
Be Ye Perfect as I Am Perfect

God the Father’s purpose makes this life the greatest of adventures. It is a schooling that ends with great rewards plus an eternal life with endless fulfilment as a child born of the Father’s love (Jn. 3 v 4-21). We think that if we become very good and wise we could be like him but […]

Raison d’etre?

Creation formed by chaos out of nothing really is an absurd once upon a time, long, long ago, fairy story from Greek mythology. The extravagant, immeasurable amount of energy that our universe is conjured up from must have an infinite source. It could never have formed stable atoms and aggregates of atoms by accident. Unordered […]

AD, BC or Current Error?

God Almighty is infinite and unchanging. He has no need of anything or any other person. His only motive for creating any finite thing therefore must be out of pure love. That love is evident in everything He has made (Rom. 1 v 19). He is not a fearful despot but the Father of all […]

King of Kings

THE KING OF KINGS AND HEIR TO DAVID’S THRONE FOREVER. Religions not centred on Jesus as Lord do not preach his gospel of salvation (Mt. 5 v 13, 23 v 13). They are not led by his Spirit nor hear his voice but submit to the self-justified dogma of church lawyers (Lk. 16 v 15, […]