their original spirit conscious life but as helpless, disembodied souls forever (Lk. 16 v 23-31). To be saved you need to regain the God-related life that Adam threw away before your body dies.
Jesus said to a top religious teacher (Jn. 3 v 1-21) that man’s independent, physical life is predestined to die. To inherit his holy abode (1 Cor. 15 v 50). You must be born again of the ‘breath’ of God’s Holy Spirit (Gen. 2 v 7, Jn. 14 v 16-17, 17 v 14-23). Only if you act by faith according to his revealed truth will you receive his gift of the Spirit led life (Gen. 2 v 9). It is the opposite of the lawless, Satan inspired life that Adam fell for (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 24).
Revival involves the realisation of our mortal danger (Rom. 7 v 23-25, Heb. 10 v 22-38). Those who seek and want to know their Father’s love will be saved through committing their life to Him by accepting His promised Joshua or Jesous (Acts 10 v 36-48, 19 v 1-7). This Saviour is the incarnation of the infinite Father’s tangible person, who descended into death to rescue all who have accepted his promised new life by accepting the judgement of death on their Godless life (Rom. 5 v 8-11, 6 v 1-13).
Those who decide to love their Saviour are not made one with the Father by becoming perfect but by being made one with Jesus who is perfect (Eph. 2 v 5-10, 2 Pt. 3 v 14-16). They will know him through his gift of his breath of life (Jn. 16 v 13-5, 17 v 20-23, Rom. 8 v 1-14).
Those who decide to be friends with him but do not give up their self-centred life and commit themselves to a life joined with his do not receive his gifts (Jas. 1 v 2-7). They are still self-willed. Without him our lives briefly soar like a stone thrown into a dead lake. With him we are co-rulers of the whole of the Creators creation (Heb. 2).
The spiritual charlatans who profess to love him but carry on affairs with the tempting offers of unholy egos are twice lost (2 Pt. 12-22). The defiant, predatory self-survivalist who reject Jesus’ offer of love and a new life are as mortal as a moth. Their behaviour is more irrational than a wild animal. Everything they do that is good for them is bad for their victims.
All who repent and turn to the Father for mercy and forgiveness will be saved (2 Pt. 3 v 9). God has a calling for all who accept His purpose for their purposeless lives. They remain frail but protected by Him (1 Sam. 17 v 33-37, Dan. 6 v 19-23, Acts 27 v 22-44, 28 v 3-6). They are as an infant watched over by their Father (Dt. 33 v 27-29).
Only the obedience of the redeemed to the gift of Holy Spirit’s guidance will be eternally rewarded (Mk. 10 v 21-23). The Holy Spirit cleanses the born again of their self-centred thinking and gives them the mind of Christ (Jn. 16 v 7-15, 1 Cor. 2, Heb. 4 v 1-16). Those who repent but only surrendered their old life to death as they are dying will be saved but nothing, good or bad done by that divorced life is acceptable to the Father (Rom. 8 v 1-17).
You learn by trial and error. Like Elijah, if you are obedient to the guidance of God’s Spirit you will be protected by Him (1 Kg. 17 v 1, 19 v 14-18, 2 Kg. 1 v 9-17, Rom. 8 v 31-39). If God Almighty is for you who can stand against you?
If you are disobedient you will be chastised (1 Kg. 13 v 21-22, Heb. 12 v 5-7). If you do not learn from your errors like Ahab you will run out of chances to repent (1 Kg. 20 v 13, 21 v 5-29, Mt. 18 v 21-24). If God Almighty is against you even your petty gods will be against you (1 Kg. 22 v 19-23).
Instead many believe and seek support from the evil god of this world who also defies God’s will (Lk. 20 v 13-18). They have spiritual experiences based on Satan’s self-improvement promise so they believe they will keep their self-willed life. They try to ‘lift themselves up by their own boot laces’ into a man conjured heaven. They believe they can keep their carnal, sin conscious, death fearing lives by subduing it based on half-truths or lies (Gen. 3 v 4-5, Jn. 6 v 26-27).
Man’s self-justified religious practises do not change his sin and death fearing nature (Gen. 4 v 5-8, Mt. 15 v 7-9, Jn. 6 v 62- 63); they reinforce it (Lk. 16 v 23-31). Instead of identifying their self-centred life with Jesus human death followed by baptism into his life (Acts 2 v 37-40, 19 v 1-6) man-powered churches do a botch baptism as an initiation ceremony into their church. They fool people into believing the demonstration of the power of Holy Spirit is redundant (Gen. 16 v 3-7).
Jesus said make repentant people children of God by baptising them in the name of the Father (fire), and also (kai) the Son (water) and also the diving wind (Mt. 28 v 18-19, Acts 1 v 5, Heb. 4 v 6-16) of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 3 v 10-12, Jn. 3 v 34-36, Acts 1 v 4-5). The baptism in water is something men do: only God can baptise the approved with the breath of His life and purifying fire (Mt. 3 v 7-12, 17, 1 Cor. 10 v 1-12, Heb. 3).
Too many self-approved, seemingly spiritual people have a proud, judgemental spirit (Lk. 18 v 9-14, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-21). Their love depends on whether others support their self-determined vision yet they do not know who they are or why they are here. They can only pursue a meaningless purpose that is contrary to the Father’s purpose because they do not trust Him (1 Sam.8 v 4-8).
Your beliefs depend on who you trust with your life. The Lord who gave up his self-love out of love for you is the only one whose love is proven (Jn. 15 v 9-14). Those who do not trust him (Heb. 4 v 9-16) trust in the words of another who preaches self-love so he is bound to misuse them (Jer. 34 v 15-20, 1 Pt. 2 v 9-22).
Repent: the harvest of the Gentile Church is nigh (Mt. 13 v 30, Rom. 11 v 22-25, Heb. 3 v 6-14, Rev. 2 & 3). The unholy spirits that people worship as their gods will then be unleased (Job. 1 v 10-12, 2 Thess. 1-12, Rev. 6 v 1-17) …. to consume them.
This world is going mad due to a lack of love and like a drugged zombie is about to self-destruct. Self-centred survivalist rob the poor and pollute their domain (Is.1 v 18-24) but instead of repenting they accuse their creator of sinning against them. Their plea in front of their judge? “But I was not judged as wrong by the world and I do not believe in life and judgement after death”. Ignorance is not an excuse but an admission of culpability (Lk. 16 v 23-31).
Whether they think they are good or evil their body will die and their freedom lost. They are responsible for what they decided to do while they have the freedom to choose. In rejecting the Father’s Saviour they condemn themselves to being imprisoned in their godless, independent kingdom forever.
God gave them a beautiful domain to tend on a lifetime lease but they rejected His love and made gods in their image (1 Sam.8 v 4-8). The loveless burn babies as an offering to their god (Jer. 19 v 3-7). Their alternative gods are not creative but destructive and very evil. Their defiance and depravity can no longer be allowed to continue (Gen. 6 v 12-13, Jg. 10 v 6-16, Ps. 2).
God’s chosen people were protected by Him not because of their law based, religious observances but because they humbly relied on His sacrificial substitutes to cover their confessed sin (Gen. 4 v 4, Lk. 18 v 9-14, Gal. 3 v 21-29). Only those who walk humbly with God the Father (Mic. 6 v 6-9) are made acceptable to Him based on the promised Lamb of God who has died to redeem them from their sinful nature. Their names are written in heaven (Lk. 10 v 17-21).
Religious Christians who do not exercise Jesus’ authority over Satan’s spirits (Jude 10) nor pray as inspired by his indwelling Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6 v 16-20) have not yet experienced his new life (Mk. 16 v 15-20, Acts 2 v 4, 10 v 45-46, 19 v 5-6). They still think in terms of saving their fearful earthly life (Php. 3 v 18-21). They do not claim the new life bought by the blood of the Lamb so their names are not written in his book in heaven (Lk. 10 v 17-21).
They hate those who suggest they are wrong. This is why there are many alienated Christian churches with differing religious spirits instead the one true Spirit (Eph. 4 v 1-24, Rev. 1 v 20). Listen to what the Spirit says to the churches Rev. 2 v 11).
The self-justified think they do not deserve to go to hell for eternity (Is. 6 v 6-7). When Jesus warned them and then proved they were wrong they killed him.
As at the time of Noah and Lot (2 Pt. 2 v 5-9) God’s grace warns them but most ignore God’s warnings and waste the time of grace that He always gives before He cuts them off from the light (Rev. 2 v 5). People who think things change slowly do not repent for their wasted life until it is about to end. They do not want to change.
The two thousand years of the Age of the Gentiles is over. Jesus’ Gentile Church, with its fixed number of souls that complete the Bride of Christ is nearly over (Lk. 21 v 24, Jn. 10 v 28, 21 v 8-11). When the full number is reached she will leave very suddenly (1 Cor. 15 v 49-52). Half of the fellow travellers wake up too late (1 Thess. 5 v 2, Rev. 3 v 3).
Why is it that many of ideas shared on the wise and foolish virgins are written by those who have not read what is says? In Matthew 25 the friends of the Bride are not engaged to Christ (Ps. 45 v 13-15). He does not know them and they do not love and know him (Mt. 25 v 12).
They all have Holy Spirit inspired oil (Mt. 25 v 7-8) or wisdom from reading the law and the prophets (Zech. 4 v 11-14, Lk. 16 v 27-31, Rev. 11 v 4-13). They tell of God’s promised ‘lamb of God’ who has died as their substitute (Lk. 24 v 44). Only Half of these fellow-travellers wake up to this gospel message in the last 10 minutes and so are included in the wedding (Eph. 4 v 7, 5 v 23-27) as one with Jesus’ completed Gentile Church (Jn. 21 v 7-11).
These are what I call practical believers who are not necessarily Christian: they turn to God for help when in trouble (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Lk. 18 v 11-16). They are not spiritual giants but humble like children with their Father (Rom. 12 v 16).
They are not those who are wise in their own eyes (Mt. 18 v 3-4, 11-14) but (phronimos) prudent. They have brought their ‘flasks’ of oil (Rev. 11 v 4-13) or unapplied Bible knowledge with them. The imprudent have some revelation of who Jesus is but do not know him as their Saviour (Jas. 2 v 17-26).
Not all those anointed with that oil are saved (2 Kg. 9 v 3, 10 v 31, Mt. 25 v 8-12, Jn. 11 v 49-51, 1 Pt. 2 v 5-8). Anointing from a spirit is not the same as receiving Jesus’ life within you and becoming a temple of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14 v 17-24, Rom. 8 v 9, 1 Cor. 3 v 16-17, 6 v 19, Eph. 1 v 13, Col. 2 v 3-17). Those who just seek spiritual experiences are not holy but self-centred.
Saul’s reign ceased after two years when God removed his anointing and sought another who would serve His will with all of his heart (1 Sam. 13 v 13-14, 15 v 23, 16 v 13-14, 1 Kg. 14 v 8). Saul continued to rule but under the anointing of a perverse, antichrist spirit (1 Sam. 16 v 15, 18 v 10-11, 20 v 32-33, 22 v 17, 28 v 6-7).
The self-justified (Mt. 7 v 21-23) who do not commit their life to him before they die are still as self-willed as Adam was (Lk. 18 v 17-27, Rom. 8 v 4-10). All who have their preferred alternatives to any part of God’s recorded words are in mortal danger (1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). Instead of asking His Holy Spirit to explain where they are wrong the self-righteous tell Him that He is wrong (Mt. 12 v 30-37, Acts 10 v 13-20, Jas. 1 v 3-8, 4 v 1-12).
Those who try to be righteous lie to themselves about their carnal, self-conscious state. Religious people who defend their separated state they will suffer deprivation for ever (Lk. 13 v 25-27, Heb. 10 v 26-29, 13 v 14-20). Only the humble who know their sin nature excludes them from the presence of their good Father can hope for mercy (Is. 6 v 5, Lk. 5 v 8, 15 v 18-24, 18 v 11-14).
But how could we ever bear the presence of the holy, perfect, just, omniscient, infinite, almighty Father? Jesus who could not be exalted any higher (Php. 2 v 5-16) became as low as you are so you could be made as righteous as he is and be acceptable to our Father forever. Not as a god but the same person with a new body (Job. 19 v 25-29, Lk. 3 v 38, Jn. 20 v 20-29, 1 Cor. 15 v 45-53, Eph. 4 v 22-24).
Jesus’ humanity has died for our treason. Those who accept the corrupted human life must die (Gen. 2 v 17) and bury into his death through water will rise again with his identity (Rom. 6 v 14, Heb. 4).
He sanctifies us but putting his thinking and will in our hearts (Heb. 8 v 10-12). As our eternal Priest he makes us acceptable to our perfect Father (Heb. 9 v 28) to the extent that we can rest in His presence (Heb. 12 v 23-29). Jesus will continue to wash us to keep us free from sin forever (Jn. 13 v 7-10, Heb. 7 v 25, Rev. 7 v 14-17).
Those who seek to know God as their Father must freely believe and accept His love before they receive Him (Heb. 11 v 6, Jas. 4 v 1-12). The reality of His love is then received as a gift that is experienced through His omnipresent Holy Spirit (Heb. 11 v 1). Those who bump into Jesus, before or even as they die (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Lk. 23 v 42-43) lose their fear of death. They are never the same again (Lk. 8 v 46-48).
Christianity is not a religion but a person (Lk. 13 v 27, Jn. 16 v 7-15, Heb. 9 v 16-17). Only though our personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Col. 1 v 13-23), as our Lord and Saviour, can we have oneness with the Holy Spirit and our heavenly Father Lk. 3 v 16-17, Jn. 3 v 29-36, 14 v 16, 16-23).
Jesus’ death annuls your unworthiness (Php. 2 v 5-13, 1 Tim. 1 v 9-10). Those who love and accept him as their new Lord will rise again with his sinless life (1 Cor. 6 v 14-20, Eph. 1 v 6-14). Salvation or the promise of a new life is just a prayer away (Lk. 23 v 40-43).
Self-preserving and justifying people have faith in alternative gospels that are inspired by self-assertive spirits (Jas. 1 v 2-8, 4 v 6-16). These waring spirits are united in rebellion against the Lord of all the Father’s creation (Col. 2 v 8-19). Many churches and charismatic movements are inspired by divisive, antichrist spirits who promote alternative ways of becoming an eternal one in a cloud-cuckoo-land (1 Jn. 4 v 1-6).
Self-motivated people like Cain, Esau and King Saul have ruthless self-saving spirits (Is. 14 v 10-17) who sow death throughout the earth (Mt. 12, Jn. 8 v 34-59). These evil spirits were angels of light until they became jealous of God’s primitive, mud breathed children and tried to corrupt and disqualify them (Job 1 v 6-21, Jude 4-15).
The world’s religions and the spirits behind them offer a false comfort (Rev. 1 v 20, 18 v 20-24, 19 v 1-9) to those who fear for survival because they know death and hell cannot be overcome. They react to any challenge with violence. Like Cain and the hypocritical Pharisees (Mt. 23 v 5-15 Jn. 8 v 39-47) they hate (Col. 2 v 23, 3 v 1-5, 1 Jn. 1 v 8-15) and want to kill anyone who exposes the evil they hide in their hearts (Gen. 4 v 6-8).
Self-justified Christians who think they are good or better than others are not saved (Mt. 7 v 15-23). Not one self-righteous person will dwell in God’s house (2 Pt. 2 v 1-12). In rejecting the cross of Christ (Rom. 9 v 31-33, 1 Cor. 1 v 22-25, 1 Pt. 2 v 6-8) they commit the unforgiveable sin (Mt. 12 v 31-32). It is called Pride!
Such superior beings (Job 2 v 3-5, Lk. 15 v 30, 2 Cor. 12 v 7) will remain divorced from God’s Holy Spirit (Jas. 4 v 11-12). Their proud, guiding spirits or alter egos will also lose their freedom forever (Gen. 2 v 7, 3 v 14, Is. 14 v 12-16, Mt. 18 v 8-14).
People with just a Christian ethos do not want to be one with Christ so he is not one with them (Mt. 7 v 21-27, 25 v 11-12, Lk. 13 v 22-28). They reject God’s Holy Spirit who is true and cannot lie (Mt. 12 v 30-34) because He reveals then removes their sin. Only He can heal their soul as a surgeon removes a cancer (Jn. 16 v 7-11, Php. 1 v 6-10, Heb. 4 v 9-16, 9 v 17, Jas. 4 v 3-12) but they fool themselves that they are good by doing what they feel is good (Gen. 3 v 6).
Their Christianity is like a fully working car that is moved by their pushing because they have filled the tank with water (Mt. 3 v 9-12). Those who want to save Christendom want to establish their own kingdom in which ‘My will be done in heaven as it is on earth.
God’s will and purpose is to surround Himself with children born of His life. The greatest spiritual obstacle is man’s self-defensive religion. Those who fear judgement and death are still under Satan’s curse (Rom. 7 v 24, Gal. 3 v 10-14) and in terrible danger (Eph. 5 v 6-17). They remain stuck in a hopeless desert between Satan’s self-saving kingdom and Christ’s victorious kingdom (Gal. 3 v 1-14, Col. 2 v 8-19).
Those who draw back (Heb. 10 v 38-39) are not just snuffed out but share in their demon’s fate (Ezk. 28 v 15-19). Those who surrender their wilful lives to God’s Holy Spirit, like Abel, Jacob and David are comforted as children of God.
Many believe in Jesus but do not act by faith on his promise (1 Cor. 10 v 1-12, Heb. 4 v 16, Jas. 1 v 5-8, 4 v 3-10, Jude 5) so they do not receive his new life (Heb. 11 v 1, 6, 12 v 9, 22-29). They have teachers, who do not believe or even know the truth, who preach that self-love without God’s laws is good (Heb. 12 v 5-17).
Like little children who never mature they just want to play at church (Heb. 5 v 11-14). They watch the same ‘film’ again and again and again. They love entertaining services and Bible stories that arouse self-pleasing feelings instead of being centred on the truth and knowing Christ (Acts17 v 21-31, Php. 3 v 4-19, 2 Tim. 4 v 1-3).
Each group has a flavour or party spirit that you must conform to before you are accepted (1 Sam. 15 v 22-24). They want even God to conformed to their approve version of holiness and reward their good works (1 Cor.13 v 1-7). They pray “My will be done in heaven as it is on earth”. They want the omniscient God to bow to them (Mt. 4 v 8-10).
Those with the spirit of wisdom of this world (Gen. 3 v 11, Job. 42 v 7-8, Rom. 8 v 2-9, 2 Cor. 2 v 4-5, 3 v 11) do not believe the gospel of salvation by faith in God’s promised Redeemer (Gal. 3 v 22-29, Rev. 11 v 3-12). They absurdly want to preserve their doomed godless life. They believe in tolerating all religions and ideologies but shun God’s promised Saviour (1 Pt. 1 & 2, 4 v 17, 2 Pt. 2). They only believe those who say what they want to hear.
They hate the truth. Their faiths are not based on truth but on ‘what if’ reasoning or conjured truths that would collapse without their vehement support (1 Sam. 5 v 1-3, Jer. 10 v 2-8). They are spiritually inspired by anti-Christ angels who support Satan’s/Aristotle’s/Darwin’s/Nietzsche’s self elevating gospel.
Their idea of love is not based on the free will choice and commitment to another but a self-centred gooey feeling. They dismiss John’s Revelation of the Tribulation because it condemns them. They appear as spiritual ‘friends’ of Christianity but (Mt. 23 v 25-28) undermine the faith of those who (Rom. 10 v 6-13, Eph. 2 v 1-10) believe Jesus died to save them from God’s judgement by suggesting they might go through all or part of God’s 7 year judgement!
The Tribulation gives such uncommitted, double minded people (Jas. 1 v 2-8) a last chance to repent. They are given the choice: to die trusting in Jesus to save them or defy God’s words in favour of the evil gospel of the ‘Great Whore’. The self-centred pay her to satiate their inner need for God’s love (Rev. 20 v 4-15). Enslaved service is the opposite of love and free will.
All who do not cry to God to save them before they die remain independent of God’s Spirit of Life and dependent on the words of false, ‘do-what-you-like’ spirits (Is. 14 v 9-17, Rom. 1 v 17-32, Rev. 1 v 20, 2 & 3). They are full of corruption yet think a Pentecost-like spiritual revival will bring their dead churches back to life.
The Holy Spirit is not mystic but a realist like Jesus: he only deals in truth. He is Holy. Only your sincere repentance and the blood of Jesus allows him to inhabit your heart (1 Cor. 6 v 11-20). He will separate the ‘wheat from the chaff’: the godly from the carnal; the good from the bad (Mt. 3 v 7-12, Heb. 4) … if you let him (Acts 7 v 51, Jas. 4 v 4-10). Those who reject his unvarnished truth and lie to themselves will be left without hope in hell (Mt. 12 v 30-37).
If Trump is a Jehu then Elijah’s call to repent has already been rejected by the adulterous churches who support ‘Jezebel’s’ priesthood. The separation of God’s children from Satan’s (Mt. 13 v 30) look-a-likes is well underway. Most of the apostates have already been separated into bundles for burning. The fire of the Holy Spirit is not coming to revive the dead branches (Jn. 15 v 5-6, Rom. 13 v 19-25); he is going to burn them (Gen. 4 v 7-15, Gal. 3 v 11, Jude 11-19).
As many as I love I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent. Wake up! Behold I am knocking at your door:” Are you coming or staying? (Rev. 3 v 19-22). The redeemed then leave and are translated into the Father’s presence (Rev. 4, 5 v 8-10). As the gleanings of the great harvest (Lev. 23 v 22-29) 144,000 Jewish believers are then sealed by the Holy Spirit to replace the gentile Church as Jesus’ anointed witnesses to the earthbound (Rom. 11 v 20-27, Rev. 7 v 2-4).
Jesus is the way, the truth and the light of the world (Jn. 1 v 12-18, 14 v 6). Without God’s truth there is no truth or purpose to life (Ps. 1, 14, Rom. 1 v 18-32). Christianity is a love story about a Father who seeks a bride Son (Gen. 2 v 20-24, 24 v 48-65, Eph. 5 v 22-33). There is no other way in which to escape this entropic cosmos.
So what do the self-will replace God’s schooling with? Jesus died in order to rescue them from their doomed nature but they use Satan’s logic to change God’s words to justify their human nature (Gen. 4 v 5). They trust in and worship evil spirits who want to destroy them (1 Kg. 22 v 21-25, Jn. 13 v 21-27, Rom. 1 v 21-32).
Psyche’s psychology is designed not to set people free but to tie them in knots. Their perversion of sex is centred on destroying lives instead of nurturing life. Their gods will not save them but will be crushed with them (Ex. 12 v 12-13).
As many as I love I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent. Wake up! Behold I am knocking at your door:” Are you coming or staying? (Rev. 3 v 19-22).The redeemed then leave and are translated into the Father’s presence (Rev. 4, 5 v 8-10).
As the gleanings of the great harvest (Lev. 23 v 22-29) 144,000 Jewish believers are then sealed by the Holy Spirit to replace the gentile Church as Jesus’ anointed witnesses on earth (Rom. 11 v 20-27, Rev. 7 v 2-4).
Without God’s truth there is no truth or purpose to life (Ps. 1, 14, Rom. 1 v 18-32) so what do the self-will like instead of God’s schooling? Invented ideologies and religions! Jesus died in order to rescue them from their doomed nature but they use Satan’s logic to change God’s words to justify their human nature (Gen. 4 v 5).
They trust in and worship clearly evil spirits who want to destroy them (1 Kg. 22 v 21-25, Jn. 13 v 21-27, Rom. 1 v 21-32). Psyche’s psychology is designed not to set people free but to tie them in knots. Their perversion of sex is centred on destroying lives instead of nurturing life. Their gods will not save them but will be crushed with them (Ex. 12 v 12-13).
Proud fools with obviously uneducated guesses about God attract God’s wrath (Job. 42 v 7-10, Ps. 1). They pretend to be spiritual but their behaviour is carnal (Rom. 7 v 23-24, 8 v 5-9). Many who present themselves as spiritual leaders abuse others instead of pastoring them (Mt. 24 v 44-51, 25 v 26-30). When convicted of sin they do not repent but harden their hearts and attack God’s truth especially when again and again it proves they are wrong (Ex. 7 v 14, 22, 8 v 32, 9 v 34-35, 10 v 27, 11 v 9-10, Ps. 35 v 11-17, Acts 7 v 49-53).
Man devised gods and ideologies have only wrong answers because they start with Schopenhauer’s a false assumption that our Creator God is not a person who exist. Therefore life has no meaning. They have faith that by definition has no substance based on metaphysical guesses.
All the self-centred know is that ‘I exist’: full stop! They conclude that life is a meaningless fluke that breaks all the laws of science. Perhaps I do not exist at all so survival is meaningless, so why not indulge in evil and self-destruct? Without God’s truth there is no truth (Ps. 1, 14, Rom. 1 v 18-32).
Perhaps you have existed in the past in a different form? You were a star, an extra-terrestrial, Alexander the Great, Galileo because you like science, a different sex because you are immature or sexually confused, a horse because you empathise with horses? Why has the human race not evolved into supermen but is about to self-destruct? Are you a disembodied spirit with a very poor memory that has not learnt enough to do better than last time?
Whatever you are is not your fault: I need to understand you not judge you. However whatever you are when you die all you have now will be left in this material age: only your spirit connections will remain.
They try to gain their spirit’s favour and its love by obeying its inner guidance (Freud) but this worldly gospel about self-survival instead of sacrificial love is clearly not funded by it. It does not support them; they have to support it (Jer. 10 v 2-5).
Their self-saving faiths are based on Satan’s/Darwin’s self-improvement pyramidal food chain (Gen. 4 v 4-8, Lk. 18 v 11-14). Their initiating spirit sits at the top. They fear and try to appease it and gain its favour by giving it gifts. A god who needs man’s support will promise all but will only take all because its love is also centred on self-survival (Is. 14 v 10-17).
Those devastated by war and famine inherit the result of the sins of their ancestors (Joel 1 v 1-20). The Christianised countries enjoy the blessing gained by the faith and repentance of their ancestors. What sort of spiritual, mental, physical and financially bankrupt state will we leave to our descendants (Deut. 28 v 43-45, Joel 2 v 1-17)?
Those who believe in Jesus but do not act by faith on his promise (1 Cor. 10 v 1-12, Heb. 4 v 16, Jas. 1 v 5-8, 4 v 3-10, Jude 5) will not receive his new life (Heb. 11 v 1, 6, 12 v 9, 22-29). They remain stuck in a hopeless desert between Satan’s self-saving kingdom and Christ’s victorious kingdom (Gal. 3 v 1-14, Col. 2 v 8-19).
Those who try to buy self-centred love worship the Great Whore who does not create new life: she aborts it. The Great Harlot’s persuasive words lure people into death (Prov. 5 v 3-14). She is the mother-god behind man’s promiscuous, politically correct spiritual beliefs (Rev. 17 v 1-6, 19 v 1-3). Everything they do works to the bad (Ezra 8 v 22).
I write plain English. It is not very old so I am sure the ungrammatical new English speaking de-graduates will still understand it. Those who want to change the truth to suit their psychosis are what the English dictionary defines as perverse.
Self-saving faiths are based on self-improvement. Congregations who still fear death have not yet surrender their Adamic life to death by baptism into Jesus human death (Rom.6, 8 v 28-39, Php. 3 v 18-21).
Like little children they just want to play at church (Heb. 5 v 11-14). They fool themselves that they are good by doing what they feel is good. They love entertaining services and Bible stories that arouse self-pleasing feelings instead of being centred on the truth and knowing Christ (Acts17 v 21-31, Php. 3 v 4-19, 2 Tim. 4 v 1-3).
The inner guidance of those who reject God’s Holy Spirit is an unholy spirit (Deut. 18 v 9-14, 1 Sam. 16 v 14, Acts 5 v 3). They fear and try to appease their spirit and gain its favour by giving it gifts. Its worldly gospel about self-survival instead of sacrificial love is clearly not funded by it.
The worldly have been perverted by Freud’s alter egos. Like him they have surrendered their will by switching off their physical senses with drugs. Their inner voices lure them with enticing but self-destructive suggestions to capture their free will (Rom. 7 v 19-24). Only those who surrender their lives to Jesus’ love can be set free (Rom. 8 v 31-39).
Religions with false spirits (Rev. 2 & 3) confuse God’s words to fool the lax into believing lies about their situation. Most are based on hidden or false knowledge revealed by an angel of light (Is. 14 v 12-20).
Hired shepherds who feed off their sheep, feed them with whatever agrees with their carnal appetite (Ex. 32 v 22-24, 1 Sam. 2 v 22-25, Jn. 10 v 1). Instead of their flock feeding spiritually off the ‘Tree of Life (Jn. 6 v 58-65) religious spirits feed spiritually off the flock. They make people spend their lives trying to save their religion to prevent the Holy Spirit saving them.
The love of Nature is the religion of self-survivalists who spend most of their lives trying to save nature to stop it killing them. Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ ‘Tree’ (Gen. 3 v 5) or pyramidal food chain empowers the god-like-ones to behave worse than a wild animal. It allows the upper ranks to feed off the lower (Gen. 4 v 4-8, Lk. 18 v 11-14). Their initiating spirit sits at the top. It promises all but only takes all because it is also centred on self-survival (Is. 14 v 10-17).
Such misinformation allows the powerful to abuse the vulnerable and innocent children. Every baby, handicapped child and invalid has the same right to live as they have. If they decide to terminate all they do not want they then cannot complain if the Lord of all life decides to terminate them (Gen. 6 v 12-13).
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer until they both die (Lk. 16 v 19-29). Evil is a self-destructive plague that Jesus’ Good News was more than powerful enough to save the whole world from (Rev. 16 v 13-14). Instead world-loving men have welcomed the doctrines of demons (2 Tim. 3 & 4) into their denominational churches and their Babylonian World Church (Gen. 11 v 4, 12 v 1-3, 1 Cor. 5 & 10, Heb. 4, Jas. 4). They preach the sin-excusing doctrines of men so they worship in vain (Mt. 15 v 7-9. 2 Tim. 3). They only satisfy the flesh (Col. 2 v 8-23).
The free nations have used their God-given free will to ignore God’s words and purpose. They have attacked (Acts 7 v 52) the will of those who do uphold God’s words and tried to silence them. He will therefore remove His children. Then those who have distained the propitiation of the blood of Jesus will lose their freedom to the self-preserving god they have bowed to.
Men devised governments need a god or ideology to support their perverse ways. A god who requires human support to survive (Rev. 13 v 4-8) is actually less powerful than them (Num. 23 v 19-23, 1 Sam. 5 v 2-12, 1 Kg. 18 v 25-40, Is. 14 v 12-17). It has no power over those who resist it (Job. 1 v 8-10, Dan. 3 v 29, Mt. 4 v 3-11, Jas. 4 v 7). It’s kingdom is founded on lies and the fear of the guilty (Jn. 8 v 43-47).
All films are make-believe but AI will make lies and the truth indistinguishable (2 Thess. 2 v 8-12, Rev. 12 v 9, 13 v 4-18). Big Brother or Mother will reverse the truth and make all news fake. How can you tell the false truth of the smooth talking, self-serving takers from the true love of the givers? By their fruits you may know them (Jn. 4 v 1-11): they either produce divisive hate, fear, war and misery or the love, joy, peace and happiness of oneness (Ps. 119 v 103-105, 1 Pt. 2 v 3).
Hezbollah illegally occupied the Christianised Lebanon to attack the state of Israel for occupying their UN established land. Hamas committed a barbaric massacre against unarmed kibbutz (Ezk. 38 v 10-12) as a prelude to a wholesale genocide then use hostages, women and children as shields. If they get a peace agreement they have said they will attack Israel again.
Those who deny the Jewish Holocaust happened do not believe it did not happen. They deny it because they want to do it again. Iran has vowed to destroy Israel then the Christianised free democratic states in order to establish the god of this world as its lord in defiance of the Most High God of heaven and earth. The Most High God established their fate about 2700 years ago (Is. 47 v 1, 48 v 2-13).
He will laugh them to scorn (Ps. 2). The Lord of heaven and earth (1 Cor. 15 v 26-28, Heb. 10 v 12-22), has already conquered his foes (Rom. 8 v 38-39, Eph. 1 v 19-23, 4 v 6-20, Col. 2 v 6-15). They are as the dust that he shakes off his feet (Gen. 3 v 19, Lk. 10 v 10-12, 16-20).
Are the permissive democracies of the apostate Christian countries with their crumbling redundant churches any better (Rev. 2 & 3)? The terrorising worshippers of Baal demean women to just an unloved child bearing role. The worship of Mother Earth or God the Mother does the reverse. She is served by spiritual eunuchs and adolescent men and demands the sacrifice or abortion of babies. They are tearing the world in half.
The birth rate has been decimated by divorce and abortion to the extent that our economy is no longer sustainable. The greatest gift and miracle in this world is to have a baby. The most wonderful sound to hear is the cry of a worried child of “mummy” or “daddy”! Marriage and love have been trashed by self-willed, god-like-ones (Gen. 3 v 5) as too costly to self-survival so their life becomes sterile and their survival forlorn.
The demand of the unloved for self-centred rights have stabbed love through the heart. They prefer to be injected into the arms of death and hell than repent for their madness and accept God’s love and forgiveness as guaranteed by Jesus sacrifice.
Man’s adulterous churches do not bear any new life (Is. 47 v 8-11, Mt. 23 v 13-15). They are called ‘The Great Whore’ (Rev. 19 v 1-3). Her money motivated ministers are whoremongers (Lk. 16 v 13-17, 2 Pt. 2 v 7-21, Rev. 17 to 19) who seek to attract more givers. They do not preach the Gospel of salvation through identification with Jesus’ human death but accept any alternative gospel. They prefer to offend Jesus rather than lose one supporter.
Like the self-glorifying Pharisees, who knew the books of God’s laws off by heart but unheeded the prophets (Mt. 13 v 14-17, Mk. 7 v 6-13), they have remade God’s words in their whitewashed image (Mt. 15 v 1-9) and entirely missed that it is made in their Saviours image (Lk. 24 v 44-49, Jn. 3 v 1-21).
You have built impressive churches and magnificent pyramidal and twin towered cathedrals that glorify the works of men and fill people with awe(Acts 7 v 41-53) but you never worshipped me (1 Cor. 10 v 2-15). You want me to bless your works because you have no faith in my works (Heb. 4 v 9-16).
You have replaced my perpetual Sabbath (Heb. 4) with the eighth day. They celebrate the rise of Mithras on the Sun’s Day as the dawn of Satan’s new death-powered order (Gen. 3 v 4-5, 22-24, Is. 14 v 12-14).
Jesus did not rise from death on the Sun’s Day. He arose after the third night (Mt. 12 v 40: Friday, Saturday, Sunday), on the (start of) the third Hemeras or 24 hr day. (Lk. 24 v 21-29) before the forth started on the Monday evening.
Jesus did not rise from death on the Sun’s Day. He arose after the third night (Mt. 12 v 40: Friday, Saturday, Sunday), on the (start of) the third hemera or 24 hr period. (Lk. 24 v 21-29) after the Sabbaths; one at the Passover on the evening of 14 th and the day after on the 15 th (Lev. 23 v 5-8). Jesus rose after midnight at the start of the third 24 hr (Mt. 28 v 13-15) with the old covenant saints (Mt. 27 v 53, Eph. 4 v 8) as the First Fruits from death (Lev. 23 v 9-22, Lk. 24 v 44-49).
Baptism into a God-centred life is (Heb. 4 v 6-16) in the name of the Father (fire), and also (kai) the Son (water) and also the diving wind (Mt. 28 v 18-19, Acts 1 v 5) of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 3 v 10-12, Jn. 3 v 34-36, Acts 1 v 4-5). It is replaced with baptism with water into a church (Lk. 3 v 16-17, Acts 19 v 3-6) as a safe place to die and be buried.
Why? Because they do not want the sifting of the Holy Spirit or to be conformed to the Father’s will as in the Lord’s Prayer. It is not a public prayer but instruction of how to pray in private (Mt. 6 v 6-18, Lk. 11 v 1) in a humble way that our Father will accept (Lk. 18 v 9-14).
My feast days of Death at Passover, New Life at First Fruits and Repentance before celebrating their New Birth at Feast of Booths have been replaced with Pagan ones (1 Cor. 11 v 17). New life from death as a spring fertility rite; the celebration of death at Halloween (Lev. 16 v 20-22, Mt. 4 v 1, Jn. 1 v 29, 2 Cor. 5 v 21, Heb. 9 v 7-15) in place of Christ’s birth at Feast of Booths (Lk. 3 v 21-23: the Day of Atonement).
Instead his birth is celebrated at the winter solstice when the reincarnation of Baal or Saturn is celebrated as at Baal-peor as in Numbers 23 v 19-24, 25 v 1-3. It is the annual festal gathering or mass on which God’s promised blessings are turned into curses(2 Pt. 2 v 15, Jude 11-19). It was 3 ½ months before Passover at Gilgal (Num. 31 v 3, 12-16, Josh. 5 v 10).
Baal-peor is about 15 miles from Gilgal. Peor or pa’ar is not ‘an opening’ as a mountain feature but like the fork in a tree branch (as V sign). It means ‘open-wide’ as over indulgence of every kind. Having a party is fine but excesses where the lust of the flesh control your will are hellish.
The idea of Easter, Halloween or Christmas as Christianising pagan feasts resulted in the difference between the two becoming merged (Ezra 6 v 17-22, Neh. 8 v 8-18) both in the world’s eyes and God’s (Rev. 2 & 3). To regain God the Father’s favour requires the putting away of all your worldly gods (Gen. 35 v 1-12).
‘Putting Christ in Xmas’ is idolatry. Attracting unbelievers into a church requires bending to their demands to keep them (Neh. 8 v 8-18, 9 v 30-38, Lk. 20 v 45-48). Self-indulgent idolaters replace the joy of the Holy Spirit (Ps. 100) with loud music and emotionally pumped-up carnal feelings (Ex. 32 v 18-20).
The preaching of the Gospel of Salvation through repentance of sin and acceptance of a new life in Christ Jesus is replaced with Satan’s self-pleasing gospel (Gen. 3 v 3-7, Jn. 15 v 6-8, 1 Pt. 4 v 17, 5 v 1-11, Jude 3-4, 16-17).
On each occasion you hold the Passover does not mean whenever you like (1 Cor. 11 v 23-26). Those who hold the Passover Covenant memorial more than once a year do not progress beyond the Cross and out of bondage to ‘Egypt’ (Gal. 3 v 3-5, Col. 2 v 20-23, Heb. 8 v 4-10, 11 v 27-30, Jude 5). They do not discern the difference between man’s works and God’s works or between their version of truth and God’s truth (Is. 55 v 6-12, Heb. 5 v 12-14) because they renew their human spirit and reject God’s (Heb. 4 v 9-16).
Each time you remember Christ’s death you should be horrified with your sinful nature and the terrible cost of your salvation (Gen. 15 v 12, 17-18, Ex. 12 v 12-13). Purge out therefore the unrepentant who justify their carnal ways (1 Cor. 5 v 6-8).
My promised salvation through making a covenant covered by the blood of my Son has been changed from partaking of his human death into a show of sanctify your carnal life and becoming a holy god-like-one (1 Cor. 11 v 27-32). The association with the dead body of Christ is the opposite: it is a communion with his human death (1 Cor. 10 v 16).
Repeating it however and whenever you like, as if a physical meal could be a spiritual meal (Lk. 4 v 4, Jn. 6 v 62-63), only serves to remind me of your self-serving state (Is. 54 v 5-9) and your betrayal (1 Cor. 5 v 6-11). You must purge out your puffed up, self-saving life and be humble before you can enjoy mine (Jn. 16 v 20-27, Jas. 4 v 1-12).
All this present generation are aware that the end of the age of the gentiles is well under way (Rom. 11 v 25). The differences that were obscure are now obvious (Mt. 13 v 25-30). Every nation that was unified is now full of division. Their sprits have separated into ‘sheaves’ all those who follow Satan’s self-determined gospel from those who belong to Christ.
The harvest at the end of the age of the Gentile Church has begun (Mt. 24 v 7-14, Lk. 21 v 24, 29-31, 36). After the Lord has gathered His harvest into His ‘barns’ the poisonous black ‘tares’ will set alight. Might a few undecided still be snatched from the fire (Jude 19-25)?
The prophets whom I sent to restore my words you have defended yourselves against by refuting them then persecuting and silencing them. My recorded words have been altered, watered down and debased then the resulting confusion dismissed as irrelevant.
Your powerless prophets speak as if gods then treat My words as if they carry no power (Is. 55 v 8-11, Jer. 14 v 10-14). You have welcomed unrepentant sinners into your congregations (1 Cor. 5 v 1-5) together with their doctrines and perverting spirits (Rev. 1, 2 & 3). You fear offending people and Satan more than you fear to offend me (Ezra 9, Lk. 12 v 5-9). Therefore I will spew you put of my mouth as unpalatable and revolting (Rev. 3 v 22).
As on the day of the trial of the Jewish nation when Stephen pronounced God’s judgement (Acts 7, 1 Cor. 10 v 11), the Gentile Church is about to be cut off and be punished (Rom. 11 v 19-25, Rev. 1 & 2, 19 v 1-9). The Jewish remnant will then be reinstated as God’s witness on earth (Is. 60, Rev. 7 v 3-8).
Come out of them my people (Ezra 10, 2 Cor. 6 v 13-18, Rev.18 v 3-8). Humble yourselves before your Lord and he will restore you as his Bride (Heb. 10 v 9-18, 12 v 22-29, 1 Pt. 4 v 12-19). Seek him with all of your heart, mind and strength (Lk. 10 v 27, Jas. 4 v 5-10).
Repentance must start with the recommitment to the covenant in Jesus’ blood at Passover (2 Kg. 23 v 21-26, Ezra 6 v 19-22). Living together without a fully committed covenant unto death is living outside of God’s blessings (Gen. 2 v 24, 1 Cor. 11 v 27-32, Eph. 5 v 25-33).
The self-serving, death-centred, humanistic thinkers know their world is about to self-destruct. As a the time of Enoch and Noah God is going to remove the faithful then return 7 years later to restore the damage.
The covenanted ones (Eph. 1 v 7-14), who forsake all other beliefs and false spirits (Rev. 1 v 20), are the ones who will be spared from his wrath (1 Thess. 4 v 13-18, 5 v 2-11, 23).
Those who seek help from stars in the heavens as the lesser gods or saints with their light halos (Far East: superstition), will join their deceitful spirits forever in death (2 Pt. 3 v 5-14, Rev. 20 v 10-15, 21 v 1). They are worshipped as a version of the Moon, Sun, Venus and Mars as their gods: Ninus the son (N & S. East; despots); the father (S; tribalism); the mother (W; motivated by reward) and the Devil (N; deception).
In order for the Word of God to impact each part of the world these powerful, territorial spirits must be identified and bound. Adamic men are under Satan’s influence but those joined to Jesus are not. They have authority in Jesus’ name over these principalities and powers but the power behind his name rests with God Almighty (2 Cor. 10 v 3-7: see post on Pulling Down the Old Strongholds in Men’s Hearts and Minds).
Praying to the Father in the name of Jesus (Lk. 4 v 2-14, 10 v 17-22, Jude 8-9) with determined unshakeable faith, yet utter humility (Is. 2 v 6-19, 6 v 1-8, Php. 2 v 3-16, Col. 2 v 6-19), will move Him and He will crush these wayward powers (Heb. 10 v 10-23).
It is not Jesus’ will that any should perish (Ezk. 18 v 26-32). His grace before judgement always teaches, corrects, warns, disciplines and chastises the wayward before they go too far (Num. 22 v 28-35, 31 v 8, Heb. 12 v 2-15). So the only power that Satan can exercise to upset God’s will is to cause the death of millions before they can be saved (Rom. 10 v 8-21).
People with evil gods also do evil acts. They also kill as offerings to Satan to gain spiritual power (Gen. 6 v 5, 13, Heb. 2 v 15) over men’s minds. They set up an earthly kingdom in defiance of its Lord and Creator (Lk. 20 v 14-18).
Nimrod claimed he was the descendant of an angel so as a god-man he could reincarnate (Gen. 6 v 4). As Belus he built Babel and sought to become the king of the whole world by being a mighty killer in defiance of the Lord (Gen. 10 v 8-9). So he died (1 Kg. 22 v 20-23). He was hung, drawn and quartered and Babel deserted.
His wife as the mother of his new life became Ashtaroth or Astarte (see effigies of mother with baby as the Queen of Heaven) and her son Ninus became his reincarnation as the new Baal (Lord of all the world). He built the twin towered ziggurat near Nineveh.
Many think God’s enemy is the Devil but He has already crushed its head (Gen. 3 v 15, Heb. 10 v 9-18). The enemies of God’s purpose for mankind, whom He is about to destroy, are the would-be god-kings who have revived Babel and the worship of their alternative, do-what-you-like, evil god (Rev. 17 v 1-2, 15-18, 19 v 1-9).
They are the descendants of the first man who was the king of his God-given kingdom but like him they have rebelled against the Father’s desire to make them His children (Col. 2 v 8-19, Heb. 2 v 5-15).
The Father has put His desire to give birth to children begotten through His only Son (Jn. 1 v 12-14) into the hearts of all His created children. Satan perverts that desire in its children into not having and abusing children (Rom. 1 v 21-32).
The angels who stopped being angels (Lk. 20 v 35, Jude 6) had a human mother but no Y chromosome: they were sterile effeminate killers. They are chained in hell. This so terrible for a free spirit that none dare repeat it. The Beast of Revelation is not an incarnation of Satan.
It enslaves people through their fear of death. It has no power over the sealed 144,000 or to stop God’s two witnesses until their ministry has finished. It’s signs and wonders in Revelation are not cosmic like God’s but theatrical illusions for the intoxicated lost developed from arena displays (Rev. 13 v14-18). People will get guidance and support from a universal AI copy of the beast that they will trust as their god. Those who disobey it will be killed.
Like the angels, those born of Jesus life also do not reproduce (Lk. 20 v 36-38). As sons of the Son of God they enjoy the Father’s eternal blessings (Gal. 3 v 25-29, Heb. 2 v 10-16).
Satan has no physical power over the fearless who have been set free from sin by Jesus’ victory over death and the Devil (Mt. 4 v 3-11, Lk. 10 v 17-22, Heb. 2 v 15) but it can entice the will of captivated people to do its dirty work (Gen. 3 v 4-6, Job 1 v 9-11) so it can be very deadly (Jude 8-10). They are branded by their seared guilt (Gen. 4 v 15, Mt. 27 v 4-5, Jn. 13 v 27).
Too many of such superior people, whether they think they are spiritual, good or evil, defy His judgement. The proud who reject the redeeming blood of God’s Saviour have a self-justified, judgemental spirit (Lk. 18 v 9-14, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-21). They believe they can do whatever they like based on half-truths or lies (Gen. 3 v 4-5, Jn. 6 v 26-27). They think they can keep their carnal, self-conscious, sin-conscious, death-fearing lives by making a covenant with Death!
They are the rebellious descendants of a man who was originally made in the image of the Father’s tangible person out of His desire to have children to love (Col. 1 v 15-19, 2 v 8-19, Heb. 2 v 5-15). They scorn the Father’s love as a weakness, as if it prevented Him from judging them.
Man’s ways are not God’s ways: his thoughts are the opposite of God’s (Is. 55 v 8, Jer. 18 v 11-17). The self-justified say; God is unfair and uncompromising. To be saved your will has to be broken. Surrender to My will or else! We will defend our reasons from our self-saving perspective on why we cannot be cut off forever. God is love so we will not go to hell but to our alternative kingdom (Satan’s). They try to blackmail God (Mt. 4 v 7)!
Those who defy God’s judgement as unfair believe Satan’s self-elevating gospel (Gen. 3 v 4-5, Is. 14 v 13-17). Those who justify the ways and thoughts of their independent Satan promised life clearly will not gain the Father’s promised life: they will keep His promised death (Gen. 2 v 17).
The clay cannot dictate to the potter what He must or must not do. Like the tenant farmers in their lord’s vineyard who killed his son in order to keep it all for themselves (Mt. 21 v 38), their lease will be terminated.
God is too fair. It is not God’s will that any should perish (Ezk. 18 v 26-32). He seeks and saves the lost. He promises all who cry out to the Father before they die will be freely forgiven and inherit a body like Jesus’ (Mt. 12 v 47-50, Jn. 3 v 13-18).
The only way to become part of the Fathers family is to become one with or marry His only begotten Son (Jn. 1 v 14, 3 v 5-6). We love Jesus because he first loved us and descended into death to rescue us from Adam’s covenant with Satan (Jn. 3 v 16, 1 Jn. 4 v 19).
Eve disobeyed her husband, not God (1 Tim. 2 v 12-15). Her still God-related genus (Gen. 3 v 15) was passed directly from woman to woman to Mary so on his mother’s side Jesus was human. Like Adam, when he expelled God’s life he physically died so he went into death (Mt. 27 v 46-50). But he was sinless so death had no authority over him (Jn. 14 v 30, Col. 2 v 15, Heb. 2 v 14, 1 Pt. 3 v 18-22).
Sexual intercourse that is not sanctified before God in marriage (Gen. 2 v 22-25) is an offense against God’s life giving Holy Spirit that needs to be repented for before he can accept you).
On his Father’s side he is God (Php. 2 v 3-11) so he returned to heaven, except on the way through hades he picked up all who loved him. They were the first example (Lev. 23 v 10-21) of his gentile Bride who will be raised at end of his harvest at Pentecost (Eph. 4 v 7-16).
He also gave gifts to those who were still on earth, not as the world measures greatness but according to his valuation (2 Cor. 10 v 12). Those who think they are wise are totally ignorant of God’s wisdom and purpose (Jn. 3 v 10-12). Like the wise and foolish virgins (Ps. 45 v 14) some who think they are going to the wedding but have neglected their homework (Zech. 4 v 11, Lk. 16 v 29, Rev. 11 v 4) will not be ready (Eph. 4 v 22-27, 5 v 25-31).
Like Abraham and Jacob the members of Jesus’ fully committed Gentile Bride, who have proved that they have totally commit their self-willed lives to God’s purpose before they die, are predestined to live.
How do we know who is right or wrong, true or false? By the ‘tree’s’ ‘fruits. The difference between good and evil, order and chaos, pure or corrupt behaviour is obvious (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 7-8).
The God deifiers who are alive but prove that they have totally rejected His love for self-love are predestined to die. Like: Cain, Esau, Pharaoh, Saul, Ahab, Judas; they are dead-men-walking (Gen. 4 v 4-16, Mal. 1 v 2-4, 2 v 17, Jude 11, 14-19). They will be imprisonment in their dying, independent kingdom forever (Lk. 16 v 22-29, Rev. 19 v 19-21, 20 v 11-15).
People and nations that have made a covenant with Satan have gone beyond saving (Num. 25 v 1-5). They condemn themselves to death (1 Kg. 12 v 28-33, 19 v 18). Their self judgement is the mass extinction event that self and sin conscious men already expect (Gen. 6 v 7-18, 11 v 5-7). Only one tenth of the world population survive like a tree in winter (Is. 6 v 11-13, Mal. 4 v 1-6, Rev. 11 v 3-14). Then they will blossom and produce the seeds to repopulate the earth.
What God has said matters. All Satan’s ideas are not alternatives to Christ’s but merely the opposite so now you know why the ridiculous woke ideas are religiously promoted and the marriage covenant unto death has been adulterated to ‘on condition I can do whatever I want’.
Salvation by faith is based on receiving God’s promise (Gen. 3 v 15, Rom. 8 v 31, Eph. 2 v 8), not man’s guilty attempts to please Him. You cannot save your divorced life (Jn. 8 v 5). The nature of those born again by the breath of the Holy Spirit is changed (Rom. 8 v 5-14, 1 Cor. 15 v 47-52, Eph. 1). They rest from their religious efforts and enter by faith into God’s (Eph. 2 v 5-10). For them every day is as a Sabbath (Heb. 4 v 1-16).
They will walk with Jesus and be taught his ways (Is. 55 v 6-13, Rom. 10 v 15) words (Ps. 31, Mt. 6 v 11, Mk. 10 v 6-9, Php. 3 v 7-19, 1 Pt. 4 v 12-19) until one day they become was-nots (Gen. 5 v 22-24, Mt. 13 v 30).
The Father (Mt. 24 v 14, 36-51) is about to suddenly remove from this world all those who repent and are saved (1 Cor. 15 v 48-52). The forces of evil, that He has been restraining for their sake, (Lk. 21 v 8-19, 1 Thess. 2 v 6-12) will then be unleashed (Job 1 v 7-10).
Jesus loves them so much that he died in order to be one with them (Jn. 6 v 26-29, 62-63, Heb. 2 v 14-18). He looks upon them (Lk. 18 v 7-8) and weeps (Lk. 19 v 41-46). Up to the last second of their divorced life repentant sinners can be saved by God’s love and grace (Mt. 7 v 21-27, 25 v 6-10, Lk. 18 v 9-14, 23 v 39-43).
The name of Jesus is greater than any other name (Lk. 10 v 17-22, Acts 19 v 13-20), Those who have made themselves ready by obeying the Holy Spirit’s training shall be baptised or commission by the Father (Mt. 3 v 16-17, Acts 1 v 4-8) to do works in Jesus’ name that are greater and mightier even Jesus did (Jn. 14 v 12-23). That power has been earthed by the man powered churches who want their god to support their will on earth instead of the Father’s will in heaven (1 Sam. 4 v 21, Mt. 6 v 9-13).
False world religions lull lax people into believing obvious lies about their circumstances. Many church goers believe He will revive their apostate denominations. They do not believe He is about to remove the saved from their midst and snuff them out (Rev. 2 & 3). The unprepared will suffer God’s wrath (Mt. 25 v 10-13). Sadly both the evil and self-righteous who reject Jesus hate the saved who try to warn them (Mt. 21 v 34-46, Jn.15 v 18-23).
Independent, self-preserving and justified Christian-minded people see Jesus as a friend but not as their Lord and Saviour. They avoid surrendering their self-centred lives to Christ by adjusting God’s truth to justify their curtailed version of God. They retain their sin and death conscious nature (Gen. 3 v 7-8).
Only those who walk humbly with God the Father (Mic. 6 v 6-9) are made acceptable to Him based on the promised Lamb of God who has died to redeem them from their sinful nature.
The first created Adam was God breathed (Gen. 2 v 7). His inner guiding Spirit was perfect. So as long as he was only guided or inspired by him, he too was perfect (Gen. 2 v 19-25). He then obeyed the suggestion of an evil spirit via his wife so he was cut off from the Holy Spirit. Female intuition is very dodgy (1 Cor. 11 v 7-10).
All humanity has inherited Adam’s crooked spirit guided life. We are self, sin and death conscious (Gen. 3 v 7-13). Like Adam everything we think is good works to the bad (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Rom.7 v 19-25). We still have freewill (Ezk. 18 v 26-32) but the inner guides or voices (Freud’s superego) that we are born with continually bait us with evil thoughts and taunts (Mt. 4 v 3, Acts 5 v 3).
Those who choose to obey them instead of resisting them will do evil. The mentally disturbed who do evil are culpable. Do not seek diagnoses from a Freudian priest who accepts them as part of you: get rid of them (Jas. 4 v 5-10). The vulnerable who are obedient to Christ (Rom. 8 v 1-2) are strengthened and covered by his authority (Lk. 10 v 3, 17-22, Acts 19 v 13-20).
Jesus true church was rapidly established by the Apostles whose aim was to serve and anoint other believers with the Holy Spirit to extend their ministry (1 Cor. 4 v 9-21). Only the Holy Spirit can join you to Christ and conform you mind to his (Jn. 16 v 12-16, 1 Cor. 2 v 5-16).
Religious spirits corrupt God’s words and promote an ideal man, like an anti or alternative Christ (Rev. 1 v 20). They are promoted for political purposes to control the divisive freewill of millions of individuals based on a false promise of eternal rewards (Gen. 3 v 4-5).
The god-men or priests who serve Satan’s gospel want to maintain their place in Darwin’s pyramidal food or climb higher (Mt. 23 v 5-12). They present their disciples with a version of God’s words that maintains their self-importance.
They have to attack the truth, use fake news and even alter history to maintain their crumbing castles in the sky (Rev. 17 v 1-6). They have to produce corrupted and confusing interpretations of scriptures and deny the power of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16 v 7-15, Gal. 5 v 13-26).
God makes the uncommitted pay a tithe of their riches as the minimum required from those who seek His protection (Gen. 14 v 20-23) but He can claim all the life of those who have made a covenant Him (Lk. 18 v 22-30). Abraham did not offer just a tithe of Isaac (Gen. 22 v 2-10).
Churches run by a man-ordained organisation based on tithing from its legally controlled disciples are under the Law for the disobedient who do not trust in God’s promised Saviour (Gal. 3 v 19-24). Jesus is not their Lord but portrayed nailed on a cross. They are earth-bound, money making businesses (Gal. 4 v 22-31).
The men become self-centred adolescent Baal worshippers (1 Kg. 21 v 4-7) and the women a spiritual Big Mother who maintains her control by indulging the weaknesses of their boys (Jer. 44 v 15-23, 1 Cor. 10 v 7, Rev. 2 v 14-16, 20-23). The calf as god-the-son represents god-the-mother’s breast fed boys.

Under her thallic pole the sacrifice of babies and the rape of virgins is celebrated as the death of innocence. The abuse of women is encouraged by the vast industry in which her priestesses offer themselves as her lures (Prov. 5 v 1-23, 1 Cor. 5 v 1, 12-20).
The Nanny State becomes the god of the earth-bound masses who are as her farmed animals. It then turns into a self-serving Matriarch who demands more and more for less and less. She is self-destructive (Ezra 8 v 22). She wants to abort or clamp down on those who are too demanding. She favours emasculated, frustrated, immature, aggressive boys because they are no threat to her rule (1 Kg. 19 v 2, 21 v 3-7, 2 Chr. 22 v 10-12, Jer. 44 v 9, 15-27).
The one way door into her world is through drunkenness and mind altering substances (Jas. 4 v 4, 1 Pt. 4 v 2-4, Rev. 2 v 14). The existentialists’ nirvana only exists in their addled minds. When their body dies they will be trapped in their eternal kingdom except it will no longer be sustained by its Creator but descend into the chaos that they claimed as their creator. It is hell. Those who reject the truth (Lk. 16 v 27-31) for a self-pleasing lie (1 Kg. 22 v 6-8) are fools.
Darwin’s self-perfecting race peaks with Nietzsche’s superman as the Saviour of the World (Mt. 24 v 23-27) who like Hitler kills people by the million. His appearance also marks his destruction (Rev. 18)!
The Father-God’s purpose for His whole visible creation is for each individual person to choose to be reborn in the image of His tangible, visible person. He proved His love by sending His visible person to be born as a man and die.
The death of Jesus verifies the Father’s selfless love for His lost children (Gen. 3 v 8-9). His resurrection from death together with all the Old Covenanted saints as the first fruits from death (Mt. 27 v 53, Eph. 4 v 8-15) verifies his victory over their enslavers.
Those who choose to be one with him before they die also identify their human life as dead with his human death. Only through death can they exchange their mortal life for his eternal life and rise from death with his immortal life (Rom. 6).
Animals are programmed just to live on earth: they are carnal but Man was created as a powerless creature with an intellect (Gen. 2 v 19-20) that made him capable of relating to His Almighty Creator.
His form was made from raw materials (Gen. 3 v 19) so he could walk with God as His friend but not think of himself as a god-like-one (Heb. 2 v 5-18). Lucifer however was a god-like-one. It was so powerful and magnificent that despite the fact it was created as a servant it wanted to rule over creation as its god (Is. 14 v 9-17, Mt. 4 v 9-19).
Before God created man in his independent kingdom He had no need for servants (Heb. 1 v 6, 13-14). On day 6 all God had made was still perfect (Gen. 1 v 32) including all the very powerful sons of the first morning (Job. 38 v 7, Ezk. 28 v 13-15). Then these magnificent beings saw that they were made to serve simple men for a never ending 7 th day (Gen. 1 v 31 to 2 v 4, Heb. 4)!
One third of the host of heaven (Deut. 4 v 19, Dan. 10 v 13, Rev. 12 v 4) rebelled and joined Lucifer’s seemingly foolproof plan to take over this free domain by simply making its inferior lord bow to them. Adam broke his God-centred Sabbath and man’s never ending 8 th day struggle for self-survival started (Gen. 3 v 17-19, 2 Chr. 36 v 21, Neh. 13 v 15-18).
Mankind has now replaced his God-ordained and centred Sabbath with a man-ordained and centred 8 th day. His religious celebrations are based on Christianised pagan feast days. Those who have compromised with the worldly in order not to offend them commit the unforgiveable sin (Mt. 4 v 8-10, 12 v 25-42).
Satan was immediately told that its rule would be defeated (Gen. 3 v 14-15, Is. 14 v 14-24): what has flowed from your belly (given birth to) will turn to ashes in your mouth. A new Adam will be born of a woman. You will try to trip him up but in doing so he will crush you under his feet (1 Cor. 15 v 24-28). Our word for word translations of the original picture language, including the paraphrased versions are useless.
Based on a copy of Abraham’s record of this early picture language his great, great grandson Job said; I know that my redeemer lives and one day he will stand on the earth and after my material body has been completely recycled and although others will be turned away and lose everything yet my inner soul will survive and I will behold God in my new radiant flesh (Job. 14 v 13-15, 19 v 25-27).
Carnal men know that as animals they will die so their self-important aims are pointless. At the same time they have lingering longing for an eternal life so they believe in Satan’s gospel (Gen. 3 v 5-6), that through self-improvement they can become as free gods like him. They endorse Adam’s covenant with Satan (Jer. 8 v 3-13).
Satan and his angels were shiny, powerful, free, godlike ones (Gen. 3 v 5, 6 v 2) but when they were expelled from the Holy Father’s throne they became dark (occult). Their godlike nature that the carnal seek is manifestly evil (Jn. 8 v 42-45, Rom. 1 v 20-32). Their dreamt-up Utopia is run by self-justified killers (Gen. 4 v 23-24, 6 v 13, 10 v 9, Rev. 13 v 15-17).
Natural people blind themselves to their invisible Creator even though He is clearly revealed in the things He has made. They deliberately shut Him out but their bad behaviour reveals that the invisible tormentors they do believe in are evil liars (Mt. 7 v 15-20). Religious people like Peter and Paul (Acts 9 v 4, 10 v 13-15, 28) have to confess that their spiritual ways are the opposite of Jesus’ ways (Mt. 16 v 23, Lk. 22 v 31, Rom. 7 v 23-25, 8 v 5-9) before they can know and obey his will.
The self-determined become like carnal animals centred on self-survival so they worship Pantheism; the life in nature that their natural life depends. They think killing an animal, even a spider, is a sin but it is good to attack those who threaten nature and cut over population by culling babies (Ezk. 23 v -37-39).
This is the pure pagan worship of Babylon based on Baal, Bacchus or Pan of live and pay later so they are in hock to him forever (Deut. 12 v 2-3). Camping under Eve’s ‘tree’ of good and evil (Gen. 3 v 3-6, 15) or god the Mother’s Ashtoreth pole you can get away with indulging in gross intoxication and shameful behaviour (Num. 25 v 1-6, Rev. 2 v 14) as if a man performed baptism and atonement made it OK (1 Cor. 10 v 19-21, Gal. 5 v 1, 1 Pt. 2 v 16, 2 Pt. 2 v 18-22).
People who seek eternal survival by gaining oneness with created things like trees animals or the stars, instead of the person of Jesus, will be eternally one with the god of fear and death. Those too proud to repent see death as the only escape from their frustrated, hopeless state. They discover they have been harvested by the grim reaper (Ecc. 9 v 10-12, Rev. 14 v 9-20).
The differences between the seeds planted by God’s Spirit and those planted by Satan in the churches, (Mt. 13 v 38-43) that were not obvious 100 years ago and were visible 50 years ago, have now fully grown. Their spirits have already collected them into separate bundles for burning (2 Cor. 6 v 14-18).
The fires will be lit as soon as the Redeemed are removed (Mt. 24 v 14, 36-51, 1 Cor. 15 v 48-51). The forces of evil that He has been restraining for their sake, (Lk. 21 v 8-19, 2 Thess. 3-12) are unleashed. Law and order descend into violent chaos (Gen. 6 v 7-18, 11 v 5-7).
The recall or last post is about to be sounded (1 Cor. 15 v 52, Rev. 3 v 16-22). Only if you return to your Father God and humbly cry to Him for forgiveness will you be redeemed. Therefore humble yourself and His love for His lost children will lift you up into heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2 v 3-13, Heb. 2, Jas. 4 v 5-10, 1 Pt. 5 v 5-10).
Only through Jesus as the lord of all creation can the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father relate to His finite creation (Col. 1 v 9-23). Jesus is equal with God yet never sought to be other than the infinite Father’s servant.
Like innocent Joseph (Gen. 41 v 38-44) he was unjustly sold into death so God could safely exalt him and give him authority over all His possessions. When you are aligned with Jesus’ nature the Father will be free to proclaim you also as His child (Mt. 3 v 16-17, Jn. 17 v). Only then will you bear much fruit (Jn. 15 v 5-14).
The Holy Spirit presents all who repent and turn back to the Father for help (Jer. 29 v 12-14, Mt. 7 v 7) with His promised Saviour (Rom. 10 v 4-13). Those who put their trust in the person and work of Jesus (Jn. 14 v 6, 15-17, 16 v 12-15) are redeemed by his humanity dying in our place (Jn. 1 v 29, Eph. 2 v 5-10).
They become a temple of God’s Holy Spirit. He is able to abide with them (Jn. 14 v 23-26, Rom. 8 v 2) because the blood of Jesus intercedes for them in heaven (Jn. 16 v 7-10, Heb. 7 v 24, Rev. 12 v 10-12). We are only made heirs to God’s Kingdom by being joint heirs with Christ (Rom. 8 v 10-17).
The Bride of Christ only applies to those who have already made a covenant with Christ (Eph. 5 v 23-27) that involves the forsaking of their self-centred will for their joint will (Eph. 4 v 17-24). All or nothing (Mt. 7 v 21-27, Lk. 10 v 25-28).
As with the covenant of marriage of Joseph and Mary (Mt. 1 v 18-21) those ‘engaged’, to Jesus are called the Bride of Christ (Gen. 2 v 21-25, Eph. 1 v 13-23, 4 v 17-32). That ‘marriage’ covenant is sealed with the gift of Jesus’ Holy Spirit (Eph. 4 v 30-32).
When Jesus returns at the end of the harvest at Pentecost to take his complete Bride home, all up to that last minute who call on him to save them (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Rom. 10 v 6-13) from the wrath to come will meet together above the clouds (1 Thess. 4 v 14-18, 5 v 2-10). All of Adam’s descendants who hesitate or reject him will be left on earth. In that instant Satan will be in undisputed Lord of the world (Job. 1 v 7-11, Rev. 12 v 7-12).
Not all repent even in the hour of their death (Mt. 27 v 5). The evangelicals’ cry of “all that matters is that you are saved and baptise” at best makes you friends of the Bride (Lk. 3 v 16-17). Remember only half of those friends wake up in time to welcome him as their Lord (Mt. 25 v 10-12, Lk. 13 v 23-30).
Not all who are baptised with water are ashamed and repent for their past unfaithfulness and evil ways (Mt. 3 v 5-11, 1 Cor. 10 v 1-12). Many of those who respond to an altar call, like seeds sown on shallow soil, have little or no understanding so they never take root (Mt. 13 v 19-23, 2 Pt. 2 v 20-22).
Only by being joined to the life of the Father of all life by being joined with Jesus’ human death can you gain his God related life forever (Heb. 12 v 1-8). Once and forever he has died in our place for our breaking of our covenant unto death with the Father (Gen. 15 v 12, 17, Gal. 3 v 13, 1 Pt. 1 v 18-25, 2 v 7-25, Rev. 5 v 9).
His new covenant unto death is remembered and reaffirmed every Passover (Ex. 12 v 14-20, Lev. 23 v 5-8, 1 Cor. 5 v 6-8) but it has been adulterated, from the ‘on each occasion’ in 1 Corinthians 11 v 26, into ‘whenever you like’ as a sanctification of their human life. It is meant to be partaking of his human death and the death of our humanity (1 Cor. 11 v 27-32) in the hour of his/our death (Ex. 12 v 5-14, Jn. 23 v 44-45: hour of evening sacrifice).
To realise the freedom from a life predestine to die (Rom. 8 v 4-9) and gain one predestined to live in the Father’s home requires a full purification and identification with His life (Jer. 15 v 19-21, Heb. 2 v 6-15). This is not something they can do (Mt. 19 v 25-26, Rom. 7 v 24-25, 8 v 10-23) but they can have an assured hope for.
All Christians are a ‘work in progress’ (Php. 3 v 7-16). They have to enter into Jesus’ completed work of redemption. Day by day they must surrendering their old sin ruled life to death as the Holy Spirit leads (Heb. 4 v 9-16). The good works of their old nature resist him so his work will not be completed until their Adamic life actually dies (Php. 1 v 2-6, 3 v 8-25).
Independent, self-preserving and justified Christian-minded people think that being good will save them yet they fear death because they are not sure. They believe Darwin’s version of Satan’s self-elevating gospel (Gen. 3 v 4-5). Ascetics are purely carnal (1 Cor. 3 v 11-21, Col. 2 v 22).
They see Jesus as a friend but not as their Lord and Saviour (Mt. 7 v 21-27). They believe in the redemption and perfection of the their human life and the establishing their kingdom of heaven on earth (Lk. 19 v 27, 47-48, 20 v 14-20, Jn. 12 v 9-15). Thus they avoid surrendering their self-centred lives to Christ by adjusting God’s truth to justify their curtailed version of God.
They retain their sin and death conscious nature (Gen. 3 v 7-8). They are enemies of the cross of Christ and are bound by a false holy spirit (1 Kg. 22 v 23-24) that will not let his Ecclesia or Ordered-out-ones go to serve their Lord (Ex. 10 v 27-28, 11 v 9-10). They change the celebration of the annual Passover from remembering the death of their old life into a repeated revival of their old life (Heb. 5 v 9-14, 6 v 6, 9 v 25-28, 10 v 12-23).
They therefore have to deny the idea of a pretribulation rapture of the complete Church as Bride of Christ (Jn. 14 v 1-4). The more than 70 references to it are misquoted or denied. They think a dose of persecution will make them holy so they promote fear and advertise the power of evil by preaching the end of the world is nigh instead of the Kingdom of Heaven is nigh.
Those who are touched by the love of the Father become wholly in love with their Saviour (1 Jn. 3 v 1-3, 4 v 9-12). To live happily ever after is a pure love story (Eph. 4 v 22-27). Sadly there are many who do know about the rapture of believers but are not ready to commit their lives to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour because they still love this life (Mt. 7 v 21-23, 25 v 12).
The saved will love the Lord God with all of their mind and with all of their strength and with all their heart (Lk. 10 v 25-28, 1 Jn. 4 v 6-21). That love starts with a mental decision, a physical commitment then a spiritual realisation and fulfilment (Jn. 4 v 22-24, Heb. 11 v 1, 6). It develops in three stages received through three baptisms (Lk. 3 v 16-17, Mk. 16 v 18).
1. Conviction with a baptism in water.
2. A revelation of the Father’s acceptance.
3. Finally a completely new life.
The Bride of Christ is going to a wedding (Rev. 19 v 1-8, 14-16). Half of her friends and all the godless nations are going to a cremation in the plain of Armageddon (Rev. 17 v 14). Judgement does not apply to those who trust in Christ’s sacrifice who are schooled (Jn. 14 v 26, 15 v 8-11, 16 v 13, Heb. 4 v 11-13, 12 v 6-15) by the power of his omnipresent Spirit (Rom. 8 v 8-17, Gal. 3 v 13-22, Col. 2 v 8-15, Heb. 10 v 6-22).
That power has been earthed by the man powered churches who want their god to support their will on earth instead of the Father’s will in heaven (1 Sam. 4 v 21, Mt. 6 v 9-13). A man preferred and devised god who requires human support to survive is actually less powerful than them (Num. 23 v 19-23, 1 Sam. 5 v 2-12, 1 Kg. 18 v 25-40, Is. 14 v 12-17, 46 v 1-10). Satan’s spirits are parasites that are turning God’s gift of a garden like earth into a desert.
God’s grace-before-judgement is about to be poured out in the mountains above Israel (Ezk. 38 v 21-23, 39 v 6-25). The generation (Lk. 21 v 24-25) that have seen the Prophesy in Ezekiel 36 and 37 happen also can see 38, about the invasion of Israel by the northern hoards, is about to happen.
As a result of Ezekiel 39 the whole world will know that the God in the Bible is the true God who made the heavens and the Earth (Ezk. 38 v 23, 39 v 21-29). The unfulfilled prophesies about Jesus’ disciples will then to come to past. Those about the Jews will be fulfilled after his ‘Gentile Bride’ has left and Satan’s kingdom starts (Rom. 11 v 4-25, 1 Thess. 2 v 7-13, Rev. 12 v 6-12).
Israel is then at peace for seven years while they collect the fuel and bury the dead from their self-destroyed enemies. They are at war again half way through the Antichrist’s reign so his reign must begin 3 ½ years or more after the battle in the mountains. His 7 year reign will end with the east/west battle in the plains. According to Luke 21 v 31-36, Ezekiel 38 must be imminent.
For those years the Gospel of Salvation through baptism into Jesus’ human death in order to gain his risen sinless life will be preached throughout the world and then the end will come (Mt. 24 v 14). The anointed believers will do many wonderful things and mightier works than even Jesus did. Those who reject him in favour of the god of this world can only blame themselves for their fate.
The wedding of the Bride of Christ occurs in heaven but the world will get a glimpse of her as she leaves (Is. 61 v 10-11, 1 Cor. 15 v 49-52, 1 Thess. 4 v 14-17). She could not be more beautiful (Jn. 16 v 25-27, 17 v 16-24, Rev. 19 v 7-8, 21 v 2-7, 22 v 17). Even the angels will gasp (Job 38 v 7, Dan. 12 v 3)! Did you think the Church of Jesus Christ could end in disgrace and defeat (Mt. 22 v 42-44)?
Mary was the not the mother of God but bearer of Jesus’ humanity from Eve’s untainted genus (Gen. 3 v 15). He came to die (Gen. 3 v 15, Jn. 1 v 14-29, 10 v 14-18) as her Saviour (Lk. 1 v 38-51). The Bride is not the Queen of Heaven exercising her disobedient will like Vashti. Esther knew her position depended on the Kings favour (Esther 5 v 2-3). Those who tried to harm her were hung on their own gallows (Ps. 46).
However Jesus did not come to save your old corrupt life. He does not promise a perfect life in our temporal realm (Jn. 16 v 33, Rom. 5 v 3, 12 v 12-21). That life and realm are just the schooling for the next. The old nature that is ruled by perverse spirits (Rom. 6 & 7) must die and be replaced by Jesus’ nature. It is bestowed by the same life breath of the Holy Spirit that Adam discarded in favour of faith in guidance from Satan’s indwelling, unholy alter egos.
Self-survivalists who defy the loving Father’s promised Saviour (Lk. 16 v 31) and do whatever they think is right for them follow Satan’s gospel (Gen. 3 v 4-6, 1 Sam. 15 v 22-23, 2 Chr. 18 v 3-7, 19 v 1-2). Those who deliberately shut out the Holy Spirit’s correction and guidance (Mt. 12 v 30-32, Jn. 16 v 7-15) have made a pact with their false spirits (Mt. 12 v 34-35, Jn. 13 v 27). Not all charismatic, spirit filled men are saved (Ezk. 28 v 14-19).
Christians who have not surrendered their whole being to Christ (Ps. 45 v 14-15) are invited by the Bride to her wedding but only half repent and respond in time. They know about Christ but do not know him personally and he does not know them (Mt. 25 v 10-13). They have some of the Holy Spirit inspired oil or wisdom from reading the law and the prophets (Zech. 4 v 11-14, Lk. 16 v 27-31, Rev. 11 v 4-13).
All who turn to Jesus as their Saviour (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, 1 Thess. 5 v 9) will be saved. The undecided double minded who do not accept God as their maker and seek an independent life will suffer doubt, failure, frustration, disappointment then remorse (Mt. 25 v 30, Jn. 4 v 22-24). When they die and lose God’s daily provision (Gen. 2 v 9, Lk. 12 v 19-32, 1 Tim. 6 v 17) they are eternally destitute (Is. 14 v 11-17).
All people who adopt a spirit of rebellious pride (Lk. 20 v 13-19) will find their boastful claims will turn to ashes in their mouth (Gen. 3 v 14). They will be cut off from the Father’s protection (2 Thess. 2 v 3-12) and ruled by the hater of their souls (Rev. 12 v 7-12). The ‘writing is on the wall’ (Rev.2 & 3). God’s love and grace before judgement is followed by the unleashing of Satan’s most terrible angels (Lk. 10 v 10-16).
Self-love is based on what pleases me but even in this life self-centred, wilful people are never happy or satisfied. The insatiable sink lower than a natural animal (Rom. 1 v 20-25) and the intellectuals who think they are as gods end up as dust. Such fools have wasted, pointless lives (Ps. 14).
True love is the giving of self. Those who dedicate their lives to Jesus regain this second Adam’s Spiritual Guide. He is called the Paraclete because he comes to their rescue like lifeboat alongside a sinking ship. Those who turn back for some worldly ‘possession’ that they cannot bear to loose will go down with the ship (Mt. 12 v 31-32, 2 Pt. 2 v 21). The double-minded fall down the gap between the rescue boat and the ship!
Many may believe in God but have no assured faith based on the experience of the gift of His life because they have not surrendered their self-preserving and justified ways (Heb. 11 v 1, 6, Jas. 2 v 18). Self-preserving Christians retain their old life by getting baptised only with water (1 Cor. 10 v 2-12, Heb. 3 v 15-19).
They remain at or on the wrong side of the cross of Jesus (Php. 3 v 17-19). They are still sin and self-conscious (Gen. 3 v 7, 1 Jn. 1 v 9-10) and ruled the Law of sin and death consciousness (Rom. 2 v 14, 7 v 19-25, 1 Tim. 1 v 9-10). The worldly see them as hypocrites who pretend they are not sinners.
Such Christian churches shut out the Holy Spirit and simulate having the life of Christ by taking the New Covenant Passover meal on any day but Passover as partaking of His risen life. It is meant to be the partaking of his and our human death and the start of the new God filled life that Adam lost (Lev. 16 v 21-34, Rom. 6 v 3, 8 v 3, 13, 1 Cor. 11 v 26-32).
Born-again Christians should only remember their old sin and death bound state once a year when they renew their Passover covenant (Lev. 13 v 5-8, Mk. 14 v 22-24, 1 Cor. 5 v 7-8, 11 v 23). The Cross of Jesus is not something to idolise but should fill us with great shame then horror that Jesus had to die to redeem us. We should well-up with tears of love for the enormity of the Father’s love for His lost children.
The only worthy response to Jesus’ sacrifice is like him to surrender our separated, self-deceiving Adamic life to death in order to rise with his new life and body. The breath of God’s Holy Spirit reforms those who were slaves to sin into servants of righteousness (Rom. 6 v 18). The veil is removed (Mt. 27 v 51, 2 Cor. 3 v 8-18, Heb. 4 v 14-16, 10 v 20,12 v 23-26).
The Bride of Christ is contrasted with the Harlot who lures those who seek a knowledge of God into her house (Prov. 7 v 21-27) and spiritually kills them (Rev. 19 v 2-7). The end time call from the Lord is “therefore come put from among them and form a separate body and have no contact with the unclean then I will favour you and you will finally be my children” (2 Cor. 6 v 14-18).
Those born again with the life of God’s new Adam become a new creature but are the same person (Job. 19 v 25-28). The Father who made no 2 leaves the same loves the unique you. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of anyone the glorious things which God has prepared for them that love Him (1 Cor. 2 v 9-12) but His Spirit will reveal it to them.
John. 17 v 21-23 is about to be fulfilled.
21; … all may be one just as you Father are in me and I in you and they with us so that the world will know that you have sent me
22; and I will give them the same glory that you have given me so we might all be as one
23; I in them and you in me so that they may be completely as one. Then the world will know you have sent me and you have loved them as you have loved me.
His unquestionable and inestimable love for us should fill our hearts with love for Christ and make him our ‘raison d’etre’ (1 Pt. 2 v 7-10, 18-22). Only those who physically (1 Cor. 3 v 16), mentally (1 Cor. 2 v 12-16) and spiritually (Jn. 6 v 58-63, 1 Cor. 10 v 4) belong to Christ will demonstrate the reality of his love for others (Acts 4 v 9-14, Jas. 4 v 6-17, 1 Jn. 3 v 13-23). Only they can afford to fear for and love the lost who despise them.
Those who the Father reckons have sincerely repented for their self-centred lives will receive the gift of His God centred life (Jn. 6 v 65). The Holy Spirit is holy: he does not feed their human desires but reveals the ways and thinking of God’s new perfect second Adam (Jn. 14 v 20-24, 16 v 13-15, Rom. 8 v 6-17, 1 Cor. 2 v 12-16).
Those born again of the breath of God’s Spirit must let him cleanse them of their old way of thinking. He takes over the daily renewal of their motivation. The difference between the Bride and her wise but uncommitted friends is they are saved in the last hour but the Bride has made herself ready (Rev. 19 v 7-8). She will be revealed in all her beauty before she leaves the house she was born in (Eph. 4 v 22-30, 5 v 14-21, 24-27).
Tongues are the initiation through which people surrender their will to (Mt. 5 v 10-11) and are fed by Jesus (Jn. 14 v 23-26). Those led by his indwelling Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3 v 16) are also seated with Christ far above principalities & powers (Heb. 2 & 12). They are his humble Bride (Eph. 1 v 13-14, 2 v 15) like Esther, not self-important Queens like Vashti (Est. 1 v 9-12, 19).
Many are called but only a few of them respond (Mt. 22 v 10-14). Tragically some are too tired (Eph. 5 v 14-17), others are not ready in time (Rev. 3 v 2-9), while many of the invited are busy with their worldly affairs (Mt. 24 v 43-51, Lk. 14 v 16-24, 21 v 34-36).
Choose today who you will serve (Deut. 30 v 14-20, Josh. 24 v 15-20, Rev. 2 & 3)!