
Proud Fools are skipping stones who think they can walk on water.
We are all descendants of a man who was destined to be a son of God but divorced himself from his Father. He was commissioned to rule over God’s heaven-on-earth but he ended up being ruled by it (Gen. 1 v 31, 2 v 15-17, 3 v 17-19). Like him we find we cannot survive long without our Father’s provision (Lk. 15 v 24).
Some try to twist the Father’s arm by fasting and praying and offering Him gifts that are precious to them but they just remind Him of the evil they hide in their wilful hearts (Gen. 4 v 5, 1 Jn. 3 v 11-12). They pray “My will be done in heaven as it is on earth” (Ps. 40 v 4-8).
Pride stops us of admitting that Adam’s and our self-centred rejection of His will is very terrible. Instead of repenting and humbly asking for His forgiveness we fabricated scientific/religious theories on what He must accept to please us. What arrogance!
God the Father is not limited or tangible but infinite in every sense. He created every finite thing through His visible, tangible entity who we can comprehend as His only, eternal Son (Mt. 17 v 1-9, Php. 2 v 5-6). His perfection is visible in the order and beauty in everything He has made.
He created us originally in the image of His eternal Son (Col. 1 v 23, 2 v 8-10) and gave us his authority over our realm in obedience to His great wisdom. While joined to His will our authority in His Son’s stead (Lk. 9 v 40-42, 10 v 17-20, 12 v 9, Jn. 14 v 10-17) is backed by the infinite power of His omnipresent, utterly obedient or holy Spirit (Mt. 21 v 21).
Those who want the Creator to bow to the will of the created reverse everything. Their wisdom is self-destructive. They become slaves to their appetites. You need food to live but if you live for food you will be controlled by it as your idol. The source of light, love and wisdom is swapped for darkness, loneliness and self-excused error.
We have discovered how amazing His design in creation is yet say it designed itself by accident. We know mathematically its perfection could never have evolved from limitless chaotic energy from nowhere in the middle of nowhere.
The wisest live in simulated ‘ivory towers’. They speculate that they are just figments of their limited imagination. They think they are their own god yet they did not make themselves, cannot control their imaginary world and then cease. They really need to stop their trips to their perverse, inner dream world and get out more.
They have taken over His world but thrown out the Maker’s instruction manual then think they can improve it. It is on the brink of descending into chaos. Their solution is to reset it by pushing it into a man-made mass extinction event. Don’t worry! We will l go to dead planet like Mars and make that our new heaven.
Such fools discard the truth and so have a completely pointless existence (Ezk. 28 v 1-10). They have lonely lives with footsteps that vanish behind them and a goal that turns to dust when they touch it.
Those who rewrite the laws of life find they are ruled by the law of death (Gen. 2 v 15-17, Rom. 7 v 24-25, 8 v 1-17). They are as leaves that think they are birds. They fly to wherever the winds of fortune blow them until they find they cannot even walk anymore.
Who is the encourager of the fool’s mad, self-glorifying ‘wisdom’? A flatterer who opposes the Father’s plan to have many sons to rule His creation because it wants to be its lord (Gen. 3 v 4-6, 17-19, Is. 14 v 10-17, Ezk. 28 v 12-19, Job. 1 v 7-22, Lk. 4 v 5-12).
True self-awareness is very humbling ( Gen. 3 v 7-10, Num. 12 v 3-14, Lk. 5 v 8, Jn. 20 v 25-29, Rev. 1 v 17). Not one person is remotely perfect and acceptable in the realm of our creator as a son of God. All who remain divorced from our Father’s plan and provision will be lost in a dark pit of despair for ever.
Don’t worry! If you have unwavering faith in the Father’s rescue plan and promises He is more than able to do exceeding abundantly more than you could ever ask or think (Eph. 2 v 1-18, 3 v 20-21, Col. 1 v 11-23).
This life is like going to school: it is not heavenly and does not last long. This is the first lesson: without faith in our Father-God it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11 v 5-10).
We are weak but designed to graduate or be reborn as sons in the imaged of His only eternal Son. Only God can do this (Lk. 18 v 24-27). Without faith in His promises we call Him a liar.
How do we know for sure that He is not just playing with us as toys that He will get rid of later (Jn. 1 v 13 v 29, 3 v 16)? The cost to His love could not have been greater! It can never be exceeded or repeated. Therefore our future as sons of the Father must be more precious and magnificent than we could possibly comprehend.
What is the only law for life that can give it a meaningful purpose and offer an amazing future? “You should love the Lord of all life with all the leanings of your heart, in all your thinking, behaviour and works then you will be sustained by His love and afford to love others. The lawyer in Luke 10 v 25 knew this but he had a limited, legalised version.
We are not as empty bottles that need to be filled with God’s life and love. We are meant to bury the sin spoiled bottle (1 Cor. 11 v 23-26, Gal. 5 v 16, 24-26, Col. 2 v 12-14). Without God’s breathe of life the physical body returns to dust (Acts 17 v 24-31).
We are meant to be a pipe like Moses and Elijah (Zech. 4 v 12-14) to administer Jesus’ life to others (1 Pt. 2 v 5-12). He gets very annoyed with those who try to break his pipes (Num. 16 v 2-35, 2 Kg. 1 v 9-13).
Jesus is the entity of the infinite Father-God. He is the Temple of God (Eph. 2 v 13-22). Can you now appreciate the madness of trying to build any church other than being part of his (1 Cor. 6 v 17-20)? Without the presence of God’s life-giving Holy Spirit they are dead. The world has turned his Ecclesia on earth into a den of thieves (Mt. 21 v 12-15).
We can only dwell in the Fathers presence as part of Jesus’ life (1 Cor. 3 v 11-23). He does not fill our ‘bottle’: we are only filled as part of him (Jn. 15 v 4-8, Eph. 2 v 13-22, Col. 2 v 8-11). Man powered churches think Jesus died to save their human lives from death (Rom. 6 v 6-7). Only after the mortified old life is completely dead are we completely free from our sin against God’s perfect love (1 Jn. 3 v 1-3, 4 v 1-6, 17-21, 5 v 11).
Those who fill their lives with things contrary to His will have hopeless lives spent trying to save the throwaway bottle. They reduce the incomprehensible Almighty Father, His visible Person and Infinite, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Holy Spirit to a bottle sized version (Col. 2 v 8-10) that they can market and sell.
The carnal believe their riches are a proof of their god’s blessing on their lives (1 Cor. 10 v 1-12). They are idolaters (1 Cor. 10 v 13-22). Those who partake of the Lord’s Supper (Mt. 20 v 22-23, 26 v 38-42) partake of his death. Those who seek spiritual life from it do not change from one degree of glory to another (Lk. 4 v 4, Jn. 6 v 61-63) but seek an emotional, temporal, pick-me-up (Heb. 10 v 1, 14). They do not seek to do the works of the Father or gain His seal of approval (Lk. 4 v 14, Jn. v 26-27) but self-approval (Heb. 12 v 2-6).
The churches want their perfect Lord to change to fit their ideas and save their war torn earthy kingdom. Their messiah is not both God and man who fulfils our Father’s plan to have children. He is a man as God who fulfils man’s desire to have a heaven on earth. Except it is no longer man’s kingdom; Adam obeyed Satan as his lord (Gen. 2 v 7-9, 16-17, Lk. 4 v 4-8).
Nimrod, Aristotle and Nietzsche and other would be god-men (Gen. 3 v 5) wanted to rule the trade of the whole world (Gen. 11 v 4-9) to establish Satan’s kingdom (Ezk. 28 v 5-9, 13-23, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-29). Such World unity tolerates all types of worship of celestial gods as long as all bow to the Anti-Christ their god on earth.
The true maker and owner of everything (Acts. 17 v 16-33) has made us out of His great desire to share His love with others. People who ignore God’s words seek for a self-pleasing kingdom on earth (Gen. 3 v 4-6) so they are easily enslaved.
The difference between this life and the next is unimaginably great. This why Jesus had to come down to our level so we could identify ourselves with him. Only those who have faith in him will be able to cope with the change. They will depend on his companionship and guidance for eternity (Jn. 7 v 37-39, Eph. 2 v 1-18, 1 Pt. 2 v 7-10).
Church going Christians do not prepare people for that change. They try to be good so they can save their self-pleasing life on a perfected earth (Lk. 13 v 6-9, 23-30). They fool themselves about improving their dying earthly lives but they cannot even rule over their own bodies (Rom. 7 v 19-25, 8 v 5-17). Their faith becomes a miserable slog instead of gaining the Holy Spirit’s wonderful gifts as encouragements to go on a journey of discovery to end with being joined to the lover of their soul (Gen. 24 v 37-67).
Self-centred Christians are taught by self-powered teachers. Their leaders seek to promote self-deduced religious ideas that elevate self (Gen. 2 v 17, 3 v 3-5) instead of encouraging people to become centred on Jesus who sacrificed his human life in order to rescue them from their Satan cursed nature (Rom. 7 & 8).
They blind themselves to the fact that their man powered religion does not change them so they changing God’s words to fit theirs (Mt. 7 v 20-27). Those who surrender their dying lives to Jesus before they die will gain his resurrected life (1 Cor. 15 v 49-57): those who do not will keep their independent, idolatrous, Satan led life forever (Ezk. 18 v 26-31, Rev. 22 v 11-21). Only those who know and love Jesus are set free from their self-centred fear for survival.
Thus says the Lord God (Is. 45 v 21-25); all such proud fools will be reduced to dust (Is. 47 v 8-15, Zeph. 2 v 15). They have pointless, wasted lives. They think they are wise but understand nothing (Acts 4 v 10-21). Those who deny this fact and try to be perfect are non-starters (Jn. 3 v 2, 5-19). They need to repent for their godless ways before they die or they will suffer eternal remorse for the glorious life they have discarded (Lk. 16 v 22-31, 18 v 10-14).
The god-fearing who trust in the Father’s promised Saviour have the power to resist Satan’s will and turn their human weakness into becoming more than a conqueror. The Spirit of the Lord comes upon them to empower them to proclaim this good news to the dejected; to mend the broken hearted; to set free the enslaved and to pardon the guilt of all who repent for their sins.
They are to announce the start of the period of grace that He grants just before He pours out His just and terrible wrath (Mt. 24 v 11-14). Upon those who lament at what they see He bestows beauty for ashes and radiant joy in place of mourning. They will be overwhelmed with praise instead of woe. They will be called bearers of His most righteous and glorious name (Is. 61 v 2-3).
Some go to church as a sort of life insurance policy but if they do not respond to the conviction of God’s Holy Spirit (Mt. 12 v 31-32), he will not underwrite it (Rev. 2 & 3). Only those who realise how dangerous their situation is will love their Saviour (in Hebrew Joshua and Greek Jesous). Only those who fully commit their lives to his training (Heb. 4) will gain his assured new life before they die (Rom. 8 v 1-14, Heb. 12 v 2-8).
Children’s lives are full of schooling to prepare them for their future. They are meant to endure it whether they like it or not. It may seem to last forever but at a certain age it stops. Then they grow up and discover what life is all about. Those who have learnt little will have wasted precious time and will have to work very hard to recover.
We live in an entropic universe. Time is the rate it decays. It was never built to last forever. The Earth was designed to remain life supporting for about seven thousand years then it will become unstable and break up. Only the last millennium will be peaceful. Every living creature and thing cut off from their Creator and life source (Gen. 1 v 2) returns to its formless inert state. This is what has happened to the Christian churches (Jn. 15 v 5-8). They build a kingdom to rule the world as if this is what life is all about yet we are here for just a short time.
Instead of teaching the death fearing about why we are here they have preached Satan’s world loving gospel of if you do what you think is good you will go to heaven (Gen. 3 v 4-5, Rom. 10 v 1-3). About half their young people will wake up at the last minute and do not know what to do (Mt. 25 v 1-10).
The Christian churches have not obeyed His command to stop their guilty attempts to please Him and enter into His rest by faith in His promises (1 Cor. 10 v 1-12, Heb. 4 v 1-2). They have not obeyed His pre-Christian command to keep His holy Sabbath either (Deut. 5 v 12-14).
They have replaced all His holy days with pagan feast days (Ezk. 8 v 8-16) so they are about to be cut off (Jer. 6 v 10-16, Acts 7 v 51, Rom. 11 v 4-6, 24-25, Rev. 2 & 3). They have promoted the worship of the Queen of the heavens (Astarte, Isis or Venus) as the mother of the (re-) incarnated god Baal as his son in place of Jesus as the Son of God the Father.
Jesus was incarnated through the God related ovum of Eve (Is. 7 v 13-14) that is descended from Adam from before his fall. Her genus is passed on from woman to woman to all women (1 Cor. 10 v 8, 16-21) untainted by Adam’s sinful nature.
Human life is not the same as animal life (1 Cor. 15 v 38-45). Animals are part of a food chain. Humans have eternal aspirations because their life was God breathed. Those who chose to remain cut off from Jesus’ Spirit of Life, are worse off than any animal (Mk. 9 v 42-48, Lk. 16 v 22-29, Jn. 15 v 1-8, Rom. 11 v 19-25, Rev. 1-3). They have an eternal life that is separated from God’s life and provision.
Marriage and procreation involves God’s life and is blessed by Him. Messing about with human ovum and fornication is a sin against God’s person (1 Cor. 6 v 15-20, Eph. 5 v 31-32). This is why Astarte’s sex worshippers debased women and reproduction into a deadly, degrading trade (Prov. 2 v 10-22, Ezk. 28 v 18-19) that is as destructive and as evil as drug trafficking. This is why God rates adultery, rape, sodomy, suicide, euthanasia and abortion as bad as murder (Lev. 18 v 20-25, Deut. 5 v 17-18, 22 v 22-29).
God’s commandments 4 to 10 apply to sins against God and others on earth (Ex. 20 v 8-17, Lk. 18 v 10-14). It is the first 3 commandments determine whether you will be accepted in God’s realm. They are simple enough for a child to understand (Lk. 10 v 26-29, 18 v 15-17).
Without God’s unselfish love people are inherently self-centred survivalist in Darwin’s pyramidal food chain. This is natural for animals but with humans it generates perversions (Rom. 1 v 19-32, 2 v 1). They are bound to die and be eternally bankrupt in the company with other vile people in the middle of a very hot, inert (dead) somewhere for ever.
Sinners do not want to believe this but they do believe everything is made from nothing in the middle of nowhere by magic. We know mathematically and from the laws that govern the whole of our entropic, material universe that if neither existed before it began a stable atom could never have survived.
Procreation disproves that life evolved from inert mud. The complexity and ‘misprints’ in DNA prove it had to be perfect to start with. So why are children taught liberal ideas, based on Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, that sex is ambivalent? To excuse the prevalent abuse of sex.
This is why buying pornography which is promoted by those who prey on women is no longer a crime. This is why the most sexually abusive images are freely available to children throughout social media. This why so many proud, self-important men abuse women.
This is why young boys are groomed throughout social media to treat girls as sex objects. This is why 1 in 5 young people have a mental health disorder, according to official figures. They’re not making it to school or are so insecure they cannot attend classes.
Instead of sex being a natural God ordained principle (Gen. 1 v 26-28, 2 v 23-24, Eph. 5 v 24-32) it has been soiled and seen by many as sinful. Naturalistic theories that are contrary to nature are evil. Adultery, uncommitted sex before marriage and abortion destroy lives: each soul looks for soulmate but the special oneness of marriage is lost forever.
There is an outcry against it but those who hide their sin obstruct it with laws about social freedom which allow them to promote perversions between consenting adults. They want to stretch it to allow their physical ‘loving’ of children (Lk. 16 v 27-31, 17 v 1-2). Some are important enough to be tolerated in double minded churches (Jas. 2 v 9-13, 4 v 1-10, Rev. 2 v 14, 20-25). All who use Jesus name without being subject to him are subject to and fooled by Satan (Mt. 7 v 21-24, Acts 19 v 13-20).
Their original fountain of life dries up (Jn. 7 v 36-39) so they try to revive their dead repetitive ways with loud music and for a short time all the unruly young think it is something new (Lk. 21 v 8-19). Their pumped up water is polluted (Rev. 3 v 15-22). If they do not change they will suffer eternal separation (1 Pt. 2 v 6-8).
Many false prophets shall arise and cause much evil till many are disillusioned (Mt. 24 v 7-14). Those who do not despair but treasure and wait on the Lord’s words shall surmount it all and tell all that there is no hope or salvation in any other name than that of Jesus (Is. 40 v 26-31, Acts 4 v 25-31).
All selfish and self-sustained people are sinful so all feel guilty and fear death. The god-fearing repent but the self-justified refuse to changed (Mt. 3 v 5-12, Heb. 10 v 22-27). Those who refuse to repent have to water down and alter God’s words so a secure and peaceful society is beyond their grasp (Jer. 6 v 13-15, Rom. 3 v 16-20).
God’s laws convict all self and sin conscious (Gen. 3 v 7-8) people but the proud defy and hate Him (Mt. 26 v 59-68). They neglected or ridicule God’s words and glorify human wisdom (Mt. 16 v 17, 26-27, 23 v 5-15). They oppose many Biblical principles but protect mans’ conflicting religions, ideologies and gods that have to be imposed because they do not work (Is. 40 v 17-25).
Many try to hide the evil in their hearts under a show of respectability. They play at being holy (Lk. 11 v 42-4) but without crying out to God for forgiveness and mercy no one can be happy (1 Pt. 1 v 3-9). Those who reject the conviction of God’s Holy Spirit and refuse to repent of their evil behaviour commit the only unforgiveable sin (Jn. 8 v 5-11).
God’s laws do work (Gal. 3 v 10-12): they prove to the faithless that (Gal. 3 v 19-26) the self justified cannot obey the law of love, grace and mercy (Lk. 10 v 25-29). Human rights laws give people the freedom to pursue evil as long as it does not affect others but of course it does. Predators cover their wickedness by threatening or bribing those who should expose them. Their freedom to sin abuses the rights of the defenceless.
The internet infects everyone with the most terrible practices till they become common knowledge and normalised (Gen. 6 v 12-13). All mans’ alternative ideologies and saviours will soon collapse and Jesus will be welcomed as the Lord of all the earth (Is. 26 v 3-12, 48 v 16-18). And he shall reign for ever and ever (Ps. 47, Rev. 11 v 15).
Acceptance by the Father is open to all who are willing to discard their divorced life and cry to Him to give them a new one. Some wait till they are desperate and so have fruitless lives (Ezk. 18 v 21-32, 1 Cor. 3 v 11-12). It is not what you know but who you know, trust and obey spiritually (Gal. 3 v 10-26, Col. 2 v 2-19) that determines how good or bad your unending spiritual existence will be (Ex. 20 v 1-7, Ezk. 18 v 26-32, Jn. 1 v 29).
The infinite fullness of the almighty Father is focused or visible in the tangible person of His Son (Jn. 14 v 6-9, Col. 1 v 12-19). God made us in the image of His image so we might choose to be one with him as His sons (Col. 2 v 6-23). It is a very high calling for a very low creature so we will be able act as God but never think we are gods (Php. 3 v 9-21).
The Father’s tangible Person (Jn. 1 v 9-17) became incarnate through the untainted ovum of a virgin and died as a human being (Jn. 1 v 29, 3 v 13-20). Those who before they die write off their humanity with his (Rom. 6) will be united with his perfect, risen, eternal life as sons of God the Father. He has already died so the saved can be filled with a taste of God’s life now (Jn. 7 v 37-39).
You will only experience the love, mind and acts of Jesus (Jn. 14 v 9-12, 1 Cor. 2 v 5-16) if you walk with, ask and listen to him every day (Jn. 10 v 4-9) as Adam should have in God’s perpetual 7 th day (Heb. 4 v 11-16). If we repent of our sinful ways (Rom. 6 v 18-23, 1 Jn. 1 v 7-10) and submit to his work he will remove them as we submit to his correction (1 Thess. 5 v 12-24, Jas. 1 v 2-6, 4 v 6-10, 5 v 7-11, 13-18). Knowing God is very exciting.
Praise gives access to the outer court to His throne room (Ps. 100) where angels fear to tread (Is. 6 v 1-13). It is where we can enter boldly and have our petitions accepted (Jn. 14 v 12-27, Heb. 12 v 18-29) but only if our unworthiness is covered by Jesus’ sinless humanity who as a man was rejected and died in our place (Mt. 27 v 46).
Most Christians remain sin and self-conscious because they do not surrender all their old ways to death through the power that was released to us by his death. They are moved by inner emotions that they think are spiritual (Gen. 3 v 6, 1 Cor. 2 v 12-16, 3 v 1-3). Their singing is mainly self-centred praise about what God has done for them (Ps. 96 v 1-13).
Music that makes you feel good does not alter your lost state. Ascetic practices or pain with no gain will not save you. Only seeking and obeying Jesus as your loving redeemer from heaven will release you from your fearful death-camp on earth run by your old God-defying lord.
God’s life and love only fills the heart of those who are shamed by their sin and overwhelmed with love for Jesus who put on a human body and died in our place (Php. 2 v 1-11). Praise should be centred on seeking His holy (unadulterated) presence where self-conscious thoughts should be discarded (Ps. 99, Mt. 7 v 1-5). The self-justified remain owned by their old proud lord (Heb. 3, 1 Jn. 1 v 9-10, 2 v 22-25, 4 v 5-10).
The death-fearing taste of death. It must be washed out by the transforming work of God’s Holy Spirit (Heb. 4) before others can be refreshed through them (1 Cor. 47-57, Heb. 4). The redeeming work of Jesus does not make the old life acceptable but covers the transition (Heb. 9 v 14-15, Rev. 7 v 14-17, 12 v 9-12).
The self-determined fail the test of faith by being impatient or faithless with God (1 Sam. 13 v 8-14, Heb. 11, Jas. 5 v 7-11). If you walk ahead, talk too much and tell him about what you do and think, you will get lost (Jas. 4 v 13-17). You will have to run back to your ‘Bethel’ where you first saw through the window (1 Cor. 11 v 23-29) into God’s home and say sorry for fighting against his will (Gen. 31 v 13, 32 v 24, Lev. 23 v 5-8, 1 Cor. 5 v 7-8).
Only pride stops people admitting they are wrong and asking for our Father’s forgiveness (Jas. 4 v 3-17). False religion and ignorance create a dark barrier but directly a person turns to the Father they are removed by the light of truth into heavenly places (Jn. 1 v 9-13, 4 v 21-26).
Mankind’s ideologies are based on selling the ideas of an anti-God godman on a perfect earth. They have to be very economical with the truth because it cannot last. It mainly benefits its proposers so in practice it has to be imposed. Alternative ideas are squashed until the people revolt and risk death as preferable to slavery.
The Father has an enemy who wants to rob Him of His children and their kingdom of heaven on earth. The most magnificent being that God made to serve His children; ‘The Day Star’ of the Sun’s-Day worshippers (Is. 14 v 12, Rev. 21 v 23; refused to bow to such a lowly creature as a man. It set out to stop the perpetual Sabbath’s rest of the Father’s plan for His children (Heb. 4 v 1-16) and make God’s children bow to its self-centred alternative. It became Satan the ‘opposer’ of God’s love, joy and peace-based will.
One day a week Christians who do not think and function as Christians 7 days a week hide their light ‘under a bush’ (Mt. 5 v 13-16). Others should know who is a Christian, not by them forcing their beliefs on the uninterested but because their words are ‘salted’ with the truth.
The lost must know who to turn to for spiritual help when they get disillusioned with this mortal world. Instead many turn to therapists who offer them carnal help (Rom. 8 v 4-14). Those who deny Christ before others will be denied by Christ (Mt. 7 v 21-23, Lk. 12 v 9, 13 v 23-27).
There can be no moderation or alternatives or to the Father’s omniscient truth and purpose; the acceptance of inspiration from His ‘tree of life must be all or nothing. The human mind that does not agree with the Father is in agreement with the alternative ‘tree of death’. It questions God’s love and tries to justify its rejection of His will as repressive (Gen. 3 v 3-6).
God’s spiritual food for spiritual growth unifies a person with His mind, will and power (Jn. 4 v 32-34, 6 v 62-65). Satan’s pride demands all humans be reduced to a mindless mass with no individual worth that can be treated as yoked slaves in its kingdom on earth (Is. 14 v 17, Ezk. 28 v 17-19, Lk. 4 v 6-8, Rev. 12 v 7-12).
Its ‘tree of death’ produces spiritual food that degrades the soul until it is bestial with no hope of a God-sustained eternal life. It promotes ‘suicide and death as a victory over God’s will when it is the defeat of self by Satan’s will (Ezk. 28 v 16-19). Jesus died on the ‘tree of death’ to release us from its power (Is. 61 v 3, Jn. 1 v 29, Acts 5 v 30, Rom. 6 v 6).
The self justified accept false teaching that is based on reverse logic by constant repetition until they are ready to die to uphold it. They become more and more enslaved to Satan’s evil will until they hate those who prove them wrong. What stops them repenting until it is too late? Pride!
Vashti sought to be a queen independent of the authority of the King (Esther 1 v 12-20, Eph. 5 v 21-33). Her pride shamed the King. Esther was a queen with the authority of the King (Est.7 v 3-10) because she honoured the king. Humble yourself in your own eyes and you will be exalted (Lk. 1 v 46-52, 10 v 17-21, 15 v 18-24, Acts 19 v 11-20). So pride comes before a fall and without pain there is no gain (Jas. 4 v 4-12).
Like a knife and fork men and women are equally important but have different and complimentary rolls If you ignore the differences their thoughts will become evil: the ‘knife’ will become a perverse, irresponsible, weaponised abuser; the ’fork’ a rebellious, violent peace protestor and the children will have anti-social ‘table’ manners!
If God’s order is reversed with women over kings as emasculated drones (woked), the birth rate crashes. A more numerous and ruthless foreign regime invades and women become just uneducated house-slaves (Deut. 28 v 14-48, 1 Cor. 11 v 10-16). Pride stops Adam’s descendants repenting of the evil in their hearts (Rom. 6 v 16-23) and accepting the Father’s love and forgiveness (Rom. 8 v 1-13).
All mans’ ideologies and religions are a rejection of accepting the will and love of their Almighty Father-God as their only Lord. Their spires and twin towers are based on a world order based on Babylon and Nineveh (Gen. 10 v 11, 11 v 4) with killer kings, unsustainable self-indulgence or trying to appease nature around shrines, springs, mountains …. even the sky, by not extracting minerals or burning fuels as remorse for a lost Eden.
They are powered by feelings (Gen. 3 v 6) and emotions as false spiritual experiences but they are carnal. They are self-inspired instead of inspired by God’s infallible words (Gen. 2 v 7-9, 16-17). All who reject Christ as they Lord and Saviour also reject life (Zech. 4 v 14) and so end up in God’s rubbish pit (Lk. 16 v 22-29).
The utterly self-deluded act as their own god. Without the Father’s love as the focus for life (Rom. 1 v 16-17) everything they believe becomes back to front (Rom. 1 v 22-32). Evolutionist with mystical Greek-based theories worship the created instead of the Creator! An illogical, mythological dream world is conjured by blind seers (2 Cor. 4 v 3-4) dressed in funny clothes. Instead of trusting in God the Father for a new life, their followers still worship them even after their dream has evaporated.
They treat God as an absentee landlord. When their abuse of His property has gone beyond repair He rehouse His faithful children then demolish the lot (Gen. 6 v 11-13, Mt. 21 v 34-41, 24 v 44-51, 25 v 30, 41) and do a new build (Is. 65 v 16-25 Rev. 21).
Pride is the ultimate reason why anyone ends up in hell. It is the most awful destroyer. Its sisters are Arrogance and Hate but its mother is Foolishness and its father is Ignorance (Ps. 14). It is wilful selfishness, which means your doom is your fault and nobody else’s but this is the very thing that pride will not accept. God can heal any condition of heart but only if you let Him.
Whether they appear godly or worldly the proud are God haters (Lk. 18 v 11-14). A man who talks and walks with God Almighty via His omni-present Spirit, justified by His tangible person (Jn. 14 v 6-9) does not become as a god: he becomes very aware how inferior he is (Eph. 2 v 4-10). There is no room for any form of pride in His presence (Heb. 4 v 12-16).
How could such a creature ever become compatible with their Almighty, all-knowing, loving Father again? Even Jesus is subject to Him (1 Cor. 15 v 22-28). He sent His tangible person to dwell on earth as the man Jesus (Php. 2 v 3-16) to die in our place that we might gain His holy, life again as His beloved children for evermore.
After Adam divorced himself from his Father’s love He sent His tangible entity (Col. 1 v 12-23, 2 v 8-19, Heb. 10 v 20), to find him and help him; not destroy him. Our Lord and teacher does not come to judge and condemn the lost (Jn. 3 v 17) but to seek and save all who asked him for help (Lk. 18 v 38, 23 v 42-43).
Jesus humiliated himself to die as a traitor, naked upon a gallows (Is. 53 v 3-12, Heb. 12 v 1-15): so it must be millions of times more easy for us to humble ourselves at his cross and give up our proud doomed lives to gain his life and his Father’s love!
He came to dwell in the fearful, degenerate state we have inherited from our forefather so we might inherit His unimaginably wonderful state. We will get a new body like Jesus’ (Job 19 v 25-27, Jn. 21-26, 20 v 19-23, 1 Cor. 15 v 46-53, Rev. 1 v 13-18).
We will then understand how terrible now is and how immeasurably great is God’s love and gifts (1 Cor. 2 v 5-14). The proud who swap a body powered by God’s Holy Spirit for one powered by self have been robbed by the greatest of all proud fools (Gen. 3 v 19). How is it that simple minds like ours can see the folly of Satan’s bid to steal control of all God’s creation from him but Satan thought it could not fail (Ezk. 28 v 13-19)? How could the God of love punish Satan for killing His plan to have many children born of His life and love and remain all loving?
He could not! But a human who was both God and a man could (Gen. 3 v 14-15, Jn. 1 v 5, 11-14, 29, Php. 2 v 3-16). Satan’s plan was doomed before it started. Simple, God’s perfect man could not inherit death so make him fail by getting men to reject him; except He divorced himself from his Father, exhaled his Holy Spirit became one with Adam’s godless nature but without ever sinning (Lk. 23 v 3-43).
Death had no hold on him. He took authority over it and went home (Eph. 4 v 7-24, 1 Pt. 3 v 18-22). All those who were dead in ‘Paradeilia’ (Lk. 16 v 22-29) but had cried to the Father to save them left with him.
Pride in self-survival and elevation coupled with the degrading of others must be replaced with the love of others. It must flow from the love of God or it will be abused by the money-for-nothing peddlers. After a powerful appeal given at a meeting to support a ministry I ask the Lord how much I should give and clearly received “£1 for your seat”.
Adam defied God’s order and put himself at the top of Darwin’s pyramidal food chain: (Is. 14 v 12-19). Betrayal is the opposite of the law of love: it is the law of sin and death. Love is replaced by Hegel’s endless laws with biased lawyers and enforcers. The God defiant want to crush anyone who offends their pride (Gen. 4 v 8, 1 Sam. 18 v 7-12).
Wilful people cause strife but if coupled with pride it makes them defiant liars who kill their relatives, ex-girlfriends, school-mates, road-users and rivals. They are merciless warmongers. They pollute the world with the blood of the innocent (Gen. 4 v 10, 6 v 13, 9 v 5-6, Lk. 11 v 43-54, 22 v 1-5, 23 v 13-23). Those who kill very new and old people also forfeit their own right to live.
Before the Almighty Father proud defiant people will be reduced to dust (Gen. 2 v 7). Evil, God defiant people can never regain their freedom after they die (Is. 14 v 5-11).
The time for God’s judgement is upon us (Ezk. 14 v 13-14)! What should we do (Mic. 6 v 7-16)? “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his ways clear” (Mal. 3 v 14-18, 4 v 5-6, Lk. 3 v 3-17, Rev. 3 v 20-22)! Confess your self-centred ways are bad: humble yourself before the Father and He will then be able to exalt you (Mt. 3 v 14-17, Jas. 4 v 1-12).
To be saved people must identify their wilful Adamic life as dead with Jesus’ human death. If you ask Jesus into your heart his Holy Spirit will open a window (1 Cor. 13 v 12) into his Father’s realm and you will see wonderful things (1 Cor. 2 v 5-12, Eph. 1 v 17-23, 5 v 23-32).
The proud Pharisees, who thought they were god-like (Lk. 18 v 10-17), killed Jesus who proved he was god-like (Jn, 3 v 1-3). Why? Because he was humble (Php. 2 v 3-16). Self-righteous people who believe in Satan’s gospel, that death will set them free from God’s restraints, die hating the Gospel of repentance presented by their Saviour (Mt. 3 v 1-12, Lk. 23 v 13-23, Jn. 3 v 16-21).
Jesus is not a friend of holy men who think they do not need saving (Lk. 7 v 29-34, 1 Jn. 1 v 8-10) but only of sinners who repent of their rebellion against the purpose of God the Father (Lk. 7 v 41-50, Eph. 2 v 1-10). The repentant who gain Jesus’ new life (Jn. 3 v 5, Rom. 8 v 7-17, 1 Cor. 15 v 49-57) are those who know ‘in my old life is no good thing’ (Lk. 5 v 8-11, Rom. 7 v 18).
If you deny or excuse your bad behaviour and respond to the ‘cold calls’ that your demons and the world bombard your mind with you will reinforce Satan’s hold on your life. They will impress, depress, obsess, possess then destroy your life (Job. 2 v 3-10).
When defeat and death are about to swallow you (Is. 59 v 15-21) it is the time to cry to your Father in heaven for forgiveness and mercy (Lk. 15 v 17-24, Jn. 8 v 4-11, Jas. 4). You will find you are walking and talking with Him and interceding for other lost souls (Job. 41 v 34, 42 v 1-8).
In the eyes of self-righteous people God is much too gracious: even the worst sinner who in the last minute before he dies (Lk. 23 v 39-43) asks the Father to forgive him will be saved (Ezk. 18 v 26-29, Jn. 1 v 23-34). Our Redeemer has set free from sin and death all who by faith in him give him the rest of their lives as their Lord. Their sins are annulled by the shed blood of Jesus (2 Tim. 1 v 10).
All need to know this truth. Unless someone tells them they will live bound by their sinful nature (Rev. 12 v 7-11) and greatly fear death. If only they knew this good news sooner by the preaching of God’s children (Jn. 8 v 32, Rom. 8 v 33-39). The Christian churches would then be overflowing.
Instead man-fearing leaders have preached a man-pleasing gospel to attract the unsaved. They have bowed to Satan’s gospel of “forget God’s words, do what you think is good for you and when you die you will get wings and a harp like a pagan god (Gen. 3 v 3-6). Whether they appear righteous or worldly, they are traitors and God’s enemies (Mt. 6 v 24, Rev. 2 & 3).
Instead of unity in teaching with one Lord and one Spirit of truth (Eph. 4 v 2-6) they all have different party spirits (Rev. 1 v 20). They have largely rejected the Lord’s teaching about his Holy Spirit (Lk. 24 v 49, Jn. 3 v 5, 14 v 26, 16 v 7-15, Rom. 8 v 7-14) so he cannot direct any new believer to join them (Mt. 12 v 31-32). They do not have his gifts Eph. 4 v 11-20) and tolerate openly sinful people in their congregations (Rom. 1 v 1 Cor. 5 v 1-6).
Many self-righteous sinners are embedded in the churches and cloaked by them out of fear for their reputation. As a result they have the reputation of being ungodly hypocrites instead of defenders of God’s words. He is about to snuff them out (Rom. 11 v 21-25, Rev. 2 & 3). “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying unto the churches (Rev. 3 v 19, 22).”
Religious Christian have not obeyed the truth (Mk. 16 v 15-20, Rom. 10 v 14-16). They have compromised God’s words to fit the philosophy of those they live among. They have become despondent and sleepy because they are affected by the doom and gloom that the death-bound have forecasted about their future (Mt.13 v 28-30).
King Solomon started as God’s chosen servant and ended as the servant of the gods of his wives (1 Kg. 11 v 4-11, Ezra 9 v 1-4, 2 Cor. 6 v 14-18). The people who returned to Jerusalem were ordered to re-establish the worship of the true God and seek His favour (Ezra 8 v 22-23). Instead they feared their neighbours and their gods and sought alliances with them (Ezra 9 v 5-15).
God’s children have lost sight of the glorious fact that Jesus has won (Heb. 10 v 12-14)The end of the age of the gentiles marks the Lord’s great victory over death (1 Thess. 4 v 15-18). Like Enoch (Jude 14) the Bride of Christ will be endued with power to preach ‘God’s peace throughout the world for those who are His friends’ (Lk. 2 v 10-14, 1 Thess. 3 v 12-13, 4 v 8-9).
The mid and post Tribulation believers rightly fear that the future will be more terrible than they can imagine because they will be included in God’s judgement of the faithless (1 Kg. 19 v 14-18, Mt. 24 v 46-51, 25 v 10-13). All those who are left behind on earth will have rejected the truth and chosen to hang onto their independent kingdom on earth (Mt. 10 v 16-20, 27-33, 24 v 14, 25 v 37-44, Acts 2 v 17-21, Rom. 8 v 37-39).
What is best? To try and keep this dying earthy life or gain a glorious eternal life (2 Cor. 5 v 1-10)? Satan’s rule on earth is not a victory (Ezk. 28 v 9-19): it marks its doom (Rev. 12 v 9-12).
Millions of people have turned to God for forgiveness and have been saved right under Satan’s nose (Ezk. 18 v 26-29, Rom. 10 v 13). The Bride of Christ is almost completed. God’s love has defeated Satan’s boast (Is. 14 v 12 v 17). ‘O death where is your sting’ (1 Cor. 15 v 50-57)? It is defeated (2 Tim. 1 v 10). Others may fail but Jesus; never. Some may defy the Father but nothing can effect who He is. He has no past or future but is ‘I am that I am’ (Ex. 3 v 14, Jn. 8 v 56-58, Jn. 18 v 4-5).
Satan’s angry attack on Christians and Jews is because God has won. The God haters have countered it with lies, noisy protests and fear by glorifying those who kill their opponents. The passive masses who fear them will be included in their condemnation. They glorify hedonistic, egoistic entertainers as gods and are surprised when they get over inflated and burst.
The indifferent do not think beyond how good it is now. They stroll down the easiest path and trip into the smoking abyss. The God defiant are pushed down-hill faster and fasted until they cannot stop and jump into the middle of the fire. Those who preach ‘it does not matter which path you choose as long as you believe it is the right one’ (Gen. 3 v 4-6) will be hit from behind by a black angelic bus with no lights on (1 Kg. 22 v 6, 19-25).
At the end of the Age of Nations is a victorious time of grace before judgement (Ezk. 39 v 6-7, 21-26, Mal. 3 v 14-18, 4 v 5-6, Mt. 24 v 11-14). “After my children have repented of their false beliefs and humble themselves I will again shepherd them” (Mt. 10 v 6-14, Jn. 10 v 4-15). “I will lead and they will follow” (Jn. 21 v 15- 18). Only then will the light that is hidden shine forth (Mt. 5 v 14-16) and destroy the lies hidden in darkness (Is. 60 v 1-3, Mt. 5 v 16, Jn. 1 v 3-9).
All those who do not respond to Jesus’ warning call (Rev. 1 to 3) and the grace poured out before judgement of Ezekiel 39 will undergo a progressive judgement which is designed to help millions to repent and turn to accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour (but many will be martyred (Rev. 6 v 11). Some will be survive (Zech. 14 v 1-16).
Mismanaged world resources and finances are being stretched to breaking point. World War 3 threatens after which there will be nothing left. Satan’s 7 years reign starts with the charismatic Antichrist ruling as the saviour of the world system. He is very religious so the Jews and adulterous churches (Rev. 19 v 2) also welcome him as their saviour.
All who do not worship the satanic statue of The Beast are persecuted (Rev. 13 v 11-18: like an A I powered resurrected Hitler). All who do will get a one-way ticket to hell (Rev. 14 v 8-12).
Satan ends up eternally bankrupt (Ezk. 28 v 13-19). Only our Father in heaven has the endless love and provision to supply all our needs forever (Lk. 12 v 16-37). Those who are ready will be ‘married away’ (2 Thess. 2 v 6-12). Only the undecided will suffer under Satan’s last seven years of freedom.
Wake up (Eph. 5 v 12-17, 25-32, 1 Thess. 5 v 1-11). There is still time (2 Thess. 2 v 6-12). Behold he stands at the door to your heart and knocks (Rev. 3 v 17-19): open your heart to his love and you will dwell with him ever after. Many who have done their homework respond in the last hour of grace (Mt. 25 v 6-12). Many who are unsure leave it too late.
It is a very blessed place (Gen. 35 v 1-5, Ps. 91). You will be overwhelmed by His love (Lk. 15 v 18-24, Jn. 1 Jn. 4 v 5-20).
How hard is it? It is nowhere near as difficult to get to heaven as you might imagine. The committed who are driven out of their love for their Saviour are helped uphill by God’s all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving, omni-present Holy Spirit (Ex. 19 v 4, Is. 40 v 22-31, Lk. 17 v 37).
All God’s great men of faith were not great by sincere men with an Almighty Father Heb. 11). Elijah was a very natural, down to earth man so God was free to involve him in His supernatural works (Jas 5 v 17-18).The redeemed (Rev. 2 v 7, 10, 17, 26-29, 3 v 4-5, 12, 20-22) will know, serve and love him with all of their heart. They will be manifested as God’s children (Rom. 8 v 14-27, Lk. 10 v 1-21, Jn. 14 v 12-27).
How beautiful is the walk of those (Ps. 119 v 97-112, Is. 52 v 7-12, Eph. 6 v 10-18) who preach the truth (Is. 12 v 1-6, Jn. 7 v 37-39, Rev. 22 v 1-7). They will have the greatest of adventures with their Father (1 Sam. 17 v 34-47, Acts 12 v 5-16)! They will sing and jump for joy but those who harden their hearts will be lost in a waterless desert (Ps. 95, Heb. 3 v 7-19).