Raison d’etre?

Image of the galaxy for a post, Raison d’etre

Creation formed by chaos out of nothing really is an absurd once upon a time, long, long ago, fairy story from Greek mythology. The extravagant, immeasurable amount of energy that our universe is conjured up from must have an infinite source. It could never have formed stable atoms and aggregates of atoms by accident. Unordered it could only produce an infinite number of failures.

The mathematically precise, inter-related laws that govern every part of the immeasurable universe could not have clicked together as one by chance or trial and error: the laws had to exist and be perfectly programmed before any matter could appear. It must therefore have a predetermined purpose.

The universe is governed by the law of entropy. The free and formed energy it contains is fixed. By itself it goes from instability to equilibrium and becomes inactive (Gen. 1 v 1-2). When the rate of change stops, measureable time stops.

Before measurable time began the universe had become hot, dark full of free energy (Gen. 1 v 1). This is confirmed by the latest research that has deduced star-formation reached its peak some 11 billion years ago. It rose to that peak from a star-free state, gradually declining ever since. It is just their ‘clock that is wrong (the moon in a freezing vacuum is still hot and soft)!

It had a kick start at the beginning of measurable time (Gen. 1 v 3, Jn. 1 v 1-5) and unless someone gives it another kick its potential or energy gradient will drop until it again becomes inert. Its final state is described as like Topheth: very hot and darkened by smoke like a rubbish incinerator (Rev. 20 v 12-15).

The rock strata record a series of sudden, catastrophic, mass extinction events of fully formed species (Gen. 6 v 12-13, 10 v 25, Mt. 24 v 5-14, 21-22). The missing links are missing. The evolutionary tree is simplistically based on visual similarities but bat DNA is related to hoofed animals not rodents. Human DNA is most closely related to pigs and chemically to chickens; not apes.

Intact fossils require instant burial. The idea of very gradual changes over many millions of years to enable the evolution of species is more make-believe. The millions of years are deduced from current isotope decay rates not their growth rates. The measure is based on our current value of C, the speed of light, yet we know to start with it was infinite (E = C 2 ).

It is still dropping exponentially so only dating over the last few thousand years is reliable. Its measure of 10,000 years in real time is nearer 6,000. As for peering in bigger and bigger telescopes for the light from primitive galaxies; any light from between Genesis 1 v 2 and 14 flashed by us long ago.

We also see vast structures that could not have been formed by a Big Bang and weak gravity alone. There are clusters of galaxies that are billions of light years across. One is 1/10 of the known universe long. The universe is entropic; you cannot extrapolate backwards. Einstein’s theories about time and how the universe formed are rubbish. To support Hawkins ideas on gravity 27% of the universe has to be filled with undetectable, fairy-tale, dark matter. His theory of everything has no idea of how gravity relates to C.

We are told by the priests of Evolution, in hushed, reverent tones, the myth that a billion years ago algae, which had developed over some previous billions of years, developed into animal life, yet just a million years ago our Sun would have been so large that its atmosphere would have swallowed its planets.

The Sun currently burns up its mass at the rate of 1% per 1000 years. If it was alight and twice its size 100,000 years ago no water or life could have survived on Earth. Yet there is evidence that the Earth has water locked in the Mantle and so it must have contained water from its beginning (Gen. 1 v 2-10, Ps. 24 v 1-2). It must have formed before the Sun was lit on day 4 (Gen. 1 v 2, 14!

Space is totally hostile to life. For life to have started and become established it needs a perfectly sized and structured sphere with a unique balance of materials, an atmosphere that would protect it from the deadly radiation coming from a more active Sun and an orbit and rotation that ensured a long term temperature fluctuation of less than +/-  25 0 c. Water has to exist as vapour and ice but remain largely liquid for eons. The precise mixture of gases is vital.

The Moon with its innumerable craters is precisely set to protect the Earth. Analysis of why our world supports life reveals it is so finely balanced it could not have been accidental. Life could only have existed on Earth 6000 years ago if the earth was protected by an ionosphere fill with a blanket of water molecules (Gen. 1 v 7-19). Our unformed world had to be ‘handpicked’.

This is dismissed by saying there are so many stars with planets that there must be other earths with life on them yet the mathematical chance is nil. Life on earth is temporal. It has no long term future here or on any other sphere.

Thousands of billions of $ have been misspent on looking for life on other spheres while destroying it on Earth. The ecosystems require to sustain life are so fragile and the distances between stars so great that what happens on the surface of our planet can only spread to another if we visit it.

Our warm gravity graded planet (gas/vapour/liquid/fluid/crust/hot dense core) was made before time was measurable (Gen. 1 v 1, Jn. 1 v 1-3). It was without any features (Gen. 1 v 2). It was then formed in precise stages in order for it to support life (Gen. 1 v 2-3).

First it was decorated with myriads of energy absorbing, colour coded, chemical plants as the life support for every imaginable form of animal life, each with specific colour senses (Gen. 1 v 4-31). It was perfect and very beautiful. Today that order is collapsing. What went wrong?

To be a creative person like God you need to have a picture in your mind of what you want to create before it can be created (Lk. 18 v 31, 24 v 44). If you work back from the middle of an incomplete work you will end up with a futile beginning that fits your unknown, death fearing end.

Humanists have thrown away the makers maintenance manual and resorted to false logic. I know someone who logically wired a toaster plug with the mud brown wire as the obvious return, the green as alive and the sea blue as the universal safety overflow. It worked but it made the toaster permanently live so someone using a knife to release a jammed slice would be electrocuted!

Wittgenstein stated that metaphysical speculations based on theories or guesses cannot claim to be logical. The Guessers have metaphorically put water in the big tank at the back, petrol where it is needed in the top of the engine and the circulating oil which is not consumed in the tank at the front. It works when you take off the brake and push until you come to the top or bottom of a hill.

Reductionist know the whole cosmos is entropic: it is not self-sustaining; it is dying. Yet they say creation is a self-created, activated and perfecting machine that is the sum of its parts. A tap on one of its atoms makes them all seem to jump.

Materialists conclude it has no ultimate purpose beyond itself then worship matter as their mother as if ‘She’ has a conscious universal soul. Such primitive Nature worshippers spend most of their lives try to stop nature killing them. They break all God’s Ten Commandments that limit wrong-doing yet think if they do not sin against nature She will spare them. The reverse is true (Jer. 44 v 18-27).

In a technological age the person who says the machine designed, made and perfected itself then made us by accident deserves to end up in the Creator’s scrap yard. The machine reflects the genius of its creator in the same way our machines display our abilities.

Instead of being filled with wonder by the ‘Watchmaker’ who made the universe they rob Him of His glory and make their lives worthless. They weave mathematical nets to drag Him down to their mechanical level (Mt. 23 v 22-28). They judge, form and measure the God who made everything according to their flawed logic and remake Him as a mechanism.

A nebulous computer now rules government systems as if it were God because people refuse to obey God the Father as their life source. Computers are only suitable to do repetitive, mathematically ordered tasks. The machine cannot have compassion or love for each precious individual but reduces all to a number and statistic.

Such Godless systems are designed to eliminate the free will and uniqueness of each individual (Ps. 2, Jer. 18 v 1-12). Each person is degraded, robed of purpose and numbered as a disposable item (Rev. 13 v 13-18). As with driverless cars that have no purpose without a human use; the automatous god-machine makes the human superfluous. The whole is now beyond human control.

Man’s inventions are readily corrupted as the mathematical minds of their fallible creators are inspired by the emotions of their easily wound up, clockwork hearts. Machines can be reduced to the sum of their parts but revered ones are seen as having a life of their own. Men love and rebuild scrapped machines! They no longer serve men but men become their slaves.

Blue screens allow sensational actions to be added to the action of real people in a TV studio. A I creates fake reality that is impossible to separate from truth. Innocent people are condemned on the evidence of a machine and evil people are excuse based on falsified facts. All courts based on man’s legalistic, machine-like laws have loop holes that support corruption and oppose God’s ten love-upholding commandments

Every electronic communication and card purchase stores information about you that cannot be eradicated. It is used corruptly to fuel systems that sell your things that it says you need based on persuasive recommendations. As with pyramid-selling and chain letters the instigator gets rich; its greedy supporters are rewarded and the millions below them invest in a forlorn hope. Fake truth cannot be maintained. When humanity hits the buffers of reality the crash will be horrific.

If God is just a figment of our outdated, programmed idea of right and wrong why do the self-justified continually defend themselves against who in their seared minds? You can justify your sin to yourself, to others and by legal juggling in a court of law but not before God’s omnipresent Holy Spirit (Mt. 12 v 30-37, Jn. 16 v 8-11).

The united aim of those who seek world domination is to eradicate the Jews, Christians and all who read and believe in God’s words, love and purpose. Their deceitful theories belong in the same draw as perpetual motion machines, the Gaia theory, time travelling aliens and snakes that eat their own tails.

Unless there is world-wide repentance and a return to our Father-God’s promised Saviour as confirmed by His omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent Spirit (Gen. 6 v 11-13, Ps. 2 & 14) humanity’s attempt to reconstruct ‘Babel’ will end in disaster. All contaminated data will be wiped (Rev. 14 v 8, 18 v 2-19). The only way He can then sort it out is to establish a new world order by dwelling on the earth and rule it personally (Rev. 17, 18, 19).

This life is the greatest of adventures. It is a schooling that ends with great rewards plus an eternal life with endless fulfilment as a child born of the Father’s love (Jn. 3 v 4-21). We have this inbuilt desire to be godlike and live forever (Gen. 3 v 4-5) but if we settle for less than God the Father’s purpose (Rom. 4 v 13-17) or try to self-improve and save ourselves we will die and remain robbed and frustrated forever.

Not one of the men who walked and talked with God was perfect. The first man (Gen. 1 v 26-28, 2 v 9) was breathed with and sustained by God’s Spirit. He was not a god but was meant to walk and be taught God’s ways and will by His Spirit (Lk. 4 v 4, 1 Cor. 2). He had free will in his independent kingdom so like all God’s children he learnt by trial and error.

All error that is repented off is forgivable (Gen. 4 v 7-8, Mt. 6 v 12-15, 18 v 21-35, Heb. 11 v 4) but rejection of the Holy Spirit’s correction is not forgivable (Jer. 18 v 11-23, Lk. 11 v 49-54, Acts 5 v 3-5). All life comes from and belongs to God. There is no viable alternative to God the Father’s plan for humanity (Jn. 1 v 1-17, Heb. 2 v 5-18).

All life comes from and belongs to God. The gurus who know the cosmos is ruled by entropy yet believe that chaotic, natural forces created self-perfecting life forms by accident are truly pathetic creatures (Lk. 16 v 22-31, Rom. 8 v 19-30). They pursue a purpose that even if achieved is meaningless. They have eternal aspirations but are predestined to die (Heb. 9 v 27).

Adam’s distraught Father (Gen. 3 v 8-9) had to send his visible person to find him and offer him a promise of a future Saviour who would rescue him from death by dying in his place. If he and his offspring repented of their rejection of God’s words and purpose and demonstrate it by killing an innocent lamb as their/his proxy they would be given his life after their mortal life died (Jn. 3 v 16-21).

Abel applied the blood of a lamb and so gained God’s promise of a new sinless life (Heb. 11 v 4). All of creation and life comes from God and belongs to Him. You can only take an animal’s life for food with His permission by pouring out its life blood back to God (Gen. 9 v 3-5, 1 Sam. 14 v 31-34). Cain pour out his brother’s life so his sin was never be covered (Heb. 12 v 24, Jude 11).

All those who defy God’s word’ and purpose and kill others will remain cut off from the Father’s life and provision forever (Mt. 23 v 27-39). Killers must be justly killed or the whole world becomes taken over by totalitarian killers (Gen. 4 v 23-24, 6 v 11-13). If murderers are pitied and allowed to live God judges that society as guilty of condoning murder. They lose His protection from evil (Mt. 6 v 13, 2 Thess. 2 v 3-12). Godless democracies that were founded on God’s words (Lk. 10 v 25-28) but do not repent are doomed (Lk. 13 v 34-35, Rev. 2 & 3).

The self-willed survivalists of Darwin’s food chain, who think God’s words are false, have faith in alternative religions that are powered by the fear of death. Those who seek to become superior, self-determined beings (Gen. 3 v 1-7 trust in a parasitic alter ego or spirit whose lord is the author of death and false information (Jn. 8 v 39-47). Some actually worship death as the purpose of this life!!!

When they die they will remain joined to the powerless spirits they trusted (Is. 14 v 9-17, Mt. 7 v 18-27, 12 v 43-45). Without their body their soul will be tormented forever (Lk. 16 v 22-29). Only those who trust in God’s promised Saviour will inherit a new body like his (Job. 19 v 25-27, 1 Cor. 15 v 44-53, Php. 1 v 20-23).

Religions offer every variation imaginable to God’s plan to fool the vain who want to maintain their independence. Such self-assured thinkers then seem surprised when He does not support their plan (Gen. 4 v 5, Mt. 7 v 15-23). The righteousness of religious professionals who seek prosperity is a load of baloney (Mat. 5 v 20, 1 Tim. 6 v 5-10, Jude 3-4).

Salvation does not depend on how good or successful your independent life appears but on accepting God’s purpose (Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Lk.17 v 3, 23 v 39-43). Those like Cain who want God to approve their will in heaven as it is on earth will remain stuck in our disintegrating creation (Lk. 13 v 12, 2 Pt. 3 v 7-13, Rev. 21 v 7-8). Those who seek to obey Gods will before they die but reject His words (Gen. 2 v 17) and laws and ‘do it my way’ live under judgement (Rom. 7).

The desire for self-perfection requires the sin and self conscious knowledge that you are not perfect. Try to establish your self-righteousness is Satan’s gospel (Gen. 3 v 4-5). As with Aristotle and Freud, it is based on knowledge gain from meditating with an inner spirit (Gen. 1 v 26-31, 2 v 17, 25).

The Perfecting of the saints (Eph. 4 v 12, Php. 3 v 8-16) is not based on trying to be good but on having a knowledge of God’s love (Gen. 1 v 31, Lk. 6 v 20-38, Jn. 3 v 14-24, 4 v 4-21): Heart knowledge; not sterile head knowledge (1 Cor. 13 v 1-3). Only resting in God’s love (1 Cor. 13 v 8-13, Heb. 2 v 11-18, 4 v 9-16) abolishes self-centred, sin consciousness (Jn. 3 v 1-3, 1 Jn. 1 v 7-10).

Those who want to obey God in their hearts but follow man-approved religious practices will have no work of God in their life that can be carried forward into His realm (Mt. 6 v 1-2, Lk. 18 v 10-14, 1 Cor. 3 v 9-15, 2 Cor. 9 v 6-10). Only those who come under His Spirit’s training and provision before they physically die can gain a record and rewards that will survive for eternity (1 Cor. 3 v 11-21).

Unlike the life they inherited from Adam, they inherit Jesus’ life by faith in the Father’s promised new Adam (Heb. 11 v 6). Jesus has always been the visible entity of the infinite God (Jn. 1 v 1-5, Col. 1 v 15-19). As the First to be born of the Father (Lk. 22 v 67-71, Col. 1 v 12-14, 19-23) and not a created son (see Nicene Creed).

Jesus is both true God and truly human (Php. 2 v 5-16: see post Christ the King). All who commit their lives to him will receive the Father’s life breath and be born again (Acts 10 v 37-45, 19 v 1-7). His humanity has died for their sin unto death (Mt. 12 v 31) so they inherit his righteous, godly nature (1 Cor. 15 v 47-55) and when their old body dies they will inherit a glorious, sinless, Spirit powered body like his (Job. 19 v 25-27, 1 Cor. 15 v 43-46, Heb. 2 v 9-18).

You cannot hide your sin consciousness from God (Gen. 3 v 7-11) but you can have it covered and annulled by Jesus (Gen. 3 v 15, Job. 19 v 25-29, Col. 2 v 2-17, 2 Tim. 1 v 9-10). Those who accept him as their Lord and Saviour and confess their weaknesses live under grace (Eph. 4 v 14-19, 1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). The irresponsible who deny their sin and abuse authority (Lk. 12 v 41-48, Jude 4-16) repeat Adam’s rejection of God’s purpose.

All are tested on their humility (Mic. 6 v 6-16, Lk.9 46-48) and on their response to and treatment of others. This life is full of losses, lows and defeats that test your reactions. Those who respond with faith, hope and learn compassion for the unfortunate are rewarded with grace (Mt. 5 v 22-26, 6 v 12-24, 31-34).

Those who get angry with sin and evil instead of blaming God and others learn wisdom (Rom. 7 v 24). Self-saving survivalists just pull others down into their inescapable pit of doom. The egocentric in Darwin’s pyramidal food chain automatically sin against those below them so they are sinful and sin conscious.

This makes them judgemental and self-justifying which means they know there will be a reckoning (Jn. 8 v 5-9, Rom. 1 v 18-32, 7 v 18-25). They deny this by claiming the excuse that their existence is just purposeless accident. Many hide from the futility of their self justified, death fearing lives in a ‘fig leaf’ shelter. They live in quantum fairy story where reality is not real.

If you try to warn or help a normal person they will thank you for your kindness. An insecure superior person will demean you before all they know because you have made them feel subservient to you. If you are right they will hate you and want to kill you (1 Sam. 15 v 22-22-23, 16 v 7, 18 v 9-12, Jn. 12 v 9-11). If you do nothing they will still blame you for their failures.

Vain, atheistic humanists think they are as gods and can decide what is good or evil (Gen. 3 v 5-6). They think right and wrong based on conscience (Rom. 1 v 18-19) is just a myth so criminals and murderers must be re-educated and released. However they want to put in prison and kill all who prove them wrong.

The self-centred and justified have to reject their god-consciousness in order to deny their abuse and corruption of others (Jn. 3 v 17-20, 1 Jn. 3 v 11-14). Their hearts are fed on evil (Gen. 6 v 12-13, Col. 3 v 5-10). Their news and entertainment celebrates evil and shuns good. Anti-racists ferment racism; protestors promote anarchy by abusing law on the freedom of speech. Fear replaces love and unity.

They cannot accept any fact that proves God exists so their theories are wrong. They have to believe in lies and in metaphysical, make-believe science. Their hatred of God makes their pointless, chance existence completely vain.

Sexual procreation could not have evolved so it does not exist. The idea that male or female are different must just be a social myth. So men can have babies and women can without a man. Now who do we know who can fool people into believing they know better than the birds and the bees (Gen. 3 v 11-16, 1 Cor. 11 v 10)?

These woke ideas are largely promoted by women who want to be as men. Pills set them free from having babies and they want any conceived to be murdered up to birth as if after birth they are no longer dependent on their mothers and someone else’s problem. Add a cure for mensuration and their world would be taken over by the millions of children from regimes where women are sex slaves.

The self-centred see the invisible laws and systems that prove the Father pre-planned the universe yet they dismiss His purpose because they want to do what they like with their lives and the lives of others. Adam sought to do his own will and so cut himself off from God’s Holy Spirit and gained a deceiving inner spirit. He was left with just his carnal or powered body and his not so bright thinking (Rom. 8 v 5-9).

People with a dead end look for a purpose to their earth bound life. They think they can find it by digging into the past; from finding ancient human remains to visiting Mars and finding how the universe began. All they will discover is a dead end.

Their prophets say we must save the world because they foresee humanity is self-destructive. If you want to understand what you should be doing with your time wasting life you must stop looking inwards for the answer before it is too late.

Most of the original species in the world have become extinct. They were so developed that they could not adapt to sudden changes that buried most of their kind. The survivors who were able to adapt have not evolved into superior specimens but are inferior and smaller than their ancestors. Most of them are now near extinction due to loss of habitat. The last will be those who are the most able to adapt: us!

God’s recorded words, as given and lit up by His omnipotent Holy Spirit, not only free us from the fear of death but also give us a window (1 Cor. 13 v 1, 12-13) into the imminent future (Is. 48 v 3-9, 18, Ezk. 37 to 39, Rev.). You can rebel against Him, hide in unreality or chose to repent and make the effort to seek and obey His promised Saviour before it is too late (Mt. 3 v 1-12, 24 v 48-51, 25 v 8-13). The days are evil: wake up now (Eph. 5 v 14-17).

Predators plunder. Darwin’s food chain will not result in the survival of the fittest but war and the self-destruction of the human race. Satan will then claim all of God’s visible creation as it lord. Only those rescued and taken to His home will escape the final collapse of the whole cosmos (Jn. 14 v 1-6).

Proud god-like men believe their lives are a pointless accident with no hope for a better future, yet they have eternal longings (Gen 3 v 5). Weird, superior, materialistic metaphysicists imagine the material cosmos contains a conscious, mystical soul that can provide them with the secret of how to gain eternal life. They worship an abstract god in an entropic or dying universe yet they declare it is eternal and self-sufficient like them (Gen. 3 v 4-5. They then die!

They live in the clouds until reality brings them crashing down to earth (Is. 14 v 14-17, Rev. 12 v 9-10). Psyche enslaves them to their physical needs and greeds. They behave more irrationally than a farm yard animal and are more destructive than the wild animals that God’s plan sustains (Lk. 12 v 21-34).

Self-centred atheists cannot accept that God is true without admitting they are fools (Ps.14, Rom. 1 v 18-32). Instead of enjoying all our Father has given us to freely enjoy (Gen. 2 v 16, 1 Tim. 6 v 17) they live trapped in their death fearing minds. They choose to end up stuck in the dying, burning cosmos forever (Rev. 20 v 11-15). They seek godlike powers from a bankrupt deceiver and so become slaves to their environment (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Rom. 7 v 23-25).

Socrates was a realist. He mocked life as unsatisfying but he had no answers. He sought knowledge from his spirits but found mysticism unrewarding so he distained life and took poison. He was in agony for hours. We do not know if this gave him the chance to find the answer because he could not talk.

Founded on ascetic Buddhism, loveless, godless Schopenhauer deduced that his life had no purpose and therefore was futile (Col. 2 v 8, 22-23). His pride stopped him reaching the obvious conclusion that his ideas about God must be wrong.

As a result of this hopeless sort of realism most philosophers live in unreality. They do not seek the truth but seek to escape it (Mt. 11 v 25). Nietzsche simply believed he could become a god-like superman as described in the Greek myths (Gen. 6 v 2-4, Jude 5-7). He went mad and died. He got this idea from Plato and Aristotle who sought wisdom from their spirit contacts. Their alternative existence starts and stops in their vain minds. Death is not a myth.

God-men like the Greek and Roman Emperors thought being a god meant you could do whatever you like to others. They were not god-like but ultra-carnal killers. Even the good works of the super-rich are self-centred and glorifying; they may even alleviate a hopeless situation but it still remains hopeless.

The logical materialist discovers that solid matter is made of atoms that are just bundles of positive and negative charged particles. They have no real substance so perhaps reality is just an electronic projection that we can switch off and discover a life beyond it? The switch is called death. The life beyond it is wonderful or terrible depending on which alter ego you choose to believe (Deut. 28).

Metaphysicists switch on their dream world by switching off their consciousness of this world. They use mind numbing trance, chant, drink and drugs; the same door hypno-therapists use to control the surrendered will of the weak-minded. The alter ego or familiar spirit they invest their faith in does not die but they do (Lk. 16 v 22-29, Rom. 1 v 22-28). I am an empirical scientist not a cloud-cuckoo one.

The fooled try improve the quality of their dying, self-powered lives but find the Psyche they trust in has led them to sacrifice the air we breathe, the seas, climate, health, foods and their unborn children (Deut. 30 v 11-18, Prov. 30 v 15-17, Ezk. 23 v 37-43). They have sold themselves to the gods of the repressive nations who seek to degrade and despoil the misguided.

Corrupt, legalistic, self-centred, lovers of this world blank out their fears. Like a diver who has gone too deep in a coral world and has lost consciousness of his predicament they forget we are only here for a short term of schooling. They skip life’s lessons because they are immersed in time frittering pastimes, escapisms and virtual unreality that become more and more sin centred, violent and apocalyptic.

They are the opponents of God’s prophets because they seek wisdom from the dead and in the dying cosmos instead of from the source of life and wisdom (Job. 42 v 1-6, Jer. 33 v 3, Lk. 11 v 9, Jn. 7 v 37-46, 1 Jn. 5 v 14-15). Like the ancient Egyptians they think memorials and pictures of them will keep their spirit alive in the souls of others but their alter ego or resident spirit it does not belong to them: they belong to it. Only one man has died and return with the answer but theologians prefer their alter ego’s misinformation.

The drive for self-survival of the God defiant is exhausting their strength and pushing the world into a war that could end all life on earth. The World as we know it dying (Mt. 24 v 37-51, Eph. 5 v 5-16). The earth’s crust is starting to crack up because its delicate balance cannot adjust to the too rapid extraction of its resources (Gen. 6 v 12-13, 10 v 25, Mt. 24 v 5-14, 21-22).

Our fears about food supplies, climate, water, fuel, housing, debt, health and law and order are precipitated by the selfish, death fearing people near the top of Satan’s collapsing pyramid. They lie and invented false news to avoid admitting that their abuse has pushed God’s beautiful world into a terminal crisis.

We have reached the end of the purposeless times of the gentiles (Rom. 11 v 21-26). As in the time of Noah (Mt. 24 v 32-39) the world’s human tenants have ignore the landlord’s agreement and done whatever they pleased with His world (Gen. 11 v 5-9, Mt. 24 v 44-51)! They know they are about to destroy the few remaining animal species and are approaching self-annihilation yet still think they know better than God!

Fortunately God has not abandoned His purpose. They are about to be evicted and His original agents who know His laws will be put in charge (Jer. 12 v 15-17). He will restore and have mercy on His chosen people (Joel 2 v 12-21). Isaiah foresaw this 3000 years ago (Is. 2 v 8-12, Joel 1 v 13-20). Only Our Father-hearted God could have planned it.

Most of the lead-up events have happened (Dan. 2 v 31-35, 12 v 4, Lk. 21 v 8-11, 24, 32). The next is Ezekiel 38. God will destroy the northern army that comes to annihilate the nation that He has raised from the dead (Ezk. 36) to display His justice and glory because He promised to favour them again. He has made a new covenant of peace with them (Ezk. 37 v 21-28, 38 v 15-23, Joel 2 v 19-20).

As with the people of Sodom who gave a tithe of their returned goods to God in the person of King Melchizedek as their Lord and protector and with Nineveh who repented at the last moment (Gen. 14 v 20-23, Jonah 3); God offers everyone a time of grace before they die (Ezk. 39 v 6-7, 21-25).

Choose you this day: do you want to serve and spend eternity with your risen Lord who died to save you or the lord of death? Those who still believe and live a lie will then be judged, starting with the false churches (1 Pt. 4 v 17, Rev. 2 & 3, 14 v 6-7, 17 v 1-5). Those who think the time of grace will not end are fools (2 Pt. 3 v 3-10, Jude 14-21).

People think it is easy to slide into hell and near impossible to climb up to heaven. It is the complete opposite. People go to hell because they refuse to repent of their sin against God’s love: as a result they have very difficult, hopeless, death fearing lives (Gen. 4 v 6-11). The self-justified hide their sins, reject God’s warnings and live in unreality until it is too late.

The Law of Moses that promises death only applies to the wilful who try to save themselves because they love themselves. They try to be good and holy (1 Cor. 11 v 28-32) but their self-saving nature makes it impossible. All you have to do is ask the Father to forgive you (Lk. 15 v 18-24, 23 v 38-43).

Jesus came from heaven to die for our sin against the Father’s love in our place so to become acceptable and sinless again in God’s sight is to love him (Eph. 1 v 13-19, Heb. 4 v 9-16). As a result we will love others as we are loved (Mt. 6 v 14-15, 1 Jn. 4 v 8-19).

Those who full commit their lives to Jesus before they die are comforted and taught his ways by his Holy Spirit. The righteous shall live by faith in God’s words (Hab. 2 v 4, Eph. 2 v 4-10, 13, Heb. 11 v 6).

Like the father of the prodigal son Abraham had two sons: the one that believed in God’s promises would have descendants as numerous as the stars; the other worldly son as the sand grains on a beach (Gal. 3 v 29, Heb. 11 v 12). The ones based on faith in God’s words abide in God’s presence (Ps. 91 v 1, Gal. 4 v 21-23, Heb. 9 v 14, 10 v 8-17). The ones born out of unbelief live in a man-made Babel that is about to collapse (Rev. 18 v 1-3-17).

Churches that preach from the wrong side of the cross keep people sin and death conscious and subject to priests (Gal. 2 v 21). They initiate people into a man powered religion instead of baptising them in the name of Jesus Christ (Lk. 3 v 16-17, Acts 2 v 17-21, 38-40) then (kai = and also) the Spirit and then the Father as happened at Pentecost (Mt. 28 v 19-20, Lk. 3 v 16-17). They nullify Jesus’s promise (Jn. 14 v 12-13, 23-27, 15 v 22-27, 16 v 8-11). If our Father-God was not motivated by love none would be saved (2 Thess. 2 v 6-12).

The substance of God’s truth is greater than the world’s make-believe (2 Cor. 13 v 8, Heb. 11 v 1-3, 32-35). Many will be turned to the truth, receive God’s gift of righteousness and share in His eternal life (Dan. 12 v 1-3, 10). The wise shall shine in the darkening world (Rom. 12 v 2-3, 21).

Darkness and death are the absence of light and life. God’s truth is backed by His infinite powered. Satan’s weakness (Heb. 2 v 14-16) lies and darkness cannot overcome it (Jn. 1 v 4-5). Those who seek to live in God’s kingdom will not be ruled by a fear for survival like those who hide from the truth (Lk. 12 v 29-32, Jn. 8 v 32, Rom. 8 v 32, Gal. 5 v 1).

Unity can only be founded on truth (Eph. 3 v 14-21, 4 v 13-19). The imposed half-truths that fill the mass media create a fearful society filled with antagonistic parties and pressure groups that destroy democracy. Crisis and propaganda then usher in the rule of a ruthless dictator to save Darwin’s pyramid order based on a food chain.

The only one with the power and the love and the will to save us from ourselves is our Father God. Those who still defy His words and refuse to confess their sin and repent will get and deserve another death powered Hitler (Ps. 2). Like the erased Pharaohs, their life’s aim of achieving success in the world’s eyes will be burnt or buried with them.

Those who reject God’s truth (Gen. 2 v 16-17) and pursue lies will have pointless, wasted lives (1 Jn. 1 v 7-10). If you want to be saved you must seek Him and His words and ways (Gen. 6 v 8-9, Jer. 33 v 3-11, 1 Cor. 2 v 12-16). Only a knowledge and the reverence of God our Father gives any substance to this temporal life (Ecc. 12 v 13, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-23).

Air-heads see reality as just an electronic projection and the idea of a Creator at best as quaint until one or both hit them on the head. Pain is the last jolt to make the lost face reality. Jesus suffered more rejection and pain than we will ever know in order that we might enjoy greater riches and love than we can ever imagine (Php. 2 v 5-11, Heb. 2 v 10-18).

God blessed His servant Solomon (1 Kg. 3 v 9-14) with many great gifts but he then used them for his own glory. He departed from God’s truth and wasted his life trying to discover the truth without Him. His heir was his son of his Ammonite wife. He also sought man’s wisdom instead of God’s so his empire disintegrated (Gen. 15 v 18-21, 1 Kg. 11 v 9-11).

If scientists sought to know God first it would be His pleasure to teach them about everything else (Jn. 3 v 1-21, 4 v 28-29, 40-42). Instead astronomy is founded on astrology and Greek myths. Astronomers use the names of pagan gods for planets, stars, galaxies and rockets (Ps. 8 v 1-3, Is. 13 v 6-11). They invite God’s judgement. They are right to fear the impacts that He has said are coming (Rev. 9 v 1-5, 20-21) and the glass dust that they will release.

Descartes was a mathematician. He knew there must be a spiritual realm and a God but all he could find by rummaging in his mind was himself. Freud sought a way out of his pit by digging deeper into his troubled soul by using drugs to transcend his body. He did not ascend: he sank into a carnal mire (Rom. 8 v 5-6). He discovered he was not a veiled spirit but that he was inhabited by another ego or guiding spirit. His lecture room was surrounded with demonic figurines that frightened his students.

Sartre was a nothing-being whose existential freedom made him think he was a god but his unrestrained behaviour was that of a depraved animal. He was just a wondering star who said there was no divine destiny purely to justify him doing what he pleased (Jude 13). Many carnal people empathised with him but like all clever bods who spout about every aspect of life, they just leave their readers stuck where they were but in a bigger, deeper hole.

Such Darwinian thinking based on a pyramidal food chain spawned atheistic communism. It is derived from Satan’s gospel of: ignore the maker’s instructions, be your own god and do whatever you think is good for you (Gen. 3 v 3-11). It promises freedom but it destroys the love, giving and self-restraint a democratic society is founded on. The love of God is replaced by endless legalism (Lk. 10 v 25-28) and anarchy because god-men hate those who do not do what they want.

Now why do these self-consuming thinkers in a self-consuming world yearn for more (Gen. 11 v 4)? They gaze up from their self-dug graves into a self-consuming universe and think it is eternal. They wonder at and worship creation as their maker (paganism) instead of its Creator and think their alchemy will yield the secret of eternal life! Like Alice through the looking glass this reversal means that all their advances take them further away from the truth.

Aristotle wanted life and astronomy to fit his wrong spiritual, mathematical theories and theorems. Einstein also based his theories on mathematical speculations. Mystical dreamers who believe in parallel universes and time travel cannot be called scientists.

The unified perfection of the universal laws that govern the universe prove it has an intelligent creator with a predetermined purpose (Rom. 1 v 18-25). Godless egoists with loveless lives see the evidence, yet deny His purpose and so have pointless, wasted lives. They worship inferior things that they have dominion over (Ps. 8 v 3-8) and seek perfection from a man-made machine that will rule over them.

The purpose of their Father God is to school us as His children so He can share His life with us (Heb. 2). It has reached an end-time (Mt. 24 v 37-47, Lk. 21 v 24-31, Rev. 2 & 3). He is about to shake the heavens and the Earth (Ps. 50 v 3-23, 2 Pt. 3 v 5-18). The unrepentant (Rev. 19 v 19-20) will die and continue into a terrifying, remorseful, godless eternity.

Einstein could not understand how a massless light beam could be bent by gravity like a wave. To advance beyond this ignorance he bent everything else so his followers also bend the contradictory facts to fit his theory and the egocentric swallowed it. The whole universe, time and man’s relation to his existence have been corrupted. There are no gravitational lenses as such. Relativity is like the Emperor invisible clothes: no one wants to say it cannot exist when everyone is pretending it does.

He saw what gravity does but did not understand what gravity (g) is or how it relates to the speed of light C. He received E = m C 2 as a spiritual revelation but his theories cannot be unified because they also are wrong.

Problems with particle physics and the nature of gravity are just beginning to make physicists think that his space/time fabric is wrong but they are so specialised that none can see beyond it. They alter science to fit it because their life’s work and pay is based on it. They fear anyone who suggests any alternative will be ostracized as Galileo was (Jn. 11 v 47-48, 12 v 9-11, 42-43).

Both g and C are altered by extreme energy fields as is observed in the doubled pulse of light from a supernova. As the small remaining neutron core burns its very, very rapid pulsing, which slows over time, has the characteristic trace of the charging and discharging of its visible plasma cloud that is retained by its massive gravity. The pulsing slows as the energy dies and the discharge declines. The laws of science deny that Pulsars can rotate at the assumed impossible speeds!

Gravity is proportional to energy potential or differences. A rocket needs a lot of energy to be repelled by the Earth. Very cold comets fly in but do not spiral into the Sun; they power up and fly off again. This only seems upside down to someone who lives on Earth who views many other things just from his perspective.

Our idea of gravity prohibits the ever expanding universe. It would have prevented the galaxies from lazily spiralling outwards for eons. When you ditch God’s truth you end up with science based on Greek fairy stories!

With binary stars; as the much weaker robs the stronger they do not collide but reach an energy equilibrium. Like a governor, as the Earth heats its elliptical orbit rounds away from the Sun and so the Sun’s activity decreases (Milankovitch cycle). This gives milder winters and cool wet summers so tree growth accelerates.

Those attempting to slow climate change have missed the point. As we consume more and more of the Sun’s received and stored energy the Earth’s potential drops so it draws more and more heat from its energy source; the Sun’s activity increases (Rev. 16). Hotter summers result with the loss of polar ice then the increased evaporation produces wetter late summers and autumns.

Unless there is a reduction of energy consumption for say a century the Earth’s protecting magnetic field and upper atmosphere will be disturbed and Sun’s cyclic activity will not decrease. Isaiah warns that there will be flooding in the high places and light from the Sun will become seven times stronger over a seven cycle (Rev. 16) until the moon shines like the Sun (Is. 30 v 25-28).

It will result in genocides, wars and famines that kill a quarter of the world’s population (Rev. 6 v 8). Those who cry to God for forgiveness find relief through death (Rev. 6 v 9). The death fearing who have defied God head for the mountains and hide in caves and undergrounds (Rev. 6 v 16).

The earth is suspended in a delicately balance gravity or energy field. The rush-hour traffic in and out of New York causes its axis to wobble! Our relatively rapid mass redistribution of crude oil, extraction of ores and water reserves have upset its delicate balance. The mass redistributed during Noah’s flood led to magnetic reversals.

A millennium later (about 3600 years ago) the Earth’s potential had increased so much that there was an ice age and Job in Arabia witnessed snow, ice sheets and frozen seas (Job. 38 v 22, 29-30). Lots of fuel was burned. A hundred years later it was drawing heat from the Sun again.

In summer 1421 there was no ice at the North Pole and the North-east passage and the North-west passage were open. Venice was not under water but at the height of its power so what happened to sea levels? The ocean sea beds sank under the extra weight, triggering magma flows from its volcanic vents.

Today gradual but massive movements are occurring in the unbalanced molten, mantle. Some of the energy is absorbed then expelled through evaporation which on landfall leads to widespread flooding.

Global warming follows the Sun cycles which will peak in 2023-25 then it should die down till the ice returns and the Thames freezes again. The warming scare, based on the primitive fear of Mother Nature, is an unscientific, political tool, to limit the dependence of industrial nations on autocratic oil producing nations.

Massive volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts, water losses, floods and changing ice sheets, alter the Earth’s tilt, spin and orbit. To rebalance itself the crust starts to shift and crack (Gen. 10 v 25). The mid-Atlantic 14 day magma flows record a repeated series of magnetic reversals.

Time is the measure of a rate of change. The rate of change varies according to each person’s situation but we relate to each other based on the earth’s rotation which does not change much. Time began with the creation of the material universe. Just before matter appeared infinite E = C 2. It required near infinite g to crush near infinite C to produce a vast amount of +m (E + g crash = C 2 crash +m surge). Radiometric dating is only useful for dating objects less than say three thousand years old because it is based on the current value of C which is now dropping very slowly.

The +m stabilised into inert rotating galaxies or clouds of slowly rotating spheres of gravity graded materials. Absolute zero was high and gravity and C at a minimum. Time was immeasurable. Only the extent of their spiralling out arms gives some idea of how long ago each original mass of +m was made.

It was then subject to a near infinite burst of energy that gave it the potential to start the chemical reactions required to support life. All the free energy that fills space was turned into –m (E + g surge = C 2 surge -m surge) so for a very short period space was an empty vacuum and C was near infinite (Gen. 1 v 3, 14). The density of space energy has been increasing ever since so C has been dropping exponentially ever since.

The vacuum bottled –m gravitated to the centred of the very slowly spiralling out +m galaxies and caused the stars to light up and spiral in at phenomenal speed. The known effect at the +m/-m = 0 boundary is an X-ray flash. Some galaxies have already used up all their -m. Their internal energy gradient fades and they become red and dead. The most distant star masses and therefore the earliest detected have -m centres that are much larger than those expected for ‘black holes’.

The theoretical effects of black holes have not been detected. As they attract more energy these galactic engines should get more powerful but they don’t. They slow down and die. The amplitude of that energy disproves the Big Bang theory. There are stars out there that are many times bigger that our gravitational theories say are possible yet they do not collapse into black holes.

In theory they cannot spit out energy. An X-ray flash could not escape it. Above and below the middle of our galaxy is a gigantic, growing gamma ray and X-ray cloud. The only known source of such a vast cloud is the discharge at the +m/-m boundary. If S. Hawkins had kept to the scientific evidence he could have disproved Einstein’s theory of gravity but he believed that purposeless Chaos made the universe. His guesses were conjured from maths and inspired by Greek mythology.

Black holes are spirit inspired, metaphysical Greek myths. Chaos had a son, Erebus, the primeval god of darkness. In a pitch-black hole Erebus turned perception into whatever hallucination it liked by swallowing reality. Self-centred atheists cannot accept that God is true without admitting they are false so they will believe in anything and everything else.

The energy field around the edge of galaxies deflects far light beams and creates their dark hallo yet it conjured the idea that they were filled with invisible dark-matter that light passed through everywhere else. Dark matter might provide the mass to hold the galaxy together and stop its outward spiral but not the energy potential to cause its stars to suddenly start spiralling into its core at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour.

Maybe the sudden appearance of vast amounts of mystical dark energy could do the trick? The time has come to shout “the Emperor has no clothes”. Observations show that galaxies are not held together by known or imagined, invisible forces but by their mass to light ratio, which does not depend on exterior forces but on the amount of -m left in their core.

Astrophysicists should have realised Einstein was wrong when Hawkins found he could not unify everything either. His theory was based on proving that a Creator God does not exist so he missed the clues He has given us Genesis 1. What Hawkins did prove is that his guiding, anti-Christ alter ego was wrong.

Life on every level makes no sense without Christ. Many existential ego-eccentrics have fallen and will fall over this stumbling block (Dan. 2 v 43-45, Acts 4 v 11-12). The self-centred, self-effacing ones who reject their need for a Saviour have to walk away from the light towards the occult (Col. 2 v 16-23). The proud, naked Emperor walks on as if he is the only one who is wise enough to see his clothes!

The Bible is no longer discussed in schools as it states that the culture of permissiveness, hopelessness and fear that is being promoted is ushering in lawlessness and self-destruction. Instead pagan spirits and dead ancestors are reverenced. Nietzsche’s supper-men are glorified in the media as super humans: god-like immortals who save the world from evil. His Greek god-men were sexual perverts and killers who ate their own babies.

Isn’t it suspicious that the occult is being fed to children as fun and the godless want to legalise soft drugs that open them up to bipolar disorders? They are actually encouraged to decide what sex they would like to be and artificially altered on the NHS so they end up not knowing who or what they are.

Paedophiles have been allowed to abuse children in council run homes. Homosexuals and transvestites are allowed by head teachers to groom children and even infants in schools.

If a teacher, doctor, nurse or even a judge (whether they are a Christian or not) suggest that the politically promoted pagan ideas are disturbing and wrong, they are fired. Many have won their case for wrongful dismissal but the culture is not censored and remains unchanged. All other objectors who do not want to sacrifice their careers are effectively gagged.

The police persecute people who have the legal right to publicly say they are offended by the culture being imposed on them. The police are not commissioned to enforce ideological fashions but to protect the public from evil doers which the public perceive and the statistics prove they are failing to do.

Soon people will wake up to the fact that these Baal-like prophets have bankrupted them, based on bending the laws of science and falsified data purely to support their god-defying, metaphysical Muses. Their indignation will be silenced by the enforcement of brutal laws as happens in many totalitarian states.

Those like Satan who reject the Father God’s planned purpose for their lives exclude themselves from His wisdom and blessings. All mankind’s godless geniuses have not produced a reason for our existence which makes life meaningless. The unrepentant vent their frustration on themselves and self-destruct: the violent destroy others often with bomb or a gun. They gain no relief for without their body they destined to suffer eternal remorse and depravation forever (Is. 14 v 5-11, Mk. 9 v 42-44, Rev. 19 v 20, 20 v 10, 13-15, 22 v15).

What does God say is the reason for our existence? Before measurable time began there is the infinite, unchanging, supreme almighty God. He has no need for any finite creatures or things. His only motive for seeking to share His life with any created creature must be love.

To produce a finite creation the infinite Father God must have a visible entity through whom He can personally relate to the finite plus unlimited power that can extend beyond infinity into the finite (Gen. 1 v 1-3, Jn. 1 v 1-13, 3 v 16-21, Col. 1 v 12-23). Those three parts to His nature must be able to act as individuals but be eternally secure and fulfilled. They must always be unified and centred on love.

It is His great love that sought to have children as an added extension of His life despite the enormity of the cost to His person (Jn. 3 v 16-21). God the Father is not an egocentric superego who can only treat others as very inferior things. He gave these favoured beings free will so they could respond to and share in His life and love (Jn. 14 v 6-23).

God’s realm is unbounded, infinite and too wonderful to imagine (1 Cor. 2 v 9, 2 Cor. 12 v 2). If these pages are as a far corner of Gods realm, which is not limited by dimensions, time or available energy and power, then the universe and the whole of God’s finite creation of energy bound forms, both visible and invisible, are confined in this dot (Col. 1 v 16).

The Earth is called God’s footstool (Ps. 66 v 1-2). It is kept in the hand of His visible, tangible person: he is the ‘door’ to all that is finite (Jn. 10 v 7-9, 28, 37-38, Col. 1 v 12-19). The Father, Creator Spirit and Visible Entity dwell and fill the rest of His realm (Ps. 11 v 4, Is. 66 v 1, 1 Cor. 15 v 22-28, Heb. 1 v 5-14).

Heaven is filled with His great circulating love (Eph. 1 v 21-23). So why did He bother to create anything when it has caused Him so much grief (Gen. 6 v 5-8, Is. 53 v 3-12, Mt. 27 v 27-31, 46)?

His love desired to share that relationship with other beings (Jn. 1 v 1-13, 3 v 13-21, Heb. 2 v 10 to 3 v 6). We are the objects of His love yet no finite created thing or being can endure His presence. Hence the oneness (Gen. 2 v 24) in marriage and why Satan tries to destroy it: only as the Bride of Christ can we be made acceptable in God’s dwelling place (Jn. 14 v 1-3, 21-26).

Religion fools people into thinking that being just friendly with God will do (Mt. 22 v 12-14) but only those who love their Saviour with all their heart, mind and strength can be acceptable to the Father (Lk. 10 v 25-28).

A few men have been touched by him and have had an out of body visit to his throne but it was too much for their physical form to cope with (Ex. 34 v 28-35, Is. 6 v 1-7, Dan. 7 v 13-15, 2 Cor. 12 v 2-7, Rev. 1 v 10-19, 3 v 2). Only a sip is enough to bowl you over (Eph. 5 v 18-20).

To open His heart to others God had to rent His self-contained being. The cost could not have been greater so our destiny could not be greater (Eph. 1 v 3 to 2 v 22, Php. 2 v 5-13). The saved pass from man’s finite realm into the Father’s presence where the tangible person of the infinite God dwells (1 Cor. 15 v 49-58, Heb. 10 v 12-22). His many children who are one with Jesus gain a body like his. They are equipped to dwell as Christ’s companions where he dwells (Jn. 14 v 2-3, Php. 3 v 20-21, Col. 3, Heb. 12 v 22-28, Rev. 3 v 21, 21 & 22). It is full of glory, love, peace and unspeakable joy (Ps. 100 , 1 Cor. 2 v 9, Eph. 5 v  18-19). Jesus makes nobodies somebodies.

Those who reject Him and make themselves somebody are on their own; no bodies with no viable future. They need to humble themselves and repent while they still can (Mt. 3 v 1-12). At the end of the 7000 years of cycles of kingdoms on earth (Dan. 2) the created cosmos and all who reject His love and provision are cut off and go into a never ending decline (Mt. 18 v 8, 2 Pt. 3 v 5-15, Rev. 19 v 20) in which things break down into free energy. The immeasurable amount of energy it contains is constant so it gets very hot and seethes forever. Those with a body suffer forever (Rev. 20 v 14-15).

To be saved from eternal remorse we must have a much lower opinion of the words of earth-bound fools who debase God (Ps. 2 & 14) and a much higher opinion of Jesus’ words that promise an eternal life filled with love, joy and peace (Mt. 19 v 17, 26, Jn. 6 v 62-69, 12 v 25, 17 v 1-9).

From a deserted, speechless place a voice cries out (Isaiah 40):

“Restore the honouring of the Lord God Almighty. Re-examine His neglected words in a clear straight-forward manner. Explain away all the natural excuses that deter many from following Him! Overcome the pride that blocks any perception of God. Put aside the fears and doubts that oppose the seeking of Him. Start straightening out the devious behaviour that leads away from God. Encourage those in difficulty so that they will find it easier to continue” Then God promises He will reveal His glorious person for everyone to see openly.

….. those who do not look for His words shall faint and fall but they that ask for the Lord’s help shall be revitalised; they shall soar upwards like an eagle and run and not be wearied and walk and not faint.

To those who ignore Him He says (Jer. 6):

…. I am weary of restraining the natural and wicked disasters that are about to engulf them. ….. From the least to the greatest ….. including government minister and spiritual leaders; everyone is only interested in making money and indulging in abominations. ….. I have sent men to warn them but they refuse to listen and think their efforts at warding off catastrophes and war will save them from the fire and devastation that is coming.

They prefer to follow the example of their dead ancestors and seek inspiration from their spirits (1 Sam. 15 v 22-23, 28 v 8-11, Jer. 44 v 15-28). Ceremonies with mock virgin and child sacrifices to the mother god of their country are seen as acceptable entertainment by top politicians and no one seems horrified!

Pagans ward off death by offering precious, human, unborn baby sacrifices to their national mother-god of nature: “blood, blood and more blood” (Hab. 2 v 5-20)! The wages of sin are death (Ps. 106 v 35-48, Rom. 6 v 23). Those who have chosen to serve the gods of death will end up as Death’s captives (Ps. 51 v 14-19).

Rather than admit their sinfulness wilful self-justified people try to survive without His love, advice and the gift of His new eternal life (Prov. 30 v 12-20). They offer themselves up to death to save them from death! What a futile faith.

….. so death shall be preferred to life ….. because people, who should know better prefer lies to truth. ….. the facts presented in the media are falsified. Wise men ….. are confounded because they have rejected God’s wisdom ….. they allay fears by saying peace, peace ….. but create the reverse. Prosperity fails because they believe in demonic aliens from space yet deny that the preprogramed universe proves God pre-existed it. There is no recovery because they deny they are sick (Jer. 8).

The visible Lord of all creation gave the first created man dominion over all his temporal domain. His extravagant, material kingdom was not meant to last. It was created as the playground to the Holy Spirit’s school for people, made in the image of the tangible image of God. Those who live by faith in His inspired guidance (Rom. 8, Eph. 2 v 6-10, Heb. 10 v 6) and accept his transforming work are reborn as God the Father’s children (Jn. 3 v 1-12, Rom. 1 v 3-6, Heb. 2 v 5-18, 1 Pt. 3 v 22).

Human nature was never designed to be self-reliant. It was designed to be subject to direction from God’s Spirit but based on a love relationship as His child, not as inferior being to a superior being (Col. 2 v 2-13). Therefore all we think of that is divorced from and independent of God’s direction and Spirit is based on the ideas of an alternative, seductive spirit whose motives are based solely on its self-interest (Rom. 7 v 18, 8 v 6-10).

Angels were modelled on the Spirit of God to serve and obey the Word of God. All the angel servants who rebel will be chained (Heb. 1 v 13-14, 2 v 2-3, Jude 6). People who chose to follow an alternative disobedient spirit will not be transposed into free spirits. They will not inherit a new body like Jesus’ either but join the banished angels in their fearful state (Mt. 8 v 28-29).

Adam was made on day 6 as a clay bottle that the Lord God breathed His life into (Gen. 2 v 7-25). He was free to eat any physical fruit but had to rely only on his Lord via God’s Spirit for his daily spiritual ‘food’ (Mt. 6 v 10-11, Jn. 4 v 14, 23-24, 6 v 58-63).

He glowed (Gen. 2 v 25, Ex. 34 v 29, Acts 6 v 15, 7 v 55). When Jesus went from the presence of men into the presence of his Father he shone (Mt. 14 v 23-26, 17 v 1-2, Jn. 1 v 3-14). The saved in heaven will glow (2 Cor. 3 v 13-18). Adam was warned that if he cut himself off from God as his source of life he would fade and die (Mt. 6 v 31-34, Lk. 12 v 5, Jn. 15 v 1-16).

Sadly many people waste their life on pursuing their own desires and on gaining riches and achievements that have no lasting value (Col. 2 v 18-23). Many only realise this and repent as they are dying (1 Cor. 3 v 11-20). They are like an empty bottle that is snatched from the crusher (Lk. 23 v 39-43, Jude 20-25).

Adam had all authority on earth but no power. To help him to use his authority properly God produced an innumerable host of servants made of light or power (Mt. 22 v 29-30) on the morn at the end of revolution 1 (in day 1: Is. 14 v 12, Ezk. 28 v 15, Heb. 1 v 14, Rev. 22 v 8-9: I serve those who worship God). Before He made man God had no need of servants.

Only Jesus has authority over his servants (Lk. 10 v 17-20, Php. 2 v 9-11, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-4). Spirit beings have lots of power but not the authority to do as they please (Jude 9). The most powerful was Lucifer who was brilliant like a star (Is. 14 v 13-17). It (Mt. 22 v30) lived in the material heaven above the earth (Gen. 1 v 14, 11 v 4, Ezk. 28 v 13-14, Eph. 2 v 2, Rev. 12 v 9-12). People who refuse to accept Jesus’ love and authority will allow a unfeeling machine to have authority over their lives (Is. 2 v 7-21, Rev. 13 v 13-17).

All of creation was still perfect at the end of day 6 (Gen. 1 v 31). On the 7 th day Adam enjoyed the physical presence of God. There was no day 8. The 7 th was meant to be a perpetual Sabbath in which mankind rested in God’s provision. His physical presence then departed (Jn. 16 v 7-15) to be replaced by his holy, guiding Spirit. He did not then leave the very vulnerable, untaught Adam alone (Jn. 16 v 7). He ordered him to learn every truth only from Him (Gen. 2 v 17, Jan. 16 v 13-15).

When Lucifer saw the pathetic creature (Heb. 2 v 5-18) who God was going to make its lord and the lord of all the Earth: it rebelled! One third of the angelic host were equally appalled and joined in its rebellion. They became the hateful destroyers of God’s plan and degrade people into not much more than animals (Heb. 1 v 4-8, Rom. 8 v 18-27).

The Almighty Father could not safely share His life and power with any creature who was not fully aware that by themselves they were simple and vulnerable (Mt. 18 v 3-4). While Solomon remember he was like a child God guided him. So he became the richest and greatest king in the world. All the other kings flattered him and made marriage alliances with him. He then started to act as his own god so his life became meaningless (Ecclesiastes 12 v 7-8, 13).

Lucifer became Satan: God’s adversary. It formulated a plan to fool Adam into trading his authority for some of its spiritual power and thus become independent of God’s will and do whatever he liked in his kingdom on earth. It tricked Woman into doing as she pleased and she did not die (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 4)! Woman was separated from Adam’s life while he slept and presented to him on the morn after God had given him His instructions. She had disobeyed Adam but Adam had not disobeyed God (1 Tim. 2 v 13-14).

The first naive man (Gen. 2 v 25) also wanted to be a godlike one and do as he pleased (Gen. 3 v 5-6). He dropped out of the Holy Spirit’s school, obeyed his wife instead of God’s command and his domain and all his descendants came under Satan’s authority (Mt. 4 v 8-9, Rom. 7). He and his whole domain became cursed (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Rom. 8 v 18-23, Gal. 3 v 10-15).

The presence of God’s life within him that made him glow was lost. His Holy Spirit can only return to dwell in those covered but by God’s sin covering (Jn. 16 v 7-11, Rom. 3 v 20-24, 8 v 2, 13-14, Eph. 6 v 11-18).

Immediately he felt vulnerable and naked and sought protection. The visible person of God had to return to make contact with His lost child crying “Adam! Where are you?” Adam hid in terror under a man-made sin covering (Rom. 7).

Those like Satan who act as gods have not the resources to restore God’s heaven on earth. Their kingdoms rely on robbing and destroying the weak. From the great Babel-based empires ruled by self-destructive god-men down to Darwin’s and Hitler’s superior races, the purpose of life is reduced to self-survival based on a pyramidal food chain. Death reigns.

Superior men reduced themselves to the level of wild animals! Their evil, death powered spirit sets them free to rob and kill thousands as if they are just animals (Gen. 9 v 6). It curses life with the aim that people will curse God as they die (Job. 2 v 9, 19 v 25-29). Only the god-fearing who cry to God for forgiveness are eternally saved (Rom. 10 v 10-13, 18-20).

From Lucifer’s immediate perspective it had won (Is. 14 v 13-14). There was no way back for humans to fulfil the Father’s plan to have children born of His Spirit (Lk. 1 v 32-35, Jn. 1 v 33, 3 v 5-16, Acts 2 v 38, Rom. 6 v 3-5, 8 v 9-17). In God’s plan Satan had just lost (Gen. 3 v 14-15).

There are three realms we can dwell in:

1. Our material, earthly, temporal, man powered realm protected by God’s laws.

2. Satan’s doomed, beguiling realm containing those who defy of God’s laws.

3. God Almighty’s eternal realm of grace offered to those who seek it by faith in His love and grace (1 Pt. 1 v 2-11).

How can you tell Satan inspired spiritual people from those inspired by God’s Holy Spirit? By their fruits you will know them (Lk. 6 v 43-45, Rom. 1 v 28-32). Those who live in state 1 with a self-centred, carnal life are ruled by Satan’s realm. They seek security by amassing wealth yet they are predestined to die (Mt. 19 v 24-26, Lk. 12 v 16-21).

The love of money does not produce security. It motivates people to do great evil. It is a snare that leads to gambling, robbery, despair and death (1 Tim. 6 v 9-10). All wars cost enormous amount of money to gain even more money and stop when the money runs out and everyone is made homeless and poor.

Man’s fallen nature replaces God’s guidance with warped truths based on Satan’s guidance (Jas. 1 v 7-8, 4 v 1-12). People who behaved as deranged animals are fooled into thinking that they are free, god-like spirits (Rom. 1 v 17 v 17-32, 2 Pt. 2). Without God’ life they are just as empty perfume bottles that have been refilled with dirty water (Is. 64 v 6-8, Rom. 8 v 8-14, Eph. 2 v 1-10).

Earth bound men who seek spirit powers hope they will become spirits and transcend death (Gen. 3 v 4-5). They live in 1 and seek 2. They obey Satan’s prompts which change from impressions to depression to oppression to obsession to possession. They become the living dead. Like those addicted to carnality forget their physically sensed world wanes and dies (Is. 14 v 9-11).

Religious people who mix all three will receive nothing from the God in whom there is no shadow of the occult (Mt. 7 v 15-27, Lk. 14 v 25-28, Jas. 1 v 6-8, 17). They do not know what sort of spirit they worship and have a muddled knowledge of the words, ways and will of the true God (Jn. 4 v 22-24, Eph. 5 v 5-7). You cannot serve two sides and expect either to love you (Mt. 6 v 24, 1 Cor. 10 v 20-22).

Self-generated or carnal spirituality is the hallucination of the charmed who pretend they are not going to die (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 4-7). Satan does not recycle its empties (Lk. 16 v 23, Jude 3-19). Those who reject God’s warnings are money and fame loving fools (Lk. 18 v 10-14, Jas 5 v 1-6, 2 Pt. 2 v 15-22, 3 v 3-10).

People who reject the inner judgement of God’s Spirit end up ruled by another inner spirit or alter ego. Its order is “My will be done on earth as it is in hell”. The rights of god fearing people are threatened and doers of evil are given rights that allow them to escape justice.

Those who seek to be re-joined to God’s life cannot improve their dire situation by doing things that only prove their will is contrary to His (1 Jn. 1 v 5-10). He promised Adam that a new sinless man would be born of a virgin who would be both God and human. He would die for the sin of all who turned back to seeking the Father’s will on earth as it is prescribed by Him (Job. 19 v 25-29).

The inescapable judgement for rejecting God’s will is death (Gen. 2 v 15-17). To escape the judgement of death all who put a clean, innocent animal substitute to death in their place were accepted as having faith in His promised new sinless man whom he promised and has send to die in their place (Gen. 3 v 15, 4 v 4-5, Job. 1 v 5, 19 v 25-29, Jn. 1 v 29, 3 v 16-21). The justified shall live by faith in him (Hab. 2 v 4, Eph. 2 v 4-10, Heb. 11 v 1-6).

Those who seek God’s will (Mt. 6 v 25-34) and identify their life with Jesus’ human life and death will enter his kingdom (Jn. 3 v 5, Rom. 7 v 22-25, Gal. 3 v 13-14, 26-29, Col. 1 v 9-15, Heb. 6 v 12-20). They are led by his Spirit (Rom. 8 v 1-14, 1 Jn. 1, 2 v 12-17, 4 v 1-6) and live in 1 & 3 under the shadow of the Almighty (2 Kg. 6 v 15-17, Ps. 91 v 1-16, Hos. 14 v 1-9, Acts 5 v 15-26); not just on a Sunday but every day (Gen. 2 v 15-17).

When they physically die they will inherit Jesus’ risen life instead of Adam’s death. Their aim must be to just live in 3 when 1 is over (Rom. 8 v 1-14, 1 Cor. 6 v 15-20). They do not become gods but are Jesus’ descendants (Is. 9 v 6, Rom. 8 v 17, Heb. 1 v 14). The Father can only raise into His presence the humble who know they could never be as gods (Is. 61 v 1-3). There is nothing more wonderful than loving God and experience being filled by His love and presence (Jn. 14 v 22-27).

God’s plan of salvation is so wonderfully simple and free: all who are sorry for their rejection of His love and want to turn back to Him as their Father before they die are saved (Ezk. 18 v 20-24). Some repent of their godless life as it is about to die. In other words believers who are not born again by God’s Spirit before they physically die have no assured salvation (Mt. 25 v 7-13, Lk. 13 v 24-28, Rom. 8 v 1-14, Eph. 1 v 13-14, Heb. 11 v 1).

Those who make an attested commitment to Him before they die are made His children again before they die (Mt. 3 v 10-12, Eph. 1 v 11-14, 18-21). Only their obedient acts while in their temporal, independent kingdom are recorded and rewarded in heaven (Mt. 6 v 5, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-21, Jas. 2 v 17-26).

When the final number of His children from all nations is reached (Lk. 21 v 24, Rom. 11 v 25) Jesus will harvest the fruits of his labour (1 Cor. 15 v 50-58, Heb. 11 v 5-6, 1 Thess. 4 v 13-18). The unbetrothed who do not committed their live to Jesus in time will be left behind (Mt. 25 v 10-13).

God trains His children to be lords (not babes) who will initiate and manage their Father’s unimaginable future projects. The Holy Spirit leads them into threatening situations not to test their strength but to prove his provision (Mt. 4 v 1). Spotless righteousness (Eph. 5 v 26-31) cannot result from state 1 efforts but only by oneness with Christ (Gen. 2 v 21-24).

If your righteousness depends entirely on faith in Jesus’ sacrifice God can use you to wield his authority over all God’s creation, including Satan (Lk. 10 v 20-24). This is safe as long as God gets all the glory (Jn. 15 v 7-17). Move beyond Jesus’ covering and Satan will have authority over you (Jg. 16 v 17-20, 1 Sam. 1 Kg. 1 Cor. 11 v 3-10, 29-32, 1 Pt. 5 v 8).

When the self-centred do what they like instead of obeying God’s law of love, fear reigns so freedom is replaced with legalism (Jn. 8 v 40-45, 10 v 1-15, 11 v 47-48, Jude 11). The purpose of their lives becomes a hopeless struggle to survive. The stronger feed off those below them based on Darwin’s pyramidal food chain. Greed makes it unsustainable (Prov. 1 v 10-19, Eph. 5 v 3-7, 2 Pt. 2 v 3-10).

Law breakers flourish and those bound by endless laws become ruled by guilty and fear (Heb. 2 v 15, 1 Jn. 1 v 6-10). They seek to relieve their mental, physical and spiritual distress with distractions, like pleasure, entertainment, intoxication, drugs, ambitions and occupations (Eccl. 12 v 8-14) but they only add to the hopelessness of their pointless existence (Rom. 7 v 14-25). Their heaven on earthy is a hellish treadmill.

Man’s fallen nature is proven by the fact that if you are detached from your physical senses through things like trance, hypnosis, intoxication and drugs, you do not become conscious of God’s love and presence but a deceiving spirit or angel who is out to enslave you (Col. 2 v 18-23, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-10). Evil spirits or alter egos are not psycho-somatic but very real, invisible, lower ranked, man-debasing angels (Lk. 8 v 27-33).

It’s outlook colours the life of even Christians because they have been taught to see life through clouded lenses (Acts 9 v 1-6, 18). They either weakly submit to its unsustainable, self-survival doctrine or support it (Rev. 2 & 3). Their free will is subject to Gnostic influences that confuse God’s words. The state of dead people is fixed, but Greek scholars have inserted occult, Greek ideas on resurrection into our Bibles (praying to and for dead people; 1 Cor. 15 v 29).

Hence the mistranslation of 1 Thessalonians 5 v 19-23. It should read: “Quench not the Spirit and do not disregard any prophecy but test them ….. Separate yourselves from all that you see is evil so that the God of peace may sanctify you, then the Spirit (Jn. 14 v 26) will keep your mind and body continually undefiled up to when our Lord and Saviour comes for you”

Cush’s invention of bypassing death through reincarnation (based on Genesis 6 v 4) is supported by our Gnostic tainted translations (Jer. 15 v 19). Mighty killers against the Lord (Gen. 10 v 9) were getting away with murder (Gen. 4 v 23-24) before the angelic infiltration of Genesis 6 v 13: “There were Nephylim on earth in those days and afterwards, when the sons of God (angels) came into the daughters of men (mock saviours Lk. 1 v 3-38). They gave birth to them which were the heroic, mighty men of ancient myths.” They were spirit incarnations: XX clones. ‘Children’ is not in the original.

All spirit inspired religions are based on overcoming death by becoming an immortal (Gen. 3 v 5) but these gods of the Greek myths were utterly carnal. They were spirit incarnations: XX clones. ‘Children’ is not in the original. No he or she; all psychotic its. It is clearly stated that after these beautiful, asexual ‘Mangels’ (Jude 6: their nature changed) died in Noah’s Flood (2 Pt. 2 v 4-5), they did not reincarnate but were chained.

False gods encourage self-pleasing people to do what they know in their heart is wrong (1 Kg. 22 v 5-8, Mt. 27 v 3-4, Acts 5 v 3, 9 v 1-6). Things that are seen as ‘naughty but nice’ turn into ‘compulsive cravings’ under the law of ‘sin and death’. Only the repentant who admit they have sinned will find and love their Saviour (Lk. 7 v 41-50, 22 v 62). The utterly self-justified and glorified, can only be looked on with trepidation and horror (Lk. 23 v 4-15, 28, Acts 12 v 21-23, Jude 4-11).

God’s anointed prophets give us exact and vital information about everything that Jesus did and is about to do (Lk. 24 v 44) but the doomed ignore them and spend time dissecting Nostradamus’ Gnostic predictions which have all been proved wrong or so vague as to be meaningless (1 Kg. 22 v 6-18). All secret and occult knowledge is bound to be misinformation.

It is hard for the self-sufficient to realise their trust in their riches robs them of their hope of eternal salvation (Lk. 12 v 16-31, 16 v 22-31, 18 v 23-27). Isaiah said (Is. 47 v 10-15) those who conceal their sinful ways and think they are clever are self-deceived. Destruction that they are totally unaware of will suddenly overwhelm them and all their friends will desert them.

Evil people side with Satan, slander God (Jn. 3 v 19) and take what is not rightfully theirs (Jn. 8 v 40-45, 10 v 1-15, 11 v 47-48, Jude 11). They do not have a better life but a guilty, insecure one that is ruled by fear (Heb. 2 v 15, 1 Jn. 1 v 6-10). Those with seared consciences can only be looked on with horror (Lk. 23 v 4-15, 28, Acts 12 v 21-23, Jude 4-11). They deliberately step beyond saving (Gen. 6 v 5-7, 19 v 9, 2 Pt. 2 v 19).

It is hard for the self-sufficient to realise their trust in their riches robs them of their hope of eternal salvation (Lk. 12 v 16-31, 16 v 22-31, 18 v 23-27). Isaiah said (Is. 47 v 10-15) those who conceal their sinful ways and think they are clever are self-deceived. Destruction that they are totally unaware of will suddenly overwhelm them and all their friends will desert them.

They reject God’s anointed prophets who give us exact and vital information about everything that Jesus has done and is about to do (Lk. 24 v 44) yet they spend hours dissecting the Gnostic predictions of self certified people that are so vague as to be meaningless (1 Kg. 22 v 6-18). All secret and occult knowledge is bound to be misinformation.

The lost seek to relieve their mental, physical and spiritual distress with distractions, like pleasure, intoxication, drugs, ambitions and occupations (Eccl. 12 v 8-14), but they only add to the hopelessness of their pointless existence (Rom. 7 v 14-25). They now think our ‘thinking robots’, who should be our servants, will become like our alter egos and rule over us.

God loves and offers salvation even to the very rich (Lk. 19 v 2-10, Jn. 4 v 49-53). He sends a believer to offer salvation to every disillusioned millionaire. Only the repentant who admit their hopeless lives are bound by sin and death and cry to God for mercy will be forgiven and accepted by Him (Ezk. 18 v 25-32, Lk. 23 v 39-43).

The self-excused who hide from their guilt will be tormented by it forever. Those who do not surrender their lives to Jesus’ authority are under Satan’s (Lk. 16 v 22-24, 22 v 3, Acts 19 v 13-20, Eph. 5 v 15-17, Jude 10-16) and in danger of death. Satan has no authority on earth other than what it has stolen from men or been granted by God (Job. 1 v 6-12, 1 Kg. 22 v 8, 19-22, Lk. 22 v 31-32). Like all tyrants It is fearful of losing its power.

This temporal world is a write-off but God’s plan is not (Jn. 3 v 16-18). If the Son shall make you free you shall be set free from all of Satan’s strong holds forever (Jn. 8 v 34-36, 54-58). The authority of Jesus’ words is backed by the Father’s will and the infinite power of His Holy Spirit (Jn. 9 v 5-33).

Those under the Holy Spirit’s schooling are raised above Satan in rank and can take authority over its demons in Jesus’ name (Lk. 10 v 17-21). Under the Holy Spirit’s guidance they can rebuke Satan in Jesus’ name (Jude 9). The power required to shift strong holds comes from the mighty hand of God (Eph. 1 v 21-23, 6 v 10-18).

If your righteousness depends entirely on Jesus you can wield his authority over all God’s creation, including Satan (Lk. 10 v 20-24) as long as God gets all the glory (Jn. 15 v 7-17). Move beyond Jesus’ covering and Satan will have authority over you (Jg. 16 v 17-20, 1 Sam. 1 Kg. 1 Cor. 11 v 3-10, 29-32, 1 Pt. 5 v 8).

Only an almighty God has nothing to fear. He laughs at His enemies (Ps. 2) and is not ashamed at being gentle (1 Kg. 19 v 9-13, Lk. 18 v 15-17). He is not in any way self-concerned so He can freely be extravagantly generous, loving and merciful to all who cry to Him for forgiveness.

His ways are the opposite of our self-saving ways (Is. 55 v 6-13, Mic 5 v 8-15, 6 v 7, 7 v 7-20, Lk. 12 v 19-32, Heb. 3 v 11). He dwells via his Spirit (Jn. 16 v 7-15) with all who desire to love Him. They identify their dying life with Jesus’ sinless human death by being baptised into his name (Mt. 3 v 7-11, Acts 2 v 37-41). Only the genuine are accepted and are given his risen life (Acts 8 v 9-21).

The Holy Spirit confirms those who are fully committed to the Father’s plan for His children (Mt. 15 v 9-18, Rom. 10 v 8-13, 14 v 8-12). They put His words and will first (Jn. 15 v 7-11, Eph. 5 v 1-17).

People have faith in the instructions on a packet of seed: you must have a similar faith in sowing God’s words (Heb. 6 v 9-15). Your trust in his words will be followed by experiential knowledge. You will know you are reborn as a child of God (Jn. 3, 6 v 65, Rom. 8 v 9-17, Heb. 12 v 5, 22-24).

By faith ye are saved Eph. 2 v 4-10, Heb. 10 v 38, Rev. 4 v 10, 5 v 3). It could not be easier (Lk. 18 v 13-14, 23 v 40-43. 1 Jn. 1 v 8-10) but manifesting your new life while in the body you inherited from the first Adam requires a complete change of outlook (Jn. 3 v 5-6, 2 Cor. 4 v16-18, Eph. 4 v 17-24, Col. 3). The chaff needs to be blow away from the wheat: the ‘silver’ needs to be separated from the ‘dross’ by the Holy Spirit’s winnowing wind and refining fire (Mt. 3 v 11-12, 10 v 38-39, Heb. 12 v 1-15, 28-29).

Nothing achieved by the religious efforts of their old nature will survive into the new (Mt. 6, 7 v 21-23, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-20). Those who serve their inner ideological or religious spirits instead of Jesus (Lk. 10 v 17-21) wander in a dry unchanging desert inhabited by demons (Heb. 3 v 7-11, 4 v 1, 19). Satan claims them as his meat (Gen. 3 v 3-6, Col. 2 v 4-8, 18).

There is only one God with one Spirit of life (Eph. 4 v 4, 30-32, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-6, Rev. 11 v 11). The thousands of other personal spirits or messengers should be God’s servants (Heb. 1 v 14, 13 v 1, Rev. 19 v 10). Familiar spirits who act as gods are out to degrade and destroy their subjects (Rom. 1 v 25-32, Eph. 5 & 6).

Tithing is part of the law that restrains the guilty. Abraham made the king of Sodom pay a tithe to acknowledge that God was his Lord and protector (Gen. 14 v 20-23). Abraham did not offer only a tithe of Isacc (Gen. 22 v 2-8).

God’s children trust in God for all their blessing and so they do not fear to give whatever He asks. They should ask Him how much He wants them to give and to whom they should give it (Gen. 22 v 1-8).

Those who hunger and thirst after a new life in Christ Jesus will live in his home forever (Jn. 7 v 37-39, 14 v 1-6). While still alive on earth He teaches them to know, love and serve God’s will (Lk. 10 v 17, Acts 4 v 10-12, 19 v 13-17). They ask for and receive truth that they knew not of (Deut. 4 v 7, Job. 42 v 3-6, Ps. 91 v 15, Is. 58 v 9, Jer. 33 v 3, Mt. 7 v 7, 21, Jn. 15 v 7-9, Heb. 11 v 6, 1 Jn. 5 v 14-15).

Ephesians 1: …… To his called and chosen ones (Mt. 20 v 16) whom he has redeemed by his death …… I thank and pray for you that the Spirit may reveal to you the greatness of your calling and the overwhelming power extended to us by his resurrection which he accomplished through Christ …… He has put all other self-exulted powers below us forever so that in the ages to come he might share with us the surpassing bounty of his love (Heb. 12 v 2).

Ephesians 2: …… He has raised us up to rule over creation with Christ our King based purely on the grace extended to those who trust in him. By his sacrifice we are made one with the Father. It is something we do not deserve nor could ever achieve so we will be eternally thankful for His kindness.

Since the beginning of the world no one had any idea of what God had planned for them who love Him (Is. 64 v 4). If the ruler of this world (Lk. 4 v 5-8) had known it would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2 v 8-12). Now the Father is free to share His profound wisdom and thoughts with those who share in His life through His Spirit (1 Cor. 2 v 14-16). Those do not have His life remain ignorant of them.

The name of Jesus is all powerful and very precious (Mt. 11 v 28). He has defeated all of God’s enemies (1 Cor. 15 v 24-29, 54-57). He alone has the authority to punish evil and the right to decide and perform what is good (Jn. 8 v 7, Heb. 1 v 4-14, Rev. 5 v 3-10).

The faithful rest in Jesus’ victory over their sin nature and its fears (Heb. 4 v 11-16, 1 Jn. 3 v 20-22, 4 v 4, 5 v 14) and rely on his grace for fellowship every day (1 Sam. 14 v 6-10, Jas. 1 v 2-12, 17-19). To be changed they must learn to hear and obey the prompts of Jesus’ Spirit (Php. 3 v 3, 8-16, Heb. 4 v 11-16).

Confess your sins to God as he brings them to your attention in His is specific order (Eph. 5 v 26, Jas. 4 v 6, 1 Pt. 1 v 5-16, 1 Jn. 1 v 9). You put on the new as you put off the fallen life and (Lk. 14 v 26-33, Acts 10 v 44-47, 1 Cor. 2 v 13-16, Eph. 1 v 9-14, 4 v 22-24, Col. 3 v 8-17). This ‘change of clothes’ only happens as you dwell in his presence (Zech. 3 v 1-9, Heb. 4 v 9-16, 12 v 1-28, Rev. 3 v 18-19). Those who persevere and obey him gain great recompense that survives death (1 Cor. 2 v 9-14).

Each unique individual child is loved by the Father. Let Him bath you. Those who accept His love are washed clean by His love (Eph. 1 v 13, Col. 3 v 1-17, 1 Pt. 2 v 1-7, 1 Jn. 4 v 18). The love and joy that floods their souls exceeds anything this world has got to offer (Is. 64 v 4). It is too wonderful for words (Jn. 7 v 37-38, 2 Cor. 12 v 4-7, Eph. 1 v 17-22, Col. 2 v 9-10, 1 Pt 1 v 7-8).

Those who wake up to the danger they are in and repent will be full of love, praise and thanksgiving for their Saviour (Lk. 7 v 41-50). Those who resist Him (Ps. 2, Rom. 1 v 18) and ignore the Spirit’s prompts or deny they need saving are in danger of hell’s fire (Lk. 10 v 13-16, 12 v 8-10). Self-centred people who defend their self-excused lives and trust in the lies of their alter ego instead of God’s words will stay enslaved to fallen angels.

Stop trying to be someone bigger and better to impress Him or others (Lk. 15 v 28-32, Heb. 4 v 13). In heaven we are all humbled by his love (Job. 42 v 1-6). We will not be powerful spirit beings but will have tangible (Job 19 v 25-27: fresh flesh) yet glorious bodies like Jesus’ (Jn. 20 v 25-29, Rev. 1 v 15-17).

God is perfect and does not change. The Almighty Father’s power is subject to His will but it rests in His Holy Spirit. His Spirit is authorised to act in accordance with the words of His tangible person Jesus (Gen. 1 v 2-3). Jesus only obeys and does the Father’s will.

It is only through Jesus that the infinite, invisible, God can relate to His finite creation (Php. 2 v 5-11, Col. 1 v 12-19). He is completely God and we are complete in him (Col. 2 v 8-22). We partake of the Father’s life as Jesus’ consort. As his co-rulers the angels are our servants (Esther 2 v 18, 9 v 24-29, Is. 61 v 10, Heb. 2 v 11-16, Rev. 19 v 7-10, 22 v 14-17).

Raison d’etre?