AD, BC or Current Error?

Nativity scene image for a post on the website, Beauty for Ashes

God Almighty is infinite and unchanging. He has no need of anything or any other person. His only motive for creating any finite thing therefore must be out of pure love. That love is evident in everything He has made (Rom. 1 v 19). He is not a fearful despot but the Father of all life.

All He has made is centred on creating us as His children. His first created son was an etension of His visible person (Gen. 2 v 7, Col. 2 v 8-10). Through His tangible person the infinite Father made all His finite creation at the beginning of time and over time (Gen. 1 v 1, Jn. 1 v 1-5, Col. 1 v 15-19, Jn. 1 v 5).

To enable us to love Him in return He has given us free will. Originally everything was very good (Gen. 1 v 31). God then divided the first man into a man and woman so that they could produce many more children. Sadly the man then rejected the Father’s love, cut off himself and all his children from His life and joined himself with a charming crook who then took control of his realm (Gen. 2 v 17).

All the self-sufficient are bound to degrade and die (Lk. 6 v 24, 8 v 14, 12 v 18-22, 16 v 22-25, 18 v 23, Heb. 9 v 27, Rev. 3 v 17-19). Man’s sin has invited Satan to rule over his kingdom (Lk. 4 v 6) so even nature becomes chaotic and is turned from a blessing into a killer (Gen. 3 v 17-19, Deut. 28, Rom. 8 v 20). When Jesus Christ is welcomed as King over all the Earth it will be reformed and most people live to the end of his millennium reign (Is. 65 v 17-25, Rom. 8 v 21-25).

The Father’s love fathered a new human son (Php. 2 v 5-11, Heb. 2 v 11-17) descended from the woman’s untainted genus that was passed down directly from woman to woman to a chosen virgin (Gen. 3 v 13-15). The big difference is that he is the incarnation of God’s tangible person (Jn. 8 v 54-59, Heb. 1 v 2-12). He was not a new creation but the first to be born of the Father so he could never be lost to Him again (Ps. 89 v 27-29, Lk. 3 v 21-23).

He came to earth to die as a man and descend into death (Is. 53, Jn. 1 v 29-33) in order to rescue all who repent and accept the Father’s love (Rom. 5 v 1-8, 17, Heb. 4 v 15-20, 12 v 3-25). Those who respond receive the gift of His Holy Spirit as confirmation (Jn. 14 v 21-23, Eph. 1 v 7-14). Their free will response must be based on faith in His love (Jn. 3 v 14-21).

His Holy Spirit’s schooling is tough (Lk. 4 v 1, Heb. 4 v 15-16). Those who resist him and retain their old, dying life will not learn much. Gifts and wonders only flow though those who seek and are fully committed to His will (Jn. 9 v 28-33, Jn. 15 v 6-10, Acts 2 v 22, 8 v 13-22). Miracles confirm His love but do not cause the wilful to repent and love him.

Those who say they want proof before they will accept him will never accept him (Mt. 15 v 19, Jn. 8 v 30-34, Jn. 12 v 9-11). They want to be their own god and do whatever they please so they live outside His love and provision and abuse His creation (Gen. 11 v 5-6, Mt. 12 v 34, 45, 16 v 11, Col. 2 v 18-23). By their behaviour you can recognise them (Mt. 7 v 15-20).

Those who do not seek to know and love Him cannot dwell in His home forever (Mt. 7 v 21, 25 v 11, Jn. 14). So are only a few saved (Lk. 13 v 22-30)? As with Nineveh, His forgiveness depends on how sincere their heart is (Mt. 12 v 34-41, 15 v 18-20). Paul wrote Rom. 10 v 8-13: “Whosoever believes in their heart that Jesus’ death has cleansed them of their sinful nature then claim his righteousness out loud will receive a gift of faith for salvation. For with the heart people believe but they do not receive until (as in a marriage covenant) they have commit themselves with their words” (Lk. 23 v 40-43, Eph. 1 v 13-23, 2 v 1-10).

The murderer on the cross who confessed he deserved to die and cried to Jesus to forgive him was accepted. In Luke 10 v 30-37 the priest and the clergy man failed His test but the Samaritan whose religion was an ignorant hotchpotch passed (Lk. 11 v 39-42, Jn. 4 v 20-42). The Pharisee failed but the repentant sinner passed (Mt. 6 v 14-15, Lk. 18 v 10). The rich man who gave his left-overs to his dogs but not even a crust to the starving man failed.

God’s true servants do not love this life nor seek rewards other than to see others saved from eternal separation from God’s love and provision (Lk. 12 v 19-28, 1 Jn. 2 v 9-11, 15-17). Jesus Christ died to cover the sins of the whole world so all those who repent of their rejection of the Father’s will and love are accepted by Him (Ezk. 18 v 23-28). This is good news of the gospel that all the God fearing need to hear (Acts. 2 v 5, 37-41, 14 v 1, 16 v 9-10, 17 v 4) in order to gain God’s assurance of His love (Eph. 1 v 3-14, Heb. 11 v 1-6).

Many are anti-Christ. They reject God’s judgement on their self-centred nature by trying to whitewash it by fulfilling his laws and words (Mt. 23 v 23-33). Others follow Jesus words for self-centred gain (Mt. 26 v 14-15, Jn. 6 v 25-29, Acts 5 v 1-4). Self-centred survivalist take as much as they can and give only what they have to. They all build their alternative kingdom and claim that the God of love and free will cannot judge them for it. They exclude themselves from their loving Father’s eternal His Kingdom so they are left to their own evil devices for ever.

The violent ones rob others: the bad destroy the good. They are limited by laws set by the majority on what they will or will not tolerate. So the self-made pay millions to a self-righteous media to promote legally correct but seductive offers that milk the masses of their money. As a result our world runs on a mixture of good and evil (Gen. 3 v 6); on half-truths or lies that hide and confuse the truth.

The lost hide from their God consciousness or guilt by replacing Him with a philosophy that supports a man conjured god (Ex. 32 v 4-6, 1 Kg. 22 v 7-8, Jer. 17 v 5-7). They maintain its image with fake news about how wonderful life would be if we ignored God’s words and believed their lies (Gen. 3 v 5).

The dead giveaway is that the aim of their anti-Christ, alter ego spirit is always to corrupt the omniscient Father’s will, words and degrade His Saviour. They enlisted the help of worldly church men who, like the Pharisees and Sadducees who murdered Jesus, also seek to establish their own kingdom. They adjust Jesus’ words and undermined the Apostles’ teaching to justify their priesthood (Lk. 3 v 16, Acts 2 v 38). They teach Jesus was rejected because he was a poor, illegitamate outcaste when Mary was already married to Joseph and he did not divorce her (Mt. 1 v 19-24, Lk. 3 v 23).

They ignore the fact that members of their royal family, the very rich and a Roman centurion addressed him as lord. The Pharisees called him Master and ate with him (Lk. 7 v 36-40, 10 v 25, 19 v 8, 20 v 21, 28, 39, 44). Even they did not deny he was King David’s legitimate heir (Jn. 7 v 41-42). His genealogical record proved he was David’s legitimate heir (see post King of kings). They only rejected him as their King based on their claim that he was born in Nazareth and the Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem (Jn. 7 v 52, 12 v 13-19, 28, 47-50).

They knew exactly who he is (Jn. 3 v 1-2, 19-20) and he knew who they were (Jn. 39-47). The Jewish rulers wanted him dead because they lived a lie (Lk. 11 v 44-54) and feared his judgement and greater authority (Mt. 8 v 8, 19 v 16, 27 v 37, 54).

On every publication is the year dated from the year of Jesus Christ’s birth (Anno Dominie). The years before his birth run back from it as BC (before Christ: there is no 0 AD). It constantly reminded the guilty that they were unrighteous so they had to discredit it. The historic accounts and astronomical facts that did not support their aims were arbitrarily dismissed.

Tertullian (c. 200 AD) recorded Christ’s birth as in the 15 th year before Augustus’ death in 14 AD (i.e. 1 BC) and 30 years before the end of Tiberius’ (starting 14 AD) 15 th year in 29 AD. This is confirmed by Eusebius (c. 300 AD), whose dates agree with Josephus (c. 95 AD), plus lunar dates and eclipses.

Based on the misuse of the historian Josephus they said that Herod’s 37 year reign started when he was granted the kingship of Judea in Rome by the Senate in 40 BC. This dated Herod’s’ death as early 3 BC and makes Christ’s birthday 2 1/2 years earlier as in late 6 BC (Mt. 2 v 7, 16). But Antigonas reigned as King until he was arrested in Jerusalem by Herod in 36 BC.

Like all despots Herold was a ruthless self-survivalist. He killed all the rich leaders who had previously driven him out of the country and sent King Antigonus to Antony for trial. Antony was the ruler of the eastern Roman Empire. Antigonus had been appointed king by the Parthian Empire (Mt. 2 v 1). He was of priestly descent and a much more suitable ruler of the Jews than Herod who was a despised Edomite.

It was possible that Antony or Rome would have overruled the Senate and upheld the king’s claim just as Herod himself was spared years later at his trial. After Antony and Cleopatra rebelled against Rome and were defeated Herod’s support of Antony nearly lost him his job. Josephus, who had fought against Rome, was also anxious to discredit Antony and be on the side of the current Emperor!

While Herod’s army was still fighting against pockets of resistance Antony was conquering Syria in the North. Josephus clearly states that Herod then sent Antony millions of pounds worth of seized gold as a bribe to execute Antigonus on a trumped up change of treason. It was not until Herod had subdued the rest of Judea and Antony had finished his northern campaign did he visit Jerusalem in late 35 BC and crown Herod as king of the Jews.

Herod then married into Antigonus’ family to bolster his legitimacy and had the new young high priest murdered to squash his hopes. He was so insecure that he ordered the murdered of his sons and his wife because he feared they would depose him.

Just before his death he arrested all the Jewish leaders and decreed that on his death they had to be executed to make the Jews mourned instead of being overjoyed. Josephus wrote that when he died in Jericho there was an eclipse (of the full moon) followed by Passover at the next full moon. This rare combination fixes the end of his 37 year reign conclusively as spring 3 AD.

The 4 BC to 1 BC census decreed by Augustus was to establish enlistment numbers and set taxes. It took many months to complete. It was organised by Quirinus (Cyrenius) when he was a top administrator in Syria before he was promoted to governor (Lk. 2 v 1-3). He first had to quell the widespread rebellion against the census and Rome’s religious interference. It could not be held until 1 BC when it was peaceful enough for the tribes to gather in their cities for the Feast of Tabernacles. 

The Parthian Magi told Herod in autumn 2 AD that they first saw his star 2 years earlier (Mt. 2 v 16). Herod directed them to Bethlehem. When they could not find the one born to be king in the royal city they were bewildered: then the star re-appeared (Mt. 2 v 10). It led north to the house (Lk. 2 v 39; not stable) where the young child (not new born) lived (Mt. 2 v 11-15). The family were warned to flee with the young child to Egypt (Mt. 2 v 13-15). They were given enough gold to support them in Egypt for a few months until Herod died in the following spring.

When Herod the king killer could not find him he thought that the tribe of Judah were protecting him so he killed all the babies registered in the census and all that appeared to be younger. He died 6 months later before Passover in 3 AD. The Jewish leaders were not executed and Herod’s order to kill David’s heir was forgotten so they quietly returned to Nazareth just before the end of Jesus’ third year in late October 3 AD (Mt. 2 v 19-23).

These dates are confirmed by historical records. Eusebius said Jesus died in the 19 th year of the reign of Emperor Tiberius (starting September 14 AD). Josephus stated that Pilate was made governor before summer 26 AD and Eusebius that Jesus began his 3 ½ ministry into Pilate’s 4 th year in Autumn 29 AD. It started just before his 29 th birthday (Lk. 3 v 23) and ended at Passover at the end of April in 33 AD so his birthday was on the Feast of Tabernacles near the end of October.

At this feast the Hebrews re-enacted their first harvest in the Promised Land (Lev. 23 v 10). They dwelt in shelters or booths made from branches for a week (Gen. 3 v 7, Neh. 8 v 14-18). They turned their back on the 40 years they were excluded from their promised land due to their lack of faith (Acts 7 v 51, Heb. 3 v 17-19).

Jesus’ 3 ½ year ministry started in the 15 th year of the reign of Tiberius (Lk. 3 v 1-2). In order to secure a peaceful succession Tiberius’ stepfather Augustus (the first Emperor) made him the proconsul of Rome and therefore the ruler of his Empire, in 12 AD. He only began to reign as Emperor after Augustus’ death in August 14 AD.

John the Baptist was born in 1 BC six months before Jesus at the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It commemorated their journey from bondage to the gods of Egypt to their promised land. They were the nation descended from Israel that the Lord God Almighty chose to represent Him on earth (Ex. 12 v 12, Is. 43 v 3).

Luke said John came out of the desert (Lk. 3 v 1-9) and started baptising the people at the ford over the Jordan. It was in 29 AD on Yom Kippur when all the people were called to re-dedicate their lives to God. They humbled themselves and repented of their disobedience. Four days later the sanctified high priest transferred their offences onto the scapegoat who carried them away into the desert, which was thought of as the habitation of demons. After his dedication Jesus spent 40 days in the desert in which his faith was tested by the lord of demons. 

Jesus had to fulfil all the prophetic types (Lk. 24 v 44-48). They are God’s ‘TV times’ for His live programmes. They are not predictions based on wishful thinking or past events (Is. 48 v 5-8). Such accurate prophecies prove that God is their author.

The first Passover at full moon on the 14 th was a Sabbath (Ex. 12 v 2-17). It was terrifying (Ex. 12 v 29-30). The 15 th as the First Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is also a Sabbath. The feast was always at full moon so double Sabbaths at Passover were rare but they occurred at the start and finish of every Feast of First Fruits

Jesus died as God’s promised Passover Lamb on the true anniversary of the first Passover between the evenings‘ (3 to 9 pm): that is the evening of 14th ending at sunset and the eve of the 15th (Ex. 12 v 6, Jn. 1 v 29-34). The full Moon of Passover again coincided with the Sabbath. From noon till 3 pm the Sun was blotted out. Short eclipses are scary but this 3 hour blackout was terrifying (Lk. 23 v 44-48).

Also the Jewish calendar had slipped a day and a date (Josh. 10 v 12-14: 2 x 24 hr days plus magnetic field/axis flip as occurred with the mid Atlantic Ridge magma). They took it as one 48 hr day so they held their 14th and their Sabbath (Jn. 19 v 31, Mt. 26 v 3-5, 27 v 62-66) on the day after the Crucifixion (Jn. 19 v 31-37).

They killed their perfect Passover lambs before 4 pm and held their Passover before midnight (Ex. 11 v 4-6, 12 v 7: between the evening of their 14 th and the eve of the 15 th. No one was allowed to leave the house from dusk till the dawn of 15 th (Ex. 12 v 12). Jesus did not hold the Passover with his disciples: the shops were still open (Jn. 13 v 29-31) and people were moving around all night (Jn. 18 v 1-3, 25-28).

On the night before he died (1 Cor. 11 v 23) he instructed them how to observe the fulfilled Passover without the consumption of a whole Passover lamb (Mt. 26 v 5, 14, Jn. 13 v 1). In the New Covenant it is replaced with unleavened bread and wine as a memorial of his dead body and poured out blood (1 Cor. 11 v 27-29, 34, Heb. 8 v 9-13, 10 v 14-22).

Those who perform the Passover correctly rest in God’s finished work again (Gen. 3 v 17-23, Jn. 19 v 30, Heb. 4 v 9-16, 9 v 14). The blood of the Lamb of God redeems them from death (Ex. 12 v 13-14). Those who misappropriate it invite death (1 Cor. 11 v 29-32). Not to hold the memorial of Jesus’ death in the evening at Passover but on any other occasion you feel like is like holding Remembrance Day on any other day except 11 th November at 11 am.

Prophetically Jesus also had to rise after God’s Sabbath as the first fruits from the dead on the First of (the Feast) of Weeks together with a sacrificial offering to God in heaven (Lev. 23 v 10-12). In death he was not in earth time so prophetically he returned to earth at the end of God’s true Sabbath of 14 th and before the dawn of His 15 th (Mt. 28 v 2-4, 11-15).

The day after the Jewish Sabbath was also the first of (the feast of) Weeks but on this rare occasion it was also the second holy day of rest that followed the Passover (Lev. 23 v 5-8). The priest could not travel out to fields to find and cut the first ripe sheath. According to the Pharisee rule the ceremony of the First of the Weeks was postponed till the Monday morning after the Sabbaths (plural as in Mt. 28 v 1 in original Greek).

At the time of the morning sacrifice (9 am), as the priest wave offed the first ripe sheath of the spring harvest, Jesus presented his whole, blood sacrifice to the Father together with the first fruits of his ‘harvest’ (Mt. 13 v 24-30, 27 v 52-53, 1 Cor.15 v 20-23). The Father accepted: in Jesus our sin against Him is dealt with (Jn. 19 v 30). Before that hour no one could touch God; after all were invited to touch him (Jn. 20 v 16-17).

The women also could not walk out to the tomb and work on the dead body before the double Sabbath ended (Lk. 24 v 1). Matthew 28 v 1 says in the Greek: After the Sabbaths just before the dawn of the first of the (feast of) Weeks. The word ‘day’ is not in the Greek.

Jesus said he would be in death for 3 days and 3 nights in earth time (Mt. 12 v 39: Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night). He said (Lk. 24 v 6): It is written; the Christ is to suffer, be put to death and arise after 3 dawns to dusks (hemera). Our translations say ‘on the third day’ to excuse replacing the Sabbath with the Sun’s Day on which the Roman’s celebrated Mithras’ rise in triumph over his death at night.

The Nicene Creed original has 3 days after his death on the stake but the word anastanta has just been dropped in our translations to support swapping God’s 7 th day of rest for man’s ‘self-pleasing’ 8 th day.

For the first of the (feast of) Weeks to coincide with the full moon of Passover fixes it astronomically as the very late Passover of 33 AD. These verifiable prophetic, historic and scientific facts are confused, dismissed and ignored by those whose aim is to discredit the use of AD & BC.

Every New Testament writer warns of false spirits, teachers and religious practices that are designed to draw many away from accepting as Jesus as their Lord and Saviour to serve their self-indulgent desires (Jn. 5 v 37-44). Without deep repentance many are lost without hope in Satan’s labyrinth forever.

The murderous opposition of Jesus came from High Priest and the Jewish lawyers (Lk. 19 v 45-48). When they were under Greek rule they had picked up Plato’s ideas about the learned being superior, godlike beings. At their trial in late 33 AD Stephen proclaimed that in 1500 BC God Almighty bought their first born to serve Him as priests (Ex. 13 v 2) by giving to the angel of Death the first born of Egypt who were dedicated to the spirit of death (Is. 43 v 3-7).

Instead of glorifying God the Jews as a nation rejected Him (Mt. 27 v 17-25) and chose to serve a perverse, permissive version of god that suited their evil ways (1 Kg. 22 v 5-8, Jer. 17, Acts 7 v 39, 51-53). So the unrepentant nation was cut off by God as His chosen people for their unbelief (Rom. 11 v 20).

For about 1500 years the apostate gentile churches have done the same (Jer. 11 v Lk. 21 v 24, Rom. 11 v 21-25, Jude, Rev. 2 & 3). After the Nicene Creed the Gnostics, who sought forbidden, occult wisdom from spirits (Gen. 3 v 22-24, Lev. 19 v 31, 20 v 6) took over Christian thinking.

The Platonist Augustine, inspired by his mystical monastic inner contemplation, Christianised Plato’s self-perfecting and sanctifying philosophy (Gen 3 v 5). Aquinas then Christianised Aristotle’s philosophy based on becoming spiritual like their mythological, deified god-men.

Many people today pray to dead saints, angels or spirits. Religious holy men today commune with un-almighty spirits (2 Cor. 11 v 12-15, Col. 2 v 8, 1 Jn. 4 v 1-6) who make them feel they are being good and holy. Unless they identify their old life as dead with God’s substitute (Heb. 9 v 22) and put on his life (Col. 3 v 1-17) they will remain sons of and inspired by Satan (Mt. 12 v 34, 16 v 23, 21 v 12-15, 23 v 25-33, Rom. 7, Col. 3 v 25).

The first man to think he could be a man-god was Adam. Originally his alter ego or inner guiding spirit was God’s Spirit (Gen. 2 v 16-17, Jn. 6 v 51, 62-63). He traded him for a deceiving spirit (Rom. 8 v 8-9). Like him the self-determined survivalists are misinformed by their alter ego or resident spirit (Rom. 7 v 14-24, Rev. 1 v 4, 20). They ban God’s words which they know are good and condone practices that they know are bad.

Those who think they can save their lives based on self-assured guesses and lies are not superior beings but fools (Is. 44 v 8-25). Everything they think and do to bless themselves becomes a burden. Those who trust in God’s words and accept Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour find even the things in their lives that are bad their Lord uses for their good but those who create their own version of God have to save their god (1 Sam. 5 v 3)..

They dream of love, joy and peace in a world that is full of sin, famine, pestilence, violence and war. Their virtual world is so divorced from the truth that some believe all of reality is just simulated by their brain. Funnily they do not test their theory by getting someone to hit them when they least expect it!

Many people now have mental health problems and lose control of their thoughts as a result of drunkenness, mind altering drugs, spiritual practices and the imposed indoctrination that life is a pointless accident. They invite an alter ego or spiritual entity into their consciousness (Gen. 3 v 22-24, Deut. 18 v 9-12) that makes women hate their babies and love abortion and men think they are futile machines.

Death fearing self-determined survivalist mask the madness of their spiritual stance by saying they can overcome the problems they have created! They impose their fear for survival on infants. They condemn the abuse of children but permit the farming of millions of the most vulnerable unborn.

They no longer censor the multibillion pound pornography industry and deny it fuels sexual abuses. It is made readily accessible to children and introduced to infants in schools to protect them from it! Those who call evil good and good evil damn themselves.

There is no other name than Jesus by which you can be saved from fear (Heb. 2 v 15) and eternal remorse (Acts 2 v 37-40, 4 v 12). If you do not inherit a new life descended from God’s promised second Adam (Gen. 3 v 5-6, 15, Job 19 v 25-27, Gal. 3 v 10-18, Heb. 6 v 13-20) you will retain the life you inherited from the first Adam.

Lord’s urgently knocking at their door. They need to repent with fear and trembling before they are faced with Satan’s unleased malevolence (Is. 14 v 16, Mt. 7 v 21-27, Jas. 4 v 3-10, 1 Pt. 4 v 17, Rev. 3 v 3, 19-22). 

The successful are self-satisfied. They fool themselves into thinking they can save themselves from death. They are indifferent to Jesus and do not seek his mind and will (Eph. 4 v 22-25). They want Him to support their will in heaven as it is on Earth so their sins against Him are not forgiven (Mt. 5 v 9-12).

They remain one with the god of this world and enemies of God the Father (Jas. 1, 1 Jn. 1, 2 & 4). The pangs of death are the last warning to the heedless. Instead of being brands snatched from the fire (Jude 22-23) they seek oblivion and jump into the fire (Lk. 16 v 22-24).

The poor and heavy laden are more blessed because they are drawn to Jesus for help earlier (Mt. 11 v 28-30). Man powered churches replace the preaching of a new life in Christ with man pleasing entertainment and carnal euphoria.

The disobedient have swapped trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour (Mt. 7 v 15-23, Lk. 10 v 17-21, Jn. 20 v 22-29) for Freudian therapy, self-improving programs and good works which have no eternal value (Rom. 8 v 5-10, 1 Cor. 2 v 14, 3 v 11-23). They forget Freud was a Satanist and a shaman. His large collection of demonic paraphernalia and figurines terrified his students (2008 Enc. Britannica).

The plain truth in the Bible is made nonsensical and mysterious by those who use it to sell others their false hopes. They confuse God’s words by promoting half-truths that are a mixture of good and evil (Gen. 2 v 17, Mt. 12 v 31-37, 15 v 13-20, Lk. 12 v 8-10, Col. 2).

Christians have a confused understanding of the scriptures and many differing practices because they follow teachers who appeal to their feelings (Gen. 3 v 6, Eph. 4 v 3-13, Col. 2 v 4-10). Many base their teaching on their misuse of a passage in the Bible that is not supported by several others.

They draw people to have faith in them instead of Christ. When they fail they shatter the faith of their followers and discredit God’s words. Self-righteous legalist are also guilty of turning many away from Christ. Jesus quoted the Old Testament as the foundation of God’s Word but they reject what it states about the future of the Jews and study as just history (Mt. 12 v 15-23, 39-42, Lk. 10 v 25-28, 24 v 45).

Man powered religions that strive to save their version of god have signed their own death warrant (1 Sam. 4 v 20-22, Rom. 3 v 23, Rev. 2 & 3). They believe in a god but not the Lord God (Mt. 22 v 23, 23 v 14-15, 33-36). God honoured their founders who loved God’s Word (Jn. 15 v 5, 20) but the men since who have used it to enrich themselves will be cut off from His life forever (1Sam. 2 v 29-31).

Jesus, as the Father’s anointed one or Christ, has fulfilled the Law for those who accept him as their Lord and Saviour (Rom. 7 & 8). As on the Feast of Tabernacles, those who repent and humble themselves before God and are baptised into the name of Jesus (Acts. 2 v 37-39) will rise from the water with his overflowing life (Jer. 33 v 3, Jn. 4 v 14, 7 v 37-39, 15 v 4-7).

Christians without the experience of Christ’s risen life are insecure (Eph. 1 v 13-23, Jas. 1 v 2-8, 4 v 3-11). They perform a man powered baptism (Mt. 3 v 11-12, Acts 2 v 38). They depict Jesus as still nailed to the cross (Rom. 8 v 6-14, Eph. 1 v 7-23). Their lives and worship are static and repetitive (Heb. 5 v 11-14).

They reject the words of God’s prophets who were moved by His Spirit and accept the words of self-deceived prophets and philosophers who were led by Gnostic spirits. They preach salvation by self-improvement and doing works that make them feel good (Gen. 3 v 4-6). You can only do God’s works by believing and obeying Christ words and Spirit (Mt. 7 v 15-16, 21-23, Jn. 4 v 22-24, Heb. 11 v 6).

The Christian churches now celebrate the reincarnation of Satan on the longest night, when an old log is burned and raised the next day as a new green tree (Ezk. 6 v 13-14), as if it is Christ’s birthday. His 30 th year started at Tabernacles at the end of October 29 AD (Lk. 3 v 23) when the Israelites exchanged gifts but the churches have made it All Hallows or Halloween when the revisiting dead demand gifts (Deut. 18 v 11).

They also celebrated Jesus’ death whenever they chose instead of in remembrance of the anniversary of his death at Passover (1 Cor. 5 v 7-8, 11 v 20-27)! Instead of celebrating Christ’s victory over sin and death they celebrate sin and death’s victory over Christ.

God’s 7 th day was perpetual: there was no evening and the morning of the 8 th day until Adam sinned and had to work to survive (2 v 3, 3 v 19). Their Sabbath is not God’s seventh day of rest but on the Sun god’s day of rising in defiance after the evening (Gen. 3 v 8) on the morning of the 8 th day (2 Cor. 6 v 17-18, Eph. 5 v 23-27, Heb. 13 v 4-14, Rev. 2 & 3).

Why has this happened? Because God will not allow the profane to pollute His Holy Days (Ezk. 20 v 11-16, Heb. 3 v 10-19, 4 v 9-16). The Lord God said of mankind’s the alternative religious devotions “I hate your feast days” (Amos 5 v 21-23). They remind Him of Adam’s disobedience and treason (Gen. 4 v 4-7, Is. 64 v 4-7, Jude 8) and man’s spiritual adultery (1 Cor. 10 v 1-15). Sincere revival depends on returning to seeking His words and keeping His feast days (2 Chr. 30 v 13-27, 35 v 17-18, Neh. 8 v 9-18) as he commanded (1 Cor. 11 v 24-25, Heb. 3 v 7-19,12 v 25)!

The idea of living with Almighty God is too daunting: we are not compatible, but we are with Jesus. We can feel at home with the lover of our souls who came to live with us (Heb. 2 v 11-18, 4 v 9-16) so that we would want to live with him. The Father’s love sent Jesus as a sinless Adam to die (Jn. 3 v 14-19) in the place of those who with all their heart, mind and strength want to return to their Father’s provision (Rom. 5 v 19).

Only those who are totally secure can afford to love. Self-centred people forfeit love. The self-determined live with a fear for self-survival but as children of the first Adam they cannot change their death bound nature (Rom. 7 v 23-25). Only the love Jesus of Jesus can save them (1 Jn. 1 v 9, 2 v 14-23, 4 v 18).

In place of repentance and proclaiming the gospel of salvation from death through accepting Christ, apostates preach salvation through doing what they say is good (Gen. 3 v 5: “ignore what God has said and do what you think is good and you will not die but discover you have eternal life”). They believe a deceiving spirit and call God a liar (Jn. 8 v 42-47, 1 Jn. 1 v 9-10, 4 v 1-15).

The freedom to love and be loved is replace by the rule of sin and death (Rom. 6 v 16-18, Heb. 2 v 15). Unless they identify their old life as dead with God’s substitute (Heb. 9 v 22) and put on his life (Col. 3 v 1-17) they will remain sons of and inspired by Satan (Mt. 12 v 34, 16 v 23, 21 v 12-15, 23 v 25-33, Rom. 7, Col. 3 v 25). 

The celebration of Jesus’ gift of eternal life by his Holy Spirit has been replaced by the spring feast of Eostre (or Astarte) the Queen of the spirits in the heavens. Her tears, as the spring rains, reincarnated her dead husband Baal as her baby so people pray to her as the mother of their god in the hour of their death. As the universal mother of fertility and reincarnation her worship involves the subjugation of men (Num. 25 v 2-6, Jer. 44 v 15-27).

An absent or self-serving father does terrible damage. The mother has to take over as mother and father to their children. Her spoilt but dominated son remains immature, sexually confused and resentful. God the Father is seen as absent and uncaring. All the frustrated, God defying, killer godmen like Cain, Alexander, Hitler to today’s killers had hated fathers and dominant mothers. Women who are not supported and loved by selfish men try to protect themselves by demanding equality which only perpetuates the deviation.

Secular philosophers led by an alter ego believe they came from nothing so they just ignore what God has warned. They say they are their own gods then realise they are hopelessly trapped in nothing. Many who think they are Christian pray to the spirits of dead heroes and relations (ancestor worship). They have also accepted Darwin’s ultra-racist version of Plato’s self-perfecting people. (The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life).

Led by their alter egos or demons the superior or fittest advance up a pyramid structured food chain like beasts yet think they are gods. The educated are treated as their servants; the trained as managers with lesser mortals supporting the base. Love and giving is thought of as remarkable instead of normal. It is generally replaced by a climate of fear and the threat of demotion and physical harm.

Their motive (Gen. 3 v 5) is to demote Jesus and deny they need a new life with him as their Lord and Saviour. They cannot be accepted by the Lord of all creation as an extension of the life of a Holy God and so are automatically excluded from His domain forever (Ps. 2, Rom. 1 v 1-4, 18-25). As their famous gurus have concluded; without a knowledge of God life is pointless. So it can only be their pride that stops them admitting that their lives are hopeless and their ways are contrary (Rom. 1 v 21-23, 28-32).

Adam placed his God-given dominion and life into Satan’s hands. All his descendants are born with his death bound nature (Gen. 2 v 17, Rom. 8 v 20-21). The Father’s self-sacrificing love sent Jesus as a sinless Adam to die (Jn. 3 v 14-19) in the place of those who with all their heart, mind and strength want to return to their Father’s provision (Rom. 5 v 19). His mercy depends on humbly facing this truth (Rom. 7 v 24-25).

Those who honour Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will be restored (Ps. 85 v 4-13, 1 Pt. 2 v 7-10). They acquire his right standing and peace (Col. 1 v 12-18, 2 v 8-10) and are predestined to be conformed to his image (Eph. 1 v 11-14, Php. 1 v 6). Those who dishonour the name of Jesus will be dishonoured (Mt. 7 v 22-23).

Those who do whatever they like forget they do not own their world: they only lease it. The Landlord is about to evict them and repossess it for breaking the terms of their lease. In June 1933 the gentiles were officially cut off as God’s favoured people (Rom. 11.v 19-25). Since then the Lord has ordered the spirits controlling the unrepentant (Rev. 1 v 4, 20) to collect together their charges so he can judge them (Mt. 13 v 24).

Soon the apostates’ who love the world (Jn.12 v 42-43, 1 Jn. 2 v 4-5, 15-17) and have turned to away from God’s Spirit and words (Jn. 4 v 22-24), will be completely separated from the believers in God’s words (2 Cor. 6 v 14-18, 1 Pt. 4 v 17, 2 Pt. 3 v 2-9, 1 Jn. 2 v 15-28, Jude 3-19). On the Day of the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 1) he will then ‘harvest’ his faithful ones and richly reward them with heavenly gifts (Rev. 2 & 3).

In Revelation 4 John is transported up to God’s throne where the redeemed praise the Lamb of God (Rev. 5 v 8-10) for making them acceptable to the Father (Eph. 5 v 24-27, Php. 1 v 6). Only Jesus is worthy to judge the Earth (Rev. 5 v 3-7). Jesus as our sinless intercessor offered up himself as our sinless substitute. Death had no hold on him so it also lost its hold on all who trust their lives to him (Jn. 8 v 32-36).

Any person who does not love, honour and obey the Son cannot be accepted by His Holy Father (Lk. 8 v 43-54, Jn. 20 v 17, Rev. 21 v 8, 27, 22 v 11-15). He can only restore those who seek to obey His will and words (Is. 55 v 8, Amos 9 v 11, Jude 11). To emphasise the efficacy of his promise God sealed it with an unbreakable oath (Heb. 6 v 17-2). “If the root is holy so will be the branches” (Rom. 11 v 16, Jn. 15).

In Revelation 6 the judgement kicks in. The godless and the complacent may deride God’s words and ignore the watchman’s warnings (1 Pt. 4 v 7-18, 2 Pt. 3 v 3-13, Rev.22 v 18-19) but they cannot deny that many earth quakes and major volcanic eruptions are overdue: the seas, air, sun’s activity, climate, stratosphere, energy sources, food supply, finances, debt, health, infrastructure, law and order; are all at crisis point. World war is looming! The end of their current era is upon us.

It will seem to be the end of the World. Only the Lord God Almighty is able to restore the land (Gen. 1 v 2-3, 6 v 11-13, Jer. 4 v 19-28), its dried up seas and create a new atmosphere.

AD, BC or Current Error?